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Alex Rewatched ANTM


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Cycle 5 - Episode 10 -ย The Girl Who Talks Behind Everyone's Back


Jenny Shimizu is meeting with the girls and talking about representation in the industry as a minority (Asian, gay, short, tattoos lol)


And when this wins the C5 photo rankdown >>>>>>>>


Kim & Nicole having their daily shittalking session about Lisa and Jayla.


Bre comparing notes with Jayla about how Kim is fake.


Bre & Nik awkwardly sitting there as Kim talks shit about Nik on the phone to Nik's friend from home :dead:


The girls are getting video messages from home on this old ass cellphone.


Bre has decided to confront Kim in the limo about how she talks about everyone behind their backs.


Double teamed from Bre & Nik! Would hate to be in Kim's shoes right now lol.


Jayla joins in on the dragging.


Bre: Nicole I think you should stay out of this one :dead:


Oop now Kim's crying


"I don't believe she's crying because she's sad about the things she's done. If she is crying about anything, it's because she's in this situation" Clock'd



Bre comforting Kim now because she's an angel.


The girls are swarmed with "paparazzi" when they land in London.


Bre won the challenge so she and Nik have a nice dinner out!


Nik came home with an apology letter from Kim on her bed "Sadly for me I'm not convinced ๐Ÿ™‚"


"Even though we a lot of pretty girls, a lotta pretty girls don't use deodorant. And I wanna know the pretty girl that thought it was CUTE to pass gas in that little box. I could've just died in that little box. Just DIED!"


Lisa killing the photoshoot, so she should be safe for the week ๐Ÿ™‚


Lisa giving us a sneak peek of her in All-Stars.


Twiggy tells Lisa this is her best photo ๐Ÿ™‚


Miss J: You look like you've seen someone from school you haven't seen in a long time :dead:


Tyra: So who should go home? The girl whose a spitfire, or the girl whose kinda mediocre?

Sounds obvious to me!




Lisa getting an elimination montage :wub:ย As she should :wub:


And then there were 5...

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Cast Ranking:


This episode seemed to go by really fast! It felt a bit disjointed (but I think that's partly because there's no logical storyline to end in Lisa's blindside). The #KimExposedParty was a lot of fun, I've been looking forward to that and it lived up to my hype. This episode was just a setup for next week though. God I can't wait!


1. Bre - Amazing narrator as always. She handled the situation with Kim with so much grace and dignity. 10 episodes into the season, and Bre has yet to say the wrong thing or be on the wrong side of history. Such a star.

2. Nik - Loved seeing Nik's passive agressive side come back out! She went toe-to-toe with Kim like a champ as Bre's partner. Loved seeing her in action here.

3. Lisa - Lisa's most normal episode of the season and she goes home???? The edit was really such a mess, there was absolutely no indication as to why Lisa should go home. Obviously she was eliminated for #Diapergate last week, but they should've come up with a valid reason to send her home, or at least wait till she f*cks up against which would've been inevitable.

4. Jayla - Jumped in at the last second to read Kim to filth and deliver the final blow โค๏ธ. Jayla's the worst in the best possible way.

5. Kim - She got hit left, right, and center this episode :dead:. But she got FCO so I guess it was worth it. Her tears did not work on me. But I don't think she's a horrible person, I do think she talks shit as a defense mechanism and kinda boredom.

6. Nicole - I don't like that Nicole got off scot free. She talks just as much shit as Kim, if not more. She should've been getting called out too.


Photo Ranking:


I've never been a fan of this shoot. I don't like how restricting it was. Is it that fun to watch the girls model in a small box right on top of each other? Give them the freedom to pose and have fun! But coming off the Wild Boyz shoot last week, there was nowhere to go but up.


1. Bre - Bre understood the assignment! I love the look of shock and fear in her face. She is emoting so well, and still looking fierce and modelesque. Easily my favorite pic of the week.

2. Lisa - Great shot from Lisa, one of her softer looks in the competition. Can't believe she got sent home after this.

3. Nicole - I like the innocent angle Nicole's going for. This shot didn't blow me away, but it's good!

4. Nik - I agree with the judges, I think she has been relying on the same look. It's not the most flattering shot in the world, but it's still not bad.

5. Kim - I'm not a fan of her pose here. I think it looks awkward, and not in a good way. She's finally starting to emote more and more though, so good on that.

