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American Idol S18 Ep 8 Hollywood Week Solos


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We're on the same page Holi. Shannon was one of my absolute favorites in auditions and the first Hollywood Week show; was so disappointed to not see her in either of the last two shows. Hoping this is another Maddie situation where the producers are intentionally hiding some weaker performances by a contestant who's going through anyway.


It was pretty obvious that Room 2 would be cut, but I could've sworn that the spoilers I'd read early in the season said that Margie was going deeper this year so that was the only thing that gave me pause.

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32 minutes ago, Elliott said:

These young'uns on Idol nowadays not being aware that I Wanna Dance With Somebody is a cursed song on this show. Sad.

That's because it isn't anymore. Tyanna and Mackenzie both survived singing it, and all they had to do was bring it to the low 50s which wasn't really that big an improvement over the 40-something performances that got the previous three contestants sent home.

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1 hour ago, *Wallace said:

IKR? :dead:  They really keep on unneccessairly shafting Laine (and I'm not even a huge fan of his)


Really enjoying the Hollywood solos episode though. 


Laine's pretty much history.  I can see a "parting of ways" with the label, who will give him a soft release of his album - to meet minimum contract obligations.

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3 hours ago, holinessss said:

wait, what's the first time in idol history?

it's the twist, i think they are sending the top 20 home, so they can perform for an internet audience.

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Here’s my opinion of the solos based on watching them a second time:


1.  Kimmy:  her duet may not have been great, but her solo sure was great!

2.  Genavieve:  she sure wasn’t being cut in the solo round after that performance!

3.  Jovin:  maybe not my cup of tea, but he sang the heck out of that song!

4.  Perrin:  apparently a risky song choice, but she made it work.

5.  Faith:  a little screechy for me, but she was still good enough to move on.

6.  Jeb:  I love the song, and he was good enough to move on.

7.  Arthur:  smart idea to do a different rendition of his audition song.  And he proved he could adjust on the fly.  Fine job!

8.  Montage of bad original song choices:  Robert and Amelia apparently didn’t realize that not all original songs are good enough.  Julia, next time, remember what you’re supposed to sing!  But at least all three of them moved on, unlike Jimmy, whose song caused Luke to face palm!

9.  Lauren Mascitti:  now this is how you perform an original song!  And better yet for me, it appealed to my Christian views of being a woman!  Great job!

10.  Sophia & Sarah:  wow!  Sophia really knocked “Somewhere” out of the ball park! Sarah was better than in her duet, but apparently not good enough to move on.

11.  Kat:  well, at least she outlasted her boyfriend.  Just not good enough.

12.  Franklin:  he’s certainly a better singer than Alejandro.  Good job.

13.  Just Sam:  despite a sore throat, the show must go on.  And after her solo, the show is certainly going on for her!  And I may have my favorite for the season!

14.  Montage of train wrecks:  Marcus gave up, and you never give up on stage!  Sheniel at least didn’t forget the lyrics, but she wasn’t much better.  At least Talin had a sense of humor, but his performance wasn’t so funny for him.  And Ari was a disaster too!  As for Nick, he’s lucky he was able to move on, unlike the others.

15.  Makayla Brownlee:  whoa!  I’m glad that she was able to get medical attention for her heart condition.  And I’m glad that she did well enough to move on!

16.  Camry:  she certainly did well enough to move on to the Showcase round.

17.  Devon:  did well enough to move on to the Showcase round.
18.  Lauren Spencer- Smith:  she really did a great job with an unusual song choice.

19.  Dillon:  not really my cup of tea, but he sang it well enough.

20.  Louis:  Considering the fact that he was performing on his dead friend’s birthday, he did quite well!

21.  Montage of “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”:  Cyniah probably is the best vocalist.  But Olivia and even Geena were fine performers, though Olivia had an advantage by being a dancer.  YZTHASINGER was the worst and that’s probably why he was the only one of these four to be cut.

22.  Makayla Phillips:  a risky song choice that might have got her cut.  She’s a little lucky that she moved on.

23.  Margie & Jonny:  Jonny did a good enough job to move on, but either Margie wasn’t able to perform well enough or her performance was too little, too late.


Anyway, Sam & Cyniah are probably my favorites at this point.

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