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Disney Characters Rankdown


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Mary Poppins (1964)









DEE: 17



NICO: 25








Practically perfect in every way. I debated whether I was going to put Mary Poppins first or not, considering she was a wildcard and a big part of me thought an animated character should win this rankdown… Truthfully, I don’t know if any of my Top 3 choices have a shot at winning, so I just went with my gut and put them in the order I originally wrote them down in. But growing up, Mary Poppins was one of my 2 favorite movies (the other being The Wizard of Oz). I watched it countless times with my Grandmother while she babysat me, built and flew kites with my Pop-Pop while singing Let’s Go Fly a Kite, and even had the Mary Poppins Barbie doll that I always preferred to all of my others…


But I digress, this is a movie characters rankdown, so let’s talk about the character of Mary Poppins. It’s unknown where she comes from, but a strong wind blows her into London to answer the nanny advertisement written by Jane and Michael Banks (even after their father had destroyed it). He’s so befuddled that he winds up hiring her on the spot. As a nanny, she certainly isn’t a pushover and is actually quite strict with the children. Her sternness is offset by her kind demeanor and ability to make the ordinary extraordinary. I’ve definitely used the mindset of ”in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun” to get through a lot of unpleasant tasks (though, sadly, I’ve never been able to clean the house with a snap of my fingers). While she does teach the children the importance of chores, she also shows them quite a bit of fun. The scene where they jump into the chalk portrait and enjoy a day in the country was always one of my absolute favorites (that dress and the Jolly Holiday song with Bert and the cartoon animals!). While the children grow very fond of her and ask her to stay forever, she knows her time with them is temporary. As she leaves when the wind changes yet again, it is obvious that the family has been changed for the better due to her time with them.


You can’t talk about the character without discussing Julie Andrews’ iconic portrayal of her. Every bit of magic that the character possesses is brought to life by her. I recently sat down and watched this movie again with the baby (at 7 months old, she was less than captivated). We’ll try again when she’s a bit older. I’m sure that Barbie is up in my mom’s attic somewhere, afterall…









For this write-up I'm going to completely ignore the Emily Blunt take on Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins Returns because while she's good I do not like that movie and the "original" (in quotes because obviously the PL Travers character predates the Disney character) Julie Andrews take and movie. Because that's the Mary Poppins I adore and the one that I grew up with.




I don't think it should really be a surprise to anybody that I love Mary Poppins. She was my immunity choice, Bert was my wildcard pick, and for the Disney Movies Rankdown I submitted an entire write-up on how it was my favorite Disney movie as a child. Even now it's a movie I can just sit down and watch and enjoy every moment. It's the only movie over 2 hours that deserves every single one of its 139 minutes. But this write-up isn't about the movie, it's about its title character.


First let's just get this out of the way because it's me and I have to say it. Mary Poppins is a character written by a queer female author who was prickly, hated Walt Disney, and staunchly refused any romance between Bert and Mary Poppins and thus is my icon. And though I love PL Travers and consider her an icon, I have to say that she's wrong about this movie and the Julie Andrews portrayal of Mary Poppins because she's incredible. Also let's get point two out of the way, Mary Poppins is incredibly beautiful. I think I had a crush on her when I was 5 and I still have a crush on her now that I'm 29.




But what makes Mary Poppins so incredible? I think that it's even though she's been Disney-fied and therefore isn't as stern or as cross, she still comes off as a bit cold and prickly on the outside. She very much has a no-nonsense attitude. It's a bit of a turn for Disney women up until that time and aside from Miss Englantine Price (Bedknobs and Broomsticks) and Miss Bianca (The Rescuers) you wouldn't really see a female character in Disney with the same kind of agency and power until the Disney Renaissance when it largely felt that Disney decided that they could flesh out their princesses and female leads (and you know, stories in general). Perhaps Cruella de Vil but she's not the protagonist.




