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Survivor: Island of the Idols - Version 2.0


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Dean’s failed to vote out Karishma four times now. :dead:

LOL I love it. :dead:


karishma, you didn't vote for dan?????????????????????????/ bich????????????????????????

Why are we not voting Dan out? :x

UGH this is what i was really hoping for. :'( Ugh Dan is gonna last forever. :x


She got Lauren to waste her Idol. :dead:

SUCH A MESS. :dead: But well played to Karishma getting Lauren to expose her HII. :haha: I bet she's really gonna need that protection next time around.

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Well that was kinda lame. On one hand good job on playing your idol properly but you failed to get Dan out so that's basically a flop.
The sad thing is if it was a tie vote between D*n and Janet, Janet probably would've gone on the revote.
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The sad thing is if it was a tie vote between D*n and Janet, Janet probably would've gone on the revote.

.....Well I am glad that didn't happen, now that you brought that up. :shiver: Although still bettting Dan outlast Janet anyway. :rolleyes:

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I know its very off Topic, but dont know where else to post it.

Yesterday ended the first german season of Survivor (unfortunatly it will be the last, because it was a flop, although it was a great Season). I think many people here would loved it.


First it started not gender balanced 10 men and 8 women. And there were two strong alliances formed the brains (fans of the american seasons) vs brawns (who never saw an episode), with brawns blindsinding the brains. Secretly Stefan (a gay man) and Lara (a lesbian) formed a LGTBQ Alliance. Near the merge Björn, an army veteran, builded an all men alliance and it looked like all the women would be eliminated one by one. But at the merge the LGTBQ alliance formed a new alliance with the remaining women and took out Björn. AFter this Stefan and Lara ruled the game with an iron fist, making big move after big move. Till the final 4 consist of Stefan, Lara, Dania and Sissy (two young women who followed the LGTBQ alliance). In the end Stefan and Lara were in the final two, and Lara won the game 5:2, because her social game was stronger.

They were both equal in the strategic and physical game, both found idols and played them right, so the social game of Lara made the difference.


It was really interesting to see, people who knew the game from the american version (like the Top 4) to compete against complete newbies, who never saw an episode of survivor and didn't know what to do with an idol clue etc. At the end the fans were much better in the end, and the only non fan in the Top 5 was Holger, a chauvinistic older guy, who was idoled out by Stefan, using his idol to save DAnia.

Edited by GraciaKemiDenise
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I know its very off Topic, but dont know where else to post it.

Yesterday ended the first german season of Survivor (unfortunatly it will be the last, because it was a flop, although it was a great Season). I think many people here would loved it.


First it started not gender balanced 10 men and 8 women. And there were two strong alliances formed the brains (fans of the american seasons) vs brawns (who never saw an episode), with brawns blindsinding the brains. Secretly Stefan (a gay man) and Lara (a lesbian) formed a LGTBQ Alliance. Near the merge Björn, an army veteran, builded an all men alliance and it looked like all the women would be eliminated one by one. But at the merge the LGTBQ alliance formed a new alliance with the remaining women and took out Björn. AFter this Stefan and Lara ruled the game with an iron fist, making big move after big move. Till the final 4 consist of Stefan, Lara, Dania and Sissy (two young women who followed the LGTBQ alliance). In the end Stefan and Lara were in the final two, and Lara won the game 5:2, because her social game was stronger.

They were both equal in the strategic and physical game, both found idols and played them right, so the social game of Lara made the difference.


It was really interesting to see, people who knew the game from the american version (like the Top 4) to compete against complete newbies, who never saw an episode of survivor and didn't know what to do with an idol clue etc. At the end the fans were much better in the end, and the only non fan in the Top 5 was Holger, a chauvinistic older guy, who was idoled out by Stefan, using his idol to save DAnia.


Good read, I wish there would be an LGBTQ alliance at some point in the american version. Sounds like a good story.


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