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Favorite Member of John's S22 Playoff Team

erik g

Favorite Member  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite member of Team Legend?

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  • Poll closed on 11/11/2022 at 01:00 AM

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Omar and Parijita are both very close for me, but I had to go with the former.  I just think that he's more versatile in terms of what he can sing.


Parijita is second by just a hair.


Also really like Kim.


Sasha is good, too, but overshadowed by the other three.

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I think Kim has been the most consistently great, so I'll go with her.


Parijita still has one of my favourite performances (her blinds) but she hasn't come close to touching it yet even though there's nothing wrong with her other 2 performances vocally. They're just a bit underwhelming.


Omar might have the most technically impressive performances of the show. His BA and Battle are some of the best of the season and the belts coupled with runs are insanely skilled moments in his KO. But I really don't like the start of the performance coupled with a few other moments. His tone sounds so shaky.


Sasha while fine vocally, doesn't really stand out technically or tone wise imo.

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For me its Kim. She's more into my lane musically plus I feel like Ive connected with her the most + her tone is absolutely insane


Parijita is second due to how consistent she is, and her tone is beautiful! 


I'd actually put Sasha third due to how solid her tone is, her battle being one of my faves, and her vocal choices


Omar is last, enjoy his voice when its ON, but I haven't really been in love with his performances/song choices besides maybe his audition

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12 hours ago, Rodney said:

Omar and Parijita are both very close for me, but I had to go with the former.  I just think that he's more versatile in terms of what he can sing.


12 hours ago, Mistake006 said:

Hard choice but I pick Omar. Strongest team this season imo.


12 hours ago, Misirlou said:

Everybody's great but have to go with Omar.


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A near 3-way tie here.

I'm going Kim > Parijita > Omar then Sasha

Kim's three performances have been outstanding

Parijita's battle was a bit of a letdown but I can't blame her, but the KO was fantastic.

Omar's battle was phenomenal but the KO was just there

Sasha had a solid battle and a great KO! Just you know... there's Kim, Parijita, and Omar on the same team. I certainly hope Sasha gets the 13th spot!

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