I feel like something that Disney consistently nails is their casting. Somebody will probably come to correct me, but I cannot think off the top of my head of a really bad or distracting casting. And Julie Andrews is both a perfect example and the epitome of this. It's really a sign of the times and the state of the Academy and what it wanted to portray Hollywood as that she won her Academy Award for Mary Poppins of all roles but it's truly an exemplary performance. She has an absolutely lovely voice which is a necessity (and really what allowed Julie Andrews to thrive in Hollywood in the 60s and what brought her to Hollywood). And she's just so capable of portraying so many facets of Mary Poppins. It would be easy going on the script to portray her with an almost dissonance, going from the caring nanny of the Banks children to one that practically gaslights them when she tells them that none of their magic adventures of the day happened. But she brings a warmth to the character in these moments. And she's able to make sure that she has one cohesive character whether it's when she's intimidating and outwitting Mr. Banks or covered in soot. Truly she's incredible.


Anyway, I hope I've accurately conveyed why Mary Poppins is my #1. I just love her. And I'm going to cut myself off now so I can get more write-ups done.







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Out of this Top 25, it was obvious that Mary Poppins would find herself near the top of my ranking - as a huge musical fan, I absolutely love the movie & I am a huge fan of Julie Andrews.  Now, what can I say about Mary Poppins? She's an icon. She's the nanny that we all wish we could have had, especially with her special powers - I was always fascinated by her pulling random stuff from her bag. And she always ensure that the kids are never bored while showing their parents that work is not everything in life - SuperNanny could never! To conclude, what is there not to love about Mary Poppins? How can one person dislike this iconic character, even though I know some people will rank her low considering their ranking of the movie in the Disney Movie rankdown.









I'm not that big on Mary Poppins but I do recognize her as one of the Disney Icons probably the most well-known live action character Disney has. Mary Poppins is this high due to a deal and I'm kind of intrigued on where the only non-animated character will place. Will people rank her differently because she is live-action? It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Mary Poppins is the titular protagonist of Mary Poppins. She was introduced in 1964. She is a nanny who has magical powers and helps out the Banks family. Her portrayal by Julie Andrews is iconic. Julie Andrews won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her portray of Mary Poppins. "A Spoonful of Sugar", "Chim Chim Cher-ee" and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" are some of the well-known songs Mary sings in the movie. Emily Blunt played Mary in Mary Poppins Returns.






Practically perfect in every way. Couldn't put it better myself. Unfortunately I still have to reach 100 words :dead:. Mary Poppins is a very important movie for me. My entire family loves the movie and it's one of the few movies that we can all watch together and enjoy. Mary Poppins is such a brilliantly written character, and obviously played flawlessly by Julie Andrews (and credit where credit is due, Emily Blunt does a great job as well despite the fact that she had the absolute biggest shoes to fill). I think the easy way to make Mary Poppins is have her be a soft-spoken nanny whose kindness and generosity inspires a family to treat each other, and the world, better. That's not how Mary Poppins operates though. Yes she is kind and generous, but she is tough and strict when she needs to be. Her jobs is to kick the Banks family into shape and only being kind won't do the job. She lays some hard truths on the characters throughout the movie and doesn't let them take the easy way out of situations. But she does this all while also being very clearly empathetic and loving and fun. My favorite moment of Mary Poppins is her conversation with George when she saves him. I love the reveal that Mary Poppins was there to save George the entire time and not the kids. We stan Mary Poppins!








Mary Poppins as a finalist in this Rankdown should have been a no-brainer from the very beginning of the game. Simply one of the most iconic fictional characters ever. The film is the true pinnacle of Walt Disney and the magical storytelling that we have come to know and love. A film that still permeates pop culture so greatly even 56 years after its release. Mary Poppins is simply a monumental character, and Julie Andrews' performance is still one of the finest performances in cinematic history.


I think in a just, fair, objective world, there is literally no way that Mary Poppins loses this game. I just had a hard time ranking her any higher because she is not in a movie I ever run back to watch? My personal attachment to Mary Poppins is just not that huge, but the respect I have for the character, the film, and the performance is huge. She really is "practically perfect in every way."


