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Who won the KO: S13 Edition


Who won their KO?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Esera Tuaolo vs Adam Cunningham

  2. 2. Chris Weaver vs Katrina rose

  3. 3. Adam Pearce vs Emily Luther

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1. Adam C. by a hair. I liked him better than Red and Mitchell.


2. Chris by a landslide. Katrina was really pitchy imo.


3. Emily by many hairs, but I liked Adam P. and he deserved his steal.

Edited by Jaffy
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My picks.


1. This one is probably the closest pairing here imo. I take Esera by a little bit. His voice is more unique, theres a certain quality to his voice I really like and I cant describe it. It sounds naturally... cheesy? Like a voice a mom would listen to in the 80s and 90s, I dunno..


I'll admit though Adam is more consistent throughout. Esera seemed to struggle a bit near the end with the high belting.



2. Chris


Katrina while technically impressive, didn't capture the feel of the song. Chris did in spades. It's the only version I've heard resembling the raw power of the original by screamin Jay Hawkins



3. Young me would have preferred Adam as a lover of rock. Nowadays, I can appreciate the vocal control and emotiveness of of Emily Luther's rendition. I'll have to go with her.

Edited by Hsamid
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1. Adam - Not the best he could’ve done with the song I think but it was pretty good. As for Esera, I’m just not a fan of “Superstar” covers in general (didn’t like when Holly did it either) and he didn’t do anything to convince me otherwise.


2. Chris Weaver definitely took that. I like that Katrina showed us another side by doing a ballad but I think she should’ve stayed in her blues rock lane.


3. Emily Luther forever, she was so robbed and the sad thing is I don’t know how she COULD have made it past the playoffs.

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Esera vs Adam

Esera wasn't perfect but I'd take his more unique choices over Adam's fine but predictable performance. Also I enjoy Esera's tone more overall.


Chris vs Katrina

Chris brought the passion and the vocals. Katrina was kinda rough and the last note was something lol. I honestly don't think I've ever enjoyed a cover of Zombie on TVUS, it's a hard song to do live. (Unpop: I didn't like Clarissa Serna either, but she was better than Katrina.)


Adam vs Emily

Adam was good and I'm glad he brought some classic rock energy with solid vocals, but Emily's was a show stopping performance imo. Can't imagine not choosing her.

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1. Adam C. It was an excellent version of that song, and his best performance on the show. Esera was good as well

2. Chris. Unpopular opinion, but I think this is the closest pairing here tbh. Sure, Katrina was a little messy but I connected with her performance a lot. I feel like she deserved a steal. But yeah, vocally Chris slaughtered her

3. Emily. Not even close

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1 hour ago, Hsamid said:



Looks like you accidentally picked Adam.

LMAO, i guess my reviews didn't go through / i forgot to post them


Esera (B+): Very powerful voice, but he seemed to struggle with breath a little bit and frankly there were times when his voice just sounded less pleasant because of how shaky it sounded.


Adam (A): This was a much more consistent performance with solid vocals. I prefer Esera at his best, but Adam was great throughout whereas Esera was excellent and subpar at once.


Chris (A+): Insanity lol.


Katrina (A-): That high note was also insane. But this was overall slightly less consistent than Chris imo.


Emily (A): This was very vocally impressive.


Adam (A): Wow lol... that note at the end was insane. I feel like Emily was better overall vocally but I wanna give him the vote just because of how insane that was.

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10 hours ago, Hamza Tufail said:

1. Adam C - Esera had some really good moments, but overall Adam took it.


2. Chris by far


3. This is really hard. Maybe Emily by a hair, but Adam brought it as well.


Might vote for Adam P, since he has less votes.

i think we have rly similar opinions on this set (which frankly i would never have imagined me saying to you back in season 18 LMAO)

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On 1/17/2023 at 12:27 AM, QueenCami said:


Emily (A): This was very vocally impressive.


Adam (A): Wow lol... that note at the end was insane. I feel like Emily was better overall vocally but I wanna give him the vote just because of how insane that was.


On 1/17/2023 at 2:25 AM, Hamza Tufail said:


Might vote for Adam P, since he has less votes.

Ah, so Adam got sympathy votes. Makes sense now 🙂

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2 hours ago, Hsamid said:


Ah, so Adam got sympathy votes. Makes sense now 🙂

to be fair i felt like that note was more individually impressive than anything emily did. it's just that the rest of his performance was unexciting. so it just depends on how i decide to vote, and i voted for the most impressive moment. 


actualy that's a lie, emily's long note is probably more impressive but i was more impressed / shocked by adam's because i haven't seen that performance as much

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1. Adam Cunningham. He got a great song for his voice in this round. He was definitely better before he moved to Team Adam. Esera’s performance wasn’t very memorable. I’m not a fan of most Superstar performances and this means probably my least favorite of those.

2. Chris Weaver. It was very solid just like his other performances. Katrina had an interesting song, but she had some noticeable pitch issues, and it was definitely weaker than her battle.

3. Emily Luther. This was in my Top 3 Knockouts of the season and the only steal matchup this season where I agreed with the winner. Not to mention her best performance on the show. Adam Pearce was still good, but he was against that Emily performance.

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