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Dee Watches Survivor (Currently On Kaoh Rong)


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On 10/1/2020 at 3:30 PM, Elliott said:

When it aired, most people found the pre-merge a bit underwhelming/boring, particularly because of how much the edit focused on Josh & Jeremy. The reviews for the season picked up in the merge, and nowadays, people tend to rank it highly when looking at it as a whole because of how well crafted the storylines wound up being.

Also Jon Misch is hot

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Okay BvW thoughts!


-Overall agree with your thoughts on the season as a whole. It's not a TOP favorite of mine but the gameplay is really fresh and fun, and there are a lot of great characters. Also Katie is the lulziest background character ever :haha: Her expressionless face when she got rock'ed out is the funniest thing ever lol it seemed like she did not give a crap about the game.


-Ciera is a great choice for #1, I'd probably narrowly have her as my favorite as well (besides maybe Monica). I probably don't love her quite as much as you do based on your write-up, but there might be other reasons for that besides just this season lol. Her going to rocks was such a badass move and I wish it had worked out for her.

-TIna was epic this season, I think I like her more here than Australia for sure. She is savage! Her cutthroat status in RI makes the whole twist worth it for her alone imo if only she had made it to the Final 3. Would have been amazing

-Monica is, ugh I'm so glad you get her lol. She's just such a fun character and a NEAT lady. Her FTC performance is one of the most compelling ever for sure, and she was silently the challenge beast of the season. Like omg if she were Ozzy she would have swept the jury. The sexism jumped out. I love how she held her strength when Brad was basically shamed his way out of the game and she silently stuck around and held her own till the bitter end. I know she wasn't popular with the jury so she was a total goat but she shouldn't have been imo.

-Laura was awesome for sure but I think without the dynamic with Ciera she would have been a more forgettable character (like in hmm Samoa). But her storyline with her daughter was so compelling that yeah you have to rank her this high. lol I get it

-As for the rest, interesting seeing Brad so high and you already know my thoughts on Katie haha. This is definitely the best version of Candice by far! I do not like Gervase, he'd be in my bottom 5 this season, he's pretty insufferable and not entertaining imo. Marisa is iconic though. I'd probably have Tyson a bit higher just because he is such a solid winner imo...having said that I have never liked Tyson as a character in any of his season so maybe you do have him ranked fairly lmfao. All your other rankings I more or less agree with, but I'd have Caleb a good amount higher


Excited for your Cagayan thoughts!

Edited by #jeah
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On 10/2/2020 at 10:52 PM, #jeah said:

Okay BvW thoughts!


-Overall agree with your thoughts on the season as a whole. It's not a TOP favorite of mine but the gameplay is really fresh and fun, and there are a lot of great characters. Also Katie is the lulziest background character ever :haha: Her expressionless face when she got rock'ed out is the funniest thing ever lol it seemed like she did not give a crap about the game.


-Ciera is a great choice for #1, I'd probably narrowly have her as my favorite as well (besides maybe Monica). I probably don't love her quite as much as you do based on your write-up, but there might be other reasons for that besides just this season lol. Her going to rocks was such a badass move and I wish it had worked out for her.

-Tina was epic this season, I think I like her more here than Australia for sure. She is savage! Her cutthroat status in RI makes the whole twist worth it for her alone imo if only she had made it to the Final 3. Would have been amazing

-Monica is, ugh I'm so glad you get her lol. She's just such a fun character and a NEAT lady. Her FTC performance is one of the most compelling ever for sure, and she was silently the challenge beast of the season. Like omg if she were Ozzy she would have swept the jury. The sexism jumped out. I love how she held her strength when Brad was basically shamed his way out of the game and she silently stuck around and held her own till the bitter end. I know she wasn't popular with the jury so she was a total goat but she shouldn't have been imo.

-Laura was awesome for sure but I think without the dynamic with Ciera she would have been a more forgettable character (like in hmm Samoa). But her storyline with her daughter was so compelling that yeah you have to rank her this high. lol I get it

-As for the rest, interesting seeing Brad so high and you already know my thoughts on Katie haha. This is definitely the best version of Candice by far! I do not like Gervase, he'd be in my bottom 5 this season, he's pretty insufferable and not entertaining imo. Marisa is iconic though. I'd probably have Tyson a bit higher just because he is such a solid winner imo...having said that I have never liked Tyson as a character in any of his season so maybe you do have him ranked fairly lmfao. All your other rankings I more or less agree with, but I'd have Caleb a good amount higher


Excited for your Cagayan thoughts!


