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Alex Rewatched ANTM


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Cast Ranking:


Everyone say thank you Bianca for single-handedly carrying this episode on her back.


1. Bianca - I left C9 a fan of Bianca, but a little conflicted. That conflict is gone and I have been converted to a full-blown stan. Bianca knows who she is and she f*cking owns it. She is the epitome of an All-Star and I'm glad she didn't lose herself in this competition.

2. Allison - I can't believe Bianca made Allison break. I've never seen Allison break like that. She just wanted to eat a pickle :dead:

3. Kayla - The rumors of Kayla leading a Model Revolt with Bianca causing her to get eliminated, I stan ❤️

4. Lisa - Shades of C5 Lisa were coming through this episode (along with her remembering how to take a good picture)

5. Dominique - Fine enough!

6. Angelea - Fine enough!

7. Laura - Fine enough!

8. Alexandria - Idk I'm still not feeling her at all this time around. Her coming for Bianca for no reason seemed so weird, and she just got ate up soooo easily. Her visible :wacko: over having to be a reality star at the photoshoot after last judging was hilarious though.

9. Shannon - I'm so over her pure shtick. It wasn't just Robin's influence, she just doesn't know how to let loose.


Photo Ranking:


Hideous, one of the worst shoots ever.


1. Lisa - The only shot that holds up in the bunch. It reminds me of her plastic surgery shot. Her bone structure looks amazing here and she's embodying NeNe without going overboard.

2. Dominique - Sexy and a bit out there, but in a good way.

3. Allison - Surprisingly not bad, she got into the character well.

4. Kayla - Cheesy, but not terrible.

5. Bianca - The show giving Bianca Snooki instead of NeNe was straight up sabotage.

6. Alexandria - Hate it.

7. Angelea - Hate it.

8. Shannon - Hate it.

9. Laura - Hate it.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 17 - Episode 7)

Cycle 17 - Episode 8 - Game


Angelea feels she brings the spice to the show now that Bianca's gone.


Allison was hoping to become more extroverted during the competition, but knows she hasn't quite accomplished that journey yet.


Apparently this girl is a "youtube sensation" but I have no clue who this is.


And for this episode the girls find out they're making "viral" music videos!


"This is excellent for people who sing...I don't sing :/"


The girls only have 20 minutes to write their lyrics...as all musicians have.


"I've learned that some masterpieces can be written in only twenty minutes 🙂"



Allison is struggling lol


But then she finds inspiration in her father who passed away a year ago and decides to write about him.


Lisa & Angelea were the top two at the songwriting challenge and it's Lisa who won!


"Damn...can this bitch stop winning, please?!"


The girls find out they have to add "pot ledom is top model spelled backwards" to each of their music videos.


It's a viral music video so make sure it's fun ^_^

Allison who just wrote a song about her dead father: 👁️👄👁️


"When I find out about 'pot ledom' I didn't know how it would work and in the moment I just felt defeated"


The girls have begun recording and Allison is still struggling with adding pot ledom to something so personal to her family.


Alexandria obnoxiously dancing as Allison sings about her dead father :dead:


Laura couldn't be further off key :dead:


For winning the songwriting challenge, Lisa gets a visit from her fiancee.


Lisa is the loud crazy one and he's the quiet reserved one.


And now they're under the covers lol.


Game is here to direct the girls for their music videos.




Dominique keeps dipping to the floor cause she keeps tripping lol


Alexandria with a car? Someone check on Brittani.



For more ~twists~ Tyra reveals her and some kid are crashing all their videos as well lol


Game lets Allison know he'll have her back during her shoot.


"It's giddy, it's fun, it's charming"

"You don't like it I can tell, there's something behind that-"

"It's giddy, it's fun, it's charming 🙂 🙂 🙂"

Lol ALT is wondering how he got involved with this mess of a cycle ❤️


"It's backwards fo sho, you silly broke hoes" Lyrical masterpiece :wub:


"You turn my life upside down" Lmao this episode is too much


Omg ALT compared Lisa to Missy Elliott :dead:



Yes this all makes sense


"You are weird...you are the most weirdly beautiful person I have ever seen in my life 😍"


Game holds onto Allison's picture and refuses to give it back to the other judges :haha:



And Allison steals FCO from Lisa on what was supposed to be her win :haha:


Alexandria ended up being a disappointment this cycle :(


And then there were 6...(thank God we got rid of that motorcycle now to get rid of the pool...)

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Cast Ranking:


A very unique and different Top Model episode. I kinda like it, I just wish Tyra didn't try to ruin it every step of the way with her idea of going viral (aka making it about her)


1. Allison - Definitely my favorite episode of Allison's in Top Model. This challenge was her worst nightmare, but she tapped into a personal place and made it work...for five minutes and then had to watch in fear as Tyra ruined her vision every step of the way :dead:. Plus her showmance with Game is icnoic :wub:

2. Angelea - The way she lost her mind over The Game :dead: . Angelea was fun this episode, what else is new?

3. Dominique - I'm a little sad about how irrelevant she's been this cycle, but she usually has a fun moment or two each episode.

4. Lisa - I feel like they're trying to both tone her down since she's the winner, but also make her seem crazy and we can't have it both ways. Each move she makes is like "This is gonna bring me one step closer to winning" and idk that's just not Lisa. Strong episode for her though.

5. Alexandria - Overall this just wasn't the same Alexandria this time around. Or maybe this is just how she is in a somehow less toxic house.

6. Laura - Who?

7. Shannon - So vanilla.


Music Video Ranking:


Like I said before, this could've been great. Tyra just sucks.


1. Lisa - Best music video x song combination. It was catchy, the video was high energy, and it was very Lisa. All the cringe Tyra stuff fit perfectly.

2. Dominique - She also did a great job all around, just not as strong as Lisa.

3. Alexandria - Honestly, this was one of my favorite songs, if not my favorite. The video was very stiff and uncomfortable though.

4. Angela - Idk I liked this. I wish she did a little more too, but she had a rather limited set.

5. Allison - I get the appeal but it was Not For Me. It made me think of Melanie Martinez which is not a compliment. I'm proud of her though since it worked for her and her fans and that's all that matters.

6. Laura - Bland and predictable.

7. Shannon - So vanilla.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 17 - Episode 8)

Cycle 17 - Episode 9 - Nikos Papadopoulos


Angelea is disappointed in being in the bottom two for the third time, but she's more committed to winning this cycle than she was last time.


Dominique leads the girls in saying grace over dinner and Angelea finds her fake.


ALT arrives to the house to serve the girls dinner with waiters!


Oh no they're dropping plates everywhere!!!!11!!!!1


But it's okay because the girls find out they're going to Greece!!!!!!