I mean, I think anybody with an appreciation for the film has at one point wanted to have a magical, nurturing, kind, musically-inclined, elegant, no-nonsense nanny. Right? Everything about Mary Poppins just feels otherworldly and phenomenal. Gotta love Jack L. Warner sh*tting the bed and passing up Andrews for My Fair Lady, allowing her to take on the role of Poppins, establishing the character as one of the greatest in cinematic history, and snagging the Best Actress Academy Award! The stuff of legends.


Yeah, Mary Poppins is seriously the greatest. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a word that will never leave my mind. Gotta give it to Megan for fighting for her inclusion and bringing her to the end. It was necessary.







Mary Poppins is the only non-animated character to make it to the end AND the only wildcard, which is all very impressive. She is an iconic and classic Disney character, so I won't argue her spot here. I did not personally grow up with Mary Poppins the movie the way I did with so many other great Disney movies, but I know my mom is a big fan and loves it. In fact, we saw the sequel in theaters together and loved it. Anyway, Mary is a one-of-a-kind nanny and probably someone every child wishes they had as their own. She is loving, fun, and has a bag full of tricks. :giggle: Her and her movie are responsible for some classic movie songs and moments, as well. She is a worthy addition to the finals.








From the movie Mary Poppins (1964)


Portrayed by the incomparable Dame Julie Andrews (b. 1935)


Academy Award winner for Best Actress 1965 for her performance as Mary Poppins

Golden Globe winner for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Comedy or Musical for Mary Poppins

Recording of Mary Poppins won Grammy Award for Best Recording for Children

BAFTA Award for Mary Poppins

Named a Disney Legend in 1991

Also played Queen Clarisse Marie Renaldi in The Princess Diaries (2001) and the 2004 sequel

Was the voice of the Narrator in Enchanted (2007)

And that's just the Disney stuff!


But the number one queen is P-O-P-P-I-N-bitch, you know the rest.


Mary Poppins at #24 is definitely a hate crime, so apologies to everyone. This is my only score that is kind of a tanked one. I want the top ranks to belong to the animated characters for this rankdown if I can help it. No denying that Mary Poppins is one of the most iconic icons who ever iconned in the history of icons. I think that adding some live action characters for this game was super fun. The only ones who I think deserved to get close to the Top 25 are Mary Poppins and Jack Sparrow, another icon of icons. However, for better or for worse, the really iconic Disney live action roles become synonymous with the actors playing them, and between Julie Andrews and Johnny Depp, obviously there's NO CONTEST.


I know that Megan and Chris are definitely big fans of this character, so sorry to them. Except not as much to Megan for hating on Finding Nemo the whole game lol.


So yeah, I have nothing negative to say against Mary Poppins except that she was a wildcard character and is live action, and I'd rather see all the animated characters rank higher. I don't know how other rankers are treating Mary Poppins, so I don't know if she has the potential to be a threat to rank really high, but I wasn't about to put her in the middle of my pack just for her to sneak into the Top 5 or something. Heck, she might make Top 5 anyway, who knows?






Yeah just, idc about her


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1 hour ago, Steven_ said:

I know that Megan and Chris are definitely big fans of this character, so sorry to them. Except not as much to Megan for hating on Finding Nemo the whole game lol.