Katie having almost a sociopathic lack of reaction to her elimination is iconic.


Glad to know that the love for Ciera and Tina is shared pretty universally. ❤️


Monica definitely has one of the most compelling storylines ever imo. I was completely enthralled by her from start to finish, but her entire performance at FTC solidified my love for her as a character.


Laura definitely only works as a character because of Ciera. Most definitely. 

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Top-tier season. one of the most absolutely negative, dysfunctional casts ever assembled. I loved every single minute of it. Does the season die a bit after the merge episode because of the stupid edit that literally only shows Tony and Spencer? Yeah, kinda. Is the Super Idol the worst twist ever and designed purposely for Tony to find it and become invincible and give us Russell Hantz 2.0? Yes. Absolutely. But the season works in spite of these very big negatives.


One of the best casts ever assembled. Kass and J'Tia are actual legends. Love him or hate him, Tony is a whacky character whose shenanigans and gameplay are pretty legendary. Spencer and Tasha make for really, really interesting underdogs, despite the former sucking majorly as a human. Trish, Sarah, and Morgan more than deliver in terms of storylines and lulzy ass moments. Garrett and Brice are some of the best early boots!


Endless drama. The best premiere ever. One of the best merge episodes ever. So many well-crafted storylines. Excellent tribal councils. This season delivered so much greatness, pretty hard not to love it.




1. Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen - ChaosKass is easily a Top 5 Survivor contestant for me. Shamelessly cutthroat. Highly unpredictable. Purely chaotic! I knew from the moment that she uttered these opening words that she would be a legend: ""They're thinking 'Aww how cute, there's the mom', they probably don't know I'm more cunning and ruthless than 95% of the population". This is not the only time that she serves major tea during the season. Kass is beyond cunning and ruthless! Kass just simply does not give a f*ck. It's glorious! Ballsy as f*ck. Rarely do we get to see a player like Kass that so openly and willingly invites chaos and almost thrives off of it. From the Garrett blindside to the Sarah blindside to the Trish blindside, she fully embraces this side of her that feeds on drama/chaos. Constantly fanning the flames with oxygen, Kass navigates this game by taking the opportunity to throw the game for a massive loop at every possible chance. All while being a badass narrator and genuinely slick with her tongue. Everything she said was brilliant. She knew how to use her words in such a lethal way, I was hooked by everything she said. Her form of entertainment is so intelligent, so sneaky, and so much fun to watch. Pretty sure the Cagayan merge episode is one of the greatest episodes in the history of the series, which we can all thank Kass for. "Show me blood on you hands from a former tribemate and then we'll talk". F*cking badass. Though her edit dies down a bit after this point and decides to focus on the black holes that are Tony and Spencer, she continues to kick ass in the game and give iconic confessionals that rip these people to shreds. "What is the most selfish beast on the planet? A college-aged male." Her hatred for Spencer made me absolutely adore her. Her hatred for Morgan made me adore her. Her hatred for Trish made me adore her. The way she gets absolutely sick of Tony blindsiding others behind her back and decides to go on a mission to just destroy everything and out everybody. The way she tries to turn Tony and Trish against Woo and Spencer and sews seeds of doubt in all of their heads. The way she openly comes for Tony. The way she calls Trish "Skeletor" and takes all of their verbal bullsh*t like a champ. Even sending Trish off with the middle finger. EPIC. Then the way she calls out the show's double standards and decides to hell with all of these men! YES. Her winning the Final Four immunity challenge is genuinely one of the most shocking and joyous moments I have ever had while watching this show. She sent home her arch nemesis Spencer and I really thought my girl had a chance at the finals. She quickly got to work on Woo and damn near beat him in the final immunity challenge. When she lost by less than a second, I was sick to my stomach. That is genuinely how much I cared for her. Especially after she broke down when seeing her husband and finally let us in a bit. "I don't even know what I said, but I'm sure it was accurate." I loved watching her embrace villainy and do it with a shit-eating grinning on her face the entire time, enraging literally everybody in her way. A legend. 