Lol Laura's getting her first overseas trip after getting stuck with Hawaii last cycle!


For the challenge the girls have to give a minute-long speech to the press introducing themselves using Greek culture and phrases.


Laura struggles between her dyslexia and her inability to even speak English well.


And then she accidentally talks about Roman goddesses instead of Greek goddesses :haha:


Angelea uses her time to ask where the bathroom is :wub:


It's Allison who wins the challenge!


The girls find out they're working with the designers to create their final runway #lewks


And he is definitely struggling with the girls' visions lol


Dominique is excited to let the drag in her shine in her dress!


It's the morning of the photoshoot and Laura's not feeling well.


They find out they're posing in a greek salad selling underwear despite the fact that Shannon has been very outspoken that she doesn't do underwear shoots.


Jay tries to convince Shannon to do it but she still refuses.


Angelea hopes Shannon doesn't change her mind because that's easier for her :haha:


Laura still isn't feeling well so she pours olive oil over herself lol


Shannon hopes since she stayed true to her Brand she won't be eliminated.


However the judges tell Shannon it's "confusing" that she'll pose in a bathing suit that shows off more skin over lingerie that covers her up more.


Laura gets critiqued for being too sexy (which has always been confusing to me lmao)


Shannon is told she's going home not just for not doing the photoshoot, but because she hasn't gotten a FCO or a challenge win unlike the other girls.


And then there were 5...

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Cast Ranking:


We go to Greece and we get a challenge right where they step off a plane and a photoshoot inside a giant salad bowl. It's a joke. I guess the conflict of whether or not Shannon was gonna do the photoshoot was supposed to carry the episode, but everyone and their grandma knew Shannon wasn't going to, come on now.


1. Angelea - The only bitch who kept me somewhat invested in the episode.

2. Dominique - Finally some semblance of personality peeking through.

3. Shannon - I get what Shannon says irt bikini vs. lingerie. One is openly worn in public and one is not. Good on her for not giving into Mr. Jay.

4. Laura - Lol @ her pouring the olive oil all over herself.

5. Allison - Congrats on the challenge win...?

6. Lisa - Episode by episode I fear her personality is completely evaporating.


Photo Ranking:


Tacky and hideous.


1. Dominique - Sexy as all hell, she slayed.

2. Lisa - Her body is banging! I don't love the face, but it's also not terrible.

3. Angelea - All the elements in this picture work, it doesn't quite come together in the way I'd hoped.

4. Allison - Horrible.

5. Laura - Hideous.

6. Shannon - I almost ranked her fourth because there's no way she would've been worst than Allison or Laura. But her body of work has been terrible outside of three shoots.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 17 - Episode 9)

Cycle 17 - Episode 10 - Exploring Greece


Dominique feels she's the dark horse in this competition and no one expected her to make it this far.


Angelea is still struggling with her confidence and fears the judges view her as the weakest of the final five.


The girls are confused when they receive a Tyra Mail that says tomorrow they will meet with the judges.


And they find out they'll be judging each other and giving constructive feedback.


They're bringing back the "who doesn't deserve to be here" quiz :wub: :wub: (but Laura, Allison, and Lisa decline to answer)



Dominique points out Angelea as the weakest for lacking the confidence.


All the girls chime in that she's guarded and she needs to think more highly of herself.




Angelea feels Dominique is not being real with her and is being shady and that's why she can't take it in.


I have never seen Laura so animated lmao





"Y'all bitches I know what y'all trying to do 😭 Dumbass bitches 😭"


Angelea takes a moment for herself.


"There's some sneaky bitches J, they some sneaky bitches!"


Miss J reminds Angelea she has the power over her performance and now she knows who is honest with her.


"It is a competition so if I'm guarded I have every right to be because a girl would backstab you to get to the top"


Now the girls have to rank each other's walks, portfolios, and star quality.


Allison was voted the weakest.


And Laura gets voted the strongest.


But then Lisa says everyone voted her first because no one feels threatened by her :haha:


Everyone gets to enjoy the reward and relax on a yacht.


And then they get dragged to the club as part of the reward lmao



What a gentleman ❤️



Allison is not interested in all the shots she's been offered :dead:


Laura is happily downing every shot though ❤️


Allison is hoping the photoshoot will incorporate statues or Greek goddesses (aka please give us a good photoshoot already :giggle:)


Instead they're shooting Olympic events with Nigel.


Lisa decides she wants to play it safe because she thinks if there is a bad shot they'll pick it for panel :dead:


"Lisa that's absurd! That's now how this works!" Lmao Nigel you know damn well that's a lie :dead:


Angelea's first photo her back is completely to the camera :dead:


Omg this shot of Lisa watching Angelea's photoshoot is creepy!


Dominique speculates maybe they will be the ones to eliminate a girl at this panel because of the challenge :haha:


Dominique is nervous because last time she shot with Nigel she was eliminated 🙈


Laura gets FCO! (and this time not from LaToya lol)


Angelea's fourth B2 appearance vs. Dominique's first...hmm what could happen?!


Angelea survives because she's more memorable than Dominique :dead:


And then there were 4...

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Cast Ranking:


This was a good episode! The "least deserving" challenge is always a perfect way to bring drama. Of course Angelea took the bait hook, line, and sinker. Also the club scene was totally ridiculous but also a lot of fun :haha:


1. Angelea - Her line reading of "y'all bitches I know what y'all trying to do" is brilliant and one of my top favorite Angelea quotes. Dominique and the producers knew exactly what they were doing with this challenge and Angelea delivered the drama as only Angelea could.

2. Laura - Maybe she's playing me, but I honestly believe Laura's heart was in the right place with Angelea at the challenge. I loved seeing her get tough and this is the most amount of energy I've seen out of her. Also she was the most relatable one at the club downing all the shots :wub:

3. Allison - Lol @ Allison throwing all the shots behind her back.

4. Lisa - She was gonna be last until she told Nigel they're gonna choose a bad shot for her :dead:. Lisa stays exposing ANTM every step of the way how the hell did she win :dead:. She keeps giving me all the boring gamebot confessionals unfortunately though.

5. Dominique - I still love Dominique, but at the end of the day Tyra was right she wasn't memorable at all this cycle outside of her portfolio. She tried to come for Angelea and she got cut, shit happens :kissbye:


Photo Ranking:


I don't love it, not one of Nigel's strongest shoots, but also one of the best of the cycle lmao.


1. Laura - Ugh that dress. I hate the knee and I wish she didn't have that dress on cause otherwise this should would be killer. Her face is so powerful behind the mask and I think the knee out juxtaposed to the bow was the right choice if she was in a different dress.

2. Allison - Honestly I think this is one of her more dynamic and interesting shots. It's a very different face than I'm used to from Allison. It's not her most memorable or anything by any means, but I do like it.

