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The Challenge: Reality Royalty Rankdown (CHAMPION ON PAGE 169!)


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4 minutes ago, QueenKalie said:

The funny part is that it was Victoria's idea to nominate Cara and she said she would cut her. But then went mia lol. Good thing I used pawns that I couldn't have cared less about.

Let's hope the pawn goes home this week on BB too!

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Colie Edison


Ooh Colie. :giggle: I had an interesting journey with Colie in this game. I nominated her on the Anonymous nominations round where she was the girl that shockingly survived…. even though others could have got her out if they voted for her. 😘 Then I saved her on Victoria’s round the other cycle. So I got to target and save her once… but I felt she would be an easy target to go again sooo that happens.  I don’t know who Colie is but let’s get to know her.


Colie Edison was originally on The Real World: Denver, which I do actually kind of remember or at least some of the cast on there. So I do think I knew of Colie from years ago. Colie would go onto The Challenge where she participated on two seasons. Those were: Season 14’s The Inferno 3 and Season 16’s The Island. Colie did well on The Inferno 3 being apart of the Good Guys team but at the same time she didn’t’ do too well as she was the second one eliminated from that team. She lasted 8 episodes into the season. She did alright on The Island season where she was the 7th boot lasting 7 episodes. Uhh her The Challenge page has been deleted so I can’t write anymore here. :dead: But she is really pretty. ❤️ 

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Christena Pyle


Lol I thought Christena being a winner might have helped her get save on my round…. but she got voted out in like 10 minutes. Didn’t expect that but i don’t mind as I was indifferent with whatever happened. I don’t really know Christena but let’s get to know her now.


Christena Pyle was originally on Road Rules: South Pacific. Christena would then going on to compete on The Challenge. She was on Season 8’s The Inferno where she would go on to win. Christena was apart of the Noise Pollution elimination where she battled and sent Mallory Snyder home. Christena also has 11 wins under her belt and earned $33,500. Wow a crazy fun fact i see and learned here is that Christena was casted as a replacement for Piggy Thomas (who was sent him for unknown reasons). So wow, Christena has to be thankful for getting that replacement spot. I am sure she worked hard as a competitor and well done to her getting the win here.  This was the only time we saw of Christena on The Challenge.

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1 hour ago, QueenKalie said:

uh Mark has 2 votes against him and Mike has 1 how is Mike eliminated lol.

OOPS I thought Mark/Mike were the same person LOL I can't read.


@1234567890 I need your vote!


Brittni - 3 votes

Mark - 2 votes

Mike - 1 vote

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Brittini Sherrod


I nominated her once before and got minor backlash so I thought maybe she could survive over the guys, but instead she got unanimously eliminated oop. She's boring as hell though and only did one season so this should be a very easy cut. Brittni got her start on Real World: Hollywood and then did The Duel II. I will give her credit as a challenger. She performed very well in all the challenges. To make it all the way to second place on her rookie season as a woman of color and beating Diem in an elimination along the way is extremely impressive. But she was So! Boring! I had no idea what her voice sounded like by the end of the season. She partnered up with equally boring Landon and the two of them were pretty much partners. We never saw her after The Duel II which I was kind of surprised about since she's so strong, but she's also so boring so I understand why they didn't want her back.

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Mark Long


Thrilled to contribute to his elimination because I don't like this guy at all. I don't care if he's iconic or an OG. And I guess he was never a terrible human being so that helped his case, but I'll take some terrible human beings on reality shows over terrible characters. I wish him luck with his mission to make a mini OG season though!

Mark got his start on the very first Road Rules show. This led him to doing the second Challenge ever which he won with his Road Rules team. I never saw the season and never plan on seeing the season so we shall move on.

The first season I saw with Mark was Battle of the Sexes when he was just a young whipper snapper. The mens team was awfully boring with a few exceptions. Mark was not one of those exceptions. He performed well and sailed to the end and then got his second win after he and the other two men cheated off of the women's puzzle. Blah.

