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Disney Movies Rankdown - Part II


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Victoria. :'( Send her my warmest wishes. :broken:

Thank you, Elliott. I will let her know.


Wishing all the best for Victoria right now. :'( :hug:

Thank you, Wally. I will let her know.



You are sweet. I'll let her know of your post.


Thank you for letting me know. Best wishes to Victoria. I hope everything will be okay. <3

Thank you, Steven. I'll let her know.


Oh no poor Victoria :'( I hope she gets better soon! :hug:

Thank you, CSI. I will let her know.


Thanks for letting us know.


I really hope Victoria will be okay. <3

Thanks again, Steven.


Poor angel Victoria <3 :'( Iove you Victoria!!!

I'll pass this message on! Thanks, Diana.


Oh my goodness, Victoria is in my prayers and I really hope she will feel better soon. :'( Thank you for keeping us updated. :hug:

Thank you, Denise. I'll let her know.


Omg i love this story regarding BATB. :haha:


Awww really hoping for the best for Victoria and that she will be okay. :'( Keeping her in my thoughts. <3

We were kids but still a funny story.


Thanks, Wally. I will let her know.

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:giggle: Olaf was amazing and I really liked a few of the songs. Overall, didn't touch the first one for me and is my least favorite of the Disney releases this year, but I could like it more on rewatch.


I thought you just didn't care for it as much, not that you hadn't seen it all. It's such a classic. I don't even know how this is possible. :haha: :fear:

Awww that's good to hear regarding Olaf. :haha: Oooh awww thanks for sharing your thoughts. Ahh all understandable. And yeah maybe it can grow on you more the more you get to rewatch it. :yes::hug:


Oooh..... well now you know. I guess that was one classic I kinda missed out on. :giggle:


Only four films to go for an all-Pixar top seven. :wub:

Gross. :ermm:

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11. TOY STORY 2 (1999)
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Elliott - 3/30
Chris - 7/30
Public - 9/30
Dee - 14/30
Wallace - 15/30
Diana - 18/30
Denise - 20/30
Victoria - 23/30

03. Toy Story 2 (1999)
Things Toy Story did in this rankdown? THAT. :wub:Toy Story 4 deserved to be here, though. #BlameWally

I think Toy Story was the first Disney film I ever saw (or remember seeing, anyway), so I naturally was going to rank whatever entries made the final vote at the top. Of the three that made the final vote, the second is my least favourite, so I'm putting it here.

While I love the introduction of Jessie and Bullseye to the Toy Story family, I was a bit let down by the big twist involving Prospector Pete and think the first and third film are superior. That said, When She Loved Me continues to make me straight up ugly cry and it didn't get the respect it deserves. :*

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Following the incredible success of “Toy Story”, Pixar decided to produce a sequel. Toy Story 2 features some returning cast such as Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Don Rickles, Laurie Metcalf while introducing Joan Cusack, Jodi Benson – a Disney icon, and Kelsey Grammar. The sequel was finally released in 1999 where it was a success at the box office – impressive considering that the studio envisioned the film as a direct-to-video sequel; truly thankful that this was not the case. Let’s relive some part of our childhood by going doing memory lane;

At the beginning of the movie, Woody is in a rush to find his hat as he’s about to go to camp with Andy. Why was the hat so important? Woody felt that without the hat, Andy would not take him to camp which is where Bo Peep steps in to comfort him by telling him; “Andy will take you to camp, with or without a hat”. Shortly after that scene, Andy walks into the room to grab his stuff to go to camp where he decides to play with toys, one last time, before going to camp. While playing with Woody, Andy accidentally ripped Woody’s arm off which meant that Andy is unable to take him to camp – Andy was upset in this moment where his mom tells him that toys don’t last forever (spoiler alert: foreshadowing to another sequel).

After being separated from Andy, Woody finds himself on a shelf where it leads to him having a nightmare; This nightmare is essentially a foreshadowing to what will happen to Woody, one day: He is reunited with Andy who then realized that he is broken – “I don’t want to play with you anymore, you’re broken” – this scene always gets to me as Woody feels abandoned. But luckily for Woody, this was simply a dream. Shortly after his dream, he is reunited with Wheezy - a penguin with a broken squeaker. Their reunion is short-lived when Andy’s mom put Wheezy in a box for the yard sale.