3. Dominique - I like the pose, but don't love the face. Still better than most of her photos from C10 and still shouldn't have been eliminated based on this photo or her portfolio.

4. Angelea - I actually really like this closeup and I think she's doing a lot right here. That arm sticking out though is such a terrible angle and looks disproportionally long, it completely ruins the shot.

5. Lisa - The pose is good although could be a little more graceful. I think this is one of Lisa's oldest looking photos. The face is just all wrong.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 17 - Episode 10)

Dominique bringing drama and Production eliminate her 🤷🏻‍♂️, why Production she is doing her job, 😆 (this season look better in your recaps than My memories)(I think Allison is not friend of anybody this season Where is your Celia!!! 

Edited by Gonzalo
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On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

Cycle 14 - Overall Ranking

First point: when watching this cycle and even in some of your screenshots I sometimes can't get over how absolutely stunning Alasia, Krista, and Angelea are. A lot of their portfolio photographs don't manage to capture their beauty, but when you catch certain candid shots and video footage of them it is amazing. Sometimes contestants on this show don't really look like models until they are glammed up for a photoshoot, but these women just walking around screams model/star to me


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

1. Alasia - I went back and forth between Alasia and Angelea more times than I can count. Alasia's beautiful exit gave her the edge though. Alasia has one of the best story arcs since Tiffany Richardon. However, Tyra didn't snatch the growth arc at the last second away from her this time (André would've walked off set immediately if Tyra dared to disrespect Alasia :wub:). Alasia was young and immature. Alasia had a temper. Sometimes Alasia went a little too far (I will never approve of someone bringing up someone else's kids in a fight though I got the context there). Alasia is human. We saw Alasia grow before our very eyes. Breaking down at the first panel as the judges mocked her picture, only for ALT to give her the boost she needed. Alasia ended up having one of the best portfolios of the cycle. Alasia found out she can be more than she ever imagined she could be. And she's got a damn good sense of humor!

Alasia and ALT storming this cycle together is so fun to watch. Her fight where she's just yelling at random things in the closet always sends me lmao. I always forget that Jessica survives over Alasia because Jessica is sooo dull. Alasia deserved to get to have the Tyra photoshoot. 


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

2. Angelea - Angelea's story is incomplete obviously. But more on C17 later. This is another story about growth. The growth Angelea has shown from C12 to 14 is incredible. I genuinely never saw Angelea as the villain. She stirred the pot a bit, but she was mainly harmless. I think Angelea is a very fun ANTM character until go-sees. Go-sees is when you realize she's actually a legend. She's more than just the fun ANTM girl. Unfortunately that's also the beginning of her downfall in the competition. But like Alasia, she also had an amazing exit that left a huge impression on me. Both girls are amongst my all-time faves so it was really hard to rank them.

ANGELEA AT GO-SEES is one of my favorite moments of all time. You're totally right. She goes from just a fun reality contestant to... omg this girl is a professional and has the ability to DELIVER. Her interacting with the designers, just oozing charisma. People say that it was New Zealand so it wasn't a big deal to do well... if it was so easy, then why did she school the other contestants so hard in the challenge?? She knew exactly how to navigate the city, manage her time, show her personality, see every single designer, book every single designer, and be back on time while others got disqualified for doing less and doing worse. All that after a long flight and with that dead cat on her head. 


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

3. Krista - Krista was stealthily one of the funniest girls I have seen on the show. She is extremely shady, which could become really tiresome and bitchy, but luckily she's witty and she almost always landed on the funny side of the line. She is one of the least conventional winners I have ever seen. We were introduced to her as she discussed being afraid of pink penises. She openly mocked her haircut in the confessional and to the judging panel. She almost ripped the Jay's a new one when they pushed her on the plane runway challenge. Yet she won that challenge and the show anyway :dead:. Even after giving us that CoverGirl photo :dead:. For a Survivor reference, Krista is a Jenna Morasca level of unpredictable winners. I got a little tired of the Krista Domination overseas, but whatever they gotta do to justify Raina losing works for me.

I always loved Krista and now that Angelea's recent article confirmed that Krista is an amazing friend I can stan even harder. I totally agree that her edit was wild and not the usual edit with the stuff they showed from her. The confessionals were consistently amazing. And yet the photos were soooo bad the first half of the cycle. Seriously, she could have gone home at any point in the first 4 weeks and no one would be saying she was robbed. Turns out she's not just Joslyn 2.0, but actually her own character and amazingly talented. 


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:


4. Alexandra - Alexandra was a fun background character the first half of the show. Obviously she had that iconic runway moment which kept her in the front of minds for a while. She also came up with a witty confessional every once in a while. And I was pretty fascinated with how far removed she was from the house dynamics during the big war episode on Brenda's boot. However, she came alive overseas and it was amazing. She was a Krista minion, she loathed Raina with every fiber of her being, and she was really fun and hilarious. As her photos started picking up, so did her personality. Alexandra got a rough edit the first half of the cycle and deserved better.

THE PENDULUM. THE LEGS IN THE AIR AT THE HOBBIT HOUSE. THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT FINGERS. We deserved an Alexandra/Krista final 2. If Whitney didn't exist Alexandra would be the One. And as you noticed, Tyra wishes she crowned anyone but Whitney lmao.  


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

5. Naduah - What a completely insane edit Naduah got. The inspirational European girl with one of the most shocking sob stories in rtv history who had one of the most interesting looks in Top Model history. Winner winner, chicken dinner. But then they were like she's actually the crazy girl who can't keep her stories straight and can't take a picture to save her life :dead:. The Naduah Journey was just foreshadowing for the craziness we were gonna endure this cycle.

I always get whiplash when Naduah gets sent home because it seems too early. They could have really let her build up hubris and say more crazy things but they discarded her so quickly. 


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

6. Tatianna - Take notes Ren, this is how you do uninterested. Tatianna came, she played the game, she left, and she went off to work with dead people or whatever. good_for_her.gif. She was a pretty fun background character. Not one I'm gonna think about ever again after I clicked the send button on this post, but one I enjoyed.

lmao sorry to make you think about her again, I don't actually have anything to add


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

7. Anslee - This feels both too high or too low for her. Was she an annoying mama bear who spend day after day crying over missing her family? Yes. One of my least favorite archetypes. But when I learned she was a loyal member of #TeamKrista I decided to stan because I'm that easy to win over :dead:. Look, I promise it's not just that :dead:. She also hated Brenda with every fiber of her being and in hindsight was pretty funny during her big blowup with Alasia. I'm giving Anslee a lot of credit here, but choosing the winning team is admirable!

