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Disney Songs Rankdown (Winner Posted)


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  1. Jolly Holiday (Mary Poppins)
  2. Little Wonders (Meet the Robinsons)
  3. I've Got a Dream (Tangled)
  4. Something That I Want (Tangled)
  5. In Summer (Frozen)
  6. Fixer Upper (Frozen)
  7. Some Things Never Change (Frozen II)

  8. When I Am Older (Frozen II)

  9. Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (Continued) (Frozen II)

  10. Even More Enchanted (Disenchanted)

  11. The Magic of Andalasia (Disenchanted)

  12. Fairytale Life (This Wish)  (Disenchanted)

  13. Perfect  (Disenchanted)

  14. Even More Enchanted (Finale)  (Disenchanted)

  15. Aria (Beauty & The Beast - 2017)

  16. What I've Been Looking For (Reprise) (High School Musical)

  17. You Are the Music in Me (Sharpay Version) (High School Musical 2)

    Addition - if not eligible, let me know:

  18. Learn Me Right (Brave)

  19. "Never Too Late" (Lion King - 2019)

  20. "Almost Home" (Oz the Great and Powerful)

  21. "You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home" (Hannah Montana : The Movie)

  22. "Crazier" (Hannah Montana : The Movie)

  23. Can You Imagine That ? (Mary Poppins Return)

  24. Turning Turtle (Mary Poppins Return)

  25. Nowhere to Go but Up (Mary Poppins Return)

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  1. Ichabod Crane
  2. The Life I Lead
  3. Stay Awake
  4. Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
  5. A Man has Dreams
  6. Streets of Gold
  7. Good Company
  8. Savages (Part 1)

  9. Savages (Part 2)

  10. The Bells of Notre Dame (Reprise)


  1. Carrying the Banner - Newsies

  2. The World Will Know - Newsies

  3. High Times, Hard Times - Newsies

  4. Lava (as per requests)

  5. ...To Die For - The Lion King

  6. Married Life - Up

  7. Niamos! (Morlana Club Mix)" - Andor

  8. Pilgrim - Andor

  9. Past/Present Suite - Andor

  10. Man or Muppet - The Muppets

  11. Muppets Theme Song - The Muppets

  12. Scrooge - The Muppet Christmas Carol

  13. Marley and Marley - The Muppet Christmas Carol

  14. It Feels Like Christmas - The Muppet Christmas Carol

  15. Thankful Heart - The Muppet Christmas Carol


Idk how many of these new adds are eligible but let's give it a go :ph34rwave:

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It's finally time for elimination write-ups. Here's how this round will play out.



- Each ranker must cut ten songs of his or her choice.


- This will be a variation of the speed round format. That means there will be no nominations this round.


- Each ranker will post a write-up for each song they are eliminating. Write-ups are only valid if there are at least 100 original words and an image or video. 


- You get saves with your cuts. When you post the write-up of the song you are eliminating, you must also say which song you are saving. Songs that are saved cannot be cut for the rest of the cycle.


- You cannot claim multiple cuts or saves in one post. You are allowed to claim two songs at once: the song you are cutting and the song you are saving. There is a thirty minute time limit. After thirty minutes are up, those songs are back up for grabs if no write-up is posted. Once you post a write-up, then you are free to claim your next songs.



And now for an additional twist:


- Each ranker will get three vetoes. These vetoes can even be used after a write-up is posted. If someone cut a song you don't want eliminated, then you can use a veto to save that song. That song is back in the game and will be safe for the rest of the cycle. If you use a veto, then you must post the replacement write-up and cut a different song of your choice. So if you use a veto, then you must do an additional write-up to the ten write-ups required. Vetoes do not affect the song that was already saved by the ranker you're taking over for. 


- If you have any remaining vetoes after this second cycle, then those vetoes will turn into immunity picks. After this second cycle, you will be allowed to give immunity to songs that will be safe from elimination for Cycle 3 and Cycle 4. So, the more vetoes you still have, then the more immunity picks you will have for these upcoming cycles.


I don't expect everyone to post ten write-ups in one day. So, the deadline to have all your write-ups posted is by the end of the day Sunday, February 4th. Everyone can do two write-ups a day, but there is no limit to how many write-ups each ranker can post per day. You can do all ten in one day if you wanted to. But if anyone has any write-ups missing after the deadline, then any other ranker can step in and claim those cuts/saves.


By the end of this cycle, 80 songs will be eliminated.


If you have any questions, then let me know.


Good luck to your favorites!


@Alex95 @*Chris @FrogLenzen @Elliott @erik g @totes4totes @Solaris @*Wallace

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The Siamese Cat Song


Definitely correct to advance this past the first round since it is an iconic and well-known Disney song. But with that, I also can't think of a more appropriate first boot than this one. The racism in Disney movies of past are pretty widely discussed, no sense in detailing all of them in this writeup. In Lady and the Tramp, Lady is introduced to Si & Am, who sing this song to her as they meet her. The character design, the melody, the accents, the poor use of the English language. It's all just a combination of horrific Asian stereotypes. What a completely random stain on Peggy Lee's iconic discography. Also apparently Hilary & Haylie Duff performed this for one of those Disney Mania CDs???? Lmao what?! :dead:. Anyways on top of all the offensive stereotypes packed into the two minutes, it's just kind of a boring song. It doesn't really go anywhere, it does nothing for the plot. It's just an excuse to be racist in a 1955 Disney movie which is kind of just par for the course. I'm sure there's other offensive songs out there I'll find if I search hard enough. But I think this and What Made the Red Man Red? are kind of the iconic racist Disney songs (and everything from Song of the South). But since WMTRMR isn't in this game, this or Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah feels like the only appropriate first boot and I decided to go with this.