He came back against for the next Battle of the Sexes II to pretty much do the same thing again. He performed competently well and sailed through to the end. Except this time, he gave up at the last second to let Eric go to the finals this time around. Tbh it didn't really sit well with me because I liked Brad at the time and he was fighting his ass off to be there so I didn't like how Mark betrayed Brad and sent him home only to give up for Eric just because Brad was a rookie. Mark also had a showmance with Robin which I did not care about in the slightest (only becomes relevant again 20 seasons later).

He takes a season off but is back for Gauntlet II. I wish I still had my notes on this season because I remember this one really solidified my hatred for Mark. I don't really remember the details, but I know there was a love triangle between him, Robin, and Jodi and he was like having a whole ass meltdown and treating both women horribly. I'm certainly no Robin fan and don't really care about Jodi, but Mark was really scummy if I remember correctly. Luckily he got his first earned loss (though it was in like the worst finals ever lol).

That seemed like the last we would see of Mark Long, but then he dragged his ancient ass back to the show years later for Duel II. I didn't have a soft spot for this OG returning because I was still sour from Gauntlet II. Mark contributed nothing to the show and skated by to the end on reputation alone. This "legend" has still not done a single elimination at this point! (Yes I know this is only his second season with eliminations...BUT STILL!) Luckily Mark loses in the end because he is stuck with Aneesa for half the final lol (though also not so luckily because Evan won.........SHOULD'VE BEEN BRAD I GUESS!) Mark treated Aneesa very kindly so I greatly appreciated him during the finale even though she was actively robbing him of money (though even with a stronger partner I'm not sure he was beating Evan or Brad).

Once again I thought we were done with Mark Long, but ONCE AGAIN he returns after a years long break. Old man Mark refuses to die and he randomly reappears with Robin for Battle of the Exes. And just like in Duel II, he skates by to the end based on reputation alone (even though Robin's awful social game was actively tanking them every chance she got :wub:). We returned to Mark not sitting well with me though. He pretty much inserted himself up Johnny Bananas ass and never left. I didn't like how he kind of turned on Rachel and trusted Bananas over her even though the two have been friends for so long. And then he allegedly threw the final elimination to Bananas which is a terrible way to treat Robin who DESPERATELY wanted a win. So Mark ends his Challenge career on a sour note and overall I can say I actively dislike him.

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Normal Korpi




I nominated this person knowing for certain he would go since he was next to these other people. That being said I have no relocation of who this guy is so I wasn't bothered by it. Here's some fun facts about this guy. Norman was the first gay cast member on an MTV program. An inspiring artist during the premiere season of Real World, he was also dating talk show host Charles Perez during the season. I didn't know this when I nominated so whoops but oh well. Norman was on 2 seasons of the challenge Battle of the Seasons and The Gauntlet. He did mediocre on Battle of the Seasons going home on episode 8. But on the Gauntlet he lasted all the way to the finals but ended up losing. So good for him for creating  history but that wasn't enough for him to get saved here so out he goes from this rankdown now.

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Amanda Garcia




I have nominated Amanda several times because I always found her to be annoying. Amanda has done a lot of seasons because she was not afraid to create drama and that's what The Challenge likes so that's why they kept asking her back despite being very nonathletic. Amanda was on 5 seasons of the challenge Rivals 3 and Invasion of The Champions Dirty 30,  Final Reckoning and War of The Worlds.  She has an elimination record of 1-5 so that's not quite as bad as Danny's record but it's not very good obviously.  The only season she did kinda well in was the season she was partnered with Zack. Zack and her legitimately hate each other so it was kinda funny to see them partnered together. They ended up winning a lot of challenges because well Zack is good at challenges but their failure to work together is what eventually doomed them. They won the challenge and had the choice to send in either Banana's and Tony or Ashley and Hunter but they couldn't come to an agreement so they ended up sending themselves in. They were both very dumb and stubborn in this moment and it cost them the challenge. This was probably Amanda's only chance at ever winning so she probably should have just sent in Ashley and Hunter but Zack could have caved as well and didn't. Either way stupidity won out in the end and they lost to Devin and Corey in the challenge. She would go onto do 1 more season after this and did mediocre as she was partnered with Josh who isn't particularly great in challenges either. Anyways she is good at running her mouth but not much else so I am fine cutting her in this situation even if I wasn't expecting her to go in this set of nominations.

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