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The Challenge: Reality Royalty Rankdown (CHAMPION ON PAGE 169!)


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Mike Mizanin


Before he went on to be a "famous" pro wrestler (I'd probably need Anne in here to let us know how famous he is), The Miz was just a reality contestant from The Real World and The Challenge. Despite being an iconic cast member and a main character of the earlier seasons, I never liked him so I'm fine cutting him now. As I mention in all my writeups of old school contestants, I'm disappointed I don't really have my thoughts on him easy to find anymore thanks to the IDF purge that killed all my thoughts before Fresh Meat (and unfortunately for us, Miz didn't do any seasons after Fresh Meat).

Miz's first Challenge season was Battle of the Seasons. And it's the only season of his that I have documentation of watching yay! I watched this season after the rest of my Miz seasons so I went into it with a bad taste in my mouth. If I hadn't know about him before, I might've enjoyed him a bit more. His relationship with Coral was really fun to watch and I enjoyed how supportive he was of her. He also had an insane drunken meltdown which was scary to watch, but luckily Coral was able to talk him off the ledge. Mike and Coral go on to win that season with the rest of the Real World team that's remaining!

We see him next for The Gauntlet where he's, once again, on the Real World team. This was the first time I met him and I f*cking haaaaaaaaaated the guy. Miz started off the season with a c00t little showmance with Trishelle, but everyone else hates her. So when she gets booted, Miz turns on her and acts like he also hated her the whole time and doesn't stand up for her at all. It was really ugly to watch how Miz treated someone he was just f*cking to gain some social capital. He also turned on Coral for being a dick to Trishelle (when he ended up being a dick to her as well). And then when Coral nearly died in the finale, Miz had a meltdown and did not support her at all despite everything Coral did for him the previous season. So this was my first time meeting Miz and I hated the guy. He lost in the end with the rest of his Real World team.

Miz returns one season later for The Inferno and guess what, he's still a sexist douchebag! Kendall is his new f*ckbuddy and he pretty much does the same thing with her that he did with Trishelle. They started off on good terms and they were having a grand old time together, but then he got drunk and randomly decided he hated her guts. So while she was competing in The Inferno, he was just spewing the most vile and nasty sh*t at her for no reason at all. Miz is just proving time and time again that he has zero respect for women. He made it to the end and luckily his team lost again.

Miz returns the next season of Battle of the Sexes 2 because he just refuses to take a season off. This time he's pretty much stuck with all guys so there's no girl that he's going out of his way to be a bitch towards. The guys side of the season was boring as hell and I barely remember anything that happened. He got booted before the finals for the only time ever. Oh yeah I kind of remember. He f*cked up the first challenge so he was low in points and never was able to recover. And since the guys always booted the weakest competitor, Miz was pretty much always an option to go despite being a legend. It was nice to see Miz in an underdog position, but I wouldn't say I was rooting for him.

Miz returns the following season AGAIN, but luckily this time it's his final season. He's on the Good Guys team on Inferno II for some reason. Idk what he did that made him a good guy, probably just sexism being fun back then I guess. Anyways, I don't remember him that season. I found the Good Guys team kinda boring I think, especially the four that ended up in the end. I believe this was the season Miz gave Brad an atomic wedgie which caused him to have a meltdown so that was funny. But yeah, Miz goes on to finally get another wins since Seasons and then calls it quits. Can't blame him.

Post-show, as I said, Miz went on to become a wrestler of some sorts. He seems to be successful so good for him. Despite being a legend, I never cared for him on the show so I'm gonna take the opportunity to cut him now.

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Dave Giuntoli


For this cycle, I'm clearly cutting people who got famous after the show. So my target lands on Dave's back. Dave got his start on Road Rules: South Pacific and found himself on the Road Rules team on The Gauntlet. As I'm sure you're all tired of me saying, my thoughts on that season are gone forever. How did I feel about Dave? No clue! I think he was in a showmance with someone but I honestly cannot remember at all. I believe he was kind of a leader of the team because he was fit and a guy, but maybe he wasn't. I can't remember if he was pro-Sarah or anti-Sarah. If he was pro-Sarah, I regret this cut. If he was anti-Sarah, this cut was long overdue. Since the show he has gotten into acting and has become relatively famous compared to the other famewhores that do this show at least. He was the star of the NBC show Grimm. He's currently starring on the ABC show A Million Little Things. Congrats on the success! Fine with eliminating him though.

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