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Just now, psterina said:


They were asked to describe, what they observed, and that is what they talked about. They were also asked questions, by the state legislator, who are made up of democrats and republicans. Keep in mind, every one of these witnesses, SIGNED AFFIDAVITS. And, if you signed an affidavit, and you are caught lying, you can go to prison for that. It is a very serious thing, and is so serious, that it is considered evidence, in a court. A lot of witnesses, signed an affidavit, but wouldn't be a live witness, because of the threats made to them. So ... there's also that.

Oh ok, thanks for explaining. :yes:

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^ From the GA hearing -- 



Dominion has remote access to election devices. That means the election-related machines are connected to the Internet. Election machines are not supposed to be connected to the Internet to prevent hacking. 


Recall that a military intel analyst issued a sworn affidavit (included in the MI lawsuit) stating that "Dominion Voter Systems... have been accessible and were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as China and Iran."


Excerpts from the  affidavit:








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Giuliani waving around his affidavit binder again...


Here's an interesting article from a couple weeks ago that I think does a good job of explaining why I don't take the affidavits very seriously.




Trump’s lawyers have lots of affidavits. That doesn’t mean as much as it seems.


By Aaron Blake

November 20, 2020 at 5:19 p.m. EST

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14 hours ago, season1 said:

Rudy Giuliani at the MI hearing.





 Utter:thumbsup::mrgreen: SLAYAGE, by Guilliani, to the lying hack.  The LIARS, keep repeating lies, including the supposed 39 cases, when Trumps team has only brought 3 cases

But liars, keep on lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We see you  :mrgreen:

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13 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

Giuliani waving around his affidavit binder again...


Here's an interesting article from a couple weeks ago that I think does a good job of explaining why I don't take the affidavits very seriously.




Trump’s lawyers have lots of affidavits. That doesn’t mean as much as it seems.


By Aaron Blake

November 20, 2020 at 5:19 p.m. EST



So .... Are we to believe, that a reporter for "fake news", knows more than Trump's Legal Team?   :lmao:  Sworn Affidavits, are used as proof in court cases, all the time :yes:

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14 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

Giuliani waving around his affidavit binder again...


Here's an interesting article from a couple weeks ago that I think does a good job of explaining why I don't take the affidavits very seriously.




Trump’s lawyers have lots of affidavits. That doesn’t mean as much as it seems.


By Aaron Blake

November 20, 2020 at 5:19 p.m. EST



Here's an outline of the article for anyone following this thread who doesn't want to open the link:



I. Trump team says to take the allegations of fraud seriously.

  • They have hundreds of affidavits assembled as evidence of fraud
  • They say the media shouldn't report there's no evidence unless they've read the affidavits
  • Affidavits are sworn and signed statements, and you could be charged with perjury if you are lying on them
  • Trump team refers to their affidavits a lot, but many are not available because they haven't been filed in court or made public
    • One reason to not release affidavits is to protect the people who made the statements from harassment 

II. Is there really serious punishment for a false affidavit?

  • There are statutes with rules for when someone can be charged with perjury
    • some affidavits may not qualify under those statutes depending on how they were sworn
    • Also, perjury prosecutions are rare, and are normally for other types of sworn statements such as depositions or testimony in trials/congress
  • To be charged with perjury, the statement must be:
    • Filed in court
      • most of these affidavits have not been filed in court
    • Relevant to the actual claims in the lawsuit
    • Knowingly false
      • As in, the person making the statement must have known it was wrong/a lie when making the statement
      • It's very difficult to prove whether someone was lying/etc. [which is another reason why perjury charges are rare]
      • honest mistakes or lack of understanding do not qualify as "knowingly false"

III. What are some examples of the contents of these affidavits?

  • "I overheard someone say something."
    • This is hearsay, and inadmissible
      • fun fact, affidavits themselves can be considered hearsay! Let's go to Google for a quick explanation:
      • Hearsay within an affidavit can be considered "hearsay within hearsay"
      • A Michigan judge dismissed a complaint by the Trump team for this reason
  • "I believe my vote for Donald J Trump and Michael Pence was not counted."
    • This cannot be a false statement, because it's what they believe
    • When pressed by judges, people who sign these types of affidavits have admitted they don't have any actual evidence to support their belief
  • "53 ballots received after Election Day were predated to make them appear valid."
    • When questioned, the people who made these statements admitted they didn't know whether the ballots were actually received after the deadline
      • Witnesses for the local elections board testified under oath that the ballots were received on time
  • Some affidavits allege issues with vote counting process
    • However, these affidavits complain about things such as loud sound system, and mean looks and mean comments from poll workers, which has no bearing on fraud
    • Some affidavits are just people suspicious because they didn't expect so many votes for the Democratic party, even in cities with a huge democratic majority population

IV. What are judges saying about these affidavits?

  • "rife with speculation and guesswork about sinister motives"
  • "not credible"
  • people were simply unfamiliar with how the ballot-counting process was conducted

V. Final points

  • Trump has been talking about fraud before the election, so it makes sense that people would attend and try to find wrongdoing even if they don't understand what's going on
  • A lot of the affidavits don't actually say they witnessed wrongdoing or had evidence of wrongdoing
  • A lot of affidavits allege things that are easy to explain
  • The stakes are low for the people who made the affidavits, especially if the affidavits contain no conclusive allegations or aren't submitted to court
  • Even if an affidavit is submitted to the court, it may not be considered evidence.
    • The judge has to review to determine if it is admissible as evidence according to the rules of evidence
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Even though it's popular to hate on Twitter and Facebook for censoring things, preventing certain posts from being made, and fact checking selectively (why a free platform is even getting into that is ridiculous), can we all agree that both, but in particular Twitter has become hot garbage? Like, no redeeming value whatsoever when it started off so promising. I got off it in 2014-2015 and never looked back. 

