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16 minutes ago, psterina said:


Well .... when the winner, is OFFICIALLY announced (certified states/Electoral College) 🙃   .... until then ... NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And, for your viewing pleasure ....




Hahaha losers.

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4 minutes ago, psterina said:



HaHaHa  HaHaHa  HaHaHa  .... because there is, no other response you have ...  HaHaHa HaHaha  HaHaHa  name caling and ... HaHaHa HahaHa HaHaHa ... See, I can do that, too  HaHaHa HaHaHa HaHa 



Good for you!

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Who Is Lin Wood? :thumbsup:  the gift, that is going to keep on giving, in the next few days


A most amazing lawyer, on Trump's team. Even Twitter, doesn't mess with this one :P  Notice, how Twitter doesn't dispute his claims, like they do to anyone supporting Trump, including Trump. They don't want to take, this one on. Anyway ...




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2 hours ago, Jonathan said:


Nah the state of denial doesn't have any electoral votes. And I was all about Hillary in 2016. She lost. I moved on to Kamala (for President or VP). Sometimes you pick a loser. Sometimes you pick a winner! But in the end ya gotta do like Frozen teaches and Let it Go! Find yourself another egotistical blowhard to follow in the GOP, there's plenty ya just gotta look. They don't just fall in your lap like Trump did. Put some effort into it. But hey who knows. Maybe they are hiding some Trump votes in Roswell with the aliens.  Maybe the aliens secretly voted for Biden. oooooooooooooooooooo.

If memory serves, you thought she would get nearly 400 electoral votes as well. You definitely have to move on when it happens. I’ll tell you in 2012, it took me about a week to move on. It’s an emotional thing when you put that much of your hopes into one candidate as I’m sure you know. 

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4 minutes ago, Drew said:

If memory serves, you thought she would get nearly 400 electoral votes as well. You definitely have to move on when it happens. I’ll tell you in 2012, it took me about a week to move on. It’s an emotional thing when you put that much of your hopes into one candidate as I’m sure you know. 


Yep I did but election day proved me wrong. I wasn't mad. I was sad. I didn't try to pull excuse after excuse of how she still  may win it out of my ass. I moved on to whom I should support next. Imagine that!

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41 minutes ago, Jonathan said:


Yep I did but election day proved me wrong. I wasn't mad. I was sad. I didn't try to pull excuse after excuse of how she still  may win it out of my ass. I moved on to whom I should support next. Imagine that!

Yeah, that definitely is how people should be. 

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3 hours ago, sneaky said:

Thoughts on El Trumpo running again in 2024?.


I hope it happens! As much as I dislike Trump, he is at his funniest when he's ruining the careers of established members of the GOP politcal class, like he did to Jeb and Rubio in 2016. If Trump runs again in 2024, he'll get the nomination, and Cruz, Cotton et al. will be out of luck for another four years.


My gut says I don't think he'll run again in 2024. Maybe he's not able to resist the chance to beat Biden, but I think the scrutiny that being president brings to his personal life and finances will keep him away from the office.  

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26 minutes ago, RWG said:


I hope it happens! As much as I dislike Trump, he is at his funniest when he's ruining the careers of established members of the GOP politcal class, like he did to Jeb and Rubio in 2016. If Trump runs again in 2024, he'll get the nomination, and Cruz, Cotton et al. will be out of luck for another four years.


My gut says I don't think he'll run again in 2024. Maybe he's not able to resist the chance to beat Biden, but I think the scrutiny that being president brings to his personal life and finances will keep him away from the office.  


I don't know. I fully believe Biden will step down after 1 term and not run in his 80s for a 2nd term.  Harris will be the heir apparent. She could already be President by then. Time will tell. But I could see Trump wanting to try and do to Harris what he did to Hillary. 

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Perfect example, of why I had to walk away, from Dems. Live footage, of Million March for Trump, and all is going great, people joyous, and enjoying the spirit of it all, and then  as the day is winding down ....  the dem lunatics (Antifa & BLM), show up. And, it's all caught on film: Knocking an elderly man off his bike, and taking it. Throwing firecrackers, at people eating, a white woman, in a BLM shirt, harassing a black woman and her daughter O.o  surrounding & harassing a young couple, throwing things, and surrounding a young man  .... all because .... they support Trump. Actual footage, of the violent lunatics



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30 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

Marco Rubio

Ron DeSantis

Nikki Haley


That is my early short list. Whichever one of those can win. 

Tom Cotton is probably running too. I think he’d be a strong candidate. 

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6 minutes ago, Drew said:

Tom Cotton is probably running too. I think he’d be a strong candidate. 

I don’t know much about him, but I know he has a very impressive military resume. 

Looking at my short list, I think Rubio would be the least risky, since he’s already gone through the process, and has been thoroughly vetted. Florida would most likely be a lock too. If I could hand pick the President, is probably go with DeSantis, but that’s obviously not how it works. 

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5 hours ago, Jonathan said:


LOL this sums him up perfectly.


Honestly I think Trump is just trying to make himself look as bad as possible to make whichever Republican that follows him look SO MUCH BETTER to both Democrats and Republicans in 2024. It's a very effective strategy because I will be relieved to even see a rabid pack of termites as the Republican nominee in 2024. And it's not even just Trump, it's also a relief to get Pence eliminated and the administration eradicated.

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Let's see .... who will I bring to you all? A word salad guy (Santiago Meyer, as in ... who?), or an amazing ex-Federal Prosecutor, General Flynn's Attorney,  who actually knows what she's talking about (Sidney Powell) ?  


It's no contest .... Most definitely, the amazing Sidney Powell. She's bringing atual info, that could affect the outcome, of up to 29 states. :clap: 




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I think I know, why no secretary of state, has called the election, for their states. You see .... it wasn't just the Dominion machines. Other machines, used the same software.  And ... this software, was intentionally chosen.   😬  But, the best one to explain, is Sidney " I Never Say Anything, That I Cannot Prove"  Powell. She & Lin Wood, are fast becoming my heroes of the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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