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And in a typical Toy Story style, Woody goes to Wheezy’s rescue with the help of Buster, Andy’s dog. Woody’s mission did not go according to plan – he falls off Buster’s then a little girl finds Woody who then puts him on a table which leads us to a greedy toy collector known as Al – he is one of the characters that we would consider to be a villain. Anyway, Al tries to buy Woody which Andy’s mom refused to sell it to him – this leads to Andy’s mom to hide Woody in the cash box while Al finds a way to steal it. – Buzz tried to save him but failed to do so. What will happen to Woody? Buzz, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, and Rex – our favorite nervous wreck, and Slinky Dog sets out on a mission to rescue Woody by identifying Al as the Chicken Man (Note: Al is the mascot for a toy store and he can be seen on different commercials).

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Once at Al, Woody is welcomed by a horse known as Bullseye, a cowgirl named Jessie, and a prospector known as Stinky Peter – “The prodigal son has returned”. They’re all delighted to see Woody but he is confused as to why they know his name. The toys decide to go on a journey to refresh Woody’s memory – we find out Woody is known due to a TV show where he was the lead character. One of the best parts of this scene is when Woody realize who he was, but that goes away quickly when he finds out that the show was cancelled. Why was it? Because children were more interested in astronauts after Sputnik – Woody give us a good laugh when he says that he knows the feeling :haha:.

While all of this is happening at Al, his friends at Andy’s are planning to rescue him. But to find Woody, they need to find out where Woody is located. They use everything to their knowledge – they quickly realize that Al is the Chicken Man from the toy store commercial. Now that they have a lead, his friends (Buzz, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, and Rex) are going to rescue – as they’re leaving, Boo Peep gives Buzz a kiss to give to Woody while Wheezy is reminding them to save Woody; this scene actually gets me a bit teary eyed.

Now back at Al’s, Woody quickly finds out that they are going to be sold to a museum in Japan. Woody then let the other toys that he cannot be sold as he has an owner. After they find out that he has an owner, they’re giving him a bit of a cold shoulder – without him, they’re not worth anything. This create a bit of a tension between Woody vs. Jessie & Ralph; They’re essentially putting words in his mouth & telling him that Andy won’t be there for him, forever – this is another foreshadowing to another movie… Shortly after their argument, Al returns to his apartment to find a tear in Woody’s arm which got Al panicking – he then falls asleep with the arm in his pocket. Woody is on a mission to grab his missing arm with the help from Bullseye – there’s some funny moments here (e.g.: Bullseye licking Al’s fingers, and Al’s “burping” in Woody’s face and the reaction that followed). But Woody’s mission was cut short when the TV got turned on which led to Al waking up – this led to another argument between Woody & Jessie where Bullseye is hiding as he likes both.

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During this time, his friends are venturing out in the middle of the night to find Andy - they’re determined not to stop until they reach him; There’s a funny scene that stands out to me, here - When Rex is camouflage with the leaves and they all fly away :haha:. They eventually end up going to the toy store where Al is working - Why did they cross the street? To get to the chicken on the other side :haha:. But the real question is how they managed to cross the street? They managed to cross the street by going under parking cones - this scene always makes me laugh when they keep stopping in the middle of the road to avoid being a “roadkill”; They ended up creating chaos on the road where there’s a bunch of accident #oops. So they end up finding that the store is closed but they still find a way to get into the store - they’re amazed by all the toys there is. And while in the store, they meet other toys - Buzz finds himself face to face to other Buzz where he gets put back into the box, Rex reading about the toys, Barbie giving them a tour…

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Across the street, Woody is finally getting fixed & refurbished - he’s about to be new, again. The old man sew the arm back together, replace the eyes, polish the face, and get rid of Andy on his booth - this always makes me sad. Woody realizes that he’s no longer Andy’s property which is sad to think about :bye2:. Shortly after this, Woody & Jessie have a moment together - Jessie talk to him about her life with her previous owner which leads to a montage of memories to the song “When She Loved Me” - the song performed by Sarah McLaughlin was super well received and one of the highlights from the movie; this montage somewhat foreshadow Woody’s fate in the upcoming movie. And then, Jessie’s speech had an impact on Woody; Woody was unable to leave them because he didn’t want to break up the gang.