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Whistleblowers reveal USPS allegedly responsible for tampering with hundreds of thousands of ballots

Regardless, of what the Washington Post has written .... I have seen most of the testimony, and not surprisingly .... the Washington Post selected tid bits, and left out a lot. Just sayin'. Anyway ..... here's yet more never ending fraud, being exposed



Whistleblowers reveal USPS allegedly responsible for tampering with hundreds of thousands of ballots - YouTube

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49 minutes ago, Drew said:

Even though it's popular to hate on Twitter and Facebook for censoring things, preventing certain posts from being made, and fact checking selectively (why a free platform is even getting into that is ridiculous), can we all agree that both, but in particular Twitter has become hot garbage? Like, no redeeming value whatsoever when it started off so promising. I got off it in 2014-2015 and never looked back. 


Yes.  I had never opened an account, with either of them. With that said ....  there is a lot of info to find on there., so I do go into certain twitter pages. For instance, all the lawyers, on the election fraud issues. I check them out, instead of what "news", reports on them

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In case anyone following the thread is morbidly curious about the types of YouTube videos posted, but perhaps doesn't have patience or doesn't want to give it a click, I saved some time and made a transcript. Also, here's the video embedded so you can see the preview. It was posted by the official YouTube channel of Donald Trump.


I think it's easier to assess the claims made in the video when you see them written out. You can pinpoint all the places where it's hearsay, broad claims/suspicions, etc. You have people allegedly admitting to their own federal crimes... if you Google Jesse Morgan you can find out more about his allegations and how, uh, credible he seems.





Evidence of election fraud mounts as the mainstream media and democrats loudly insist Joe Biden is still the 2020 winner.  However, numerous whistleblowers are coming forward with credible information that hundreds of thousands of votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared on election night. 


On Tuesday, Jesse Morgan, a worker for the US Postal Service revealed that his trailer full of ballots simply went missing after he dropped them off. The worker drove his truck from Bethpage, NY, all the way to Lancaster, PA, and says he was carrying some 288,000 completed mail-in ballots. Phill Kline, the director of the legal group Thomas More Society Amistad Project, says they have many more testimonies from whistleblowers with similar stories. The Project is working to discover flaws and even expose cases of voting fraud in the 2020 election, and has already uncovered serious examples of voting irregularities.


Backing up, President Trump's warnings: Kline explains that the post office was rife with fraud and that many postal service workers were taking part in widespread illegal efforts to undermine the election. While the missing truck full of ballots is bad enough, other whistleblowers say they drove thousands of pre-filled ballots right over state lines, which is a federal crime. A subcontractor for the post office, Nathan Pease, says that he was told by two separate postal workers that the post office in Wisconsin had collected and backdated over 100,000 ballots on the morning after the election. Unsurprisingly, others also claim the integrity of Dominion voting machines has been compromised and cannot be trustee.


During a press conference in Arlington, VA on Tuesday, the Project explained that election officials in blue jurisdictions have failed to maintain the ballot chain-of-custody, which leaves the door wide open for voting fraud. The Project said it has photographic evidence of people improperly accessing voting machines, and eyewitness accounts of how seals on ballot hard drives were illegally tampered with and broken. Kline says in total there are over 300,000 fraudulent ballots in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and 121,000 in Pennsylvania. Based on this evidence, the FBI has reportedly requested to look at the Project's data on voting integrity and potential election fraud.


Pearson Sharp, One America News. 



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2 hours ago, Drew said:

Even though it's popular to hate on Twitter and Facebook for censoring things, preventing certain posts from being made, and fact checking selectively (why a free platform is even getting into that is ridiculous), can we all agree that both, but in particular Twitter has become hot garbage? Like, no redeeming value whatsoever when it started off so promising. I got off it in 2014-2015 and never looked back. 

Considering the number of people who take what they see on said platforms at face value, fact checking for those who won't do it is pretty nice. 

I use Twitter for two primary purposes. Number one being following the NFL (which it does quite well), and the second being politics. Politics being mostly polling driven, though it's clearly evident that political polling in the United States is horribly broken, so I may cut back what I follow to only involve Canadian polling, which is actually accurate.

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FrogLenzen, while I absolutely appreciate everything you're posting, don't put so much effort into this thread. Those of us who understand and agree with what you're saying will only give you a heart reaction, and the others will only ignore you. Your time will be much better spent doing literally anything else, sadly.

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52 minutes ago, ButterflyEffect said:

Considering the number of people who take what they see on said platforms at face value, fact checking for those who won't do it is pretty nice. 

I use Twitter for two primary purposes. Number one being following the NFL (which it does quite well), and the second being politics. Politics being mostly polling driven, though it's clearly evident that political polling in the United States is horribly broken, so I may cut back what I follow to only involve Canadian polling, which is actually accurate.

It bothers me that they've just recently decided to start doing this (to my knowledge at least). Yes, it bothers me that you have folks that actually get their news and information from Facebook, undoubtedly that is a thing. However, is it not a slippery slope? Now you're duty-bound to point out the lies on both sides, that is if you purport to be fair. Individuals to me are rightly miffed that their page doesn't really belong to them, nor does their data, etc. It's why some are leaving these platforms. Of course, the Parlers of the world also present a problem because now, it's essentially just an echo-chamber and that's not great either. 


It's all great news. 😂


Ditto on polling, btw. 

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