6. Jayla - Terrible. Lisa is stealing the shot. Her face is hideous, the pose is uncomfortable. Her worst photo of the competition easily.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 5 - Episode 10)

Cycle 5 - Episode 11 -ย The Girl Who Retaliates


Bre & Kim have been getting close again since they got to London!


Miss J tells the girls they're gonna pose like statues for the challenge.


Nicole is holding her pose well


Bre may not be happy, but she is werqing through it!


Nik don't give a single shit :wub:


Nicole is complaining about the challenge of course.


"Her voice is so annoying, it's so sharp and alarming" Couldn't put it better myself


Nik has won the challenge and is taking Bre & Jayla with her on a shopping spree.


Bre isn't feeling well and is trying to sleep, but Nicole is being loud and annoying.


Later in the night, Bre notices her granola bars are missing! She immediately blames Nicole โค๏ธ


So she pours Nicole's drinks down the sink :wub:


Bre spots Kim and immediately ducks for cover!


She then tackles Kim to the ground so she doesn't see what she's hidden :dead:


Bre whispers commands in Kim's ears while she's on the ground โค๏ธ


Nik awkwardly sitting through Bre's antics โค๏ธ


Nicole wakes up and finds out her energy drinks are missing!


Mr. Jay's shirt made me homophobic.


Kim confronts Bre at the photoshoot.


Bre has no interest in talking about it right now though


Bre noping the f*cking out of that conversation :wub:


Jayla feels confident at the photoshoot because she's used to sitting in a chair and staring into space when she's getting her makeup done :dead:


Kim is telling Jay about the granola bar and energy drink drama.


Once Nicole & Bre finish their shoots, Nicole decides she wants to confront Bre.


"Stealing is you don't know who took it and you never see it again, I didn't see it you know where it is" She has a point :dead:


"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to pay for it!"

"I'm not. So now what do we do?"


Nicole & Kim are hoping Bre goes home and not one of them.


The one thing I'll say about C5 is their judging tests were so delightfully crack'd.


Tyra confronts Bre about her behavior on set, but Bre insists she did not bring the drama to set and was on her best behavior (and she's correct might I add!!!!!!!!)


The photographer: I told Kim to think about her boyfriend.

Miss J: Well...ย :dead:


Nigel making a joke about stealing energy drinks while judgingย Kim...same Bre


Bre deciding she just wants to get off set.


Bre starts crying in the background while judging continues.


After panel, shit hits the fan :wub:


"I just want you to know that the possibility of me going home today is about 96% percent. You will not win this competition because you are an ugly person. You have an ugly personality. Y'know what, you're a liar. Look at me, I did something that was very wrong and God don't like ugly, he don't like it." An all-time great monologue!


But despite that, Bre "learned her lesson" and she survives!




Kim finds losing to Bre really hard.


And then there were 4...

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Cast Ranking:


Obviously the episode of the cycle, and one of the best episodes in ANTM history. After being the hero for so long, Bre dips her toe in villainous territory and she's instantly iconic. The entire sequence of Bre discovering the missing granola bars, pouring out the energy drinks, and silencing Kim is just one of my favorite scenes ever. I'm gonna get more in detail about everything in my rankings, but my heart really broke for Bre as she broke down in judging. That fight between Kim and Bre before the elimination is one of the most intense fights in ANTM history. And then Kim getting blindsided over Bre at elimination is just the cherry on top of the cake. Also the posing challenge with the pigeons was really fun, so really just an A+ episode all around!


1. Bre - One of the joys of this rewatch is finding out how righteous Bre had been all season. Literally every situation in the house, Bre found herself on the right side of history. She coaxed Cassandra into quitting, she was right in calling out Kim in the limo, she was there for Lisa when she was falling off the wagon. Was Bre pouring the energy drinks out objectively wrong? Sure, but I don't care! It was f*cking funny! This is reality television! Having said that, I am totally in favor of the way Bre conducted herself from at the shoot. Bre was at work and had no interest in discussing home drama. It genuinely angers me that Bre got in trouble at panel for her unprofessional behavior on set while Kim and Nicole got off scot-free. Kim and Nicole were the ones who brought the drama to set. They gossiped to Mr. Jay and called her out at work. If the judges wanted to scold Bre for pouring out the drinks, fine. But to act like she was unprofessional on set when she all she was trying to do was not engage and remove herself from the situation pissed me the f*ck off. And yeah, I know Tyra's Black, but I do think Bre being the "angry Black woman" 100% had something to do with it. Kim & Nicole can yell at Bre and they're okay. Bre legit never raised her voice once all episode until the final fight between Bre & Kim before elimination. After what she went through at panel, I don't blame Bre for finally snapping.