Anslee's bone structure is so remarkable and then they gave her a Karen haircut and never let her breathe lololol. She annoys me, glad she went home for the diarrhea hair photo.


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

8. Simone - An educated black girl? She truly never stood a chance on Tyra Banks' show.

LOL truth. Simone could have made Top 6/7 and I would have been fine with it. Out way too soon.


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

9. Gabrielle - She was propped up to be this huge character casting week, only to accidentally take the worst photo on a really strong opening shoot and get immediately booted. I kinda feel bad for her because she had a lot of potential, but this is the best ranking I can do.

Gabrielle, Ren, and Naduah completely fizzling is so shocking. But they knew what they were doing with this cast because the rest of them all brought the content right to the end. 


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

10. Jessica - So Jessica came together for me a bit in the end. I really do feel bad for her. Knocked up as a teenager by some dude from church. Probably forced to marry him right after? Doesn't know how to heat up tacos? It's actually really sad. But that doesn't mean I have to like her. She was unfortunately a cog in the Brenda alliance. One of the less offensive members of it, but she still had her bad moments. Mainly when she pushed Alasia's buttons on the limo after she was late to the challenge and when she & Raina offensively mocked Alasia while she was in the confessional with over-the-top gestures. Jessica was very young though so hopefully she's grown up. I believe she's divorced from the man she married so that's a relief.

Jessica's story from her young motherhood / marriage to ANTM contestant to socialite who dates A-listers is wild. That being said she could have gone home at any point and I wouldn't have questioned it.


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

11. Raina - My entire bottom three are amongst my least favorite girls ever. Raina's journey was one of the worst. She went from ultra boring modelesque girl. to offensive member of one of the worst alliances ever, to overly positive obnoxious girl outlasting people I love. I do not understand the appeal of Raina at all as a character. And frankly, I don't get it that much as a model too. Outside of two or three really strong shots she wasn't that amazing. She was consistent, I'll give her that. But people act like Krista beating Raina was some huge robbery, but it really wasn't. Krista had much higher highs, though I'll admit she also had lower lows.

It's amazing how much an early good photograph can do for a contestant with the judges AND the fans. 


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

12. Brenda - Brenda was just awful. I've got nothing positive to say about her. She pretty much adopted everything I hate about an ANTM contestant. She spent episodes whining about her hair. Look her hair sucked, we all know that. I do like a good makeover meltdown, but not when it lasts days. She cried about missing her family all the time. Once again, I can sympathize but it's just terrible television. I do not care, I'm sorry I don't. And she managed to aaaaaaalways be on the wrong side in a fight. It was almost impressive. And then on top of that, she got offensive at the end. Calling Angelea uneducated out of nowhere was super yikes. She also outlasted much stronger models and some characters I felt potential.

Brenda is another one where she is stunning and they ruined her with a haircut. And no one was upset about it because she's so awful lol. 


On 2/5/2022 at 12:04 AM, Alex95 said:

13. Ren - I kinda wanna bump her up because she was nice enough to f*ck off early, but Ren in last place feels right because she really was that horrid. I feel like there was an intersting storyline there. Ren trying to impress her mother after being the forgotten child all her life. That's a storyline I want to root for. Unfortunately she sucked so much as a character. She tried to come for Alasia for daring to be loud and then spent days and days sobbing and trying to make herself the victim when Alasia didn't let Ren walk all over her. She whined endlessly about wanting to quit without doing anything about it, thus letting Naduah leave over her. And then she finally quit and was never heard of again. Like I said I really want to sympathize with her, but I just can't.

For how much the casting directors got soooo CORRECT this cycle, it really is shocking how wrong they were with Ren. And she wasn't even present for casting week. Just a colossal failure all around.

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On 4/2/2022 at 6:34 PM, Gonzalo said:

Dominique bringing drama and Production eliminate her 🤷🏻‍♂️, why Production she is doing her job, 😆 (this season look better in your recaps than My memories)(I think Allison is not friend of anybody this season Where is your Celia!!! 

Lol too little too late to bring the drama Dominique!


I think Allison gets along with everyone fine, but she definitely doesn't have her one bff like she did with Celia.


On 4/3/2022 at 10:01 PM, FrogLenzen said:

First point: when watching this cycle and even in some of your screenshots I sometimes can't get over how absolutely stunning Alasia, Krista, and Angelea are. A lot of their portfolio photographs don't manage to capture their beauty, but when you catch certain candid shots and video footage of them it is amazing. Sometimes contestants on this show don't really look like models until they are glammed up for a photoshoot, but these women just walking around screams model/star to me


Alasia and ALT storming this cycle together is so fun to watch. Her fight where she's just yelling at random things in the closet always sends me lmao. I always forget that Jessica survives over Alasia because Jessica is sooo dull. Alasia deserved to get to have the Tyra photoshoot. 


ANGELEA AT GO-SEES is one of my favorite moments of all time. You're totally right. She goes from just a fun reality contestant to... omg this girl is a professional and has the ability to DELIVER. Her interacting with the designers, just oozing charisma. People say that it was New Zealand so it wasn't a big deal to do well... if it was so easy, then why did she school the other contestants so hard in the challenge?? She knew exactly how to navigate the city, manage her time, show her personality, see every single designer, book every single designer, and be back on time while others got disqualified for doing less and doing worse. All that after a long flight and with that dead cat on her head. 


I always loved Krista and now that Angelea's recent article confirmed that Krista is an amazing friend I can stan even harder. I totally agree that her edit was wild and not the usual edit with the stuff they showed from her. The confessionals were consistently amazing. And yet the photos were soooo bad the first half of the cycle. Seriously, she could have gone home at any point in the first 4 weeks and no one would be saying she was robbed. Turns out she's not just Joslyn 2.0, but actually her own character and amazingly talented. 


THE PENDULUM. THE LEGS IN THE AIR AT THE HOBBIT HOUSE. THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT FINGERS. We deserved an Alexandra/Krista final 2. If Whitney didn't exist Alexandra would be the One. And as you noticed, Tyra wishes she crowned anyone but Whitney lmao.  


I always get whiplash when Naduah gets sent home because it seems too early. They could have really let her build up hubris and say more crazy things but they discarded her so quickly. 


lmao sorry to make you think about her again, I don't actually have anything to add


Anslee's bone structure is so remarkable and then they gave her a Karen haircut and never let her breathe lololol. She annoys me, glad she went home for the diarrhea hair photo.


LOL truth. Simone could have made Top 6/7 and I would have been fine with it. Out way too soon.


Gabrielle, Ren, and Naduah completely fizzling is so shocking. But they knew what they were doing with this cast because the rest of them all brought the content right to the end. 


Jessica's story from her young motherhood / marriage to ANTM contestant to socialite who dates A-listers is wild. That being said she could have gone home at any point and I wouldn't have questioned it.


