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The girls worked hard and it’s looking like Pooch is the target. It’s gonna be Pooch & Taylor noms, he thinks he’s a pawn because he volunteered. However, the girls + Michael, Daniel, Kyle all plan on evicting Pooch. Monte & Jasmine are still being resistant and still want Taylor gone so we’ve still got a long week ahead of us.

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Well, keeping my fingers crossed for Taylor this week. It's good she at least gets the chance to play in the Veto. Hopefully she can win it. Or that Pooch doesn't win it so the target can remain on him.

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Taylor proposed backdooring Monte to Jasmine and is talking about targeting strong guys, which got back to Kyle, so things are looking pretty shaky for her again 😬. Also Daniel & Nicole had their nightly shit talking session about her so that doesn't help things. Ameerah's still trying to keep the target on Pooch, but there's gonna be so much resistance from the guys throughout the week. Taylor just needs to win veto.

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Ameerah, Michael, and Terrance playing in veto with Jasmine, Taylor, and Pooch. Pretty much best case scenario veto draw for Taylor. I'm not too worried about Jasmine or Terrance so she's just gotta beat Pooch. I imagine Ameerah & Michael would throw it to Taylor if they can.

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Ameerah & Nicole destroyed Monte's entire life when he tried to flip the vote onto Taylor again ❤️. These girls are gonna stay on the guy's necks all week hopefully if they try keeping Pooch. Taylor is still the prime target for next week if Pooch goes, but there's still a lot of time. And of course whatever the hell is gonna happen with the besties twist. Just Pooch cannot win the veto. Obviously Taylor is best case scenario, but anyone besides Pooch winning veto is manageable.

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Wow Michael winning his 2nd Veto. 😮 


Aww poor Taylor hurting her leg. :( :broken: Yeah what is going on with the injuries this season? :unsure:  Sad she couldn't win but at least Pooch didn't win either.

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The mess last night...



They got wine last night and all the girls got a little tipsy. Alyssa pretty much hit on Kyle and he friendzoned her (and also exposed that the girls are keeping Taylor around so she can take a shot at the big guys). But in more startling news TAYLOR admitted she's into DANIEL and awkwardly flirted with him all night and wants to makeout with him 🙈. If only she knew half the shit he was saying about her :/. She did bond with the girls and go over how she wants all the guys gone prejury so hopefully the girls will FINALLY let her in with them (lol I doubt it)

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Michael didn't use the veto and either Pooch or Taylor will be evicted Thursday (or Friday whenever this eviction happens with the episode change lol). Pooch is still 100% going home unless something major changes in the next few days.


Taylor's drunken mess last night might've helped her. I think the girls feel a little more comfortable around her seeing that side of her. She's also not a threat to the men they're after since she's after Daniel :dead:

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Times like these makes me wish the eviction would happen tonight because I don't trust these people and feel they could change their minds. :dead: But hopefully all goes well and right with Pooch going.



But oh my at Taylor's crushing on and being into Daniel. 🙈 I am speechless.

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Ameerah confronting Brittany on all her messiness all season, giving us our first fight of the season :wub:. Ameerah confronted Brittany on throwing her under the bus to Pooch and Brittany just swore on everything that she didn't 🙈

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1 hour ago, Alex95 said:

New alliance formed between Daniel, Nicole, Terrance, Ameerah, Jasmine, and Alyssa. Luckily Alyssa immediately ratted it out to Kyle since she's in love with him and Kyle immediately ratted it out to Michael & Monte.

Sounds like this new alliance won't last long. :dead: 

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Also, there's the Besties twist. HG's have been paired together and will compete together, be nominated together etc.


Pairs seem to be:

Turner/Jasmine (meaining Jasmine is safe for the week UGH)







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