2. Jayla - Alright time to write a lot less lol. Jayla lowkey telling off Mr. Jay and letting him know she refuses to practice for the photoshoot was amazing โค๏ธ. Girls hating on Mr. Jay gives me the strength to keep going.

3. Nik - Nik awkwardly sitting in the middle of all the drama โค๏ธ. I love how Nik just sat by and let Bre do her thing with the energy drinks and was just like don't involve me :dead:. That's an ally!

4. Nicole - While Nicole does annoy the shit out of me and I hate her for confronting Bre on set, I'll give her credit that Iย supposeย she does have a right to be mad :/. And I suppose Nicole vs. the pigeons was funny (as was her reaction to Kim getting eliminated over Bre lol)

5. Kim - What a nosedive Kim took. For the most part with the first four cycles, who I liked back in the day I still like now. Kim was someone I liked when I originally watched the cycle, and my opinion has changed on her. To me, Kim getting involved with everything felt like she was trying to clear her name. When she was feuding with Bre, she kept bringing up the limo situation. Though she acted humble and like she wanted to change, I think she still resents Bre, Nik, and Jayla for calling her out. Kim was a bit too excited to jump on Bre for my liking. Nicole is her friend and I get her wanting to defend her friend, but she needed to mind her own business, or deal with it at home and not at the photoshoot.


Photo Ranking:


I have mixed feelings on this shoot. I think the results are gorgeous and as works of art, it's easily one of the strongest shoots of the cycle. From a modeling standpoint, I just don't like how constricting it was. The girls just had to match an exact pose completely. I prefer it when the girls have more freedom. I mean, give me this shoot over like 75% of the shoots this cycle! I believe this is a pretty popular shoot, and I can't say it's one of my all-time faves for that reason.


1. Nik - Nik proved she can shoot straight on looking at the camera. Her eyes are so captivating, and she really maintained that pose perfectly, the symmetry is flawless. Amazing shot from Nik.

2. Bre - I think Bre really captured the essence of the Mona Lisa with this shot. Bre looks totally regal and completely in control. Obviously some of Bre's shots have been hit or miss, and I'm glad she was able to kill this one!

3. Nicole - This is one of Nicole's most mature shots. She also looks quite regal, it's one of my favorites from her as well.

4. Jayla - So I originally had this second, but the more I looked at the straight on shot of her in the mirror the less I like her face there. I absolutely love Jayla's profile and her pose there in the chair. The shot in the mirror is ruining it for me though.

5. Kim - A completely blah and lifeless shot. She just can't emote with her face at all unless she's going OTT. At this point, Kim was easily the weakest of the bunch and the right choice to go home.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 5 - Episode 11)
On 8/14/2021 at 12:55 AM, Deeee said:

I'm in love with this episode, I'm in love with Bre, I'm in love with your take on everything that happened, I'm in love with your rankings. Ugh. No words.ย :wub:



On 8/14/2021 at 6:26 PM, Zoey said:

Bre, Lisa and Jayla carried this cycle and I was there for it.ย :wub:


Iโ€™m still wondering how Nicole and Kim made it so far and weโ€™re nearly 16 years on.ย :whut:

Yass @ Bre and Lisa. I hadn't had much of an opinion on Jayla, but she's winning me over on this rewatch :wub:


I wish we lost them both sooner :/ย (though also not because I appreciate them bringing the best out of Bre lol)

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Cycle 5 - Episode 12 -ย The Girl Who Takes a Pill


Nicole is still upset following the elimination that Kim left and Bre is still here.


Meanwhile Bre is worried about being villainized and not seen as a good person.


Same, Jayla.


Tyra Mail told Nicole to dress Bollywood and that's what she wore lol.


The man who called Catie a cheap prostitute in C2 is back!


It's go-see time!


"Omg that's awful!" I mean did she lie...