Now back at Al’s Toy Barn, the toys found their way to the “Chicken Man” - always kill me when “Buzz” says that he doesn’t look like poultry :haha:. Anyway, the crew find their way into Al’s bag while the real Buzz find a way to escape. However, Buzz escaped too late as his friends are already on his way; He then figures it out that Al lives across the street where he makes his way to Al’s.

The toys then make their way through the vent where they find Woody - Woody was playing with Jessie & Bullseye where the other toys were under the impression that they were attacking Woody - their appearance confused Woody, even more; What do I do? Do I go with my friends or stay with my roundup gang?

Everyone’s even more confused when the real Buzz shows up - he shows his foot to show that he is THE BUZZLIGHT YEAR. However, this was not enough to convince Woody as he’s unwilling to leave his new friends behind so he must go to Japan. Why? He essentially feel a responsibility towards - without him, they won’t be anything. This lead Woody to ask them “How long will I be a toy?”, in hope that it will make his decision easier; Buzz replied “ Somewhere in that pad of stuffing is a toy that taught me that life is only worth living if your being loved by a kid. And I traveled all this way to rescue that toy, because I believed him.”. This was not enough to convince Woody so his friends leave where Buzz had one last word for him - “watch kids from behind glass and never be loved again".

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And it was those words that brought senses to Woody while he’s sitting before going to Japan - he scratched off the paint off his boot while “You’ve Got A Friend In Me” plays. This was enough for him to try & leave - before he do so, he tries to convince Jessie & Bullseye to come with him. Then Stinky Pete intervenes by locking the vent; we find out that Pete did everything to ensure that Woody goes with them in Japan. And just like that, Al is back and the toys are on their way to Japan.

But Woody’s friends don’t easily give up so they make their way to a pizza car which they use to make their way to the airport. Once at the airport, they must find Woody who is in a case, somewhere in the airport - so many cases that are the same, the team must separate to find Woody, Jessie & Bullseye. They then find Woody where Stinky Pete is still trying to prevent Woody to leave… Once the team defeat Stinky Pete, Woody tell him that it’s about time that he learns about playtime where he now belongs to Amy. And while Woody & Bullseye escaped, Jessie finds herself on the plane so Woody goes on a rescue mission which he succeeded despite many obstacles thrown his way. The movie ends with the toys welcoming Andy home from camp, where Jessie & Bullseye are part of a family again. We also notice a potential romance between Jessie & Buzz. But the best part of the ending is, of course, Wheezy singing “You’ve Got A Friend In Me”.


Overall, I really enjoy Toy Story 2 but not as much as the first one or the third one; in fact, I would even put the 4th one above this one. But it’s a classic so it’s hard to not hate on this one; and Rex makes the movie for me - I can never get enough of his one liner or just him being a nervous wreck :haha:.


Toy Story 2 - Definitely the weakest of the original three Toy Story movies, but the weakest Toy Story movie is still better than almost every other animated movie ever created. I was really happy with the introduction of Jessie and Bullseye. Joan Cusack deserves the world and I love Jessie. Of course the “When She Loved Me” scene is one of the most emotional scenes ever because Toy Story always knows how to punch you in the gut. I’m also a fan of Stinky Pete as the villain. I think he’s delightfully frightening! While the characters are strong as ever, I think it’s the weakest plot of all the Toy Storys and that’s why I’m ranking it a bit lower :(.

To be added.

Toy Story 2 (1999)
During the middle portion of these rankings, I’m really struggling on exactly where to rank these films. I’m ranking Toy Story 2 at #15 because there are 3 Toy Story films, and I like the idea of spreading them out in my rankings to have one ranked high, one ranked low and one in the middle. Toy Story 2 is a film I do remember watching and really enjoying although that was such a long time ago and don’t really remember it now. In this film, the main cause of drama invokes Woody being stolen by a toy collector which worries Buzz Lightyear and has him and his friends go through a number of obstacles to save Woody. Although Woody is tempted by the ideal of immortality in a museum.