It's amazing how much an early good photograph can do for a contestant with the judges AND the fans. 


Brenda is another one where she is stunning and they ruined her with a haircut. And no one was upset about it because she's so awful lol. 


For how much the casting directors got soooo CORRECT this cycle, it really is shocking how wrong they were with Ren. And she wasn't even present for casting week. Just a colossal failure all around.

Yes all three of them are absolutely stunning women, in pictures and just in person.


I'm sooooo upset we missed Alasia's Shadows picture it would've been stunning I bet.


I didn't realize people talked shit about Angelea's go-see performance because it was NZ :/. Raina was supposed to be so "bookable" according to all the fans yet she couldn't pull off what Angelea did :kissbye:


I'm so glad the producers decided to invest in Krista because literally no one would've thought twice about it if she was an early boot. Obviously they saw something there and made the right call. I'm also very glad to see her name getting cleared finally.


Mmhmm Alexandra came onto the show the wrong cycle.


Yeah Naduah making an early boot makes no sense from a modeling potential standpoint or a character standpoint. I guess they just didn't like her.


Don't worry, already forgot Tatianna again.


Anslee does have a great face, as shown in the fragrance photo. But yeah, fine losing her when we did.


Simone definitely had lots of potential :yes:


Poor Gabrielle :haha:


I didn't realize how Out There Jessica was post-show. Good for her hustling I guess :haha:


Honestly so true. I just looked at Raina's portfolio from an unbiased standpoint again for the game and she's just very Fine and consistent. Nothing blew me away besides the fragrance shot. Idk why she's so hyped. It's not her portfolio, it's not her personality. What is it???


Lmao exactly :dead:. If Brenda was a fan favorite Tyra would still be hearing from me for what they did to her. But meh.


Such a bizarre addition. She's the one they're gonna throw in at a later time? Such a misstep.

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Cycle 17 - Episode 12 - Tyson Beckford


Tonight...more self-promotion from Tyra!


"I didn't expect Dominique to be sent home tonight......but oh well sayonara!"


Laura is excited to be in the top four because opportunities like this don't happen to people where she comes from.


For the challenges the girls have to create a blog post lol.


Laura is struggling with her blog post due to her dyslexia.


And now the girls are making a motion editorial based on Tyra's book lol.


Yeah I'm just gonna fast forward through this episode lol


Allison struggles during the shoot with her watery eyes.


"If I wasn't here right now I don't know where I would be 😭" Angelea opens up about how she kind of gave up after C14 (and yes this is a million times more devastating based on what's come out this week and what we know is about to happen next episode)


"I've had to fight harder than some of the girls and it's like why not me? I know I have the goods too"


And now here's a totally not pre-rehearsed conversation between Nigel and Vogue Italia's thoughts on the blogs.


Angelea wins the blog challenge!


And Lisa is shocked.


Day two of the never ending motion editorial shoot.


And they're shooting with Tyson Beckford!


Angelea is very excited to get a hug out of him.


Tyra created this entire challenge just to suck Tyson Beckford's thumb.


American Sniper found dead.


ALT having no reaction to the motion editorial while Nigel raves about it :dead:


Tyra tells Allison to figure out how to not lose her eyes in the sun as if that's some easy fix lmao.



Nigel vs. Tyson over whether Allison was the strongest or the weakest.


1.5 hours later and they're still fighting over Allison (I know Tyson did not sign up for this lmao)


"Wrap it up please!" Tyra tells us this is the Longest Deliberation in ANTM history y'all!!!!!!!!


Battle of the former finalists!


Nigel wins and gets Allison into the final three!


"It just hurts because I wanna be respected as a good model 😭"


And then there were 3...

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Cast Ranking:


One of the worst episodes ever. The motion editorial was completely cringe and took up most of the episode. I would've liked to see more action with the blog post tbh, but they kinda skipped past that.


1. Angelea - I'll save the Angelea Rant for another time, but my heart broke for her this episode knowing everything we know.

2. Laura - If Laura survives this hour and a half long deliberation I feel like she might've won instead of Lisa.

3. Allison - I feel like she's lowkey over this cycle ❤️.

4. Lisa - I never thought I'd describe Lisa as boring but here we are.


Motion Editorial Ranking:


Tyra's narcissism has not limits. This was shit.


1. Angelea - Sold the emotion well.

2. Lisa - She's a decent actress.

3. Allison - She had good moments.

4. Laura - She had good moments.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 17 - Episode 12)

Cycle 17 - Episode 13 - All-Star Finale


The final three girls celebrate being the last ones standing!


Through therapy, Lisa has risen past her abusive childhood and feels she's in the best place in her life and should win.


Angelea is proud about how she's made it out of where she's grown up and feels her winning would be a story of redemption.


Allison talks about how she's still working through her father dying of cancer and wants to win to advance her career in fashion.


It's CoverGirl time!


Allison is still struggling with her eyes in the sun.


Now it's Vogue Italia time!


And now we're doing runway with the three losers!


Laura is rooting for Allison!


Shannon is rooting for Lisa


And Dominique says it will be a difficult decision for the judges aka no one is rooting for Angelea lol


Angelea starts crying because she's scared about having to swim at the final runway.


The runway involves swimming, flying, everything you can imagine.


Allison nearly gets blown away lol but she stays standing.


Angelea is still feeling uneasy after the runway show.....and that's the last we ever see of her.


Tyra reveals they're reshooting the finale under ~special circumstances~ when the network learned information on Angelea that disqualified her from the competition.


So now we're just left with Allison & Lisa.


Allison is looking the most stunning she's ever looked at this final judging.


Lisa is our "winner"!


The universe has finally came around for Lisa y'all!

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Cast Ranking:


ANTM finales are sooooooo boring. This was no exception. And the Angelea situation is just so jarring and they didn't make it work for television at all (and obviously all the tea we've gotten since has made it vile)


1. Angelea - Justice for Angelea!

2. Allison - Justice for Allison's eyes!

3. Lisa - Lol she peed in a diaper and got cut and now she's a 30 year old covergirl!


Covergirl Ranking:




1. Lisa - I kinda love this...? The one eye works and she looks really beautiful. Looking at my chart, Lisa's performance in the competition did get a lot better than I remembered after her horrid start.

2. Angelea - She looks kinda sad and lowkey older than Lisa. This is a disappointment after her stunning C14 CoverGirl ad.

3. Allison - I haaaate this, one of my least favorite CG pics ever. The blue makeup looks terrible on her and the open mouth does not work in the slightest.



1. Angelea - I wasn't sure what to do about this since we never got to see her final product. However, I adored her rehearsal footage so I'm sticking her in first.