Bre having to run out of the go-see to retrieve her portfolio she left in the car :dead:


The girls are predicting none of them won the challenge because they all sucked :dead:


Jayla being told she has the worst ruwnay walk oop


"I cannot dress but OH! I take good direction! :rolleyes:" :dead:


No one picked Bre so she only gets 50 frames at the photoshoot and she has to go first and can't look at herself in the mirror :dead:


Nik didn't pick Bre for the reward because of the energy drinks situation


"Even though it looks like me and Bre are extremely close I know that she's supposedly 'keeping her enemies close' and what do you think I'm doing!" Oof didn't see this betrayal coming


Nik & Jayla are planning on spending the day together, forcing Bre & Nicole to also spend the day together.


Jayla admits she talked mad shit about Nik but she's gotten over it lol


On their day out, Bre admits she was wrong and if the shoe was on the other foot, she would've acted the same way as Nicole.


Fences are mended!


Nicole admits she enjoyed her day with Bre, and it was better than a day with Jayla :dead:


Bre wakes up with a fever the day of the photoshoot :(


And Jayla gave Bre drowsy medicine lol (an accident? I'll let you decide!)


"Noted" fashion photographer Nigel is shooting the girls.


Mr. Jay and Nik cackling about Jayla giving Bre drowsy Benadrylย :dead:


After the shoot, the girls are joined at dinner by Nigel and his Sri Lankan mother.


Bre declaring herself the underdog after three bottom two appearances.


"You're supposed to say 'You're my backup dancers now backup bitches'" Okay Miss Tyra that was a bit iconic mayhaps


Bre survives her second straight bottom two appearanceย and fourth overall :wub:


"I am going to make the winner look like nothing, that's my goal ๐Ÿ™‚"


And then there were 3...

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Cast Ranking:


There was nowhere to go but down from last week, but I don't think it went down that far. While it was a bit too sweet for my taste, Jayla & Nik and Nicole & Bre's feuds ending in them spending the day together and becoming friends was sweet. This was one of the lamer go-sees in ANTM history, but it happens. I actually enjoyed the entire cast this episode, which I didn't expect. Hell even Nigel I enjoyed meeting his mom and hearing about his ancestry!


1. Bre - Such an amazing character. I feel like she knows she lost since the drama last week and is just having fun with the whole thing now :dead:. She's #OverIt and I love every second of it.

2. Jayla - Is Jayla a sociopath? Possibly. My headcanon is that Jayla absolutelyย gave Bre terrible medicine on purpose because it totally fits with who she is :wub:

3. Nicole - I was totally prepared for a whole episode of Nicole just talking shit about Bre, but then she forgave her and she dropped it and I was impressed. Bre did pour out her drinks...so y'know what Miss Nicole I'll let you have this victory.

4. Nik - On one hand, Nik revealing that she actually doesn't care about Bre and has just been strategically staying close to her is iconic. On the other hand, as a Bre defender I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hate Nik for this.


Photo Ranking:


I had mixed feelings on the shoot, but I felt I gained some perspective on it listening to Nigel's mom, a genuine Sri Lankan. I'm far from an expert on Bollywood, so I hope this was done tastefully and I hope they did a respectful job. Either way, not one of my favorite or least favorite shoots.


1. Nik - Absolutely amazing. She struck her pose flawlessly, and she continues to prove she can shoot straight on. Nik is peaking at the right time.

2. Bre - Bre's pose is amazing. Between this shot and her plastic surgery shot, I'm starting to wish Bre had some better shoots with more freedom because I think she's a really amazing poser. I do agree with the judges about the neck, and I think the face needed a little more life, but also considering she was sick, this is an amazing shot!

3. Nicole - A bit basic, just like Nicole is. Tyra being obsessed with this photo was a Choice since Bre and Nik's were literally right there.

4. Jayla - Lolololol she truly pissed someone behind the scenes off. To throw her in the corner of her own photo was some delicious sabotage. But even if we just had closeup shots of the four girls with no extras, Jayla's shot would still be the weakest.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Alex Rewatches ANTM (Cycle 5 - Episode 12)
On 8/14/2021 at 5:10 AM, Alex95 said:

"I just want you to know that the possibility of me going home today is about 96% percent. You will not win this competition because you are an ugly person. You have an ugly personality. Y'know what, you're a liar. Look at me, I did something that was very wrong and God don't like ugly, he don't like it."




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13 hours ago, Alex95 said:

4. Nik - On one hand, Nik revealing that she actually doesn't care about Bre and has just been strategically staying close to her is iconic. On the other hand, as a Bre defender I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hate Nik for this.