Here’s a trailer of Toy Story 2 and some of my favorite songs from it, “When She Loved Me” and “You Got a Friend in Me.”


18. Toy Story 2
I have said enough about Toy Story as two of it’s movies are placed in my top 15 #spoleralert #maybe #idk this has always been my least favorite one

Toy Story 2

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Toy Story 2 is, of course, the sequel to the beloved and super popular Toy Story. All the movies are good, but this one is my least favorite of the first three. It's not saying much because I love all the movies and will watch the fourth one asap when Disney+ arrives (so may have seen it by the time this is posted :teehee: ).

Anyway, Woody always has to get himself lost somehow, so in this movie, he ends up being taken away by a toy collector named Al after accidentally being part of the yard sale. He was only trying to save Wheezy the penguin. :bye2: Andy wasn't there to protect him since he went away to camp, and Woody couldn't go since he broke his arm. So sad. Al STEALS Woody after Andy's mom refuses to sell him. So wrong. But he's determined to make Woody his own since he completes the set of Woody's Roundup toys.

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Back at Al's home, Woody meets Jessie, Bullseyes, and Stinky Pete the Prospector, aka the other members of his set. Now that they are a complete set of toys, they about to be sold to a museum. Woody is not on board with this as he wants to get back home to Andy. This angers the other toys since they will be put in storage if they can't go to the museum. However, after hearing Jessie's story about her previous child owner abandoning her... Woody decides maybe it would be best to go somewhere he can live on forever. :( I'm really not a big Jessie fan and don't care for her character much, but the song and story about her owner giving her up is so sad. Makes me want to hang on to everything I still have from childhood. :bye2:

Meanwhile, Buzz and the others are on a mission to find Woody and bring him back home.

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They meet Tour Guide Barbie, as well as a new Buzz Lightyear, who certainly tries to cause some trouble between the real Buzz that we love. New Buzz also releases Evil Emperor Zurg who goes after our Buzz to destroy him. So much drama, but they do eventually find Woody.

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After reuniting with Woody, Buzz reminds him that he is a toy and meant to be played with. Woody changes his mind again and asks the others to go home with him, but Stinky Pete isn't having that because he's actually Evil Pete and will ensure they go to the musem instead. He doesn't know what it's like to be loved. There's a lot of action as the toys are transported to the airport, but in the end, they are all saved and ready to go home to Andy... except for Stinky Pete, who they ship off with a random little girl. It's actually a good prize because now he can be loved. Andy continues to love his old toys, as well as the new ones, and everyone is happy.

It's another good story with the toys we love, as well as some new characters. I do like Bullseye. But my favorite thing of this movie is Andy's dog, Buster, who he received as a gift at the end of the first movie! :wub: Buster plays with Woody and helps him save Wheezy at the beginning. :wub:

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Dogs are the BEST. <3

Toy Story 2

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Did I tank Toy Story 2? Why yes, yes I did. :) Why did you tank Toy Story 2, Victoria? I thought you loved the film? You would be correct in that assessment but I have my reasons. Do you care to explain them? Sure, why not? I tanked the film and ranked it in my bottom 10 because it's my least favorite Toy Story film, I figured people would rank it high and I want a specific ranking when it comes to the Toy films and I think Toy Story might be Elliott's favorite Toy Story film so I wanted to tank it because I knew he would rank Beauty and the Beast last. I don't know if that is true yet but if it isn't I'm sorry but I really don't think I am wrong at all. And if it's not his favorite Toy Story film then oops and it really doesn't matter because it's my least favorite of the franchise so it's what it deserves. The Pixar bias is real and there are only 4 films from Pixar I would want to win so I had to rank accordingly. Jessie's backstory remains iconic and one of the saddest of all of Pixar. Only second to the beginning of Up tbh.