2. J'Tia Taylor - J'Tia single-handedly revived this series with her performance and shenanigans during the first episode. LOL. A hilarious trainwreck!!! Pretending to know how to build a shelter, but having absolutely zero idea how to build a shelter. Taking the crown for worst competitor of all-time away from Crystal Cox. F*cking the whole Luzon tribe even harder by dumping out all of their rice after Garrett stupidly told her that she was going home next. Hating this annoying white man so much that she wants the whole tribe to starve! Comparing herself to a cat on a poster. Failing so hard at a challenge that a tribe that was actively throwing the challenge still defeated them. J'Tia provides the LULZ in spades. An icon. Truly. The entire second-half of the premier is actual comedy. The entire Luzon tribe is pure comedy for that hour. J'Tia is leading the way through and it is so f*cking epic. Her narration of the events is superb. All of her physical and facial reactions to what is going on are even more incredible. The entire second-half of that premiere is top-tier Survivor. Easily. I think what makes her character work so fantastically is just how self-aware she is of all of her shenanigans. J'Tia recognizes that dumping the rice out is a horrible decision. J'Tia recognizes that she is central to her tribe's misfortune and disfunction. J'Tia recognizes that she stuck around because of Kass and luck. It's like she is completely perceptive of how all this foolishness will play out, and rather thane made the topic, she sort of just rolls with the punches and narrates the happenings just like the audience would want her to! Very neat! Remarkably self-aware and I am totally in-love with people that come on television and know what the hell is going on around them. For as much as one would want to call her a goat, you really cannot. I think she is far more socially adept than one might think, based on her behavior. But she still somehow survived beyond David and Garrett, nearly almost survived beyond Spencer. Despite being an utterly worthless competitor. Her response to Tasha calling her weak is a masterclass in Survivor psychology and she deserved to stay for that alone. A trainwreck with a ton of self-awareness, a plethora of iconic moments, and some legitimate depth? An icon.


3. Trish Hegarty - Iconic FTC speech. Constantly brash. Deceptively strategic. All of this from a player that seemed like an easy first boot. I really did not expect Trish to deliver so hard, but she did! I also thought I was going to hate her, and I did not. Beneath the skeleton-like appearance, raspy smokers voice, and brash personality was a genuinely good-hearted, emotional human being that clearly valued familial bonds, honesty, and her loyalty. Truly a dynamic character. She feuded with Lindsey. She feuded with Kass. She feuded with Morgan. She played a pivotal role in the Cliff blindside, Lindsey quitting, convincing Jefra to stay loyal to the alliance and vote out Jeremiah, forming the majority alliance with Tony and Woo. Trish was no slouch in the game whatsoever. The most compelling aspect of her character was her strict adherence to her loyalty to Tony, despite him going behind her back on numerous occasions and planning numerous blindsides without her. She refused to consider him untrustworthy or disloyal. That is what makes her blindside at the hands of Tony such a brutal game moment and her FTC speech such a full circle moment. That introspective look into why she refused to go back on her word to Tony despite everything he did in the game was such an emotional moment. Besides that though, Trish made me LOL at stuff she said. "Fooooood" with her eyes crossing. "I'm really a man." All of her fighting with Lindsey. Grade-A character through and through.


4. Yung "Woo" Hwang - "Ninja Stealth Mode" "My butt!" "I'd break my ass for a papaya any day" "Get a fat dip of that guac" "Sonic the Hedgehog style" "This is what Survivor's all about baby!" "We fight for it?" "I'd be the stupidest Survivor player, taking Tony to the end" WOOOOOO. I love Woo. I did not expect to love him, but it happened. Super under-the-radar, but truthfully one of the most charming individuals that has ever been cast on the show. His narrating skills are amazing. As must as we love toxic reality television, it's also nice to watch somebody that is completely enamored with the entire experience. Woo completely enjoyed himself out there and it showed in the way he behaved and narrated the season. Woo danced in the pouring rain while everybody else suffered. Woo climbed trees and fell all the way out of them for fruit. Woo ran away from Spencer through the jungle after stealing his Idol clue. Woo rowed boats with Cliff and laughed when they tipped the boat over. He just lightened up every scene he was in and it made rooting for him so easy. His brand of comic relief was smooth and good-natured. His confessionals made me laugh, particularly the moment where he has no idea how a tiebreaker would work at final four. His character was a bit too low-key to fully stan him, but there could have been more potential for him if editors had leaned into the martial arts background that he stood by during this game. It was interesting that he could admit in one breath how stupid it would be to take Tony to the finals, but then also think that he has to take Tony to the finals in order to stick to the principles of martial arts. In doing that, the jury would see him as an honorable player and give him their vote. Very interesting stuff to me. Reminiscent of Lill, but obviously executed far differently. LOL. Woo shone despite his minor edit and feels like a very inspired casting choice. He made me absolutely laugh at times, smile at others, question his gameplay skills, and think about his motives at the endgame. Complex character indeed.