Save Past/Present Suite

Edited by Alex95
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Fun and Fancy Free (Reprise)





So, I have never seen Fun and Fancy Free, so it makes it a fair cut for me.  I decided to cut the titular song's Reprise.  I will listen to every song before I wind up cutting it.  This movie looks to have included Donald Duck, Goofy and Mickey mouse.  Just upon my initial listen, this song sounds older as it has a lot of the same influences that the older disney songs had.  I don't have an context for the song, but it looks like it happens near the end of the film. It wasn't a dynamic or interesting song and feels pretty filler in the rankdown.


Save: Speechless

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Look this is a FANTASTIC Kelly Clarkson song. But in terms of iconic Disney songs I feel this barely fits the bill. I forgot that the Princess Diaries was a Disney property at all and I certainly don't even remember this from the movie! The most iconic Princess Diaries song is when Julie Andrews sings again! This is a big swing that I'm sure will upset some people but since this was advanced I kind of had it pegged for an early cut for me. Again, I just feel it doesn't fit the bill of this rankdown on my OWN criteria which I am choosing to cut/save songs. I'm sure we all have our own criteria.


Anyway, we went over this during the selection of this song. This was originally written for Avril Lavigne (who does have a writing credit). But it was deemed that it didn't fit the vibe of the album so it was passed to Kelly Clarkson who recorded this for the Princess Diaries 2 OST. It then had such massive success that it became a single and the title track of Kelly Clarkson's 5th album.


Saving: Baía

Edited by totes4totes
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Like "The Siamese Cat Song" this is another iconic Disney song with unfortunately a very racist background. There's a bit where it feels like the song itself has overcome it (to the point where I feel like a lot of casual Disney fans do not know where it comes from) and at the same time I feel like it's fading from being one of the single most iconic Disney songs. I actually listened to like an entire podcast episode on this song (from Karina Longworth's VERY good podcast You Must Remember This where she has an entire season dedicated to Song of the South) where she links the background and writing of this song to the very popular minstrel shows of the 1800s/early 1900s. I think once you get that link in your head it's hard to remove it. So as much as this song is pretty good and as good as the Splash Mountain ride is (where this song is the tune you hear), I'm glad that Disney is giving it all a makeover and quietly kind of excluding it. (Though it begs the question of how to deal with our racist past and how Disney should be dealing with theirs).


Saving: BET ON IT

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When I See an Elephant Fly


I am so sorry to Kelly Clarkson that in my rush to cut her song because I thought it would be an early save that I cut "Breakaway" before cutting "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" and "When I See an Elephant Fly." Honestly, deeply disrespectful of me. Anyway, this is the other racist song we've moved through. And again, I don't mind having moved these through the first round because I think it's important to acknowledge where Disney came from, but they are easy first cuts. I mean, before the lead crow was officially named, his working name was Jim Crow. It's not hard to connect the dots here. And while the rest of the crows are voiced by the black men of the Hall Johnson Choir, lead crow was very much voiced by a white man. Again just another black mark on Disney's record. (The other songs in Dumbo are great).


Save: Pink Elephants on Parade

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Supernova Girl




So this will likely be the first of many cuts from the Disney Channel original movies, as I either haven't seen or didn't like the majority of the films I saw on the Disney channel.  This is one of the one's I haven't seen, the movie is Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century.  This is a movie my sister watched as a child.  So the chorus includes" Zoom Zoom Zoom, make my heart go Boom Boom, my supernova girl." I wonder what constitutes being a Supernova girl?  The song is performed by the character Proto Zoa, who is played by Phillip Rhys.  The song doesn't really go anywhere and its just a midtempo dance song.



Save: The Scuttlebutt

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Everybody Wants to Be a Cat (Reprise)



Ugh my first cut and I already don't like to do this part, lmao. :dead: Well I say that because I love The Aristocats. But this song is a reprise so I think it's an easy choice to cut. I was listening to "Everybody Wants to Be a Cat (Reprise)" and I was totally jamming out to it. I love how jazzy and fun this song is! :bobo: But then I listened to the original and it still has some of that section of the song on that version... so we don't really need two of the same thing. Though this is a portion of the other song, lol. I haven't seen The Aristocats but I'm sure it's the closing of the movie. Watch the video above... those cats are jammingg and living their best life and I am here for it! :bobo: Everybody, Everybody, Everybody Wants to Be a Cat :bobo: LOL then the other animals in the movie are singing and dancing along to this.  

Saving: A Whole New World 

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Mother Knows Best (Reprise)



I'm cutting another reprise song and this time, it's from Tangled. I haven't seen the movie Tangled, so I don't really know much about it but I do know that it's about Rapunzel. This reprise scene is a little over a minute and a half. And with that, the first 30 seconds is pretty much dialogue of the mother ~trashing~ Rapunzel. She has a great and powerful singing voice. She sings the song with a lot of angst and power as well as showcasing some powerful notes. But we also get all of that and more in the original version of "Mother Knows Best," so we can have that version represent the game. Wow I never imagined how difficult writing 100 words on Disney songs, especially ones you don't know, gonna be. :dead: 

Saving: Spirit

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