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COVID-19 Discussion 😷

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Dr Buttar trained in general surgery, and emergency medicine, and is an osteopathic physician. Even though he is a western medical doctor, Dr. Buttar has healed many a patient, through means, that western medicine couldn't. That's because western medicine, usually treats the symptom, not the cause. 


 He is the medical director for Advanced Concepts in Medicine, The Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research in Charlotte, NC, a clinic specializing in addressing the needs of patients with cancer and heart disease. He also serves as Director of Clinical Research and Development for V-SAB Medical Labs where he is extensively involved in polypeptide research and development of innovative drug delivery mechanisms. .


And … he's one of several doctors, who are questioning, what we're all being told, like this one, who is totally perplexed, at what he's observing.



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28 minutes ago, psterina said:

This is crazy. I maybe an a-- and its terrible people are dying from this...But if you die from this you are likely to also die from the flu. I just feel there is too much hysteria that we are being whipped up into.

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2 hours ago, psterina said:

CNN doesn’t say who their “experts” are, but they can go f*ck themselves. 

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9 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

CNN doesn’t say who their “experts” are, but they can go f*ck themselves. 

I'm reminded of what Bill Maher did this past week when he called out the alarmists in the media and said, President Trump calls you guys fake news. Don't make him right. 

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15 hours ago, psterina said:

Dr Buttar trained in general surgery, and emergency medicine, and is an osteopathic physician. Even though he is a western medical doctor, Dr. Buttar has healed many a patient, through means, that western medicine couldn't. That's because western medicine, usually treats the symptom, not the cause. 


 He is the medical director for Advanced Concepts in Medicine, The Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research in Charlotte, NC, a clinic specializing in addressing the needs of patients with cancer and heart disease. He also serves as Director of Clinical Research and Development for V-SAB Medical Labs where he is extensively involved in polypeptide research and development of innovative drug delivery mechanisms. .


And … he's one of several doctors, who are questioning, what we're all being told, like this one, who is totally perplexed, at what he's observing.



I think your bullshit detectors aren't working very well. 

His use of chelation therapy to treat cancer tells me a few things about him:
1. He clearly doesn't understand the concept of what cancer is, or how cancer progresses in the body. If he did, he would know that chelation therapy would never work
2. He doesn't care about his patients if he would suggest to them chelation therapy over any actual treatment that could potentially save their lives

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23 hours ago, sneaky said:

This is crazy. I maybe an a-- and its terrible people are dying from this...But if you die from this you are likely to also die from the flu. I just feel there is too much hysteria that we are being whipped up into.


I totally agree. This "cure", is over-kill. 



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7 hours ago, psterina said:

There's a whole movement of people, who are going out and filming their local hospitals (#EmptyHospitals  and #Film Your Hospital). All I can say is  ….  VERY INTERESTING. Here's one




7 hours ago, psterina said:

There's a whole movement of people, who are going out and filming their local hospitals (#EmptyHospitals  and #Film Your Hospital). All I can say is  ….  VERY INTERESTING. Here's one



This guy is a freakin douche. If you question the decision dont harrassment nurses and intake coordinators. Talk to your government and healthcare officials.

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3 hours ago, mercfan3 said:


I hope doctors and nurses quit in protest in the states opening early. They shouldn't have to put their lives and their families lives at risk because their state government is acting stupid. 



I think they will be very, very unhappy. I doubt they quit, since they've taken an oath to help people, but man. Opening so soon after the peak is a good way to get a rebound in cases. 

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16 hours ago, ButterflyEffect said:

I think they will be very, very unhappy. I doubt they quit, since they've taken an oath to help people, but man. Opening so soon after the peak is a good way to get a rebound in cases. 


It's even worse, because those states haven't even hit the peak yet. Early April was NYC's peak. Even northern CT hasn't hit it yet. 


I doubt they quit too. But they should. That oath shouldn't mean they have to put themselves and their families in harms way to this extent. Striking or even working to rule/contract might actually make Governors think twice about this. 

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Minnesota is allowing people in specific types of jobs to return to work on Monday. Up to 100K people. A drop in the bucket. 

Meanwhile, Healthpartners just announced they are furloughing 2600 employees.



Last week, the Mayo Clinic announced pay cuts and furloughs for up to 20,000 people, as they’re projecting a loss of $3 billion for the year. 


...Bolton said the hospital in Rochester is at about 35 percent of capacity, while capacity in Mayo’s surgery services is at about 25 percent.


“If you go back to the Great Depression, the institution went through a very similar financial crisis, and salaries were reduced during that period of time,” said Bolton. “There were a lot of actions that were very similar to the ones we are taking today.”


The pay and work reductions, which will apply to all employees at Mayo’s campuses in Minnesota, Florida and Arizona, will start in May, and last until the end of the year. Together, Mayo employs more than 63,000 people..... 



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I’m not unemployed, but I have a commission based job. The services/products we provide are definitely essential, but our business is down about 20-30% from what was projected for April. It could be worse. We’re a lot better off than the Mayo Clinic, that’s for sure. 

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1 hour ago, Jonathan said:

I'm in grocery management. I'm working more than I even did before the virus. Tons of overtime. We're hiring so many people who had been laid off of other professions.

Do you have a theory as to why grocery store/Walmart/Target workers aren’t dropping like flies? I haven’t heard of a single employee or customer of one of these stores getting sick in Minnesota. If an employee did, I would think they’d have to close a store, temporarily, and it would almost certainly make the news. 



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