Toy Story 2 is a 1999 American computer-animated comedy film directed by John Lasseter and produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. It is the sequel to Toy Story which was released in 1995 and it's the second film in the Toy Story franchise, duh. The film follows Woody as he is stolen by a toy collector named Al McWhiggin. Buzz Lightyear and the gang go on a rescue mission to bring Woody back home. Woody meets Jessie, Bullseye and Stinky Pete the Prospector who were apart of a tv series with him back in the day. Woody is very valuable and so is the whole collection when together. Woody is tempted to stay with his new found friends fearing Andy will outgrow him when he hears the story of Jessie's owner, Emily. UGH, THE STORY OF EMILY. :broken: I'll get into that later. Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Jim Varney, Annie Potts, R. Lee Ermey, John Morris, and Laurie Metcalf all reprise their character roles from the original film. They are joined by Joan Cusack, Jodi Benson, Kelsey Grammer, Estelle Harris and Wayne Knight who voice new characters.

Is the movie as good as Toy Story or Toy Story 3? No, but that's okay. Toy Story 4 remains the worst one anyway. ALL AMAZING FILMS THOUGH. Okay, enough about the other films let's discuss Toy Story 2. In this film Andy prepares to go to cowboy camp with Woody, but he accidentally tears Woody's arm while playing with Woody and Buzz. Andy's mom shelves Woody where Woody is reacquainted with Wheezy who was also shelved and forgotten about when his Andy's mom failed to fix him. GOSH, ANDY'S MOM WHO DOESN'T HAVE A NAME. :ermm: Wheezy is an icon btw. Andy's mom proceeds to put Wheezy for sale at their yard sale after she failed to fix him in the first place. :ermm: Woody rescues him, but is stolen by that greedy toy collector I mention before, Al McWhiggin. Buzz, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog, and Rex set out on a mission to rescue Woody. I guess Bo Peep couldn't be bothered. :rolleyes: Woody learns he is based on a tv show called Woody's Roundup and along with Jessie, Bullseye, and Stinky Pete the Prospector, he is set to be sold to a museum in Japan. One problem though, Woody intends to return to Andy. Stinky Pete explains that the museum is only interested in the collection if it is complete and without Woody they will be returned to storage. Oh, well suck to be you. :giggle: JK. :dead: Al finishes the job Andy started (accidentally) and rips Woody's off completely. Woody retrieves his arm from where Al put it and attempt to escape. His plan is foiled when Al's television turns on and he blames Jessie when he finds the tv remote next to her. Woody'd arm is eventually fixed by a toy repair specialist. Woody learns Jessie's backstory and how she belonged to a girl named Emily. Emily outgrew her and gave her away. HASHTAG #WEHATEEMILY! Stinky Pete warns Woody the same fate awaits him when Andy grows up, but he would last forever in the museum. Woody decides to stay and the others are so happy to hear that. Let us take a moment to sob and post Jessie's backstory played to the music "When She Loved Me" by Sarah McLachlan. BRB CRYING FOREVER. :'(


