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Disney Characters Rankdown


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Mulan (1998)







ALEX: 12

DEE: 12

NICO: 13








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If you followed the Disney movie rankdown closely, this ranking should come to no surprise as Mulan found herself at #2 on my ranking, over there! As I stated before, Mulan as a movie means a lot to me hence why I ended up ranking her high on this list - not only do I love the movie, I also love Mulan as a character.


In the first movie, the only one that matters, Mulan is not your typical Disney leading lady - she is incredibly driven throughout the movie when she makes the difficult decision to fight in the war; she does so to fight in her family's honor & prevent her dad from fighting in the war. While fighting in the war, she becomes close with Mushu - the sidekick of the movie, and Shang.  Anyway, we all know the ending of the movie where Mulan receives praise from the entire country.


Another reason why I love Mulan is that her singing voice is Lea Salonga whom is a legend that I absolutely love - here's her version of Reflection:


To conclude, I absolutely love Mulan & I am super pleased that she made it all the way to the finale - I will be happy wherever she lands.








As a part Asian (the other part Mexican) kid who was a tomboy, Mulan was really the first Disney princess that I really connected with. Well, Belle liked to read books and I liked to read books, but the only Disney movie I really remember seeing in theaters before I moved from Arizona to Missouri was Hercules, so I think I probably saw Mulan around the same-ish time I saw Beauty and the Beast (I could of course be wrong, but my earliest Disney memories are really of Mary Poppins and Hercules but I could meditate on it to really make sure I am telling the truth). That was a sidebar though. Time to get back to Mulan. Mulan was a warrior and a fighter and just truly really badass. She's somebody who didn't fit into the mold of what a proper woman should be. And again as a kid who liked to run around with the boys and throw rocks and wear my hair short, that really felt like me. (Although I did have MANY elementary school boyfriends who gave me A LOT of gifts. Let me channel that energy into the Megan now). (They did make her gay in Once Upon a Time so maybe she's the PERFECT CHARACTER FOR ME NOW??????????????????????????????????????)




Mulan is AGAIN another "Disney Princess" who doesn't quite understand her place in life. But this time much more for societal reasons. She doesn't want to be the perfect wife and for that she can't be the perfect daughter that she desires to be for her family. There really isn't a place for her in history at that moment. ALL TOO REAL. But I think the thing that really makes Mulan  (the Disney OG not the 2020 version for reasons I will get to) resonate so much with audiences is that she's self-made. She's not a chosen one, she doesn't have magic powers or supernatural gifts, she wasn't born as royalty. She works hard and earns her abilities and the respect of those around her. She relies on her own cleverness and wit and eventually her abilities as a trained soldier.


And I think that's where the 2020 movie gets it wrong. Though I just read reviews. Once Disney makes it not $30 (I COULD BUY MULTIPLE MOVIES AT THAT PRICE POINT) I will watch it.  And see. But the reviews I read left me disappointed.




But thankfully I will always have the animated Mulan. The Disney character who always felt like "my" Disney character as a child. Though others may have surpassed her, she will always hold a special place in my heart.







From the movie Mulan (1998)



Speaking voice by Ming-Na Wen (b. 1963)


Annie Award winner for performance as Mulan

Honored as a Disney Legend in 2019

I know her best as Dr. Chen from the TV show ER



Singing voice by Lea Salonga (b. 1971)


Broadway star, first Asian woman to win a Tony Award (won for Best Actress in a Musical for Miss Saigon)

Also provided singing voice for Princess Jasmine in Aladdin

Honored as a Disney Legend in 2011


Best Disney princess. One of the Official 12 Disney Princesses, and one of five in our Top 25. Oddly enough, Mulan is not actually a princess. She is not the daughter of royalty, or even anyone vaguely in charge of anything at all. Also, her love interest is not a prince or royalty either. Maybe they should have had Shang be the Emperor's heir or something? IDK anything about Chinese royalty or history obviously. Maybe the emperor's  heirs during that dynasty did not participate in the military. But honestly it's hard to believe Disney would care about that. Oh well.


Mulan has different actresses for her speaking voice and for her singing voice. Don't love that. But Mulan herself doesn't really have very many songs/verses in the movie. The movie just has, what, the honor song, make a man out of you, and the guys singing about girlfriends? Oh wait, there's Reflection lmao. I always think of that as a Christina Aguilera song and not a Mulan song. So yeah, why not just get a voice actress who can sing? I'm conflicted because I love Ming-Na and her work in ER so much.


