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ANTM Superlatives (Best Judging Test - Rankings due Monday!)


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20. Cherish (Cycle 23)


14.84 / 20


@taylorkat - 3/20

@*Wallace - 8/20

@Zoey - 9/20

@Solaris - 14/20

@*Chris - 15/20

@FrogLenzen - 17/20

@jarmon - 17/20

@rdhaley96 - 17/20

@.Rei - 18/20

@Alex95 - 18/20

@*Lily - 18/20

@Gonzalo - 19/20

@*Diana - 20/20


Derek - 17/20


I like a lot of the photos from this cycle’s photoshoot and this just isn’t a top one from that set for me personally. 


Richard - 17/20


The composition of this shot is cool, and Cherish looks gorgeous. I don’t love the black and white since the point of a makeover shoot is to… showcase the makeover, lol. It was a missed opportunity to not show us the red on full display. I think her expression is just a tad too intense here, too. 


Alex - 18/20


It fails as a makeover shot because how are you gonna make it a black and white where we can't even see the hair color???? That's part of the makeover!









19. Rhianna (Cycle 15)

tumblr nro4hagLzI1u5q3kko4 1280

14.69 / 20


Zoey - 5/20

Derek - 7/20

Diana - 11/20

Richard - 12/20

Gigi - 13/20

Gonzalo - 14/20

Alex - 15/20

Sola - 17/20

Chris - 18/20

Akshar - 19/20

Rei - 20/20

Lily - 20/20

Wallace - 20/20


Zoey - 5/20


This will show up fairly low but what a great shot. Rhianna >>>>> Ann.


Derek - 7/20


I think this would be higher if Rhianna was a more prominent contestant on her season. I like that it’s in the finals but there was no hope of her surviving the first set I guess. I put her as high as I could manage lol


Richard - 12/20


This one’s cool! A little awkward and off-kilter, but I think those qualities add to the charm. Rhianna looks tall and sophisticated with a bit of edge at the same time. Her sleepy eyes really work in her favor here, too, I think.


Alex - 15/20


Lol how random. A bit overposed, but not bad.










18. Tiffany (Cycle 4)


13.07 / 20


Alex - 3/20

Zoey - 6/20

Sola - 9/20

Lily - 10/20

Wallace - 11/20

Diana - 15/20

Richard - 15/20

Derek - 16/20

Gonzalo - 16/20

Akshar - 16/20

Chris - 17/20

Rei - 17/20

Gigi - 19/20


Alex - 3/20


She was feeling herself with this makeover! Possibly her strongest picture of the competition? She looks so soft and serene here. Very relaxed.


Zoey - 6/20


I wish we had a full body shot of this.


Richard - 15/20


This is a good photo of Tiffany. Her expression isn’t the most lively, but it’s gorgeous nonetheless. Her pose is a little too heavy-handed, though. 


Derek - 16/20


Tiffany looks pretty good here but I don’t have much love for many of the photos for the makeover shoot this season. 









17. Katarzyna (Cycle 10)

[ANTM] Katarzyna03

12.53 / 20


Sola - 3/20

Gonzalo - 6/20

Richard - 9/20

Diana - 10/20

Chris - 12/20

Rei - 12/20

Akshar - 12/20

Zoey - 14/20

Wallace - 14/20

Gigi - 16/20

Lily - 16/20

Alex - 19/20

Derek - 20/20


Richard - 9/20


One of the more intriguing pictures in the bunch for sure. The hands are a bit awkward, but her jawline is captured exquisitely here, and she looks both really elegant and edgy at the same time.


Zoey - 14/20




Alex - 19/20


Idk not one of my favorites from her. I don't like how closed off she is here, and I don't think she's showing the makeover that well.


Derek - 20/20


Hate this one from the pose to the expression to the shoes. 









16. Melrose (Cycle 7)


12.30 / 20


Sola - 1/20

Derek - 3/20

Alex - 6/20

Rei - 10/20

Richard - 11/20

Wallace - 12/20

Zoey - 12/20

Gigi - 12/20

Lily - 17/20

Akshar - 18/20

Diana - 18/20

Chris - 20/20

Gonzalo - 20/20


Derek - 3/20


Was Melrose a model? Arguably. Did Melrose know how TO model? Indisputably. I love this shot, maybe my favorite from her besides her flawless contribution to Water Nymphs. 