Nik will forever be a huge favorite of mine, but I always thought this random Bre hatred was so strange. LOL.

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Alex's average call-out order vs. the show's average call out order


Alex's Cycle 1


Katie = 2.50

Giselle = 2.80

Elyse = 3.43

Adrianne = 3.57

Kesse = 3.83

Ebony = 4.75

Shannon = 5.14

Robin = 5.86

Nicole = 7.67

Tessa = 10.00


Tyra's Cycle 1


Elyse = 3.00

Shannon = 3.12

Adrianne = 3.25

Kesse = 3.50

Robin = 4.71

Giselle = 5.20

Ebony = 5.25

Nicole = 5.33

Katie = 7.00

Tessa = 10.00

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Since Alex did not provide a performance-based ranking for the final episode, these averages definitely look a bit different than those from the show. Also, Alex separately gave performance rankings to the B&W beauty shots + Nude Diamond shots, which also leads to a bit of a different calculation. But this is interesting to see tbh! Who would have thought Katie would be his Cycle 1 winner.ย :wub:

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Alex's average call-out order vs. the show's average call out order


Alex's Cycle 2


April = 3.33

Yoanna = 3.80

Mercedes = 4.00

Shandi = 4.30

Catie = 4.67

Camilleย = 5.13

Jenascia = 5.75

Sara = 6.71

Xiomara = 7.20

Heather = 9.67

Bethany = 10.50

Anna = 12.00


Tyra's Cycle 2


Mercedes = 2.90

Yoanna + Shandi = 3.30

April = 3.33

Camilleย = 4.75

Sara = 4.86

Catie = 5.67

Xiomara = 7.20

Heather = 8.33

Jenascia = 9.00

Bethany = 10.00

Anna = 12.00

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Only difference between the show and Alex is of course Alex separately ranking the commercial + B&W beauty shots. April rightfully wins based on his rankings, but surprisingly ends up with the same call-out average from the show.

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Alex's average call-out order vs. the show's average call out order


Alex's Cycle 3


Amandaย = 2.91

Yayaย = 3.09

Nicoleย = 3.50

Eva = 3.55

Norelle = 4.67

Ann = 5.50

Toccara = 5.71

Julie = 6.50

Cassie = 6.83

Leah = 9.00

Kelle = 9.60

Kristi = 9.67

Jennipher = 10.25

Magdalene = 14.00


Tyra's Cycle 3


Eva = 3.18

Yayaย = 3.27

Amanda = 3.45

Nicole = 4.25

Ann = 5.50

Norelle = 5.67

Toccara = 5.86

Cassie = 6.17

Jennipher + Julie = 7.50

Kristi = 7.67

Kelle = 8.60

Leah = 13.00

Magdalene = 14.00

Edited by Deeee
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On 8/11/2021 at 10:40 PM, Alex95 said:

Nicole is educating the girls about how birds are blind (she's really gonna get to know birds well very soon!)

I'm crying. Nicole screaming during the pigeon scene gives me a full ab workout from laughing


On 8/11/2021 at 10:40 PM, Alex95 said:

Wayament...Jayla's unhinged anti-Nik confessional happened AFTER panel when Nik lowkey threw Jayla under the bus. It's still cray cray, but makes a bit more sense lol


Wow that actually makes way more sense. She came across in the episode as INSANE but now there's a bit of context. Editing in MY reality show???? The nerve!!!!


On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:

Cycle 5 - Episode 9 -ย The Girl Whose Boyfriend Is Cheating on Her

Shandi found dead


On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:





Apparently everything I quote in real life comes from Cycle 5 lol


On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:

This man called Bre the "sexy sistah" I hate him!

Really gross pigeonholing, by a man of color no less.ย 


On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:

Nicole portraying angry.

omg this is so cringe


On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:

Plz not Steve-O flirting with Nicole and massaging her feet!



On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:




The chart is gone. Only cringe remains.


On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:

Best overseas reveal ever :wub:ย :wub:ย :wub:

More cringe


Wow this episode had Lisa peeing and ANTM Chocolate???? Cycle 5 is delivering...


On 8/12/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:

For the third episode in a row, and then there were still six!

...but this is not cute.


On 8/12/2021 at 12:20 AM, Alex95 said:

She literally pissed her chances away at winning.

One of those reality TV moments that changes the trajectory of the whole season. Imagine the butterfly effect if this one event didn't happen.