But yeah, Mulan is the best Disney princess. And the princess with the highest body count. I haven't seen the live action one yet. But I like how she succeeds in the military by using her creativity, like with how she climbed the pole and how she caused the avalanche that killed everyone. Can we also talk about her boss move of going into the city on horseback for the end battle of the movie, right after she was banished? She knew she needed to GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. TO DEFEAT. THE HUNS.







Mulan is a Disney leading lady unlike those before her. Firstly, while she's considered one of the "Disney Princesses", she really has no connection to royalty. Instead, she is a girl growing up in a Chinese village. While she wants to make her family proud and honor them, she struggles because their desires for her do not line up with her own dreams for herself. In fact, love for her family is her driving force in the movie. When her aging father is called to fight in the emperor's army, Mulan decides to protect him by disguising herself and answering the call instead. She meets up with Mushu during her journey, a small dragon her ancestors sent to protect and guide her. Amazingly, she is able to pull off pretending to be a male soldier recruit, with none of her fellow recruits being any the wiser. While her training starts out pretty rocky, she really buckles down and winds up achieving extreme success in her unit. The moment when she figures out how to climb the pole to retrieve the arrow as the chorus of "I'll Make a Man Out of You" really starts to swell will always be a little bit chill-inducing. Ultimately, she is discovered as a woman once she is injured in the line of duty. While she is sent away from the army, she still manages to find a way to save the day and protect the emperor, honoring her family after all. Not only that, she clearly made an impact on Li Shang who arrives at her home to "return her helmet." Ok buddy :haha:




Was Mulan even nominated once the entire game? I knew she would sail all the way through. I mean, who the hell would ever want to go after Mulan?! Mulan is a badass, complex, amazing, flawless character. If she wins, great! It'll be totally deserving and I really can't complain about it one bit. I'm trying to make a push for other winners so I'm ranking her a bit lower. But Mulan's still flawless. I'll give a special shoutout to "Reflection" which is one of the most moving songs in any Disney film and if you haven't fallen in love with her character at that point, then you're heartless. Mulan's also a lovable klutz when she's attempting to follow her familial duties and be a woman. But then we get to see her grow throughout the movie, realize where she belongs, and save all of China while pretending to be a man (and then be able to do so as the woman that she is). I love Mulan and don't have a bad thing to say about her. She is my winner's prediction and I will be thrilled if she wins. Just trying to make a last second push for maybe someone a little less predictable.








Ten reasons why Mulan is legit the GOAT:


1. Helps destroy traditional gender roles


2. Values intelligence over her beauty and brute strength


3. She does not marry a man at the end of the film


4. She sings "Reflection"


5. Conveys the true horrors of war


6. Allows us to see that Li-Shang is bisexual


7. Saves all of China


8. Proud sense of cultural identity 


9. Teaches the importance of family bonds


10. Is responsible for giving us the song "I'll Make a Man Out of You"


The list could go on and on and on. Okay wait, here is another one.


11. Is responsible for giving us the song "A Girl Worth Fighting For"


Oh and another one.


12. Teaches us about the impact of societal pressures on the self-esteem of women of color


Mulan is easily one of the greatest fictional characters of all-time. Not just Disney. The story and legend of Mulan, originating from the legends of Hua Mulan, transcend Disney. This is such a massively important cultural story. The importance of her character and her legend is such a big deal.


One could argue that Mulan is possibly the greatest and most important Disney movie ever made. I would be willing to give a massively solid argument as to why if I were not on a time crunch to get these last ten write-ups sent in. LOL. Mulan is just the most important woman is Disney history. Aside from Mary Poppins.


Instead of a traditional Princess, Mulan enjoys martial arts. She enjoys eating rice. She rejects heteronormative gender expectations - existing only for marriage, wearing tight clothing and accessories. She becomes an expert sword-wielder and archer. She hates doing chores and invents contraptions to help her accomplish them. She is clumsy and free-spirited, an outcast in her society for the way she does not follow rules, traditions, or obligations. She enjoys horseback riding, hiking, and animals.


Instead of basking the praise and honor of her victories and successes, Mulan retains her humility and values a return to her simpler life. She actually rejects a role as a councilor to the Emperor, as well as a role as consul.


Mulan defies all expectations. Even to this day I get chills thinking about her bravery, her personal journey, the hardships she endures, the successes she encounters, and the lessons she and I have learned together. I really hope Mulan makes it all the way to the top.