5. Sarah Lacina - "I'd get rid of me if I could!" Calls herself the President. Gets blindsided the same episode. This is what we like to see. Her storyline of constant paranoia and overconfidence is a beautiful one! The way she correctly deduced that Tony was a cop, worked hard to get him to admit that he was a cop, tried to put herself in a power position, attempted to throw the challenge so that Cliff could go home, failed at throwing the challenge, finally worked over Tony, fell into his trap, and then was blindsided...a fabulous sequence of events. She was damn near in tears over being played so hard. You all should know by now that I love a good downfall. Those characters usually are just so fun to watch because their failures are way too juicy and hilarious. It usually involves a ton of delusion. Sarah was full of delusion to the point of pure amusement. 


6. Morgan McLeod - LOL at her being a completely lulzy ageist, ableist b*tch. LOL. Cagayan might have assembled one of the worst casts of humans ever. There is nothing strategically impressive about her. She was mean-spirited. A vapid creature. Utterly useless and clueless! Not being able to find the Idol, getting caught in the process, making up a stupid lie to escape blame, but then eventually being exposed is like a hilarious cartoon sequence that I lived for! Randomly feuding with Kass and telling her "You're 40, get over it."  Her feuding with Trish.  "Who's Jeremy?" Owning that she is cast because she is beautiful and owns her beauty and does not feel bad for it is an amazing moment because lol. Should she rank this high? No, of course not. But like she is an epically funny character. So maybe she does deserve to rank this high.


7. Latasha "Tasha" Fox - "THEN QUIT!!!!!" Her reaction to Woo at FTC. Her random three-immunity win streak. Her leading the charge against Garrett because he was insufferable. Her damn near falling through the shelter that J'Tia suggested. Her leading that hilarious yoga session with Morgan and Kass. Her facial expressions and reaction were always top-tier. I dunno. There was something absolutely lovable and adorable about Tasha that I cannot explain. A true underdog queen. Sadly she lacked any power in the game, until Tony came to her and Spencer for votes in one of his master plans. She became really under-edited at the merge. There is potential for a star here. I really adored her, but she fall behind some of these bigger personalities for me.


8. Tony Vlachos - Alright. Prepare for a novel. I will start immediately by saying that Tony is essential to the story of this season. Tony is without a doubt one of the biggest characters in the illustrious Winners' Circle. His shenanigans this season, the full-out way he played the game, his impeccable social game, all of these things make him an ideal contestant for sure. That being said, he is personally one of my least favorite contestants ever. Straight up. Tony is Russel Hantz 2.0 and I cannot be convinced otherwise. In fact, at times he even felt slimier than Russell ever did. Except he lacks the novelty that Russell did when he appeared on Samoa, so Tony just feels like a drag to get through and watch. We have seen the obnoxious, brash, bully, overconfident, self-indulgent, idol-obsessed, messiah-like assh*le twice before. Tony is nothing new. Nothing special. Obviously Tony plays a far better social game and is able to snatch a win unlike Russell, so he diverges from the path just a bit. But like everybody condemns Russell as a character for hogging all of the airtime and suffocating the season, so why should Tony get a pass for doing the exact same thing during the second-half of this season? The edit leaned way too heavily into Tony that the second-half of the season fails to capture the same magnetism of the first half. I think the season only survives based on the strength of other characters around Tony because this season could have very well went the way of Samoa. I ranked Russell high on Samoa, since I found him to be a necessary evil + all other characters were uninteresting or shafted in the edit. I do not feel compelled to do that with Tony because he alone was not providing the season with energy. Do I find him as bad as Russell Hantz? No definitely not. I think Tony was an exciting casting choice. There is a kookiness to his personality that made him a far more interesting watch than Hantz. He was self-deprecating often enough to not border on the side of full narcissistic personality disorder. He made me laugh a lot - the llama fight with Kass, the Tony shack, limes and papayas, the mirror crack, Bag of Tricks. This ranking/analysis is not me completely dismissing Tony, but rather highlighting the fact that he does not work as well as I expected him to. First-half Tony had me sold. Second-half Tony did not. I think a lot of what dooms him is that f*cking terrible Super Idol, which is the worst twist in Survivor history. The most dominant player becoming invincible literally ruins a season. No way around that one. Not to mention the way the edit is completely dominated by him - he had as many confessionals as Colby in Australia, but with less confessionals total. Like. It's really horrible. So with his suffocating personality dominating the edit and being completely invincible because of the worst twist ever, Tony falls on the side of being insufferable rather than interesting. Which sucks because Tony really is a star and breakout character. Another issue with the edit is that Tony is seemingly just as bad as Hantz. Everybody is annoyed by him. His moves were offensive to numerous people. He is the puppet master. He is this and that. But then we are just supposed to buy that everybody wants to vote for him and everybody respects him the most, when we only ever see him actively doing things to hurt his game. I feel like the edit did him a disservice by not including all the moments where Tony clearly made meaningful relationships with the jurors, so much so that they could all overlook what he did in the game and just respect him as a boss player. Watching San Juan del Sur right before this really helps to make my point here stick - Natalie is the perfect example of a character that made massive big moves, but we also saw everything she did to still keep the respect of those around her. I feel like we only ever saw this dastardly devil character with Tony. A guy constantly behaving like a d*uchebag, but he clearly had more to him than that. So it's really frustrating on so many levels to have the guy in charge holding a power that makes him invincible, dominate the edit with his obnoxious side, and never really get a good view on all the social-game building that he engaged in that saved him from jury backlash. Tony ends up just playing out like a Russell Hantz 2.0 despite not being a Russell Hantz 2.0. I will end this by saying he is a fantastic winner, ignoring the Special Idol that clearly saved his ass from receiving votes because people knew they were screwed no matter what. Tony is a star character that offered a ton of amazing moments to the show. Tony taking on Chaos Kass is a top-tier moment. But I just found him to be a one-note d*uchebag that was saved by Probst's infatuation with one-million Immunity Idols. 