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Alex's average call-out order vs. the show's average call out order


Alex's Cycle 4


Brittany = 3.40

Keenyahย = 4.00

Michelle = 4.25

Kahlen = 4.27

Christina = 4.44

Tiffany = 4.83

Naima = 5.27

Brandy = 6.00

Rebecca = 6.50

Noelle = 8.00

Tatiana = 9.00

Lluvy = 9.40

Sarah = 10.00

Brita = 14.00


Tyra's Cycle 4


Kahlen + Naima = 3.73

Keenyahย = 4.18

Christina = 4.22

Brittany = 4.80

Rebecca = 5.00

Tiffany = 5.50

Tatiana = 5.86

Michelle = 6.13

Noelle = 9.25

Lluvy = 9.40

Sarah = 10.50

Brandy = 11.00

Brita = 14.00

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On 8/12/2021 at 11:44 PM, Alex95 said:

And when this wins the C5 photo rankdown >>>>>>>>

I legitimatelyย rely on this thread now to remember all the obscure photos that happened on the show hahaha


On 8/12/2021 at 11:44 PM, Alex95 said:

The girls are getting video messages from home on this old ass cellphone.

At the time I was like "lol no one is ever going to use videos what a dumb idea"


On 8/12/2021 at 11:44 PM, Alex95 said:

"I don't believe she's crying because she's sad about the things she's done. If she is crying about anything, it's because she's in this situation" Clock'd

Nik coming through with the surprise burn of the season


On 8/12/2021 at 11:44 PM, Alex95 said:

"Even though we a lot of pretty girls, a lotta pretty girls don't use deodorant. And I wanna know the pretty girl that thought it was CUTE to pass gas in that little box. I could've just died in that little box. Just DIED!"

you KNOW that the producer in charge of her talking heads must have loved her to death


On 8/12/2021 at 11:44 PM, Alex95 said:


Twiggy tells Lisa this is her best photo ๐Ÿ™‚

Twiggy must not have been told about the diaper yet


On 8/12/2021 at 11:44 PM, Alex95 said:

Lisa getting an elimination montage :wub:ย As she should :wub:


Do we see another elimination package until Ebony C9??? I don't remember


On 8/12/2021 at 11:44 PM, Alex95 said:

And then there were 5...

We waited all those episodes for an elimination and they go with Lisa after schooling all the other models in the photoshoot. Isn't there some rumor that they had to reshoot everyone's after Lisa went and Jay told them all to do it more like Lisa?


On 8/13/2021 at 12:06 AM, Alex95 said:

5. Kim - I'm not a fan of her pose here. I think it looks awkward, and not in a good way. She's finally starting to emote more and more though, so good on that.

6. Jayla - Terrible. Lisa is stealing the shot. Her face is hideous, the pose is uncomfortable. Her worst photo of the competition easily.

These two beat Lisa in Cycle 5. It's still a shock watching even knowing the result. Every time I rewatch I think that Jayla will leave and then she doesn't.ย 

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10 hours ago, *Lily said:





8 hours ago, Deeee said:


Nik will forever be a huge favorite of mine, but I always thought this random Bre hatred was so strange. LOL.

It was so random :dead:. One second it seemed like they were bffs and then Nik was just like "Strategy ๐Ÿ™‚" :dead:


8 hours ago, Deeee said:

Since Alex did not provide a performance-based ranking for the final episode, these averages definitely look a bit different than those from the show. Also, Alex separately gave performance rankings to the B&W beauty shots + Nude Diamond shots, which also leads to a bit of a different calculation. But this is interesting to see tbh! Who would have thought Katie would be his Cycle 1 winner.ย :wub:

I'm loving all these stats you posted! Lol Katie ownage :dead:ย :wub:


6 hours ago, Deeee said:

Only difference between the show and Alex is of course Alex separately ranking the commercial + B&W beauty shots. April rightfully wins based on his rankings, but surprisingly ends up with the same call-out average from the show.

Justice for April!


6 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

I'm crying. Nicole screaming during the pigeon scene gives me a full ab workout from laughing


Wow that actually makes way more sense. She came across in the episode as INSANE but now there's a bit of context. Editing in MY reality show???? The nerve!!!!


Shandi found dead




Apparently everything I quote in real life comes from Cycle 5 lol


Really gross pigeonholing, by a man of color no less.ย 


omg this is so cringe




The chart is gone. Only cringe remains.


