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COVID-19 Discussion 😷

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:24 PM, RWG said:

This is probably the funniest thing from the pandemic so far



Love this, lol. 

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Keep in mind … that THIS is a PROGRESSIVE channel. One, that supported Tulsi, during her campaign. And, I am not happy :no: about Tulsi, supporting this bill.  So … if you have not heard of H.R. 6666 TRACE ACT, it is definitely a bill, you need to learn about. And .. I was both surprised, and happy to see that they included footage of a certain doctor, in this. Beyond happy to see more & more people, especially progressives, like myself,  starting to question things




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Can somebody please explain to me, how a congressional bill,  could have been written in January of 2019, yes … Jan of 2019, for provisions for this "pandemic"? I mean … look at the detail. How? How. DId. They. Know??????????????????????


1st link -  When it was introduced

2nd link -   Jan 2020 Bill








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You mean the Middle Class Health Benefits Repeal Act? Which made absolutely no mention of any sort of Coronavirus? Which was amended in March to remove all the previous stuff and essentially transform it into the CARES act? That has actual proof since it happened in the House? That you can easily find the House transcripts for? Like below?



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On 5/10/2020 at 1:00 PM, TeamAudra said:

Are people from New York and New Jersey traveling to New Brunswick? Just asking...I honestly don’t know the answer. 

EDIT: Actually, I do know the answer. The border is closed down, so the answer is no. You don’t have a New York in your country. 

Late reply but from NB, here - no but the outbreak happened during the March break where a bunch of schools still went ahead to Italy & Europe for their yearly trip, so the province acted on it right away.

But also, we do not only have the borders closed between Maine, but also with the 3 provinces that we share a border with - the border we share with QC & NS will be closed for the remaining of the summer which will hurt the tourism industry, it is the backbone of our economy. Anyway, a fast response with barely any cases detected helped the province be in the situation we are in.  In the end, I am glad to live in a country where we listen to the medical professionals when it comes to make decisions regarding COVID-19.

You can also compare North Dakota & NB were North Dakota has way more cases than NB despite having the same demographics & population. 

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Minnesota stay at home order to expire on May 18. Retail and non essential businesses can reopen, as long as they have a plan to keep people safe. 


Bars, restaurants, salons scheduled to reopen June 1st, but it will depend on how the previous two weeks go. 

The Governor says we have “unlimited testing” available. There’s actually a Covid-19 testing station about 300 yards from my house that just opened today. The testing numbers seem to be failing off, which leads me to believe there isn’t as much demand. 

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14 minutes ago, psterina said:

Trump says he's mobilizing the military, to distribute potential corona virus vaccine, when it's ready  :unsure:




They’re gonna beat down your door, and force you to take it at gun point. 

Edited by TeamAudra
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lmao, are the good 'ol boys going to march from distribution centres to health clinics to hand deliver the vaccines? Air courier can achieve the same thing. 

Never mind, I clicked the article and read it. No thank you. I get that Trump thinks that this will help speed along the process since the military is huge, but I'd rather not have someone who may or may not have barely passed high school attempting to give me either an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. It's not as trivial as it looks. 

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1 hour ago, ButterflyEffect said:

lmao, are the good 'ol boys going to march from distribution centres to health clinics to hand deliver the vaccines? Air courier can achieve the same thing. 

Never mind, I clicked the article and read it. No thank you. I get that Trump thinks that this will help speed along the process since the military is huge, but I'd rather not have someone who may or may not have barely passed high school attempting to give me either an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. It's not as trivial as it looks. 

They do have nurses and doctors in the military....

Of course, I know you know that. Vaccinating 100s millions of people quickly is a massive undertaking. I don’t know how they’re going to pull that off. 

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Absolutely, and I know that they know how to properly give a vaccine. But do you really think Trump is talking about mobilizing only the medical folks in the military? I get the feeling that he wants all hands on deck since this is going to be such a large undertaking.

Are pharmacists in the United States allowed to give vaccinations? That alone can take a huge burden off the system.

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23 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

I’m certain there are people a lot smarter than Trump trying to figure it all out. I would think school nurses could vaccinate all of the students, for starters. 

Absolutely. And nurses in long-term care homes can take care of everyone there. The general population is a bit more challenging, but there are untapped resources which could be utilized, including medical residents and/or late program medical students (year 3 or 4) which could be deployed to help, given they are in good standing in their programs. It's certainly not ideal, but unfortunately nothing about this situation is ideal to begin with.

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YouTube, is playing whack a mole, with all these videos coming out, from doctors, researchers, virologists, and nurses. Anything, that doesn't mirror the narrative, but … they continue to come out  🙂 Because … they need to. 




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15 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

They do have nurses and doctors in the military....

Of course, I know you know that. Vaccinating 100s millions of people quickly is a massive undertaking. I don’t know how they’re going to pull that off. 




I really...really hope..that it's Biden's VP who ends up rolling out the Vaccine. 

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10 hours ago, ButterflyEffect said:

Absolutely, and I know that they know how to properly give a vaccine. But do you really think Trump is talking about mobilizing only the medical folks in the military? I get the feeling that he wants all hands on deck since this is going to be such a large undertaking.

Are pharmacists in the United States allowed to give vaccinations? That alone can take a huge burden off the system.


It varies by state and pharmacy board, but generally, yes. They can more vaccinations than they can here. Generally, the United States is better at letting pharmacists use their degrees instead of just having them count pills.