Mary Poppins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dumb fish

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1. Yzma


3. Cruella de Vil


5. Elastigirl

6. Scar

7. Quasimodo

8. Mike Wazowski

9. Mary Poppins




13. Jasmine

14. Simba

15. Buzz Lightyear

16. Miguel Rivera

17. Russell 


19. Moana

20. Jack Skellington

21. Wall-E

22. Alice


24. Ariel

25. The Beast




2. Mary Poppins




6. Buzz Lightyear


8. The Beast


10. Ariel

11. Jasmine

12. Moana

13. Simba

14. Quasimodo

15. Mike Wazowski

16. Russell 

17. Wall-E


19. Jack Skellington

20. Miguel Rivera

21. Scar

22. Cruella de Vil

23. Alice

24. Elastigirl

25. Yzma



1. Jack Skellington

2. Wall-E

3. Yzma

4. Miguel Rivera

5. Elastigirl

6. Russell 



9. Quasimodo

10. Buzz Lightyear



13. Mike Wazowski

14. Scar

15. Cruella de Vil


17. Mary Poppins


19. Jasmine

20. Alice

21. Simba

22. Ariel


24. Moana

25. The Beast



1. Moana


3. Simba

4. Ariel

5. Alice

6. Buzz Lightyear



9. Jasmine



12. Elastigirl

13. Wall-E


15. Quasimodo

16. Miguel Rivera

17. Mary Poppins

18. Jack Skellington

19. The Beast

20. Russell 


22. Scar

23. Mike Wazowski

24. Cruella de Vil

25. Yzma



1. Scar


3. Yzma

4. Russell 


6. Wall-E



9. Elastigirl

10. Cruella de Vil

11. Ariel

12. The Beast



15.  Mike Wazowski

16. Miguel Rivera

17. Simba


19. Moana

20. Alice

21. Quasimodo

22. Jasmine

23. Buzz Lightyear

24. Mary Poppins

25. Jack Skellington



1. Mary Poppins

2. Alice



5. Wall-E

6. Cruella de Vil




10. Miguel Rivera


12. Scar

13. Ariel

14. Yzma

15. Jack Skellington


17. The Beast

18. Buzz Lightyear

19. Simba

20. Quasimodo

21. Jasmine

22. Russell 

23. Moana

24. Mike Wazowski

25. Elastigirl



1. Mary Poppins



4. Elastigirl




8. Moana

9. Wall-E

10. Miguel Rivera

11. Russell 

12. The Beast

13. Yzma

14. Buzz Lightyear

15. Jack Skellington


17. Cruella de Vil

18. Ariel

19. Mike Wazowski

20. Jasmine


22. Simba

23. Scar

24. Quasimodo

25. Alice




2. Yzma

3. Elastigirl



6. Miguel Rivera

7. Scar

8. Cruella de Vil


10. Wall-E

11. Quasimodo

12. Buzz Lightyear


14. Alice

15. Mike Wazowski



18. Moana

19. Russell 

20. Simba

21. Ariel

22. Jack Skellington

23. Jasmine

24. The Beast

25. Mary Poppins




2. The Beast

3. Simba

4. Ariel

5. Jasmine

6. Mary Poppins

7. Buzz Lightyear




11. Mike Wazowski

12. Alice

13. Scar

14. Russell 


16. Wall-E

17. Yzma

18. Moana

19. Cruella de Vil

20. Miguel Rivera


22. Jack Skellington

23. Quasimodo

24. Elastigirl




1. Ariel


3. Jasmine


5. Alice



8. Simba

9. Moana



12. Mary Poppins

13. The Beast

14. Elastigirl


16. Quasimodo

17. Buzz Lightyear

18. Mike Wazowski

19. Jack Skellington

20. Cruella de Vil

21. Wall-E

22. Yzma

23. Russell 

24. Scar

25. Miguel Rivera

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25. Jack Skellington - 17.6

24. Mike Wazowski - 16.1

23. Quasimodo - 16.0

22. The Beast - 15.7

21. Russell - 15.2

20. Moana - 15.1 

19. Alice - 14.8

18. Jasmine - 14.6

17. Cruella de Vil - 14.4

16. Scar - 14.3

15. Miguel Rivera - 14.3

14. Simba - 14.0

13. Buzz Lightyear - 12.8

12. Ariel - 12.8

11. Elastigirl - 12.5

10. Yzma - 12.5

9. Wall-E - 12.0

8. Mary Poppins - 11.4

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8 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

#8 still with ranks in the 20s. And we finally have someone from Chris's Top 5.


The final mysteries! And that means at least one character won't have any rankings in the 20s!!!😮😮😮😮

If Dee's #23 is Megara, then I am predicting that Belle is the one character without a rank in the 20s. 

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Just now, NGM said:

I want a knife react for all the post that involve Dee and Megara

"I like all these villains because they are morally complex and complicated characters. Also I like strong women. But Megara? The most complex female character Disney has ever put out in any of their movies? As the female lead? Inconsequential."

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