2. Allison - I actually really liked her line reasons, but she looked awkward in the commercial.

3. Lisa - This felt very lazy and pedestrian. I expected a lot more personality out of Lisa.

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Cycle 17 - Overall Ranking

I still remember how excited I was when the All-Stars cycle was announced. Getting to see all my favorites back again was a dream come true! The cast announced and there were a few notable exceptions along with a few question marks on the cast, but overall I thought they did a decent job casting and I was very excited. So for this to be the end result was extremely disappointing. I understand what they were going for with All-Stars. It had to be more than just taking pretty pictures because we already know that most of these girls can do that. I'm totally on board with them making it about branding and becoming a ~star~. However, they went about it in the completely wrong way. They had to become a star in the way ANTM wanted them to become a star. Instead of giving them brand words to embody, they should've created their own brands. Take the fragrance challenge for example. Having the girls make their own fragrance and sell it is a good idea. Having them all pose in bathtubs is not. The girls should've been given the freedom to sell their fragrance the way they want to. The thing with All-Stars on all these reality shows is that the contestants come back a lot wiser. You can't bullshit them the same way you did the first time around. If you're gonna starve them for 18 hours, the girls will revolt.

The show itself wasn't as boring as I remember though, I'll give them that. The first half of the cycle was run by a certain star I'll talk about later and was actually pretty entertaining to watch. Unfortunately overseas the show became damn near impossible to watch, but that's still a decent amount of good episodes. That doesn't redeem the cycle though. We still had the worst photoshoots in ANTM history. We still had some god awful challenges. We had some really boring girls hidden amongst the cast of stars. We had a lot of BTS tea that makes me feel icky even watching the show. When a cast of regular people flops, I'm willing to give the show some leeway because there's not always much they could do about it. When a cast of All-Stars flops, it's entirely the shows fault.


1. Cycle 3

2. Cycle 6

3. Cycle 2

4. Cycle 5

5. Cycle 1

6. Cycle 14

7. Cycle 8

8. Cycle 4

9. Cycle 12

10. Cycle 16

11. Cycle 13

12. Cycle 10

13. Cycle 9

14. Cycle 11

15. Cycle 7

16. Cycle 17

17. Cycle 15


Cast Ranking:



1. Bianca - As I talked about throughout this rewatch, this cycle was the redemption of Bianca Golden. I have finally been given permission to unapologetically stan her. Bianca the problematic fave? We're leaving her in the past! This new and improved Bianca was still a villain. She was slightly delusional and was not afraid to shy away from drama. But she was from the bad guy. She stood up for what's right. She wanted everyone to have equal phone time, she wanted the girls to be able to eat, she wanted the black girls to have black hairdressers. Bianca was a lot smarter this time around and she was not gonna let the show take advantage of her. She got to leave on her own terms and I love that for her.

2. Angelea - Angelea's three-season arc is one of the most compelling I have ever seen on rtv and it breaks my heart. Angelea is so obviously such a modelesque girl. She's the kind of person this show is meant for. She needs a lot of help molding and shaping her. And she needs an opportunity, something she'll never get otherwise. Angelea Preston should be the ultimate redemption storyline of reality television. The show exploits all her struggles, but it's okay if it ends in a victory, or at least some reassurance that the show gave her everything they could and she now has the resources to take on the world. Instead she's eliminated off screen for doing sex work to survive in her past and being manipulated by some horrible men in her life. What a disgusting message this sends. It goes against everything Tyra claims she stands for, that we can overcome our past (and I'm not saying this as a way to shame sex work because not everyone needs to overcome that if they have their own autonomy with it, but Angelea undoubtably needed to overcome where she came from). As a contestant this cycle outside of her story, Angelea continued to deliver. I prefer C14 Angelea, but I still love this Angelea too. "Bitch I work in a bank" is another great quote to add to her collection and I still can't believe she survived four B2 appearances lmao.

3. Bre - The more mature Bre is as much of a joy as the C5 Bre. Okay not "as much", nothing can live up to C5 Bre, but luckily she was one of the girls who only helped her reputation by coming on All-Stars. Similar to Bianca, she was a lot smarter this time around and was not going to stoop down to the level the show wanted her to. She was still a schemer, she was still witty, and she was still great at runway. She was just a more mature version of all these attributes. We witnessed Bre at two different points in her life, and I found both of them to be wonderful.

4. Allison - Look if you like C12 Allison you'll like C17 Allison. And if you dislike C12 Allison, well same thing. She didn't really change at all, which is fine she didn't need to. She had a worse edit. She got a bit more backstory. So ups and downs I guess. I think Allison in the music video episode is the peak of her time on the show. I'm not a stan, but I'm a fan.

5. Laura - Same thing as Allison, it was kind of the same thing all over again. We got slightly more edge to her this time around though which I appreciated, between her being ~too sexy~ and her mini-fight with Angelea at the final five. She also had a much worse edit here than in C13, but that's okay. I was gonna rank her a hair lower, but I remembered her confessional about lesbian hotdogs so I kept her in 5th lmao.

6. Kayla - Nothing new from Kayla this cycle either. She was a star in the miserable C15 cast but very easily fell into the background here. Her circumstances kept her interesting though. Between nearly dying after panel, her hilarious struggles with her brand word "free", and the BTS tea that she led a revolution against the producers with Bianca which led to their joint elimination lmao.

7. Isis - Forever a legend. It's unbelievable that Isis has only been in 8 episodes between two cycles and I would like some answers @Tyra. This more confident post-op Isis had a story to tell and I feel like we were robbed of it by a bullshit twist.

8. Dominique - She was boring as hell and kinda stank in her last episode (not in a fun way), but she got to redeem herself as a model so I'm happy for her there. She built up enough goodwill in C10 that I'll give her this boring cycle to improve her portfolio. But not enough goodwill that I can rank her any higher than this.

9. Brittany - Escaped the shitshow without ruining her reputation.

10. Sheena - Escaped the shitshow without ruining her reputation.

11. Alexandria - Alexandria was just a mute member of the pack throughout the cycle in a disappointing way. In C16 you sympathize with her because of how the girls pick on her and you want to believe because of her experiences, she wouldn't let other girls go through that. But now she's seemingly accepted by the C17 cast, so she just watches everything unfold as Bianca gets picked on. I expected better from Alexandria and I'm disappointed.

