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Dee Watches Survivor (Currently On Kaoh Rong)


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A very horrible season. I don't even know where to start. Even with no returning players and the absence of Redemption Island, this season is truly awful. Quite possibly the most dull cast ever. Not a single interesting person outside of Tarzan. Troyzan is a horrible excuse for the Probst-chosen underdog that really just is an annoying assh*le. Colton is not even a villain, but a piece of sh*t and poor excuse for a human being. Same goes for Alicia.


Nobody challenged Kim Spradlin at all. Despite knowing she won the season, this had to be the most predictable season of Survivor ever. There was no spirit of competition whatsoever. Christina Cha made fourth place like wtf. LOL at the fact that the finale dropped 30% in ratings/viewers compared to even the prior season. Not a single standout moment. Not a single standout character. Not a single standout player. Yes, I am even referring to Kim, whose perfect gameplay was so lackluster that I could not even be excited by her. She played against the absolute dumbest tribe ever. 


I could only imagine the horror of watching this season live and having to endure Kim cake walking through the season because there were about ten brain cells total functioning out there. Her run is very similar to Rob on Redemption Island tbh. Obviously the season was not an orchestrated coronation for her, but it's kind of hard to praise her for perfect gameplay when she did not have to do much of anything. Did she play a perfect game? Absolutely. Do I care? Not so much! Boston Rob played a perfect game as well, but still does not make me give a sh*t. Not to mention she is beyond boring. 


Hot take: Without Kim, the season would have been infinitely better. Why? Because we could have had a Gabon-like season where everybody is absolutely trash at the game and we get to watch an entertaining train wreck happen! Kim being so actively involved in the game actually hurt this season by preventing anything actually interesting from happening. I know this sounds ass-backwards. Oh well. It's true. This was a hard season to get through.


The twist had potential on maybe a different season, but the gender division very clearly highlighted that the men were going to get picked off and that the women were going to dominate. So the twist somehow harmed the season more than helped it. Almost like this happens every time with Survivor!




1. Christina Cha - I am prepared to get dragged for this choice, but idgaf. Christina Cha is the Queen of Cockroaching! Point blank and the period! Christina feels like she was abducted via UFO en route to Gabon and dropped off on the beach for One World. LOL. The Queen of Doing Nothing! The Queen of Never Playing! Christina making the top four is hilarious imo. And I found her so LULZY the entire season. I also admire her patience and grace in handling the onslaught of terrible sh*t from both Colton and Alicia. I appreciate her yelling at Alicia to shut up during Tribal. I appreciate her season-long rivalry with Alicia while also being an Alicia pawn. But then outlasting Alicia and nearly defeating Kim in the final immunity challenge. Huge Gabon vibes. I also have to laugh at her asking Chelsea why she is such a miserable human being during FTC. Christina made me laugh constantly. She should never have been able to cockroach so effectively, especially considering how she found herself in conflict with so many individuals. Her power. :wub:


2. Sabrina Thompson - Super well-spoken, to the point where she actually seemed like a genuine contender against Kim after FTC because she was that good! An impeccably good social game that saved her despite being horrible at challenges and lazy around camp! The edit really f*cked her over tbh. In the first few episodes, you get a heavy dose of Sabrina. Which is good! You see how quickly she became the de facto leader of the Salani tribe and somehow escaped becoming a target. She was the quickest person ever to find the HII. Sabrina is seemingly the only competition Kim has, yet the edit dropped her after the first few episodes. Very disappointing tbh, since she was the only person with an inkling of a chance to defeat Kim. Sabrina was intensely likable. Sabrina had a strong moral compass and superior social skills. Sabrina called every situation like she saw it and went toe-to-toe with Troyzan so perfectly. There were moments of her having a mind of her own, separate from Kim, that allowed me to appreciate her a bit more than most everybody else. Sabrina wanted to eliminate Alicia early, but could not because of Colton. Sabrina became annoyed with Colton over time. Greatly appreciated. Sabrina is unfortunately too under-the-radar to stan fully, but I like her and appreciate how socially adept she was at the game.


3. Kat Edorsson - Petulant. Bratty. Whiny. Crybaby. But then beautifully mature during her FTC jury speech. It was a pretty cool full circle moment. My favorite moments of the season involve Kat. First moment: crawling on her knees to see her cousin and giving off very weird incest vibes. Second moment: talking about how exciting blindsides are and then immediately being blindsided. Third moment: crying like a scorned lover when Kim took Alicia and Chelsea instead of her to the reward. I also felt like she had major potential to turn the season on its head and come for Kim after realizing that she was portrayed as a follower. Very disappointed that she did not capitalize on the moment. Kat is not somebody I like. But she is somebody that provided a few moments that made me laugh, so she gets the third place ranking. 