Idk if this is gonna be controversial or not but I’m not a huge fan of the movie, but I do like Mulan as a character quite a bit. Like, I don’t think she got the best full story, but she got a story that rested solely on her shoulders, and one that she was able to convey with strength, courage and honor. So on that regard, the movie is an excellent vehicle to put Mulan the character in display. She defends her family and their honor even though culturally it’s not her place to do so, she pushes herself with a level of determination that’s a joy to see, and displays a ton of smarts in the way she approaches every situation. She might not light my world on fire, but I think she’s a terrific character that should get a good placement.







I love strong female leads who are out to prove equality! Mulan's story is so important because she is not "allowed" to join the war and fight for her country, simply because she is a girl. She has to disguise herself to take part, and in the end, she is a hero and saves everyone. They then recognize that it doesn't matter your gender (or anything else), but the kind of person you are and the skills you have! I love the lesson Mulan teaches, both as a movie and her as a character. She is fearless, determined, and will do anything for her family and her community. She won't accept "no" for an answer, when she knows it is not right. I love that. I have not yet watched the live action Mulan because I'm not going to pay $30 to watch a movie on my couch, but maybe by the end of the year when it should be free to stream. I have issues with characters they've left out, but at least Mulan is still there! :dead:








Mulan is not one of my favorite Princesses or movies but she did bring honor to her family so I got to give her that. She is the only Disney Princess to kill which is impressive. Mulan is the titular protagonist of Mulan. She was introduced in 1998. She is daughter of Fa Zhou and Fa Li. When her father is called back into battle to defend China, Mulan opts to protect him by taking his place under the guise of a man who is a soldier named Ping. With the help of Mushu and Cricket she defeats Shan Yu. She also falls in love with Li Shang. "Reflection" is a bop that cannot be denied. The reason for the low placement? I had to pay $30 to watch the live-action version on Disney+. Yifei Liu plays Mulan in the live-action version released this year.


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22 hours ago, Elliott said:



Ooh thanks. Victoria...... 🙂 


22 hours ago, NGM said:

I think the AI rankdown is ridiculously peaceful, but I’m comparing it to the 1.0 version that was anything but peaceful


21 hours ago, 1234567890 said:

I would say Harry Potter or Horror. Not much drama at all.

Ughh why are the games I'm not involved with the most peaceful ones? :/ 


Although XF game was kinda peaceful for the most part, if we erase those horrid battle rounds.

17 hours ago, QueenKalie said:

You prevented her from winning so there's that!

That is how Alex should look at it. :lmao: 

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22 hours ago, totes4totes said:

what's more wally than taking the top post to rejoice in a character from a movie he REFUSES to watch showing up

LMAOO that actually wasn't supposed to top the page. 🙈


22 hours ago, miss denise said:


❤️ :hug: 


I thought you might have misread. :haha:  Miguel (from Coco) and Mike (from Monsters Inc). I ranked Miguel higher than you and you ranked Mike higher than me. :yes: I knew you did. 😛 



Stay. :hug: 



I did! Ooooh lmaooo alright. :haha: Ah this all makes sense here. Thanks for correcting me on this haha.


Lol I was like what is this in reply to ut then i saw. :haha: Thank you!

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Wallace update:


  1. Jasmine (Aladdin) - QUEEN #1
  3. Simba (The Lion King) - ICON #3
  4. Alice (Alice in Wonderland) - Love her #4
  5. Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story) - Icon #5
  6. Mulan (Mulan) - Powerful & strong #6
  9. Moana (Moana) - Powerful & adorable #9
  10. Ariel (The Little Mermaid) - Very pretty #10
  13. Mike Wazowski (Monsters, Inc.) - Fun #13
  14. Elastigirl (The Incredibles) - Cool #14
  16. Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Like him #16
  17. Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) - Iconic figure but not my fave. #17
  18. Beast (Beauty and the Beast) - Like #18
  19. Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove) - Interesting #19
  20. Scar (The Lion King) - Great villain but not a fan #20
  21. WALL·E (WALL·E) - Don’t know but cute #21
  22. Russell (Up) - Don’t know #22
  23. Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians) - Not a fan #23
  24. Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas) - don’t know #24
  25. Miguel Rivera (Coco) - don’t know #25
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Just now, Alex95 said:



I haven't heart of anyone who actually bought it until now lmao

I mean 7 people live in my house and I share the account with some of my cousins so I got my money's worth but still. :dead: I don't even get to own it. It's just early access. 🤣

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