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*Diana last won the day on May 6 2022

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About *Diana

  • Birthday June 19

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  1. 1 Alison Irwin - [X][X][][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [X][][][][] Ika Wong - [][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][][] Jun Song - [][][][][] Karen Singbell - [X][X][X][X][] Rachel Reilly - [X][X][X][][] Sarah Hanlon - [X][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][] Danielle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 5 X's, they are eliminated from the competition. The last houseguest standing is the head of household of the round.
  2. Zachariah Smith - American Idol (Season 21) Tyson Venegas - American Idol (Season 21) David Zaharakis - Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villain Steve "Stevie" Khouw - Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villain Benjamin Law - Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villain Fraser Lack - Australian Survivor: Heroes V Villain Royston Sagigi-Baira - Australian Idol (Season 8 ) Aven Jones - Bachelor in Paradise (American Season 9) Aaron Bryant - Bachelor in Paradise (American Season 9 Brayden Bowers - The Bachelorette (American Season 20) John Michael Sosa - Big Brother Canada 11 Mecole Hayes - Big Brother 25 US Zak Srakaew - Big Brother 20 UK Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - Big Brother Reindeer Games Josh Martinez - Big Brother Reindeer Games Harry Jowsey & Rylee Arnold - Dancing with the Stars (American Season 32)
  3. 1 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Britney Haynes - [Alison][Alison][Alison][Alison] - ALISON Cassandra Shahinfar - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Danielle Reyes - [Alison][Alison][Alison][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Janelle Pierzina - [Alison][Alison][Alison][Alison][][][] - ALISON Jun Song - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Karen Singbell - [Nicole][Alison][Alison][Nicole][Nicole][NIcole] - NICOLE Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Sarah Hanlon - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Vanessa Rousso - [Alison][Alison][Alison][Alison] - ALISON Janelle - Alison ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  4. 5 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Britney Haynes - [Alison][Alison][Alison][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [Nicole][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Janelle Pierzina - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Karen Singbell - [Nicole][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Sarah Hanlon - [Nicole][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Karen - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  5. 2 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - "Cruel Summer" (Contemporary Ballroom): 20 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - "Cuff It" (Cha-Cha-Cha): 10 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “Dance the Night” (Salsa): 12 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “Tattoo” (Contemporary Ballroom): 11 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “Keep Holding On” (Viennese Waltz): 1 Rosanna Davison & Stephen Vincent - “Dr. Wanna Do” (Charleston): 1 Rosanna Davison & Stephen Vincent - “Lady in Red” (Rumba): 11 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Galway Girl” (Quickstep): 2 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “I Need You” (Charleston): 12 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “yes, and?” (Cha-Cha-Cha): 11 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “Paradise” (Contemporary Ballroom): 12 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Take On Me” (Tango): 12 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “Everlasting Love” (American Smooth): 2 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “Texas Hold ‘Em” (Quickstep): 12 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “Whole Lotta Love” (Paso Doble): 12 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “Levitating” (Salsa): 11 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “Wrapped Up” (Salsa): 12 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Monster Mash” (American Smooth): 2 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Make It Look Easy” (Showdance): 11 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “I Am What I Am” (Showdance): 20 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “You Never Can Tell”/“Misirlou” (Jive) [Reprise]: 13 + Laura & Denys Cha Cha - Katja & Ervinas Viennese Waltz
  6. Joan Vassos I feel like any of these cuts would be justified besides my save so I will just the cut one I remember least, obviously I am the Bachelor/ette stan of the site so when I don't remember you that is sort of a issue. Joan a contestant during the only season of The Golden Bachelor. Like my last cut from this show, She quit in week 3 due to a family emergency. I don't remember a thing she said or did. I didn't even remember her quitting so that tells you something. I think is more of a fair placement for whoever she is. Saving Rachel Recchia
  7. 4 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Britney Haynes - [Alison][Alison][Alison][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [Nicole][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][] - NICOLE Janelle Pierzina - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][NIcole] - NICOLE Sarah Hanlon - [Nicole][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [Alison][][][][][][] Ika- Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  8. 3 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Britney Haynes - [Alison][Alison][Alison][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [Nicole][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][NIcole] - NICOLE Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Ika - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  9. 2 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [Alison][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Ika - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  10. 1 Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][][][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Ika - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  11. 1 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - "Cruel Summer" (Contemporary Ballroom): 19 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - "Cuff It" (Cha-Cha-Cha): 9 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “Dance the Night” (Salsa): 11 Rosanna Davison & Stephen Vincent - “Just Like Fire” (Contemporary Ballroom): 1 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “Tattoo” (Contemporary Ballroom): 10 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “Keep Holding On” (Viennese Waltz): 4 Rosanna Davison & Stephen Vincent - “Dr. Wanna Do” (Charleston): 3 Rosanna Davison & Stephen Vincent - “Lady in Red” (Rumba): 11 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Galway Girl” (Quickstep): 5 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “I Need You” (Charleston): 11 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “yes, and?” (Cha-Cha-Cha): 10 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “Paradise” (Contemporary Ballroom): 12 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Take On Me” (Tango): 12 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “Everlasting Love” (American Smooth): 2 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “Texas Hold ‘Em” (Quickstep): 11 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “Whole Lotta Love” (Paso Doble): 11 Katja Mia & Ervinas Merfeldas - “Levitating” (Salsa): 11 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “Wrapped Up” (Salsa): 12 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Monster Mash” (American Smooth): 3 Laura Fox & Denys Samson - “Make It Look Easy” (Showdance): 11 Blu Hydrangea & Simone Arena - “I Am What I Am” (Showdance): 19 David Whelan & Salome Chachua - “You Never Can Tell”/“Misirlou” (Jive) [Reprise]: 12 + Laura & Denys Tango - Katja & Ervinas American Smooth
  12. Jamie Lynn Spears & Alan Bersten This is a fairly easy cut to make. I got distracted by Mother's day and forgot to make this writeup so oops, let's get this done now. First of all it is well known Dancing with the Stars has no problem casting stars that are trash so I guess I should of not been surprised by this casting choice but so soon after they did a whole literal Britney tribute? Oof such a bad look. Jamie Lynn was fairly insufferable the whole time and seemed fairly shocked she was eliminated and acted like it was this big robbery but let's be real? She couldn't dance to save her life and seems to be making her rounds and sucking on a bunch of different shows lately. Saving Claudia Albertario
  13. 3 Do Not Use Power of Veto - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Use Power of Veto on Nicole - [X][X][X][X][][][][][][] Use Power of Veto on Alison - [][][][][][][][][][] Do not use ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 optionand put an X in their box. Once an option has received 10 X's that will be the power of veto decision for the round.
  14. Cutting Jamie Lynn Spears & Alan Bersten Saving Claudia Albertario
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