Alex - 6/20


Possibly unpopular opinion but I love this? It's very unconventional, but there's something otherworldly about this shot for me that I love. It's unique compared to the other makeover pictures and stands out.


Richard - 11/20


Like Chantal’s picture, I love the windswept nature here. And facially, she’s going for intensity without being obvious about it. I just wish this one was full-body, too.


Zoey - 12/20


At least she went for it but it could be a still from a horror film.


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  • FrogLenzen changed the title to ANTM Superlatives (Best Makeover Photo: 16-20)

15. Mikaela (Cycle 16)


11.92 / 20


@*Lily - 3/20

@Solaris - 7/20

@Alex95 - 7/20

@jarmon - 7/20

@.Rei - 8/20

@*Chris - 9/20

@FrogLenzen - 11/20

@*Diana - 13/20

@Zoey - 15/20

@Gonzalo - 17/20

@*Wallace - 18/20

@rdhaley96 - 20/20

@taylorkat - 20/20


Alex - 7/20


So obsessed with her bone structure, she needed to take more shots like this.


Derek - 11/20


This one suffers mostly because the production value and styling of the Cycle 16 makeover shoot was so regular and boring. But her faaaaaaace whew her face


Zoey - 15/20




Richard - 20/20


This photo is a giant load of nothing for me. Her hair and expression both look lifeless. She’s gorgeous, but that doesn’t really save her here in my book.









14. Joanie (Cycle 6)


11.76 / 20


Gigi - 1/20

Gonzalo - 5/20

Richard - 6/20

Lily - 8/20

Derek - 9/20

Akshar - 10/20

Rei - 11/20

Sola - 13/20

Wallace - 15/20

Diana - 16/20

Chris - 19/20

Alex - 20/20

Zoey - 20/20


Richard - 6/20


This photo is definitely one of the more obvious of the bunch, but with how well she pulls it off, I’m not complaining. Her makeover looks amazing, and she’s selling it with a really cool sort of quiet edge. It’s a great picture of her.


Derek - 9/20


Joanie sells this straight-on confident pose so well, and is helped by the fact that Cycle 6 had some of the best production value for the makeover photoshoot. Alex really said “Valentina, your smile is beautiful” lmao


Alex - 20/20


It's fine. I've got nothing for or against this picture. But I'm gonna tank it because it's Joanie and a fart of hers could be ranked number one on this site just because it's Joanie's Fart.


Zoey - 20/20


Does not deserve top twenty.










13. Danielle (Cycle 6)


10.92 / 20


Gonzalo - 2/20

Diana - 3/20

Gigi - 5/20

Wallace - 6/20

Lily - 9/20

Derek - 10/20

Zoey - 11/20

Chris - 13/20

Rei - 13/20

Alex - 16/20

Sola - 16/20

Richard - 18/20

Akshar - 20/20


Derek - 10/20


The Cycle 6 makeover shoot production is carrying this but it’s not a particular stand-out in her portfolio or otherwise.


Zoey - 11/20


It’s alright.


Alex - 16/20


Not my favorite picture of Dani. Her face is a bit off tbh.


Richard - 18/20


This is a decent photo of Danielle, but it’s not one of her finest. Her hair here looks a bit on the ratty side, which isn’t the best when the point is to showcase the makeover.










12. Jiana (Cycle 20)


10.52 / 20


Zoey - 2/20

Chris - 4/20

Akshar - 6/20

Gonzalo - 7/20

Rei - 9/20

Richard - 10/20

Gigi - 11/20

Sola - 11/20

Derek - 12/20

Alex - 13/20

Diana - 14/20

Wallace - 19/20

Lily - 19/20


Zoey - 2/20


I didn’t expect to have Jiana this high but she was so f*cking good on the show.


Richard - 10/20


I like that she looks like a seductive, mature sort of Snow White here. It’s a cool shot that stands out from the rest in that way.


Derek - 12/20


Jiana should get 1000 bonus points for pulling off a decent photo in the worst makeover photoshoot ever. Seriously the styling and apples and diapers this was a disaster for everyone else but she looks great. 


Alex - 13/20


Not her fault, but I think the apple is stupid and I prefer the simpler makeover shots. It's just a makeover Tyra, not some Adam & Eve thing or whatever the point of the apple was.