12. Lisa - This one hurts because I was a huge fan in C5. But I did not like Lisa this cycle at all. She had good moments! Lisa can cut through the bullshit well at times so I loved her there. But she's definitely most notable for being a co-Karen with Shannon in their feud with Bianca. Lisa was vile here and completely soured my opinion on her. Some of the comments she made about Bianca were riddled with microaggressions and it was never even her fight so she could've just stayed out of her way and gotten through the cycle unscathed. After the Bianca drama though, she just became extremely boring. There was a lot of confessionals about how she wants to win and the other girls can't handle it. It was just generic reality show winner confessionals and it's not who I thought Lisa is. Lisa returning to Top Model six years later to redeem herself and win sounds like a dream come true, but considering alllllll the circumstances around her win, I couldn't be more disappointed.

13. Shannon - In C1 Shannon was young and immature, but seemed to have a good heart and we could excuse her because her allies brought the worst out of her. This cycle she has no excuses. She is now one of the oldest in the cast and she cannot feign ignorance for sobbing and going around the house slandering Bianca to anyone who would listen because she gently asked her to take a second look at her phone system. On the topic of Shannon vs. Jay I was totally on her side, but in every other way Shannon was awful and solidified my dislike of her.

14. Camille - Eek I really wish she never came back. I kinda enjoyed Camille as the "former diva". Once the scariest villain in Top Model history, now above it all. I could've ironically stanned her thankfully short All-Stars run. Instead she's most notable for a transphobic comment about Isis and it's hard for me to root for her in the same way as a fun villain.


Top 10:


This was a difficult top 10 for all the wrong reasons. HMs go to Laura's stilts and Lisa's NeNe. Yup that's it lmao


1. Dominique's Express

2. Alexandria's Stilts

3. Dominique's Catfight

4. Laura's Olympics

5. Bianca's Catfight

6. Dominique's Stilts

7. Allison's Stilts

8. Bianca's Hot Dogs

9. Bre's Michael Jackson

10. Lisa's CoverGirl

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 17)

Cycle 18 - Episode 1 - Kelly Osbourne


The British are coming y'all!


It's 7 American newbies vs. 7 British All-Stars


AzMarie is hoping to portray an androgynous fashion on the show.


Sophie hasn't cracked the American market yet and is hoping this is her opportunity to do so.


Kyle is a Small Town Girl who has never been out of her home state y'all!!!!!1111!!!1


Annaliese is a model and tv presenter and feels her personality will give her a leg up.


Mariah is the first Native American to ever be on Top Model ❤️


HELP this was Laura's pre-makeovers hair????


Laura's bisexual and is very attracted to AzMarie.


No one can understand poor Ashley's thick Scottish accent ❤️


The Americans are pissed as they find out the Brits are all former BNTM contestants lol


Eboni got a full ride to college, but is putting it off for this opportunity.


If this opportunity doesn't work out for Seymone then she has to become a dental assistant :haha:


"The Americans need to turn down the volume because I can't hear a bloody thing! It's like footballers behind us, God!"


The girls are in a "fierce parade" and will do a UK vs. US runway walk-off at the end.



"Tea and scones ^_^"



Jasmia smacks AzMarie with her coat at the end of the runway :haha:



"Bring it on betches ^_^"

"Bring it trick :kissbye:"


"She called me a prostitute...I've got f*cking kids at home she can't call me that how rude!"


Candace has tried out for ANTM 8 times!


Alisha grew up in the "ghetto" and became a model to escape that life.


Louise is feeling confident going up against Seymone, the other plus-sized model, because she doesn't know how to work her curves"


"Our plan of action is get rid of the American girls and then us British girls can have some competition between us 🙂"


"The American girls got a really tiny wardrobe and were like 'Aww where are we gonna put our clothes?' And I was like 'Aww don't worry you're not gonna be here long, you don't need a new wardrobe' 🙂"



The Brits think everyone's gonna sit down and get to know each other while the Americans go skinny dipping :haha:


"Naked?! Naked?! These American girls are horny as hell! I'm here to be America's Next Top Model, not America's Next Top Sex Bomb!"


US and UK girls will be posing together for the photoshoot and representing iconic historical figures from their country.


They're taking 3D photos in midair or sumthn like that idk


"They pair me with Laura and I'm like great, she has Madonna while I have Elton John. Was I happy about the situation? Nooooooo"


And Alisha breaks down after struggling at the photoshoot.


"I'm thinking don't console this bitch, tell her to grow up!"




They literally only cast Mariah so they could do Pocahontas at the photoshoot :dead:


Ashley also breaks down after a rough photoshoot.


"I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm expecting to go home. Seriously, I was rubbish."


Ashley Misses Her Kids segment


The girls have a new judge, "fashion PR maven" Kelly Cutrone


"This is amazing, I've watched you on telly since I was like 13 ^_^"


Nigel tells Mariah her photoshoot should've been easy since she's Native American :rolleyes:


Seymone the frontrunner? Who saw that coming lol


Tyra rigging 5 Brits into the bottom smh


Alisha's height :wub: :wub:


Ashley gets saved by her personality!


"Do I have to answer any more questions? 😭" Aww poor Jasmia :broken:


And then there were 13...

Edited by Alex95
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Cast Ranking:


I feel like we got to meet most of the girls and get to know them which is always nice. I'm already completely enamored with the Brits and I can't wait to see more from them. The Brit vs. American thing is completely pointless and idk why the show pushed that so much since there's only one winner, but it makes for some fun tv I suppose.


1. Alisha - She gave us humor and emotion in one episode like the legend that she is!

2. Ashley - I almost had her first but I rolled my eyes about her phone call to home because I'm a bitch :haha:. But she's still hilarious and I'm obsessed with her accent.

3. Sophie - I still need to watch her BNTM cycle because I'm very curious about Sophie the Raging Bitch :haha:

4. Annaliese - She's very comfortable on television, no wonder she was a tv presenter.

5. Catherine - Shady anti-American remarks ❤️

6. Seymone - I did NOT remember Seymone at the top of the pack at the start of the competition :dead:

7. Candace - I also don't remember her trying out so many times 😮

8. Louise - Lowkey intense, cannot wait for her to break out ❤️

9. Eboni - Sweet!

10. Mariah - Love seeing Native American representation!

11. Jasmia - Lol @ her assaulting AzMarie on the runway. Her elimination was sad.

12. AzMarie - She was fine.

13. Kyle - Omg a small-town girl!

14. Laura - Keep Alisha's name out of your mouth, she can cry if she wants to :kissbye:. Also in the running for the worst pre-makeover hair in ANTM history.


"Photo" Ranking:


C18 has some very high highs and some very low lows. This is one of the lows. Not sure what to make of the 3D thing, it was kinda pointless. Overall the whole shoot was kinda tacky.