Meanwhile, Buzz and the others reach Al's Toy Barn, where Buzz is imprisoned in a cardboard box by a new Buzz Lightyear action figure who believes Buzz is a rogue space ranger. This part of the movie is so many because it's a parody of the Buzz from the first film. The new Buzz then joins the other toys who mistake him for their Buzz. After discovering Al's plan they head for his apartment. Andy's Buzz escapes and pursues them, but inadvertently frees an Evil Emperor Zurg action figure, who follows Buzz with the intent of destroying him. The toys find Woody and the original Buzz rejoins them. Despite their efforts Woody refuses to go home. Buzz reminds Woody that a toy's true purpose is to be played with and when Woody sees a boy hug him on tv he realizes Buzz is right and decided to go back home to Andy. Andy asks Jessie, Bullseye and Pete to go home with him, but Pete is revealed the be the villain of the movie and prevents the toys from leaving. He lets Woody know he was the one who turned the tv on and not Jessie. You see Pete supposedly was in mint condition and never left the box but the was a lie and he's been leaving the box to foil Woody's plans to go back home to Andy. Al returns from whoever he was at and puts the four toys in a suitcase and leaves to the airport. The other toys pursue Al, but are caught by Zurg who battled New Buzz. Zurg reveals to New Buzz that he is his father. A Star Wars TEA. :dead: How funny Disney would buy Star Wars down the line. Rex accidently knocks Zurg off the elevator shaft they were on and New Buzz chooses to remain with his father, Zurg. Andy's toys along with three toy Aliens steal a Pizza Planet delivery truck and follow Al to the airport. They sneak into the baggage handling system and find Al's suitcase. Pete rips Woody's arm with his pickaxe and tries to tear if off completely buy Andy's toys stop him and place him inside a little girl's backpack where he is taken home by a girl named Amy. the gang free Bullseye, but Jessie ends up on the plane to Japan. Woody frees Jssie from the plan before it takes off and the toys return home. Andy returns from camp and he accepts Jessie, Bullseyes and the Aliens as his new toys. He fixes Woody's arm and Wheezy's squeaker has been fixed as well. WHEEZY. :wub: Meanwhile, Al is upset in a new commercial after losing the Roundup Gang. Woody tells Buzz he is not worried about Andy outgrowing him anymore because they will always have each other for company FOR INFINITY AND BEYOND. :wub: The movie ends with the whole gang together while Wheezy is singing "You've Got a Friend in Me". The post credits for the movie are hilarious especially when Mrs. Potato Head is packing Mr. Potato Head's back end for his trip. :dead: Their is a joke about A Bug's Life 2 in the bloopers scene which needs to be made already...

Did you know that Disney initially wanted Toy Story 2 to be a direct-to-video sequel. The film began production in a building separated from Pixar on a small scale as most of the main Pixar staff were busy working on A Bug's Life. When the story for Toy Story 2 seemed promising Disney upgraded the film to a theatrical release, but Pixar was unhappy with the film's quality. Lasseter and the story team redeveloped the entire plot in one weekend. DAMN, THAT IS IMPRESSIVE. Although most Pixar features take years to develop the established release date could not be moved and the production schedule for Toy Story 2 was compressed into nine months. WE STAN THE QUALITY THEY PRODUCED IN THE AMOUNT OF TIME IT TAKES FOR A BABY TO BE BORN. :lmao: The Toy Story franchise is really known for their songs but they do have three which I will post along with some clips from the new characters. Please enjoy.

"Woody's Roundup" by Riders in the Sky. It's the theme for the tv series based on Woody's Roundup featuring Woody, Jessie, Bullseye and Pete.

I posted the clip of Jessie's backstory featuring this song but this is the full version of "When She Loved Me" by Sarah McLachlan. She really knows how to make people cry between this song and the song "Angel" being used for dog commercials she really knows how to make people ugly cry. The song was nominated at the Academy Awards in 2000 for Best Original Song though the award went to Phil Collins for "You'll Be in My Heart" for Tarzan.

"You've Got a Friend in Me" is featured in every Toy Story film but this is the Wheezy version which is like a Frank Sinatra style version.

WHEEZY THE ICON being discovered by Woody always sends me because Andy's literally forgot to fix him.

Woody meets Woody meets Jessie, Bullseye and Prospector aka the Roundup Gang. Jessie is a ball of energy and a welcome addition to the franchise. Bullseye is adorable and I love him. Pete is gross.


Tour Guide Barbie is hilarious and is voiced by the voice actress who voiced Ariel. We have decided to stan.

Andy's Buzz meets New Buzz and it's the most funniest thing because he's essentially Buzz from Toy Story.

Evil Emperor Zurg and the Star Wars parody where he reveals himself to be Buzz's father. OMG.