11. Naima (Cycle 4)


10.30 / 20


Diana - 1/20

Wallace - 2/20

Rei - 2/20

Derek - 6/20

Richard - 8/20

Zoey - 8/20

Chris - 11/20

Lily - 13/20

Gonzalo - 15/20

Akshar - 15/20

Alex - 17/20

Gigi - 17/20

Sola - 19/20


Derek - 6/20


I almost put this lower but something about how the elbow mirrors the hairstyle works for me. Not happy about this missing Top 10, particularly under Kahlen’s which is unremarkable oop


Richard - 8/20


This one’s really cool. Her makeover is on full display here, and she makes it look awesome. I really like the pose; it’s both edgy and a little feminine. The angle of her face really works for her, but I wish she had more intensity behind her eyes. That would’ve put her over the top for me.


Alex - 17/20


It's giving back pain.


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3 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Mostly lines up with my top 10, can't complain.

If you had Raincid in your top ten then I’m reporting you. 

  • Haha 1
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10. Kahlen (Cycle 4)


10.15 / 20


@Solaris - 2/20

@*Wallace - 4/20

@*Chris - 6/20

@.Rei - 6/20

@taylorkat - 7/20

@*Diana - 8/20

@Gonzalo - 11/20

@*Lily - 11/20

@jarmon - 14/20

@Alex95 - 14/20

@FrogLenzen - 15/20

@rdhaley96 - 16/20

@Zoey - 18/20


Alex - 14/20


Solid! Nothing special, nothing atrocious.


Derek - 15/20


She looks good. 


Richard - 16/20


This is one of the more classically beautiful shots. Not exactly reinventing the wheel, but she looks very pretty and is showcasing the makeover nicely.


Zoey - 18/20


Plain and only in the top twenty because this board wets themselves over her.










9. Chantal (Cycle 9)

[ANTM] Chantal04

9.84 / 20


Wallace - 3/20

Chris - 5/20

Sola - 6/20

Rei - 7/20

Zoey - 7/20

Gigi - 9/20

Akshar - 9/20

Alex - 12/20

Gonzalo - 12/20

Richard - 13/20

Derek - 14/20

Lily - 14/20

Diana - 17/20


Zoey - 7/20


Giving her bangs was a fantastic shout because she nailed every shot going forward.


Alex - 12/20


I feel like the bangs and the heavy eyemakeup became A Lot for me with her at times, but it kinda works in this picture?


Richard - 13/20


Ugh, I wish this was full-body, because it’d probably be at least a few spots higher for me if it were. But I love the windswept motion of her hair as well as the intensity behind her eyes.


Derek - 14/20


Chantal’s Britney Spears eyeliner totally works. 










8. Fatima (Cycle 10)

[ANTM] Fatima03

9.76 / 20


Chris - 1/20

Richard - 2/20

Diana - 4/20

Gonzalo - 4/20

Sola - 8/20

Alex - 9/20

Gigi - 10/20

Zoey - 10/20

Akshar - 13/20

Lily - 15/20

Rei - 16/20

Wallace - 16/20

Derek - 19/20


Richard - 2/20


She’s just gorgeous. The way the white contrasts against her skin, the angle of her face and the elegant look behind her expression. Her modeling here is a little awkward, but I think that adds to the charm of this shot. Just a beautiful picture.


Alex - 9/20


Such a classic beauty and a simple and sophisticated makeover!


Derek - 19/20


I tanked this since she already won best makeover. I don't think it would have made my Top 5 or anything but I didn't feel the need to prop her up at all this time.










7. Jade (Cycle 6)


9.61 / 20


Akshar - 3/20

Zoey - 3/20

Derek - 4/20

Rei - 4/20

Lily - 5/20

Diana - 9/20

Chris - 10/20

Gonzalo - 10/20

Alex - 11/20

Sola - 12/20

Wallace - 17/20

Gigi - 18/20

Richard - 19/20


Zoey - 3/20


One of the best makeovers and I love this shot.


Derek - 4/20


Hoop earrings and side-boob? Be still my heart. I hate the makeover itself but geez she really did have unlimited potential. Sometimes I forget that our Biracial Butterfly was really That Bitch because they put that awful hair on her and she said insane things all day lol. 


Alex - 11/20


Terrible makeover, she hates it, I hate it. But she's a PROFESSIONAL and still managed to take a great photo with it lmao.


Richard - 19/20


This photo is fine. A little boring, which kinda sucks since Jade isn’t boring at all.










