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Your favorite Voice cast?


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Here's a fun little topic that I just thought up. Which season of The Voice had your favorite cast to follow and why?

I have to think about this for a bit myself, but I will probably choose based on how much entertainment I get following the cast and their interactions with each other.

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The first time I actually "followed" a cast (as in checking their videos and interactions instead of just watching them as they were presented on tv) was S17, and I still think that one takes the cake. Didn´t start hoping on IG lives  until S20, but I remember seeing a lot of the videos the contestants of S17 made with each other and had lots of fun watching them. I remember there being two main "groups" (Alex, Hoot, Melinda R, Shane Q, Cali) and (Will, Lauren, Brennan, Brennen, James and CJ, who was a no chair turn). And hilarity ensued every time.


Didn´t really follow the casts of S18 and S19 that much. I had a great time following the S20 cast though, so that takes second place for me.


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only started following people in S19, so I don't really have many options :haha:


I think S20 has got to be my favorite out of the two, everybody seemed so nice and supportive of each other. The video of Keegan and Andrew swapping coach merch was golden.


I don't remember much from S19, I really only followed Sid and Payge closely. Payge was very very close with Lauren. Sid had that hilarious "minivan" video plus the "don't vote for Ian and Jim" videos.

Edited by FloorWax
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Season 21 excluded (since it hasn't even started yet), I gotta go with Season 20. To be honest though, I haven't really paid much attention to the other season's cast this much until Season 20 🤪


Maybe I'm a bit biased when it comes to this but they started it all for me when it comes to these artworks. First time where I felt genuinely appreciated by a group of people, they are all freakin' nice and appreciative! I was lucky to have a chance to chat with almost all of them (except one I guess lol), and I gotta tell y'all they're so nice AND their Instagram lives are so fun to watch (especially Zae's :haha:). They randomly hop in with each other's Instagram lives throughout the season (and even up until now that the season has ended). Personally love the teenage girls' friendship the most (Rachel, Gih, Carolina, and Rio), and they are probably the 4 artists that I've been invested the most (plus Andrew, he's so fun to talk to, very genuine guy). The mini spoofs were so iconic lol. And of course, Pete's interviews 🥰. I'm glad they worked it all out despite the COVID situation thing


Season 20 will always be one of the most memorable for me :wub:

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After some thought and trips down Voice memory lane, here are the casts that I had very fond memories of:

Season 9: I still think this is the most diverse cast we had across the seasons. And there's so much personality in this cast. I remember Jeffery and Ellie being especially sassy and entertaining on Twitter. I also remember Barrett being the dad of the cast and befriending the parents of the minors in the cast. And while I do remember this cast having some drama relating to a certain contestant, I think everyone got along great.

Season 17: Definitely one of the friendliest casts we ever had. Will and his group of buddies was a joy to follow through on social media. I remember hopping on so many lives this season with them. And they genuinely support each other as well.

Season 20: Thanks to Pete and his lG Live interviews, I got to learn a LOT about several of the contestants this season and appreciated them more. And I feel like the cast bonded a lot more especially since they got together in the middle of a global pandemic.

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Torn between Seasons 17 and 20, both casts seem super close and supportive of one another, along with very high talent levels; 17 has more genre diversity which is appealing, while 20 seems to have a cast where almost everybody found a few people they clicked really well with on and off the show.


Honorable mention to Season 19’s cast though: the Cami/Madeline/Taryn, Payge/Lauren, Tamara/Desz, and Carter/WTW girls friendships in particular remain enjoyable to watch, and Sid’s friendly “rivalry” with Ian and Jim was pretty funny while it lasted.

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