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Who Do You Predict will be paired in Battles and why


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Team Kelly

Joseph Soul

Eli Zamora

Kelsie Watts

Madeline Consoer

Skylar Mayton

Tanner Gomes

Marisa Corvo


Ryan Gallagher



Team Gwen

Lauren Frihauf

Payge Turner

Liam St. John

Chloe Hogan

Ryan Berg

Carter Rubin

Larriah Jackson

Van Andrew

Lain Roy

Tori Miller


Team John

Tamara Jade

John Holliday

Cami Clune

Sid Kingsley

Rio Souma


Olivia Reyes

Julia Cooper

Bailey Rae

James Pyle


Team Blake

Ian Flannigan

Jim Ranger

Taryn Papa

Aaron Scott


Ben Allen

Sam Stacey

Payton Lamarr

John Sullivan

Worth the Wait


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Team Kelly 

Joseph Soul vs Skylar Mayton  (R&B/Pop)

Eli Zamora vs Ryan Gallagher (Leftover Pair)

Kelsie Watts vs Marisa Corvo (Pop Powerhouses)

Madeline Consoer vs Tanner Gomes (Country)

DeSz vs EmmaLee (R&B)


Team Gwen

Lauren Frihauf vs Van Andrew (Rock)

Payge Turner vs Larriah Jackson (R&B)

Liam St. John vs Ryan Berg (Singer-Songwriters)

Chloe Hogan vs Tori Miller (Storytellers)

Carter Rubin vs Lain Roy (Alternative)


Team John

Tamara Jade vs Casme (R&B)

John Holliday vs Rio Souma  (R&B)

Cami Clune vs Julia Cooper (Indie)

Sid Kingsley vs Bailey Rae (Country/Soul)

Olivia Reyes vs James Pyle (Pop)


Team Blake

Ian Flannigan vs Ben Allen (Country) 

Jim Ranger vs Aaron Scott (Leftover Pairing)

Taryn Papa vs Worth the Wait (Country) 

JusJon vs Payton Lamarr (Pop)

Sam Stacey vs John Sullivan (Folk)






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Team Kelly

DeSz vs Joseph (powerful soul singers)

Ryan G vs Marisa (both big voice, would kill on old school ballad)

Madeline vs Tanner (country)

Emmalee vs Skylar (soft pop voice)

Eli vs Kelsie (pop vocalists, kinda leftover)


Team Gwen

Carter vs Larriah (teens with big voice)

Payge vs Lauren (alt-rock/soft rock that would compliment each other well)

Liam vs Van (rock-leaning guys)

Ryan vs Tori (folk vibe and country should mix well)

Chloe vs Lain (both kinda alternative with different influences which could make for a great battle)


Team John

Tamara vs Casme (big voices)

Rio vs John (same reason as above)

James vs Sid (both seem pretty versatile and huge ranges so they could pull most songs together)

Olivia vs Bailey (teens with softer voices)

Julia vs Cami (because Kelly said so lmao)


Team Blake

Jim vs Ben (basic country guys, jim stans dont come at me lmao)

Sam vs John H (folk)

JusJon vs Payton (non-country leftover)

Taryn vs WTW (huge voice vs a trio seems fair)

Ian vs Aaron (husky tone and rock should definitely mix)

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Predicted Matchups within the Teams: 



Skylar vs. Emmalee (younger, female pop artists - Kelly only needs one)

Kelsie vs. Marisa (powerful voices with a lot of range)

Eli vs. Ryan (different genres but stylistic similarities are there, though I could see Eli vs. Kelsie and Marisa vs. Ryan being viable as well)

Tanner vs. Madeline (country vs. country-pop makes sense to me)

Desz vs. Joseph (soulful powerhouse and a guy whose last name is literally Soul)



Lauren vs. Van (indie-rock adjacent voices)

Liam vs. Ryan (both of them are similar lanewise, though I could see Liam vs. Lauren if Gwen chose to pair Van with Ryan).

Payge vs. Chloe (alt/soul/indie against a neo-soul smoother voice would be fun)

Lain vs. Tori (an oddball pairing but there's always one, I don't think this will happen but Gwen seems attached to Lain and Tori could be an easier win for him unless he flops)

Carter vs. Larriah (the biggest issue here is Gwen getting attached to the youngsters, so I suspect whoever loses this will get a save if coaches have one this season)



Bailey vs. Sid (Sid has a natural bluesier vibe to his voice and blues is a first cousin to country, so this makes sense since otherwise Bailey's tricky to pair).

John vs. Julia (Julia's got a jazziness and John is classically trained and did jazz in the blinds - the only other person I could see John with is the other likely front-runner of the team, so that's not happening)

Tamara vs. Rio (his old school vs. her modern R&B)

Casme vs. Olivia (Casme's got a big voice but Olivia's softer tone could be a good foil for it)

Cami vs. James (this could work with the right song, even though I think Cami vs. Julia is a viable option since James vs. Olivia is also a possibility based on genre/previous song selection)



JusJon vs. Payton (they're the two token non-country/rock/folk voices, so...)

WTW vs. Ben (Country on Country on Country, y'all. Yeehaw.)

Sam vs. John (folk-rock and singer-songwriter types go well together, generally)

Taryn vs. Ian (Ian's tone isn't super country but it's his preferred genre, and Taryn's a strong country female solo act, which we rarely get in the 21+ artists category - I'd hate to see this happen, but my other options are Taryn vs. Jim and Ian vs. Aaron, and I don't think Blake would pit the former two against each other before KOs)

Jim vs. Aaron (honestly, Aaron should probably be with Ian but Taryn vs. Jim is so unlikely and Jim's less purely country than Ben or WTW, so this is what we get) 

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3 minutes ago, Zainab Tufail said:

I would actually love to see battle between John Holiday and Tamara Jade. Both are amazingly gifted vocalists so if this happens it might end up being one of the best battles ever.

That would be a killer battle for sure, but they also seem to be John's two front-runners (even on his stupidly stacked team) so I doubt this would happen, sadly.

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