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Video Game Rankdown Pt. 2


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I also discussed it before in this rankdown. So IDK what to tell you.


saying that Lara Croft is gay is no more or less interesting than calling Ike gay.



I know you've mentioned it, previously. I just didn't know what game it originated in.

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Horizon Zero Dawn
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Horizon Zero Dawn is a PS4 exclusive game that came out in 2017. If you've paid attention at all in this thread, and some of you clearly haven't, you know I don't own a PS4. So I've never personally played this game but considering it was THE PS4 game of 2017 and I have friends with PS4s that I've seen a lot of gameplay of this game. When I defend and can TREAT MYSELF to a PS4 it's the first game on my "to-buy" list.

For those of you who don't know, Horizon Zero Dawn is an open-world third-person action-RPG where you control Aloy who is a hunter in a postapocalyptic world ruled by robotic creatures. It's a unique landscape that makes Horizon Zero Dawn look both prehistoric and futuristic at the same time. As an action-RPG you level up your skills through a skill tree to acquire new bonuses and abilities. As Aloy, you are exploring the world and hunting machines in order to uncover your past. I am not going to summarize the rest of the game so I can avoid reading the wikipedia. As I only spoil myself to know which exact people I can romance in any given RPG and I feel like that does not exist in this game. :haha:

Like I said, the game was released in 2017. Long after Open World almost became a default of many high profile western-RPGs. And we were reaching kind of a bloat of these games. To many things to do and too many rote ideas. And in 2017 both Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild broke that. (In fact, if not for Breath of the Wild launching about a month or so later, HZD would have been probably unanimously THE game of the year). It's a game that received a lot of praise for its story and exploration. Again, had BOTW not jumped into the scene and redefined both the Zelda franchise and open world games, HZD would have been the Game of the Year for a lot of people. Instead it merely has to stand as runner-up.

Ike is gay?

As gay as Lara Croft! Which is to say not canonically but for similar reasons it's easy to read both characters as gay and there's nothing to dispute that read through any sort of canonical material.
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The implications come from his lack of a (female) romantic interest and his unusually close friendship with Soren. :thumbs:


Considering how attractive Ike is, I approve of him being gay. Although look at me not reading between the lines of your write-up. :dead:

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one thing fire emblem and nintendo have been doing well in comparison to other jrpgs is having explicitly gay characters. (in comparison to jrpgs because western rpgs are still light years ahead in many regards in lgbt representation)



Claude not being gay, is a serious misstep.

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Claude not being gay, is a serious misstep.

That's why it's still light years away from western RPGs where the main character could probably romance every character.


But again, the fact that there are at least for women multiple WLW choices is leagues beyond A LOT of JRPGs. (Men get the shaft. Though more bisexual male options exist with the DLC).

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