6. Kari (Cycle 6)


9.38 / 20


Akshar - 1/20

Alex - 4/20

Rei - 5/20

Lily - 7/20

Derek - 8/20

Gonzalo - 9/20

Wallace - 9/20

Sola - 10/20

Diana - 12/20

Zoey - 13/20

Richard - 14/20

Gigi - 14/20

Chris - 16/20


Alex - 4/20


Ugh she had so much potential I wish she lasted longer. Still obsessed with her Ice Princess shot. And this one too. So sexy!


Derek - 8/20


Once again the shoot carried but she looks amazing.


Zoey - 13/20


It’s a nice shot.


Richard - 14/20


This photo is a little dead in the face, but I love the sense of movement here, and the completely straight arm adds a lot of visual intrigue to the shot. Kari looks absolutely gorgeous, too, and her makeover (if you can really even call it that) is showcased really well.


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  • FrogLenzen changed the title to ANTM Superlatives (Best Makeover Photo: 6-10)

5. Raina (Cycle 14)


8.23 / 20


@Gonzalo - 1/20

@*Lily - 1/20

@Solaris - 4/20

@rdhaley96 - 4/20

@jarmon - 5/20

@*Diana - 6/20

@*Wallace - 7/20

@taylorkat - 8/20

@Alex95 - 10/20

@FrogLenzen - 13/20

@*Chris - 14/20

@.Rei - 15/20

@Zoey - 19/20


Richard - 4/20


The near-perfect symmetry here is insane. Raina pulls off the bodysuit so well and is selling the shot with a lot of confidence. She looks powerful and in control. The only downside is that I don’t think her hair looks that great here, which unfortunately knocks this one down a few pegs since that’s the point of the shoot.


Alex - 10/20


One of her like three great pictures, congrats!


Derek - 13/20


Reads more promo than makeover. Which makes sense because they used it as a promo lol. I think only Cycle 14 and Cycle 18 did that? But yeah being a promo doesn’t mean that it’s bad at all, love the crossed legs. 










4. Coryn (Cycle 5)


8.00 / 20


Alex - 1/20

Gigi - 2/20

Chris - 2/20

Akshar - 2/20

Zoey - 4/20

Lily - 4/20

Derek - 5/20

Richard - 5/20

Gonzalo - 13/20

Wallace - 13/20

Sola - 15/20

Rei - 19/20

Diana - 19/20


Alex - 1/20


A flawless picture for a flawless makeover. Too bad she couldn't stay on this level.


Zoey - 4/20


I love Coryn’s portfolio but cannot stand the way she came across whilst on the show when I was all for Lisa. I can’t really deny how great this shot is.


Derek - 5/20


We talked about this in the Best Makeover rankdown but yeah this is incredible. 


Richard - 5/20


Just like Nik’s, this is such a sophisticated shot that really showcases Coryn’s makeover well. Really, I think both of them suffer a bit in my book by nature of their shots being close-up rather than full-body, but apart from that, Coryn looks stunning here.











3. Nik (Cycle 5)


7.76 / 20


Wallace - 1/20

Rei - 1/20

Derek - 2/20

Gigi - 4/20

Akshar - 4/20

Diana - 5/20

Lily - 6/20

Richard - 7/20

Alex - 8/20

Chris - 8/20

Zoey - 17/20

Gonzalo - 18/20

Sola - 20/20


Wallace - 1/20


I think this is such a gorgeous headshot of Nik. Love her hair, make-up and overall look here. :wub: It's giving high fashion!


Derek - 2/20


Adore this shot of Nik, almost put it at #1 because it really stands out to me. Wow her eyes. Imagine Nik rocking that full hair the whole cycle.


Richard - 7/20


Nik looks so sophisticated and gorgeous in this picture. I would’ve liked a little more life behind her eyes, but that aside, this is a really good shot.


Alex - 8/20




Zoey - 17/20


I don’t get why this is here.


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  • FrogLenzen changed the title to ANTM Superlatives (Best Makeover Photo: 3-5)

Not mad at an all cycle 13 top 2.

I feel like that shoot in general had pretty great results across the board, and it would’ve been nice to see more pictures from it make it into the top 20.

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My work here was almost accomplished, lmao. Aww I was hoping for Nik to win it (but I knew she wouldn't as I knew some low ranks would be there), but 3rd is still great and I will certainly take that! :wub: 

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