Finding a vaccine, producing enough for everyone, and getting everyone to want to get one are three different things. My guess is that it won't be free in the United States. And from what I understand, we don't even know if we can develop vaccines for coronaviruses, or if we'd need to develop one every year as the virus mutates. People talk like we'll certainly have one in a year and then we can wrap er up.

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4 hours ago, psterina said:

So many dots connected  

Seriously … How can anyone deny, what is going on, after seeing this? 



Wikepdia:"BitChute is a video hosting service founded in 2017. It was created to allow video uploaders to avoid content rules enforced on other platforms, such as YouTube. The platform accommodates far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists; with the Southern Poverty Law Center saying the site hosts "hate-fueled material".


Starting to think maybe you are a Russian agent. And I dont even believe in that stuff usually but werent you the most far left here and now you're far right?


Though I do agree Gates is a shady individual.

Edited by sneaky
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13 hours ago, RWG said:


It varies by state and pharmacy board, but generally, yes. They can more vaccinations than they can here. Generally, the United States is better at letting pharmacists use their degrees instead of just having them count pills.


Finding a vaccine, producing enough for everyone, and getting everyone to want to get one are three different things. My guess is that it won't be free in the United States. And from what I understand, we don't even know if we can develop vaccines for coronaviruses, or if we'd need to develop one every year as the virus mutates. People talk like we'll certainly have one in a year and then we can wrap er up.

Vaccine development is very difficult. There's no guarantee that one will be developed at all, or within a timely manner. If scientists had kept up with vaccine development for SARS-CoV-1 back in the early 2000's we might be in better shape right now, but most people backed off vaccine development when the original SARS outbreak cleared itself up since the commercial market for the vaccine disappeared. Having a working vaccine for that right now would be a great starting point for developing a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2.

12 hours ago, sneaky said:

Wikepdia:"BitChute is a video hosting service founded in 2017. It was created to allow video uploaders to avoid content rules enforced on other platforms, such as YouTube. The platform accommodates far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists; with the Southern Poverty Law Center saying the site hosts "hate-fueled material".


Starting to think maybe you are a Russian agent. And I dont even believe in that stuff usually but werent you the most far left here and now you're far right?


Though I do agree Gates is a shady individual.

The phrase you're looking for is "far gone".

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"Shady" …. "Far Gone  '' …  "Russian Asset"...      


W  h  a  t  e  v  e  r.     I don't care what you think about me.  What do you think about THAT? :lmao:    YouTube, Facebook, Twitter  all of the SM sites, are CENSORING FREE SPEECH.  Whether, you agree with content or not, people should have the right, to speak it. Thank goodness for platforms, that allow it. 


So, you think it's  just "Conspiracy Theorists"  "Shady People"  "Far Gone People" who are saying these things?   Well, surprise …  Looks like the Italian Government is calling for the arrest of Bill Gates.  Here is footage. Get a load, of what they're saying.  Nothing different, from what I have posted.  :))     And …...What do you think about that? 


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46 minutes ago, psterina said:

"Shady" …. "Far Gone  '' …  "Russian Asset"...      


W  h  a  t  e  v  e  r.     I don't care what you think about me.  What do you think about THAT? :lmao:    YouTube, Facebook, Twitter  all of the SM sites, are CENSORING FREE SPEECH.  Whether, you agree with content or not, people should have the right, to speak it. Thank goodness for platforms, that allow it. 


So, you think it's  just "Conspiracy Theorists"  "Shady People"  "Far Gone People" who are saying these things?   Well, surprise …  Looks like the Italian Government is calling for the arrest of Bill Gates.  Here is footage. Get a load, of what they're saying.  Nothing different, from what I have posted.  :))     And …...What do you think about that? 



Just because you say something doesnt make it so. I watch YouTube all the time-they do not censor speech. There are popular figures from all over the political spectrum on Youtube. A couple of them like Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro have made their careers whining on this. They have never gotten their videos taken down. They have been demonetized at certain times just like everyone who speaks about controversial topics get demonetized. This is not infringing on free speech. YouTube is not required to pay everyone who posts a video.


I have seen people post all kinds of dumb s--- on Facebook from both the left and right perspectives. Their accounts are not closed.


I went on that website you showed. Contraversial ideas are great. When you have a video entitled "BLAcK HOMOSEXUAL MAYOR OF CHICAGO WILL ARREST YOU FOR BREAKING CURFEW" that is click bait and ad hominum.

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1 hour ago, sneaky said:

Just because you say something doesnt make it so. I watch YouTube all the time-they do not censor speech. There are popular figures from all over the political spectrum on Youtube. A couple of them like Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro have made their careers whining on this. They have never gotten their videos taken down. They have been demonetized at certain times just like everyone who speaks about controversial topics get demonetized. This is not infringing on free speech. YouTube is not required to pay everyone who posts a video.


I have seen people post all kinds of dumb s--- on Facebook from both the left and right perspectives. Their accounts are not closed.


I went on that website you showed. Contraversial ideas are great. When you have a video entitled "BLAcK HOMOSEXUAL MAYOR OF CHICAGO WILL ARREST YOU FOR BREAKING CURFEW" that is click bait and ad hominum.


So … you went on the website. Big deal.  I don't go on that website, I saw the video off to the side, and clicked on it.  Since the channel is all you care about … what about the video itself? It is actual footage, from an actual government session, in Italy.  By the way … I found yet another of this same video, with MUCH more views, so I edited my post, and posted it.  And I'm sure that the original one, from Italy, is up somewhere, as well. So … WHAT ABOUT THE ACTUAL CONTENT IN THE VIDEO? I notice, you didn't even comment on THAT. Way to deflect, though. But, it didn't go unnoticed   :mellow: 

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