4. Kim Spradlin - I already touched on the reasons why Kim is just never going to be a favorite of mine. Like ever. Did she play an absolutely perfect game? Yes. I cannot take that fact away from her. This season is hers. Period. But she is a zombie with about zero personality. There is nothing exciting about her. An actual gamebot. Like I said, this season could potentially be way better without her. Insanely good competitor, but how can you judge that when there was nobody actively competing against her? LOL. I am not buying it with Kim. Period. The only reason she even ranks fourth is because she is the only person that played the game! She competed against herself. LOl. 


5. Monica Culpepper - There is potential in Monica that was untapped in this season. I do not know if she returns or not, but I would bet money that she does. Idk why she is ranking this high. There is no justification for this choice. But I liked her? She was extremely likable and her body is absolutely incredible. Very jealous. She did nothing strategically, but she was a positive force and did amazing in the challenges. Nothing more to say.


6. Chelsea Meissner - The absolute definition of a pawn. I feel like I should care more about her given how integral she was to the season and how many events she was involved in, but I just do not care much for her. I really thought I would like her during the first few episodes, given how she wrangled the chickens and refused to give them over to the men that stole their sh*t without stuff in return. She seemed like a badass and I kind of enjoyed that she was not this super bubbly personality. Kind of rough-around-the-edges personality. Did not care much for people. Stuff that I find interesting. Yet she ultimately disappointed me in the end, considering she just played second fiddle to Kim and did not do much of anything else. She whined during the first few episodes about the poor living conditions Salani and fought with the men over just being allowed to share in the comfort and warmth of their camp. Chelsea proved to be a very strong physical competitor. She had some interesting moments on the show - fighting with Tarzan, being torn over voting out some of the men, fighting with Troyzan. But yeah. She was mainly a puppet for Kim, so I cannot say that I care for her whatsoever. Her performance at FTC was uninspiring.


7. Jonas Otsuji - I really liked Jonas! He seemed like the only guy on the season worth giving a damn about, but he was cut too early to really invest in him. He fought with Tarzan multiple times, which was pretty fun. I liked that he made eating a more enjoyable experience for the tribes. Jonas just seemed like a nice guy. Calling Chelsea "the hottest" during his FTC speech made me question him, but he was a cool guy overall. 


8. Leif Manson - Leif was nice. Leif was there.


9. Nina Acosta - She should not be ranked this high due to being a retired LAPD Officer. But at least she read Kat for absolute filth and gave this season a bit of energy before she left. 


10. Bill Posley - Completely forgot about him until this very moment. He seemed like he could be an interesting character and I appreciate that he tried to fight with Colton, but definitely went home early enough to make not caring about him easy.


11. Kourtney Moon Seems sweet. The orca hat was cute. Her breaking her arm was not fun to watch. Not much more to say.


12. Michael Jefferson - WHO? Him being absolutely convinced he was not being blindsided, but then being blindsided was a cute moment. I found him to have a poor attitude and zero personality. At the same time. How does that work?


13. Matt Quinlan - Just remember him being an absolute pr*ck that was served a comeuppance. All over chickens.


14. Troy "Troyzan" Roberston - Annoying as hell. I feel like he is going to come back at least one more time because you know his attitude made Probst cream his pants. I mean, Probst damn near sh*t himself and grinned massively when Troyzan gave him that fist bump. Just found him so annoying with his whole "this is my island" shtick. Like. Very unoriginal. He was also extremely aggressive with the women when he realized that his days were numbered because of them. He thought he was the sh*t because he could win a few challenges and found an Immunity Idol. Yeah, no thanks. 


15. Greg "Tarzan" Smith - Had he not uncomfortably decided to put Kat's underwear on his head, I might have placed him so much higher for being maybe the only true character to emerge from the season. But that felt very, very icky. I would like to write more, but that moment was too much for me to handle.


16. Jay Byars - His social media was enough for me to realize I hate him. Immensely. He was pro-men anyways on the show, so I should have known to expect bad things from his social media.


17. Alicia Rosa - Wow at her being a special education teacher and saying what she did about Christina. Everything she said to Christina was horrible. A nasty person.


18. Colton Cumbie - Disgusting piece of sh*t human being.









1. Pearl Islands 

2. Borneo

3. Heroes vs. Villains

4. Panama - Exile Island

5. China

6. Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites

7. The Amazon

8. Palau

9. Vanuatu

10. Gabon

11. South Pacific

12. Guatemala

13. Africa

14. Tocantins

15. Samoa

16. The Australian Outback

17. Cook Islands

18. Marquesas

19. Nicaragua

20. Fiji

21. One World

22. All-Stars

23. Thailand

24. Redemption Island



1. Sandra Diaz-Twine (PI)

2. Sandra Diaz-Twine (HvV) 

3. Todd Herzog

4. Yul Kwon

5. Parvati Shallow

6. Aras Baskauskas

7. Tom Westman

8. Tina Wesson

9. Sophie Clarke

10. Jenna Morasca

11. James "JT" Thomas Jr.

12. Danni Boatwright

13. Vecepia Towery

14. Ethan Zohn

15. Earl Cole

16. Natalie White

17. Chris Daugherty

18. Kim Spradlin

19. Rob Mariano

20. Amber Brkich-Mariano
21. Jud "Fabio" Birza

22. Brian Heidik

23. Richard Hatch

24. Robert "Bob" Crowley

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19 minutes ago, #jeah said:

Kim 18th out of 24? Are we watching a different show? Yikes


I admittedly gave her props for a perfect game. But it is insanely difficult to rank her over winners that actually had competition that played the game. Like what did Kim do that was so brilliant? If we do not give props to Boston Rob for his win on RI, which deservedly so, the same should go for Kim. Nobody was challenging her. Even Probst was flabbergasted at the lack of competition she had. I just prefer the people that had to scrap and make some pretty intelligent moves in order to advance in the game. Kim just had to breathe air and she was still going to win. :dead:

Edited by Deeee
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10 minutes ago, Elliott said:

I’m more pressed over the dust he keeps paying to Natalie White.


She had fourteen confessionals across the entire season. It's kind of hard to praise her as some elite winner when we were never able to see her gameplay. :lmao:

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6 minutes ago, Elliott said:

@Deeee idk if you know, but during Kourtney’s exams she had done for her arm, they discovered a tumour so it wound up being a blessing in disguise she got pulled so quickly.


Omg I had no idea. That is such a blessing. Wow. I hope she is in better health today. ❤️

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7 minutes ago, Deeee said:


I admittedly gave her props for a perfect game. But it is insanely difficult to rank her over winners that actually had competition and played the game. Like what did Kim do that was so brilliant? If we do not give props to Boston Rob for his win on RI, which deservedly so, the same should go for him. Nobody was challenging her. Even Probst was flabbergasted at the lack of competition she had. I just prefer the people that had to scrap and make some pretty intelligent moves in order to advance in the game. Kim just had to breathe air and she was still going to win. :dead:

Win 4 immunities? Be ridiculously charismatic and likable that she had people eating out of the palm of her hand? Troyzan and Sabrina were good endgame players and Christina was more savvy than people give her credit for. Like I get that she’s a boring winner but she had people hypnotized all season long and I personally was impressed by her dominating so easily. There’s a reason many hardcore fans of Survivor consider her win the best ever and it’s more than just “weak competition.” Again I get it, OW is a terrible season! But props where props are due.


And I give Rob props for his win but lbr the season was literally designed for him or Russell to win, and it was his fourth (4th!) try so it’s not as impressive as Kim’s win imo.

Edited by #jeah
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2 minutes ago, #jeah said:

Win 4 immunities? Be ridiculously charismatic and likable that she had people eating out of the palm of her hand? Troyzan and Sabrina were good endgame players and Christina was more savvy than people give her credit for. Like I get that she’s a boring winner but she had people hypnotized all season long and I personally was impressed by her dominating so easily. There’s a reason many hardcore fans of Survivor consider her win the best ever and it’s more than just “weak competition.” Again I get it, OW is a terrible season! But props where props are due.


And I give Rob props for his win but lbr the season was literally designed for him or Russell to win, and it was his fourth (4th!) try so it’s not as impressive as Kim’s win imo.


Look, I think Kim played a perfect game. Here are some of my counterpoints:


1) The four immunity wins are of course incredibly impressive. Look at her competition though. Troyzan was the only person that could compete with her on an individual level. And the entire group wanted him gone. Does this make her streak unworthy of props? No definitely not! But it's certainly not impressive if a trained athlete outcompetes a novice.


2) People definitely ate out of the palm of her hand. For sure. This aspect of her gameplay is far more impressive to me than the immunity wins she accrued. But I think we have seen multiple instances of somebody having a dominant season that are far more layered and interesting. Parvati on Micronesia as an example. I think dominance is a tricky factor because it depends on the type of players you are controlling. Kim was running the show on a season where nobody was contesting her and a few of them were actually not even playing the game (ex: Tarzan). Parvati had a pretty dominant run in the game post-merge, but her competition was way more stacked considering the people he had to deal with. She was making big moves. Kim was just...chopping people down one-by-one? 


I could understand why people would fall in love with her gameplay. I do. I just don't buy the hype myself because of said reasons. 


Pretty sure I mentioned that the season was designed for Rob or Russell to win, so I definitely do not think they are at all similar. Just trying to point out why dominating a season is not necessarily an indication of being the best ever based on my own arbitrary metrics. :lmao:

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14 minutes ago, #jeah said:

Anyways I love that you ranked Kat so high, I find her the most entertaining part of that season by far. She’s equally as lulzy in S27 imo.


Hilarious that she returns, but I figured her FTC Jury Speech might make room for that to be a possibility. I found her totally unlikable, but so lulzy that she is vastly more entertaining than the rest of her counterparts.

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1 minute ago, Deeee said:


UGH slay! I thought I would be dragged for loving her so much. :wub::dead:

Haha, I wanna say she was my favorite as well back when I watched this season live. I loved watching Christina roach her way into the final 4 ❤️ She deserved better than dealing with A*icia and C*lton 💔

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