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General Christmas Thread

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Did anyone manage to catch the Christmas Star last night? 😮 I couldn't see it. :broken: I think I waited too late since it was best visible shortly after sunset. I read it will still be somewhat visible over the next few nights, if anyone missed it or wants to look for it again. :santahappy: 

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Guys, I need to get in the spirit here. It's my absolute favorite holiday as anyone here that knows me will remember but this year has been so horrendous. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all. 

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15 hours ago, Drew said:

Guys, I need to get in the spirit here. It's my absolute favorite holiday as anyone here that knows me will remember but this year has been so horrendous. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all. 

it's hard to be in the same holiday spirit this year, won't see all my family, but still trying to keep cheerful, and hoping for a better year next year 🙏🎅


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23 hours ago, Drew said:

Guys, I need to get in the spirit here. It's my absolute favorite holiday as anyone here that knows me will remember but this year has been so horrendous. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all. 


I'm so sorry you feel that way. :( :hug: I would say to make sure you stay connected with friends and family, whether its through a phone call or however possible during this difficult time. It's important to know you're not alone and cherish the the good that is still there. ❤️ That is what really matters. I hope you are able to have an enjoyable holiday. :hug: 

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1 hour ago, miss denise said:


I'm so sorry you feel that way. :( :hug: I would say to make sure you stay connected with friends and family, whether its through a phone call or however possible during this difficult time. It's important to know you're not alone and cherish the the good that is still there. ❤️ That is what really matters. I hope you are able to have an enjoyable holiday. :hug: 

Thank you Denise! I appreciate that. I'm fortunate as I've been able to see my parents once a week as they live close, but other than that, I've felt very isolated. 

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13 minutes ago, Drew said:

Thank you Denise! I appreciate that. I'm fortunate as I've been able to see my parents once a week as they live close, but other than that, I've felt very isolated. 


:hug:I'm so glad you have family nearby and are able to see them. It is pretty much the same for me and I will be spending Christmas with my parents. I hope you visit yours as well, and can call or text anyone else you are unable to physically see. ❤️ I know it's tough, but people are still around and I'm sure thinking of you too. :hug: 

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Does anyone have any fun Christmas Eve traditions? Obviously, some things may not be possible this year or maybe some traditions are being modified, but I thought it might still be fun to share, especially if anyone is doing something creative to keep their traditions alive. santa.gif.94ac349eddfb2462e9af985f8b50bde0.gif 


- As long as I can remember my family has always gone to Olive Garden for Christmas Eve dinner. :haha: Of course we are not allowed dine in at restaurants now, so tonight I will be picking up our order curbside and taking it to my parents house. :santahappy: 

- We always watch a Christmas movie (although we actually do this every time I visit my parents between Thanksgiving and Christmas - there are just too many :giggle: ). Tonight we'll be watching It's a Wonderful Life. 

- I used to always read The Night Before Christmas before bed, either with my dad when I was young or to our dog(s) as I got older. :giggle: One day I will have a baby to join my reading group. (!) But in recent years, I've switched up the story choice. Tonight it's going to be Santa Is Coming To Washington.  :haha: 

- As kids, my brother and I would always leave out milk and cookies for Santa. I also remember my dad video taping us on Christmas Eve talking about how Santa was coming that night and how excited we were. Every year we'd take turns giving the Christmas Eve speech. :dead: LOL I don't even get it now looking back, but it's a fun memory. :santahappy: 


Okay, that was a lot. :lmao: Anyone else want to share their traditions? santa.gif.94ac349eddfb2462e9af985f8b50bde0.gif

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When I was a kid, we had a light meal for dinner on Christmas Eve, then Mom and Dad would prepare a big feast (baked ham is the constant main dish, with 2-3 other dishes plus several sides). About 10 pm or so, we all get ready to go to Church, attend the Christmas Eve mass, and come home just before midnight. After midnight, on Christmas, we all share the Christmas feast. Then after the midnight dinner, we gather in the living room and exchange gifts.


This tradition continues, now 3 generations, but the (after Church) gathering is in my sister's big house instead of my parents' smaller house. My Mom does not prepare the food anymore (Dad passed away years ago) and we just order food from different restaurants to put together a "feast". A minor change this year -- the gathering will be tomorrow, on Christmas Day, lunch time, outdoors.


Merry Christmas y'all. 🎄🎁 :santahappy:

Edited by season1
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