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Multi Steals in Knockouts



29 members have voted

  1. 1. Multi Steal in s5- s16

    • Amber Nicole
    • Cole Vosbury
    • Tess Boyer
    • Taylor Phelan
    • Amy Vachal
    • Lacy Mandigo
    • Lilli Passero
    • Chloe Kohanski
    • Jackie Foster
    • Drew Cole
    • Christiana Danielle
    • Tish Haynes Keys
    • Keith Paluso
    • Betsy Ade
  2. 2. S17-s21

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Based on the performances (Poll 1): 

1. Chloe mk: No explanation needed

2. Cole Vosbury: He managed to get a really high position on iTunes despite the song not being popular at the time. That says it all

3. Amy Vachal: Flawless rendition

4. Christiana Danielle: Her tone shined on this one

5. Jackie Foster: Not the best rendition of the song, but her vocals were on point as always

6. Tess Boyer: she killed it, her best performance on the show

7. Amber Nichole: Powerful voice, not perfect but still amazing

8. Tish Haynes Keys: A powerhouse, for sure. Unfortunately, she got the bad luck of being in the same season as Kyla

9. Keith Paluso: i enjoyed the raspiness of his tone on this one

10. Lili Passero: Good, but totally pales in comparison to Amy, and that's hard for me to ignore.

11. Taylor Phelan:I loved his audition but his knockout was average. It didn't deserve the triple steal, for sure

12. Drew Cole: Boring 

13. Lacy Mandigo: i can't believe the coaches decided to waste an steal on her. Awful cover 

14. Betsy Ade: No comments



Edited by Gustavo527
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Poll 2: 

1. Sid Kingsley: there is a reason he has the word "King" on his last name. 

2. CammWess: the perfect amount of vocals and emotion. Awesome rendition 

3. Ryleigh Modig: the control she has over her voice is amazing.  

4. Joanna Serenko: i love her tone, but i just can't get Addison's performance out of my head. 

5. Holly Forbes: Beautiful

 Her vocals really shined on this one, but the song choice was like, really boring.  

6. Max Boyle: i never got the hype over this one. :stealth:


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The fact that Lacy got not one, but MULTIPLE steals in the KOs....... :wacko: Angie Keilhauer, Daniel Passino, Peyton Parker, and Abby Celso all gave below average performances in the KOs that year, but any one of them would've been more worthy of a steal than Lacy...

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Amy Vachal

Chloe Kohanski

Lilli Passero

Cole Vosbury

Taylor Phelan

Jackie Foster

Drew Cole

Keith Paluso

Amber Nicole

Christiana Danielle

Tess Boyer

Tish Haynes Keys

Betsy Ade

Lacy Mandigo




Sid Kingsley

Ryleigh Modig


Joanna Serenko

Max Boyle

Holly Forbes

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