The last video is the best. The best for last as they say. The most iconic scene in Toy Story 2 is the traffic cone scene where they are hiding under them to cross the road. The chaos and destruction they cause without knowing his hysterical. :dead: AND THE

Toy Story 2 opened on November 24, 1999 to wildly successful box office numbers eventually grossing over 497.4 million dollars on a $90 million budget. It received critical acclaim with a rare 100% rating on the website Rotten Tomatoes just like Toy Story. Did it deserve that honor? No. Probably like a 95% percent would be more accurate imo. It is considered by critics to be one of few sequel films superior to the original, but I laugh at that notion because Toy Story outsold in very aspect. :* The film was rereleased in A 3D format in 2009 and the film was followed by the superior Toy Story 3 which was released in 2010. The film spawned another sequel, Toy Story 4 released in 2019. Toy Story 2 became the second highest-grossing animated film of all-time behind The Lion King. The film was nominated for Best Picture for a Musical or Comedy at the Golden Globe Awards and won. So to wrap things up, I love this film it's just my least favorite of the Toy Story films that made the finals. Don't worry I like it more than Toy Story 4. :* Let me pray it's the first film to show up from Toy Story 1, 2 and 3. :)
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OMG Toy Story being denied a Top 10 spot for all three of its final movies by only one spot. :shock: I do agree with the second one ranking lowest between them (and glad to see almost everyone said the same as I feared I was alone). This also may be the only one I ranked outside my own Top 10, so it works for me. o:)


Beauty and the Beast was #3 on my rankings. :yes:

Thanks for sharing.


Only four films to go for an all-Pixar top seven. :wub:



Thank you, Denise. I'll let her know.



Awww that's good to hear regarding Olaf. :haha: Oooh awww thanks for sharing your thoughts. Ahh all understandable. And yeah maybe it can grow on you more the more you get to rewatch it. :yes::hug:


Oooh..... well now you know. I guess that was one classic I kinda missed out on. :giggle:

By far my favorite part is Olaf recapping the first movie!! :wub: :wub: :wub: Although this might not be as funny to you, having not seen it. :'(




Yes, you're welcome. :teehee: It could.


I'm still in disbelief.


Congrats to the Top 10!


The Little Mermaid (1989)

Aladdin (1992)

The Lion King (1994)

Toy Story (1995)

Mulan (1998)

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Finding Nemo (2003)

The Incredibles (2004)

Up (2009)

Toy Story 3 (2010)

At least half of them ranked in my Top 10, so yay. :wub: Some I had much lower, so oops.

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All the movies are good, but this one is my least favorite of the first three. It's not saying much because I love all the movies and will watch the fourth one asap when Disney+ arrives (so may have seen it by the time this is posted :teehee: ).

Ooh and have to quote myself here... of course now I know Toy Story 4 is not yet on Disney+, but I did get to see it anyway with a free Redbox rental. :teeheewave: I think the fourth one is my third favorite, so agree with Chris on that.




The chaos and destruction they cause without knowing his hysterical. :dead: AND THE


The unfinished sentence. :haha:

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Awww. :'( I did say how sorry I was to you and Victoria for that. :'( :'( :hug::hug:

I know, I am just teasing Elliott because he gave the :ermm: to his #3 showing up :giggle:



