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Grade The Battles Ep 2 (S20)


Grade The Battles Ep 2 (S20)  

33 members have voted

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Awkward song choices in some pairings (Thinking Out Loud, Calling All Angels) and some arguable robberies (Durell, Halley, Lindsay). Corey and Savanna, Zania and Durell, and Cam and Emma were great, though. Keegan was a weird steal form Nick and I'd say the only possibly wrong decision in winners was picking Zae, but he was alright. B.

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B. I enjoyed Corey/Savanna, Cam/Emma, and Zania/Durell. Lindsay/Zae and Keegan/Jordan were just fine, and Gihanna/Halley was the biggest disappointment of the night for me. Darn that song choice.

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