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The Challenge: Reality Royalty Rankdown (CHAMPION ON PAGE 169!)


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Josh Martinez**

Kyle Christie

Cara Maria Sorbello**

Jake Bronstein**

Natalie Negrotti

Leah Gillingwater

Melissa Reeves

Esther Falana

Mattie Lynn Breaux

Bayleigh Dayton

Brad Fiorenza

Britni Thornton**

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Jake Bronstein




So I gotta do a second write up on the nobody because the site deleted it as I posted it for some unknown reason. Anyways Jake is an absolute nobody so he was an easy choice to cut from this set of nominations. Jake was on Road Rules the Island and competed on only one season of the challenge and that was battle of the sexes. He was on comp beast in battle of the sexes winning 4 challenges.  But for some unknown person reason he ended up quitting the challenge on the same day that he won a challenge and won the lifesaver. Wiki didn't explain why he quit it just said person reasons. So he was on one season and quit so I am not going to look up anymore information about this guy because he's not worth my time so bye boy you won't be missed and are now eliminated from this rankdown.


Saving Britni Thorton


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Bayleigh Dayton




Not my first choice to cut here but oh well at least I don't need to resort to the wiki to talk about her which is nice since I'm on my phone and that would just be annoying. Bayleigh came from Big Brother 20 where she met Swaggy and they fell in love and got married. Happy for them but on Big Brother I never really cared for either of them. So they were on the latest season of the challenge and they did pretty good for Rookies. Especially Bayleigh she did a lot better than I thought she would she even won an elimination. She got screwed over by Kaycee and that was kind of an epic moment. I bet we will see them in the future or at least Bayleigh who is currently back on Big Brother. But I dont feel like writing anymore on my phone so out she goes from this rankdown now.


Saving Melissa Reeves

Edited by QueenKalie
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Josh Martinez (Big Brother 19)




Josh Martinez is a garbage human being and somebody that I simply cannot bear to watch on my television screen anymore!!! PLEASE STOP CASTING HIM.


I gave up on Big Brother after Season 15, but I still try to keep in touch with the show and the happenings of each season. What I saw of Josh on his season, I did not like at all. Kudos to him for winning though. As Big Brother began to infiltrate The Challenge series, I was sort of expecting to see Josh make an appearance on the show. My horrors were confirmed when he was cast for War of the Worlds. Luckily for me, Josh was the first rookie eliminated after the opening purge challenge, Impending Dune. I really considered his elimination to be a blessing. Unfortunately, Alan was injured and forced to withdraw from the competition. Josh was brought right back into the game and partnered with Amanda, which really made me sad. LOL. But happy because Amanda probably fared better with Josh as a partner than she would have with Alan.


Josh actually proved to be a surprisingly good physical competitor though! He is the sole reason why him and Amanda won the second daily mission and landed in the Tribunal. Color me surprised. On this first season of his, Josh actually played the background a bit more and toned down the emotions for the most part. He did fight with his partner Amanda in this hilarious scene though! Josh trying to tell Amanda she is an idiot? Saying nobody likes her? LOL. But for the most part, he was staying above the drama and trying to keep him and Amanda afloat in the game. The majority alliance definitely hated Amanda and wanted her out of the game. This drama-free approach would change when Josh got into a huge fight with Ashley Cain, which is depicted in the picture above. I cannot necessarily remember what started the fight, but I do remember Ashley C. began to mess with Josh's personal belongings and really crawled under his skin. This made me very happy. LOL. Josh finally exhibited his trademark emotional meltdown and really tried to act like he would physically fight the animal that is Ashley C. 


That same week, Amanda and Josh were finally voted into elimination by the Tribunal, having made more enemies than friends in the house. Josh decided to call out Kam and Ashley C. into elimination due to personal drama, which cool I guess? Josh and Amanda actually impressed me in the beginning of the Uphill Battle elimination. According to Amanda + Josh and some cast members, some shenanigans went down during this elimination that allowed for Kam + Ashley C. to break the rules and stay in the game. I remember this being true considering Kam + Ashley C. were doing the elimination incorrectly. At the end of the day though, I could not be bothered to care about Josh going home.


