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Everything posted by seak05

  1. Genre wise I like Rachel, I’m more likely to buy her cs, and she improved a lot over the course of the season, but from a vocal/artist standpoint she was not better then Dana on any level
  2. Appreciate the rankings and explanations. Don’t think I’d have Corey as one of the top two male vocalists of the season though (I know idf loves him....but he had pitch issues)
  3. He has shows the 18th & 20th, but then nothing till September 2nd. Also Blake's tour (like most country tours) is Thurs-Sat nights. He can film the voice M-W even while he's on tour. Blake's tour doesn't really factor
  4. Based on John's touring schedule, definitely seems like battle/knockouts will be wrapped by the end of August (as is normal)
  5. 1. Trelawny 2. anyone else
  6. Yes, they'll have to do it sometime between now and August, they often do it during blind filming week, but it fluctuates. Coaches though each have their own makeup person and separate spot (not in the hotel room that was in that setup), although Darcy also does John's. That's the contestant setup.
  7. They have to do interviews, and photo shoots as well pre-blinds.
  8. Given that they're basically opening up ticketing two weeks before the blinds, and the restrictions, my guess is the audience will be fairly small.. So RIP spoilers
  9. sorcery (but no, it's on the main 1iota page, just look under shows taping without audiences, because weird)
  10. I don't honestly remember, but I seem to recall the number of tapings scheduled having varied over the seasons.
  11. They often schedule 10 tapings, even if we have 12 per team it never takes that long (if you want to actually see blinds, don't request for friday)
  12. live audience, need to be tested/vaccinated June 21-25 https://1iota.com/show/1201/the-voice---s21
  13. Emily Anne will open for Blake at Mohegan Sun in October https://www.masslive.com/music/2021/06/blake-shelton-set-to-play-mohegan-sun.html
  14. Blake's best quality as a coach is probably that he gives artists confidence, and lets them be themselves. This works better for contestants who have a strong sense of their own artistry. John is a great arranger/producer, but he might not have given Cam as much freedom. I loved how Cam explored genre's and sounds in his time at the voice. Republic is a good label...if they want you. The question is, does Republic actually want Cam, and therefore are willing to put money behind him.
  15. Do you want to see the performances or just listen? Apple Music has a lot of them
  16. Deion said it in his live 1. Keegan (could also be Connor, but I don't think we made murder jokes) - I know BK likes him, but Dana is such a superior vocalist 2. Deion 3. a Savanna 4.Jose 5. Ciana
  17. Right now 1iota has almost nothing up for June, I'm actually sort of expecting a bunch of stuff to be posted soon
  18. personally speaking, I'm looking forward to Blake's looks, which denim jacket is he wearing today
  19. Yeah, this probably belongs in the unpop opinion thread, but Braiden won that KO
  20. Cam > Adam on this one (Adam's was obviously great, and he's a fabulous singer, but Cam's felt more connected, and I preferred his choices)
  21. If you’re a teen, it’s something fun to do, and a potential foot in the door in the industry. If you’re a pro musician, it ups your profile a bit, and helps you get gigs. A number of people from the show have gone on to full time working musician or within the music industry careers. They may not be household names, but making a living doing music is nothing to sneeze at as an accomplishment. Take someone like Lauren Duski, she was working as a home-aid, and now has a publishing deal. For her, that's probably a big win, even if she's not famous.
  22. I know we tend to go off topic around here, but I think this is a little far afield for the voice season 21 thread, sorry
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