More cringe


Wow this episode had Lisa peeing and ANTM Chocolate???? Cycle 5 is delivering...


...but this is not cute.


One of those reality TV moments that changes the trajectory of the whole season. Imagine the butterfly effect if this one event didn't happen.

New ab day plans :wub:


I'm shocked they #exposed themselves in the recap like that :giggle:


What a dumb episode name :dead:




You're telling me you don't quote "THAT STANK HOE POURED THE BEER IN MY WEAVE?!"


ANTM being gross? Even from POC to POC? I'm shocked!


So much cringe this episode.


ANTM chocolate is a top 5 judging task of all-time :wub:




I think Laura Kirkpatrick becomes our All-Stars winner if Lisa doesn't shoot herself in the foot in C5 lol.


6 hours ago, Deeee said:

I am happy to see Alex had Eva fourth, which I think reflects the quality of her portfolio in comparison to Amanda/Yaya/Nicole, rather than the show giving her the best call-out average.ย 

I'm not happy to see I have Eva 4th ๐Ÿ™ˆ. Though tbf, I think it's well-known that Eva's one of the most improved portfolios and once she hits the Alter Ego shoot, it's iconic shot after iconic shot.


5 hours ago, Deeee said:

Alex absolutely saved Michelle from being robbed like she was in real life. He also correctly placed Naima in seventh instead of tied for first. LOL.

Lmaoooo not 7th for Naima :dead:. It's truly what she deserved though.


17 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

I legitimatelyย rely on this thread now to remember all the obscure photos that happened on the show hahaha


At the time I was like "lol no one is ever going to use videos what a dumb idea"


Nik coming through with the surprise burn of the season


you KNOW that the producer in charge of her talking heads must have loved her to death


Twiggy must not have been told about the diaper yet


Do we see another elimination package until Ebony C9??? I don't remember


We waited all those episodes for an elimination and they go with Lisa after schooling all the other models in the photoshoot. Isn't there some rumor that they had to reshoot everyone's after Lisa went and Jay told them all to do it more like Lisa?


These two beat Lisa in Cycle 5. It's still a shock watching even knowing the result. Every time I rewatch I think that Jayla will leave and then she doesn't.ย 

Glad I can be of assistance.


So young...so naive.


She does that a few times tbh, Nik is A LOT shadier than I ever remembered!


Bre is a reality show producer's dream contestant.


I can imagine a producer sitting down with Twiggy telling her they have to eliminate Lisa because she peed in a diaper :dead:


I'll keep my eye on it, I don't remember either. But it's suuuuuuuper telling Lisa got one. They were really invested in her, I think they were pissed she did that.


Yeah I've heard that rumor, I think it's pretty much confirmed. I'm not surprised at all either.


The judges seemed to really love Kim after her early bottom two appearance, which I'm really surprised about considering how mediocre her portfolio is. Jayla just benefitted from never really being the worst...till this shoot which she absolutely should've gone home for.

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Cycle 5 - Episode 13 -ย The Girl Who Is on the Cover


New BFFs Bre & Nicole cheer about making it to the final three!


Bre has made Top Model history being in the bottom two four times :dead:


Weird they didn't call Brittany back, the winner of last cycle ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


"Please let me have a good commercial because they're gonna send my Black ass home real soon if I don't" :dead:


Nicole bombing her commercial even though she was real cocky before :wub:


Lol Nicole bitching that the lights are blinding her at the commercial.


The one on the right looks...........slightly better than the one we got...? What happened to this photo Mama TyTy?!


Nicole joins Nik in the final two and unfortunatelyย Bre's string of luck has come to an end :broken:


Bre taking off her heels and putting her glasses on upon being eliminated :wub:


"My path can only go up from here, there's nothing but up" That's right Bre :wub:


And then there were 2...


Nicole & Nik are awkward together as the last two girls in the house.





I believe this is the first one-on-one of the season besides in the casting episode...? I was wondering when they started to die off, I missed them.


Queen Eva is showing everyone how it's done :wub:


Did we really have to be reminded of this monstrosity at the portfolio battle?


Twiggy calling Nik too bouncy...are we talking about the same Nik.


Twiggy and Nigel are very clearly campaigning for Nicole and Miss J is very clearly campaigning for Nik.


And Nicole wins!


Nik getting the Tyra Hug ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Nicole is happy with the attention winning ANTM comes with omg


And then there was 1...

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