1. Catherine - This shot is ferocious, I love the drama she's bringing to it.

2. Sophie - Probably the best at getting into character, very Thatcher :haha:

3. Louise - Probably a little bit too subdued, but I think it's a very pretty picture and I love the guitar on her back.

4. Seymone - A bit too overdramatic, but still a great job!

5. Candace - It's a cool shot, not great or terrible.

6. AzMarie - She looks a little short, but it's good.

7. Annaliese - Don't like the closeup, but I like her pose.

8. Mariah - It's okay.

9. Eboni - A little crazy, but I appreciate the risk.

10. Kyle - I think it's a little stiff and uncomfortable, but she got a hard character.

11. Ashley - Mediocre.

12. Laura - Bad acting, very overrated.

13. Alisha - Whew thank God Tyra saw the potential and saved her.

14. Jasmia - Yeah poor Jasmia, obviously this shot is terrible.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 18 - Episode 1)

Cycle 18 - Episode 2 - Kris Jenner


Team USA gets a box of clothes for Seymone getting FCO.


Seymone is feeling very proud of herself for beating all of these professional models.


Mariah compares drama with the Brits to how the Brits came to America and slaughtered the Native Americans :dead:


The girls are finding out they're gonna give them funky styles and colors this cycle.


Poor AzMarie gets "ANTM" shaved into her head :dead:


Mariah's very much into AzMarie washing her hair even though she's only been into guys before now.


"I'm a full-time model now. I don't want it cut, I don't want it dark brown. My agency doesn't want it that color"


Louise is in shock over what they're doing to her.


It's Laura's turn to fall in love with AzMarie's hair-washing.


Eboni gets burnt with the curling iron and starts crying.


"Eboni thinks she's gonna get sent home because of a burn on her face, I wish it was that easy to get bitches out of here! I wish they did another burn on the other side, at least she would match :giggle:"


"Can you not film me right now seriously :angry:"


"I think I've absolutely been a good sport about you chopping all my hair off and changing the color cause I need a weave :rolleyes:"


Louise puts her foot down that she's not going any darker


So they just give her a little bit of highlights and call it a day :haha:


Alisha notes how three Americans got the same hairstyle so that means one of them is leaving :haha:


There's some random challenge of the American girls eating Brit food and vice versa.


"Seymone was like a tank for her team" Alisha :dead:


The Brit girls watch in disgust as Seymone downs the haggis lmao


Ashley compares her to a hamster lmao


But then she feels upset after Candace makes fun of her.


"I feel sick! I FEEL SICK!!!!"


"I'M NOT MAD :angry: :angry:!!!!!!"


"I GAVE YOU THE F*CKING HAGGIS!!!!" Lmao top 5 most ridiculous ANTM fight?


The Brits are very much enjoying the haggis related drama.








Sophie & Ashley realize the Americans are all saying the same thing :dead:


Ashley & Sophie talking shit throughout all the photoshoots is a 10/10 editing decision.



I'm sorry, did they lie?


"I've got my hand around Kris Jenner's ass and I'm eating baby food :wacko:"


"I got best photo and they didn't and they're gonna continue to get bad responses from the judges 💅"


The Brits discuss how the Americans underrate how much they want it. Even though they're signed, they're not signed to agencies in New York


"I've watched you on telly so much ^_^" Ashley for the second week in a row ❤️


Annaliese calls shooting with Kris "fun-dabby-dozy ^_^"


I forgot about Louise sucking her finger at panel :dead:


Louise very clearly disagrees with Kelly's assessment at panel lmao


"No way! OMG! ^_^" Ashley going from bottom two to second best photo ❤️


Louise obnoxiously cheering when Alisha gets called and all the Brits survive :dead:


Personality prevails again and Seymone gets saved over Mariah for her personality.


Mariah will continue to strive towards her dream of being the first Native American supermodel.


And then there were 12...

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Cast Ranking:


I love this cast! These episodes have been really fun so far and it's largely due to the cast. They're playing into the silly Americans vs. Brits theme in a really fun way. Eating haggis should not be giving us fun house drama, yet here we are. I enjoyed the makeover meltdowns for the most part which I haven't enjoyed in a while. Too bad we can't get a decent photoshoot yet.


1. Seymone - Seymone downing the haggis was some of the most I've ever laughed watching this show :dead:. And then it leading to that ridiculous drama with Candace ❤️. Seymone's downfall was really fun and I'm glad we're getting more of her.

2. Louise - Obviously I remember Louise's big moment next episode, but I didn't remember how stank she is on her own before she becomes the victim ❤️. I'm on her side on makeovers since she is signed to an agency and Tyra's gotta stop f*cking with these working models, but she does everything in the most obnoxious and petty ways ❤️.

3. Ashley - Even her shit talking is adorable ❤️. I could watch a whole show of Ashley and Sophie talking shit about the other girls' photoshoots.

4. Sophie - Love her bffmance with Ashley and how well she pretended to love her pink hair.

5. Eboni - She gave us "cut the cameras deadass" before it was a thing ❤️.

6. Alisha - Alisha is one of the best narrators the show has ever seen. It's time we have that conversation.

7. Candace - She is serving drama, I can't hate I really can't!

8. Annaliese - The epitome of UTRFun ❤️

9. Mariah - Such a beautiful girl and she had more of a story to tell, I'm sad her time on the show was cut short.

10. AzMarie - Lol @ her hotness hypnotizing all the American girls.

11. Catherine - Lol I forgot just how much the editors forgot Catherine existed.

12. Laura - Tbh I just don't like her personality.

13. Kyle - Who?


Photo Ranking:


A very disturbing and ugly photoshoot. Luckily this is the low point of the cycle, but what a very low low point it is.


1. Ashley - Innocent but with a hint of sex appeal and modeling ability. She nailed the theme of the shoot.

2. Eboni - She looks really cute and modelesque here. Great job!

3. Catherine - A really dynamic photograph, I've been loving her portfolio so far!

4. Louise - She took a risk and I think it worked.

5. Annaliese - Same with her, it's a little bit bad acting but I lean towards the side of liking it.

6. Alisha - Solid, nothing amazing nothing terrible.

7. Sophie - Also solid. Not blown away.

8. Laura - I think her pose is insane and I'm blown away by how she pulled that off, but I don't think it's very modelesque at all.

9. Mariah - Bland.

10. Kyle - Bland.

11. AzMarie - A risk that didn't pay off. This is kinda cringe and uncomfortable.

12. Candace - She looks hot, but I don't think that's how I should be feeling after a toddler photoshoot lmao.

13. Seymone - Terrible. She's just sitting there and she looks surprised. Huuuge step down from last week.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 18 - Episode 2)
17 hours ago, Gonzalo said:

I love this cast!! 

I think every single girl has potential!! 

The only bad thing is from last season you can see the ego of Tyra making bad decitions 

Agreed, I think Tyra did a really great job with this cast!


Lol yeah Tyra does just get worse and worse though, post-All Stars is where it's really noticeable.

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