01. Beauty and the Beast



04. Mary Poppins


06. Frozen

07. Toy Story 2


09. Cinderella


11. Zootopia


13. The Princess and the Frog

14. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

15. Moana

16. Sleeping Beauty

17. One Hundred and One Dalmatians

18. Lady and the Tramp

19. A Bug's Life



22. Pinocchio


24. The Jungle Book

25. Dumbo

26. Bambi


28. The Fox and the Hound

29. Incredibles 2

30. Alice in Wonderland







05. Zootopia




09. Frozen

10. The Princess and the Frog


12. Alice in Wonderland


14. Toy Story 2


16. The Jungle Book

17. Incredibles 2

18. Dumbo

19. Pinocchio

20. A Bug's Life

21. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

22. Bambi

23. One Hundred and One Dalmatians

24. Lady and the Tramp

25. The Fox and the Hound

26. Beauty and the Beast

27. Cinderella

28. Sleeping Beauty

29. Mary Poppins

30. Moana




02. One Hundred and One Dalmatians

03. Dumbo


05. Moana

06. Bambi

07. The Fox and the Hound





12. Frozen

13. Zootopia

14. Incredibles 2

15. Alice in Wonderland



18. Cinderella

19. Beauty and the Beast

20. Toy Story 2

21. Lady and the Tramp

22. Sleeping Beauty



25. Pinocchio

26. Mary Poppins

27. The Princess and the Frog

28. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

29. A Bug's Life

30. The Jungle Book




02. Moana




06. Beauty and the Beast

07. Zootopia

08. Frozen




12. Incredibles 2


14. Sleeping Beauty

15. Cinderella

16. The Princess and the Frog

17. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

18. Toy Story 2



21. Lady and the Tramp

22. Alice in Wonderland

23. Dumbo

24. Bambi

25. A Bug's Life

26. Mary Poppins

27. Pinocchio

28. The Fox and the Hound

29. One Hundred and One Dalmatians

30. The Jungle Book





03. Toy Story 2





08. Incredibles 2

09. A Bug's Life

10. The Princess and the Frog



13. Lady and the Tramp

14. Zootopia

15. Cinderella

16. Moana


18. The Jungle Book

19. Pinocchio

20. Bambi

21. The Fox and the Hound

22. Sleeping Beauty

23. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

24. Mary Poppins


26. One Hundred and One Dalmatians

27. Alice in Wonderland

28. Dumbo

29. Frozen

30. Beauty and the Beast








06. Beauty and the Beast



09. Toy Story 2

10. Alice in Wonderland

11. One Hundred and One Dalmatians



14. Mary Poppins

15. Cinderella


17. Frozen

18. The Fox and the Hound

19. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

20. Sleeping Beauty

21. Zootopia

22. Pinocchio

23. Dumbo

24. Lady and the Tramp

25. The Jungle Book

26. Moana

27. Bambi

28. The Princess and the Frog

29. A Bug's Life

30. Incredibles 2



01. Beauty and the Beast





06. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

07. Cinderella

08. Sleeping Beauty

09. Mary Poppins



12. A Bug's Life

13. Pinocchio

14. Dumbo



17. One Hundred and One Dalmatians

18. Lady and the Tramp

19. The Fox and the Hound

20. The Jungle Book

21. Alice in Wonderland

22. Bambi

23. Toy Story 2

24. Incredibles 2

25. Moana


27. Zootopia

28. Frozen


30. The Princess and the Frog





03. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


05. Alice in Wonderland


07. Cinderella


09. One Hundred and One Dalmatians

10. Pinocchio

11. Bambi

12. A Bug's Life

13. The Jungle Book


15. Toy Story 2

16. Sleeping Beauty

17. Lady and the Tramp

18. Dumbo


20. The Princess and the Frog


22. Beauty and the Beast

23. The Fox and the Hound

24. Frozen

25. Moana

26. Mary Poppins

27. Zootopia



30. Incredibles 2

Edited by Star*Man
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I know, I am just teasing Elliott because he gave the :ermm: to his #3 showing up :giggle:
















So happy six of my Top 11 are in the Top 10, since things did not seem to be going that way for me at first with this final ranking. :haha: So curious to see what will end up #1.


The :ermm: was more so because I was hoping to see the three Toy Story movies make the top ten. :dead:


My top two should be obvious now. :giggle:

It's too bad they just barely missed out, but still incredible those three all made the Top 11. :omg:


I was going to say I think I know it. :giggle:

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All these flop rankings


I got released from the hospital this morning so I'm catching up on everything right now. Thanks for all the well wishes. :flowers: I'll let you guys know more when the results for my blood results come back.

I’m glad you are out of the hospital and thanks to both you and your sister for keeping us updated on everything!

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By far my favorite part is Olaf recapping the first movie!! :wub: :wub: :wub: Although this might not be as funny to you, having not seen it. :'(




Yes, you're welcome. :teehee: It could.


I'm still in disbelief.

Oooh awww at this. Ooh lol yeah this was funny and cute to me but probably would be funnier if I saw the actual first movie. :haha:


Ooohh! :o :teehee:


I aim to shock and surprise. :giggle:


I got released from the hospital this morning so I'm catching up on everything right now. Thanks for all the well wishes. :flowers: I'll let you guys know more when the results for my blood results come back.

SO glad to hear from you and have you back, Victoria!

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