9. Spencer Bledsoe - An actual square peg. Let me start by saying that I completely loathe Spencer. Absolutely sexist to his core and entitled beyond belief. There is just not much that I can say positively about the person he portrayed himself to be while on the island. The sh*t he said about J'Tia and Kass over the course of the season was enough for me to want to punch him through my television. The estrogen quote was foul. Acting shocked that J'Tia could be a nuclear engineer was foul. His hatred for Kass and galling her a goat despite the fact that she masterminded more moves than him in the game was foul. Spencer just bothered the f*ck out of me. From start to finish. An amazing character for the season? Absolutely. I will say it's pretty interesting that Spencer absolutely has zero agency over his fate in the game. Left out of the David blindside. Left out of the Garrett blindside. Spared by Tasha and Kass. Left in the dust at the merge by Kass. Spared repeatedly by Tony because Spencer was virtually no threat to win this game. He sucked at Survivor, to put it lightly. So naturally he assumes the role of the underdog. The underdog is fun to watch! Except Spencer is an inherently unlikable underdog. That means we are stuck listening to him repeat episode after episode the same bullsh*t about how paranoia and chaos will take the target off his back and be good for his game. Every. Single. Episode. Yet his smugness still persists despite the fact that he too recognizes he has no skin in the game! But he still opens his mouth to gawk about how people like Jefra and Kass are goats and not even playing the game, when he actively is sitting around awaiting his elimination. The nerve honestly. But I cannot deny that Spencer played a massive role in the season. His feud with Kass gives some pretty great moments. The entire sequence of him finding the Idol clue, then losing it to Woo, and chasing him through the jungle was hilarious. Much like Tony, Spencer hogs a lot of the camera time since he plays the role of the underdog. That makes sitting with him so much pretty difficult because he sucks as a human. But I must say I enjoyed him once I took him at face value - a walking contradiction. A square peg trying to fit in a round hole. A player with no agency acting like he is actively playing the game. An underdog that thinks he is so deserving, yet ultimately loses to Kass who apparently is a goat and worthless. The final speech is absolutely cringeworthy. I think the fact that he is so hard to watch makes him interesting? IDK.


10. Garrett Adelstein - Maybe he should be lower, but the way Garrett elicited reactions from the entire tribe is reason enough to rank him this high. There is a short-term story here that is pretty interesting. Very hot and in-shape guy that looks built for the competition is oddly booted right away, but then manages to find an Idol immediately and is seemingly set up very well for the competition. He took down David for outcasting him and set himself up as the de facto leader of Luzon. Only then he immediately starts to hate the competition/experience and drives everybody absolutely crazy on his tribe. Controlling talks of strategy, not letting anybody be alone, etc. The way he drove Trish and J'Tia crazy is hilarious to me. He even left his Idol at camp! Like what a serious blunder. The epic rise and the even more epic fall. Really fantastic storytelling for the premiere episode!


