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Least Deserving Steals


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I'd say Trey O'Dell after his Battle (season ten), Joe Maye after his Knockout (season ten), and Lacy Mandigo after both her Battle and her Knockout (also season ten).


Although I watch (and greatly enjoy) his shocked reaction on a loop every now and then, I'd also add Quizz Swanigan after his Knockout (season twelve).


I also wouldn't have stolen Dallas Caroline after her Battle (season fourteen).


I would also say Jimmy Mowery for his Battle (season sixteen) and Jacob Maxwell for his Cross-Battle (season sixteen), assuming we can include saves, as well.


Although he showed massive improvement from his Blind, I'll add Jessie Lawrence's save after his Battle (season seventeen).  Though I get why Gwen did it since her other save options (Kiara Brown and James Violet) opted to be stolen instead, and she herself was running out of options.


Although he did do a good job in his Battle, Joseph Soul (season nineteen).  He wasn't undeserving, per se.  I just thought that Gwen had other, better steal options.


I'll add more when I think of them.

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4 hours ago, Rodney said:


I also wouldn't have stolen Dallas Caroline after her Battle (season fourteen).

I think she actually wanted to steal either one of Hannah Goebel/Alexa Cappelli but she found out too late that Hannah dropped, just a theory.


4 hours ago, Rodney said:


Although he did do a good job in his Battle, Joseph Soul (season nineteen).  He wasn't undeserving, per se.  I just thought that Gwen had other, better steal options.

Hard to say cause he really seems to be a great guy but that steal was wrong. She should’ve stole Julia IMO. If Joseph managed to beat Van (not that it was hard but Gwen seemed to really like Van, how she spoke about him after he won his battle), I think Julia would’ve literally destroyed him (although she would’ve been probably montaged cause Van flopped, the whole situation sucks lmao).

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7 hours ago, AliXRose said:

I think she actually wanted to steal either one of Hannah Goebel/Alexa Cappelli but she found out too late that Hannah dropped, just a theory.


Hard to say cause he really seems to be a great guy but that steal was wrong. She should’ve stole Julia IMO. If Joseph managed to beat Van (not that it was hard but Gwen seemed to really like Van, how she spoke about him after he won his battle), I think Julia would’ve literally destroyed him (although she would’ve been probably montaged cause Van flopped, the whole situation sucks lmao).

and then John should have saved Olivia...

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