Sadly enough, producers decided the following season would be a sequel, which meant that Josh was pretty much a lock for the cast. War of the Worlds 2 is Josh at his absolute f*cking worst in my opinion. I guess he at least contributed a lot of drama to the season? As part of the dominant Team USA, we were pretty much guaranteed a season full of Josh this time around. Josh immediately butted his way into drama with CT who damn near killed him because Josh just could not mind his business? CT was just irate over not being chosen by Team USA, but still. Then Josh found himself in drama with Wes, since Wes rightfully called Josh disposable in the game. But this made the very chaotic Laurel, who happened to be listening while pretending to be asleep, run and tell Josh about what Wes had said. Since both Josh and Laurel found themselves in the Tribunal that week, the two concocted an evil plan to commit treason and send Wes into elimination. Thus setting the stage for the massively toxic and chaotic gameplay that would follow that season.


Though Josh was just butthurt because Wes accurately predicted that Josh really is not all that he prides himself on being, at least Josh was part of the reason why the season played out so dramatically. Josh set the house ablaze over a personal vendetta against Wes, and got the veteran into an elimination that would ultimately send him home. This resulted in a major blowup fight between Josh and Paulie, which resulted in the end of their real-life friendship. Of course, a lot of Josh crying and whining ensued. Josh found himself aligned with Jordan, Tori, Bear, Kyle, Zach, Nany, Jenny, Georgia, Bananas, and Laurel. The side of the house that I simply cannot tolerate. After the elimination of Laurel, this alliance continued to get picked off one by one. Josh continued to fight with Cara Maria and Paulie. Josh became really close with Nany, Jordan, and Tori this season. He grossly hooked up with Georgia in a really weird moment where Georgia was basically just using Josh as a drunken hook-up to attract the attention of Bear. Josh actually thought there was something there potentially, and acted like he was conflicted about how Georgia was stringing him along. LOL.


Eventually, Josh found himself voted in to elimination by Team USA. Josh was doomed, since he went into elimination against Jordan. Jordan defeated Josh in the End of the Rope elimination with absolute ease. After the season finished and before the reunion, Josh found himself in plenty of drama on social media. This culminated in him and Paulie nearly physically brawling right before the reunion. Josh was only on his second season with nothing to show or brag about, but he acted like he was some Challenge beast. I cannot handle this guy. At all. All the crying. All the acting like he is the sh*t. All the crying.


Of course Josh returned for a third consecutive season, competing on the recently finished Total Madness. Josh is even worse this season than the last one. More crying. More b*tching. More moaning. More of doing the absolute most for no reason. More of acting like he is special, when in reality all of these people laugh about him behind his back and manipulate him into doing exactly what they want.


Josh spent a lot of the beginning of the season acting like he is in some major rivalry with Wes. Wes absolutely made a fool out of him on multiple occasions by essentially denying Josh airtime, which made me very happy to see. Josh won three challenges, two of them being team challenges. Josh acted like he had any control in this house, but really was just doing what his puppeteers told him to do (AKA Bananas + Nany). Josh became really chicken sh*t towards the end of the season, always acting like he was ready to go into elimination and earn his Red Skull. When time came to get voted into the elimination via the house vote, Josh would chicken out and act like anybody that voted for him was betraying him. When in reality he kept making promises to everybody, and then betraying them. LOL. His betrayal of Dee earned him the ire of Melissa, who went tf off on him during the house vote. Josh was exposed for being easily manipulated, a floater, and pretty worthless in the game. Of course, he got very butthurt about this fight. To make matters worse, two weeks later he basically started to lead the charge against Aneesa,a sting like she did not deserve to make the finals and would be a liability in the finals. Despite being her friend. And despite NEVER having even made a final! He needs to start respecting legends!


Josh finally went into elimination towards the end of the season, against Kyle of all people. The person he screwed out of a vote. Kyle easily defeated Josh in the Knots of War elimination, who had a terrible showing. My issue is that he lasted way too long once again. Josh was supposedly one of the potential cast mates sequestered for the current All-Stars season of Big Brother, but rumor has it that he did not pass the COVID test. He says otherwise, and there has been some drama about all of that on social media. Especially considering he was out on boats with Kaycee partying it up without a mask. LOL.


So glad to finally be rid of him from this game. Hopefully we will be rid of him on The Challenge as well. But I highly doubt that will happen.


SAVING: Cara Maria Sorbello

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