11. Brice Johnston - Purple Pants Brice! A very colorful early boot. Really sad he went home so early because he is truthfully the only interesting member of the original Solana tribe. All of his confessionals made me giggle. I loved his little friendship with lulzy ageist b*tch Morgan. Maybe this is too high of a ranking, but Brice was a solid contestant for the two episodes we had of him.


12. Lindsey Ogle - Her appropriated hairstyle is very noted, but she gave us so many hilarious moments. "Malnutrisha." Mocking Trish to the tribe. All of her confessionals talking about Trish's large mouth. Basically her entire rivalry with Trish is very fun to watch. Her quit is pretty engaging in the sense that it made the weight of the fallout from the Cliff blindside feel greater. She seems incredibly annoying and hard to deal with, but her drama makes her a noted character in the season.


13. Jefra Bland - Gonna take a guess and say that everybody makes a joke out of her last name being " bland" and her being a very bland character? I won't do it, but I want to. LOL. Really sweet. Beautiful girl. Nice presence. But did not do very much? I laughed when she asked her tribemates about if they were urinating a lot. LOL. Other than that she sort of just existed as a number. Part of the majority alliance on Solana. Seemed doomed after the swap, but was part of the Cliff/Lindsey blindside. She sort of floats for a while, but is hurt by the LJ blindside. Decides she wants revenge. Immediately gets talked out of revenge. Tony blindsides her. The end.


14. Cliff Robinson - RIP. So weird that he just passed away at the end of August. Cliff seemed like a really sweet person. His Batman-Robin relationship with Woo was very cute to watch. There was not much to his character though. Just a very nice guy that was the victim of a solid blindside.


15. Alexis Maxwell - The entire chicken and eggs sequence had me rolling lol. She was a complete non-entity until the tribe swap happened and she was randomly a threat? LOL. She continued to play dumb, which I really though could have been fun had she actually lasted long enough to try and keep up the act. Overall minor character though.


16. David Samson - Really annoying. Obviously being super filthy rich gave him a confidence that was undeserved. Props for him booting Garrett at the beginning, which definitely played a role in how everything on Luzon unfolded at the beginning of the season.


17. Jeremiah Wood - He made it as far as he did and accomplished absolutely nothing. Uninteresting. Boring. Although I did LOLOLOL at him "coming out" as a fashion model. If only we saw more deluded moments from him of that nature. Painfully boring though.


18. LJ McKanas Why did the show act like we were supposed to care about this man? LJ was offensively dull, which is saying something for how hard the show wanted him to be something. A post-merge boot with nothing to offer. But Probst of course gave him the spotlight one too many times because this is supposed to be a white man's world. Not on my watch! Last place ranking!






















1. Pearl Islands 

2. Borneo

3. Heroes vs. Villains

4. Panama - Exile Island

5. China

6. Cagayan

7. Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites

8. The Amazon

9. Philippines

10. Gabon

11. Palau

12. Blood vs. Water

13. South Pacific

14. Vanuatu

15. Guatemala

16. Africa

17. Tocantins

18. Samoa

19. The Australian Outback

20. Cook Islands

21. Marquesas

22. Nicaragua

23. Fiji

24. One World

25. Caramoan

26. All-Stars

27. Thailand

28. Redemption Island




1. Sandra Diaz-Twine (PI)

2. Sandra Diaz-Twine (HvV) 

3. Todd Herzog

4. Yul Kwon

5. Parvati Shallow

6. Aras Baskauskas

7. Tom Westman

8. Tina Wesson

9. Sophie Clarke

10. Denise Stapley

11. Jenna Morasca

12. Tony Vlachos

13. James "JT" Thomas Jr.

14. Danni Boatwright

15. Tyson Apostol

16. Vecepia Towery

17. Ethan Zohn

18. Earl Cole

19. Kim Spradlin

20. John Cochran

21. Chris Daugherty

22. Natalie White

23. Rob Mariano

24. Amber Brkich-Mariano
25. Jud "Fabio" Birza

26. Brian Heidik

27. Richard Hatch

28. Robert "Bob" Crowley

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