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Who won the battle Part 4: S25 Edition


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28 members have voted

  1. 1. Olivia Rubini vs Jackie Romeo

  2. 2. Madison Curbelo vs Kyle Schuelser

  3. 3. Ashley Bryant vs Elyscia Jefferson

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Posted (edited)

1. Jackie won but I actually think Olivia wasnt too far behind. I preferred Olivia when they belted in unison, it's a much more rock sounding belt than what Jackie did. But Jackie was better when they sang their individual parts.


2. When two singers are even vocally I usually go for the tone I prefer. So Kyle gets my pick. Nothing against Madison but I feel like her particular tone is one we hear pretty often, so it's not as interesting to me.


3. Ashley. I think the song suited her more, she attacked the belts with more power. Elyscia did an admirable job though for something out of her wheelhouse

Edited by Hsamid
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1. Jackie as she really stepped up from her blinds and showed more power. Olivia was good but was outperformed. 


2. Madison because I like her unique tone more, but Kyle was really good too.


3. Easily Elyscia by a large margin as I did not like Ashley's high note. I thought Ashley's high note sounded too harsh and sharp. Sounded like she was screaming while Elyscia's high note sounded more natural and buttery like hot cocoa.  She also showed more character and stage presence. I felt this song choice was right in Elyscia's wheelhouse and out of Ashley's wheelhouse. Sorry I just don't like Ashley's tone at all. 

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1. Jackie easily. Olivia is a talented artist but her tone just does NOT vibe with me at all, a little too whiney for me.


2. Madison takes this by a hair, I felt she was more emotionally connected to the song. Regardless, Kyle was excellent and his opening verse was stunning.


3. Elyscia. Nuff said lol

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1. Jackie, easily.


2. It’s definitely very close but I just find Kyle’s tone to be more distinct, so I would choose him.


3. Both of them had struggles but ultimately Ashley did better with the high notes so I understand why Reba picked her.

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1. Jackie had a better performance as a whole, but Olivia was right up there with her.

2. Kyle grew into maybe my favorite individual battle performer overall. What a pleasant surprise! Killer tone. Madison was right up there with him though so it's close.

3. Ehh.... Ashley by a hair maybe?

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1) Jackie, Olivia has a nice tone but was overshadowed by Jackie's sturdier voice. 

2) Close call. Leaning a bit towards Kyle. 

3) Elyscia, easily. Those weren't belts, Ashley yelled her way through the song. Elyscia did a good job conveying and feeling the song. 

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1. Jackie-ish? Both did decently but neither stood out imo

2. Madison, I prefer her tone especially on this song

3. Elyscia, Ashley had a few high notes but the rest was shaky

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