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Disney Characters Rankdown


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I feel no connection to a lot of the "classic" disney characters. Probably shocking for someone in a rankdown that might as well not exist if it wasn't for those characters, but well that's my controversial take (so far) for this rankdown. So, let's get this out of the way as quickly as possible bc I'm falling asleep doing this. Pete (or Peg Leg Pete) is the main antagonist of the Mickey Mouse universe. He's basically a big ass cat, which of course contrast with Mickey being a mouse and all (but he tends to get mistaken for a dog, which is probably bc of the clean mouth area making it look that way). Oh he's also the oldest Disney character, didn't know that till now. Anyway, I'm sure someone has something better to say than this attempt of a write up, so let's cut it now.

Save: Muntz

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Sheriff of Nottingham


By my own account, I'm not the biggest fan of really old Disney (like, pre 1980s), and that extends to Robin Hood and the characters that appear in that film. Enter a cut from the minor villain that is the Sheriff of Nottingham. It's made to look like a fat gray wolf, and is esentially the muscle of the villain side in Robin Hood (with Prince John being the brains). He esentially tries to capture Robin Hood, but always fails. As a plus (?), he's kinda morally questionable, since he gives zero f*cks about the poverty of the people and collecting tax money by all means available. Tbh it's kind of a flop villain, but imo Robin Hood is kind of a flop movie, so that makes sense for me. Good run, but it ends now.

Save: Dogs

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Frou Frou (Aristocats)

The Queen (A Bug’s Life)

Tipo and Chaca (Emperor’s New Groove)

Spot (The Good Dinosaur)

Captain Gantu (Lilo & Stitch)

Grand Councilwomen (Lilo & Stitch)

Cody (The Rescuers Down Under)

Jake (The Rescuers Down Under)

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Frou Frou (Aristocats)

The Queen (A Bug’s Life)

Tipo and Chaca (Emperor’s New Groove)

Spot (The Good Dinosaur)

Captain Gantu (Lilo & Stitch)

Grand Councilwomen (Lilo & Stitch)

Cody (The Rescuers Down Under)

Jake (The Rescuers Down Under)


4 hours remaining.

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Tipo and Chaca


It’s been a bit since I’ve seen this movie, but from what I remember the kids didn’t have a huge role in it. They are the children of Pacha and Chicha. Chaca is their daughter who is 7, and Tipo is the son who is 5. They are cute kids and they bicker like siblings do. Tipo also has a nightmare about his father and Kuzco being in danger. They appear a little more in some of the sequels, Kronks New Groove, and the Emperor’s New School. It was hard to get this many words about them, so hopefully no one was too attached to them. 

Saving: The Queen


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Wow is Jake a sexy mouse or what? I mean, Mickey can't compete with that. He's actually a Kangaroo Rat and a character from The Rescuers Down Under. I think I've only seen The Rescuers and The Rescuers like once each when I was a young child so I don't really hold as much fondness for the characters as some might. And well, I had two Lilo & Stitch characters up against two characters from movies I don't know as well. So the choice was easy. But man, if you were to cast Jake as a human in a human remake of The Rescuers Down Under (get on it Disney) you'd choose a sexy Australian. Like Chris Hemsworth. Or Cate Blanchett. Here is me giving Disney FREE ideas. Take them Disney. Make it happen. Anyway he is the third main character of the movie and seems to be an overall good guy. Hate to see you go but love to watch you walk away. I NEED TO GET OUT OF QUARANTINE SOON. BUT ONLY WHEN IT IS APPROPRIATELY SAFE FOR HUMANS TO DO SO.


Saving: Captain Gantu

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Spot (The Good Dinosaur)


Maybe with all this quarantine time I should actually sit down and watch The Good Dinosaur. I love dinosaurs after all. But I also hate humans and dinosaurs living together because Jurassic Park showed us it was a bad idea to cohabitate with dinosaurs. (Also cool fact, did you know the T.Rex was alive closer to us than to the Stegosaurus!). Anyway, The Good Dinosaur takes place in an alternate universe where the Dinosaurs never went extinct. And thus they come along and see little tiny human Spot and the main character Arlo travels with him to I believe return him to his family. Or find a family? I didn't really read the Wikipedia summary. Anyway, like the Cars universe I have a lot of questions on if Dinosaurs are really sustainable and they probably would have went extinct anyway! 


Saving: The Grand Councilwoman

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I do enjoy this movie, but I liked A Bug’s Life, Aristocats, and Lilo & Stitch more... plus I’ve never seen Good Dinosaur, so I didn’t want to cut Spot. So that leaves me with our buddy Cody. Cody is one of the main characters of The Rescuers Down Under. He’s a small boy who befriends the eagle, Marahute. The eagle shows him her nest and eggs, and gives him a feather as a keepsake. Cody winds up falling into Poacher McLeach’s trap. When McLeach sees the feather, he wants Cody to help him find Marahute’s nest. When Cody refuses, McLeach essentially kidnaps him and makes it look like he was eaten by crocodiles. Cody is then tricked into thinking Marahute is dead so that he can lead McLeach right to the nest, which he does. After a final confrontation, Cody is ultimately saved while McLeach plunges over the waterfall to his demise. Overall, Cody is a brave and kindhearted boy who has a connection with the animals. 

Saving: Frou Frou


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01. Nanny (101 DALMATIANS)

02. Roquefort (THE ARISTOCATS)

03. Vincenzo Santorini (ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE)

04. Wilhelmina Packard (ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE)

05. Robert Callaghan (BIG HERO 6)

06. Mittens (BOLT)



09. Queen Iduna (FROZEN)

10. Ryder (FROZEN II)



13. Evelyn Deavor (INCREDIBLES 2)

14. Voyd (INCREDIBLES 2)

15. Winston Deavor (INCREDIBLES 2)

16. Riley’s Parents (INSIDE OUT)




20. Franny Robinson (MEET THE ROBINSONS)

21. Lewis Robinson (MEET THE ROBINSONS)

22. Wilbur Robinson (MEET THE ROBINSONS)

23. Clarabelle Cow (MICKEY & FRIENDS)

24. Dean Hardscrabble (MONSTERS UNIVERSITY)

25. Johnny Worthington (MONSTERS UNIVERSITY)

26. Monstro (PINOCCHIO)

27. Skinner (RATATOUILLE)

28. Archimedes (THE SWORD IN THE STONE)



31. Sir Pellinore (THE SWORD IN THE STONE)


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