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Everything posted by Gustavo527

  1. I just listened to tonight performances and after hearing both Devan and Carolina, i think is safe to say that there is not exactly a lot competition for the 4WKO (Go Savanna, you have this in the bag. )
  2. Definitely a C. Zae was the standout, followed by Aaron. Carolina and Ethan were average at best and Gean's tone is a no for me, sorry.
  3. Yeah, "anything", except Kenzie not getting the PV on Team Kelly, there is like zero chances of that happening
  4. I still think Gihanna is the main candidate for the save, because, c'mon, we all know Kelly loves her teenage girls. But the thing with her is, while she la really good at her covers on Instagram and TikTok, there are no videos of her singing in front a live audience, so we don't know if she will be able to handle the pressure of the live shows. So, for now, as far we know, Kelly's save can go to anyone on her team
  5. In another note, Zae's blind audition was really good. It took me a few listens, but i really enjoyed his tone in that song. He almost gave me chills. I still have to listen more from him (just like with Kenzie) but so far, i won't discard the posibility of him getting Kelly's coach save.
  6. I was thinking about that, and if i remember correctly, both Kimberly and Kyla didn't get that much attention with their blind auditions, their breakout moments were later on the show. I still have hopes for Dana, even if she didn't get a lot of attention with her blind, she can get it later. Fingers crossed
  7. What's the thing with people dedicating entire threads about how much they dislike Kelly?
  8. Fair enough, i also noticed something sounded kinda off in comparison to his cover on FB. Let's see what he has to offer. I'm still not sold on him yet, but we'll see
  9. Unpopular opinion: I enjoyed Kenzie. I don't know what you guys we're expecting this whole time, but for me, he actually sounded pretty good. Solid audition Also, Cam KILLED it. Dana slayed as expected and everyone else were pretty good too. Very solid premiere
  10. "Y’all" who? Some random user mentioned it (probably just trying to troll) and nobody believed them. What is the obsession with showing that someone is not gay?? Like, for real??
  11. I think this topic has been discussed to death since the first season of The Voice aired. But anyway, in my personal opinion, i'm not much of a fan of American Idol, most of the contestants feel rather generic, we have every season the guys with weak voices (that for some reason are the favorites of the public, i don't get why but ok) that play acoustic guitars, and the typical young female belters, and all of them sound the same to me, sorry. And the fact that they have an age limit to allow artists to enter the competition is a big turn-off, at least or me. Most of the better contestants on The Voice are over 30, imagine if they did also that stupid thing of not allowing artists over certain age to participate, no thanks.
  12. @TeamAudraAdd me please, i love her and her voice
  13. Ok, I didn't watched Season 3 and 4 but Cassadee and Danielle's knockouts doesn't scream "breakout moments" for me (Cassadee's surely doesn't lol). I'm not sure, but i think Cassadee's breakout moment was with "Over You" and Danielle's was with "Maybe It Was Memphis". Please, if someone actually watched that seasons tell me if i'm right or wrong.
  14. Btw guys, take a look at Chantelle IG's stories. I think we found the UK's version of Marisa
  15. If they are gonna keep giving Nick this much spotlight, i hope at least that Dana is pimped enough to be AT LEAST third place
  16. Friendly reminder that John, even with all the hate, still managed to win with Maelyn. It doesn't matter that you aren't a liked coach, if you have the right contestant, you can win with them. And Kelly surely have the right contestant
  17. Ok, looking at this: -Team Will is pretty strong, i see some potential candidates for top 2 or even winners -Team Tom is really strong as well vocally speaking (except for his steal ) but idk if someone from his team could do well in votes. He always manages to have someone in the Top 2, so we'll see -Team Anne-Marie is tragic asf, the fact that her steal is her best shot for Top 2 says a lot -Team Olly is decent, he has only one potential winner, and it looks like, for the first time ever, his last contestant standing won't be a female So, that's it. Also, my prediction for the finale is: Team Will: Jeremy Levif Team Tom: Hannah Williams Team Anne-Marie: Stephanee Leal Team Olly: Andrew Bateup
  18. Last season, i fooled myself into thinking that Sid actually had a chance on his team. That's not happening this time, i'm fully expecting for Anna to be instantly eliminated in the Playoffs, i don't see any way in that she could beat Jordan and Pete for Coach Save/Wilcard (assuming Cam is the Public vote)
  19. Obviously José, that is not even a question. Nick even promised that he would be on the finale
  20. Maybe Ryan did what he did to allow DeSz to be on the finale. I don't blame him, we all know she was the rigthful finalist for Team Kelly since the beggining And thank God we didn't have another all-male finale, that would have been
  21. Of course not, people don't like to be called out for being homophobic, so most of them will not openly attack her for that, but her being open about her sexuality will definitely be a factor for Minivan to dislike her (This, added to the fact that she is not the type of artist that Minivan would like in the first place)
  22. Ok, i just checked Victor's audition, he is really good, but i was not that much impressed. That's mostly on me, though, since i had really high expectations on him based on the spoilers, so not really his fault. With that said, in terms of R&B/soul male singers, it looks like i will prefer Cam over him, but i will have to wait until Cam's audition airs to define that.
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