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SYTYCD Worldwide Rankdown


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Wiola fiuk 




wiola is a stunning polish dancer and probably one of the best if not the best dancer to come out of Poland. She won the third season of the popular series but I was never a fan girl of her so that is why she was nominated. She was definitely not a target of mine but unfortunately she was eliminated in that group. Wiola is just the third woman ever in the world to win SYTYCD so that is impressive for her. Seems like men always have the advantage on this show, perhaps because most of the fans are girls and gay boys simping over the hottie male dancers on the show. I can’t find much more about her but she definitely has some signature red fiery hair! 

donyelle jones




donyelle is another great dancer from the us series in season two. She was definitely in the power couple of the season being paired with benji. Being a hip hop girl, she was probably the most versatile hip hop girl or at least one of the most we have ever seen on the series. She did a great job in other styles and obviously most surprisingly held her own in ballroom. Now obviously having benji as a partner definitely helped but she also helped benji in hip hop. Anyways these two slayed on season 2 and definitely have some of my fave routines of the season. Donyelle was also not one of my targets but alas she falls in the same category as Wiola. Sorry to lose her but she has made it very far!

Edited by JC
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The 8 couples:



Chelsie Hightower (US4)  &  Mackenzie Green (CA3)

Natalie Fotopoulos (US2)  &  Danny Tidwell (US3)

Kayla Radomski (US5)  &  Benji Schwimmer (US2)

Clarice Ordaz (US8)  &  Nico Greetham (US10)

Jay Johns (AU4)  &  Teddy Coffey (US11)

Comfort Fedoke (US4)  &  Charlie Bartley (AU2)

Ariana DeBose (US6)  &  Mark Kanemura (US4)

Tiffany Maher (US9)  &  Gev Manoukian (US4)





Ariana DeBose

Benji Schwimmer

Charlie Bartley

Chelsie Hightower

Clarice Ordaz

Comfort Fedoke

Danny Tidwell

Gev Manoukian

Jay Johns

Kayla Radomski

Mackenzie Green

Mark Kanemura

Natalie Fotopoulos

Nico Greetham

Teddy Coffey

Tiffany Maher



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Clarice ordaz




Well this is going to be fixed sometime later in the future. Definitely not today but sometimes in the next months. Clarice did dances. Two that I loved dearly, one I like and others that were meh and terrible. She is overrated though and should have been cut way before now. Hopefully this will count and I don’t have to do another write up today. She danced with Jess. Oh season 8. I lied, I also loved loved her group routine in the showcase with Marko, Jordan and Missy. Light through the branches is iconic. Is that 100 words??? I hope so. Fingers crossed.


saving benji schwimmer 

Edited by .Rei
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****Ariana DeBose

Charlie Bartley

Chelsie Hightower

Comfort Fedoke

Danny Tidwell

Gev Manoukian

Jay Johns

****Kayla Radomski

****Mackenzie Green

Mark Kanemura

Natalie Fotopoulos

****Nico Greetham

****Teddy Coffey

****Tiffany Maher

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Mackenzie Green


Mackenzie is a bland, stereo-typically attractive white man whose journey on the show had absolutely nothing of note. All of his "best" routines were far overrated and can't stand up to the highs that Janick, Denys, and Amanda had. By far his best routines was his hip-hop with Janick and that's because Janick is an astounding hip-hop dancer. He made it this far because he's hot. And I guess he is if you are into the guys who just look like they are hot. His three routines with Nathalie were fine, his routine with Amanda was good but again because of Amanda. I'm not taking the time to look what he is doing now because I'm going to spend way too much time to figure out if his hair is naturally white or if it is dyed white.


Saving: Academy Award winner Ariana Debose

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Tiffany Maher is a dancer from the ninth season of So You Think You Can Dance, who was rightfully cast as fodder. Somehow America decided to rally behind her and she made it all the way to the finale without ever landing in danger. She was originally partnered with George Lawrence, Jr. in one of the most boring partnerships that So You Think You Can Dance has ever inflicted on us. I don't get it. George ended up landing in the bottom for the final few weeks of their partnership, but the judges still kept him fo whatever reason. Anyway, despite us losing Janaya, Alexa, Amber and Amelia, Tiffany made the finals after failing to be impressive in the slightest. I was hoping that the tides would turn in the finals and she'd either be good or America would come to their senses. Sadly, neither happened, and we lost more talented women over her. Her pimp spot routine to The Power of Love continues to haunt my dreams, and her making the finale over Witney after My Homies Still is my villain origin story. Fortunately the producers decided to FINALLY bus her in the finale and she rightfully lost the vote to Eliana. I remember there was some controversy on the tour because her "stand-out" routines were turned into group numbers. I didn't care. She always last too f*cking long in these games yes I'm partially to blame but we're ignoring that and I refuse to let her make the final vote again.


SAVE: Nico Greetham

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