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Everything posted by Gustavo527

  1. @Misirlou is talking about Season 18, not 19. I don't blame you though, i read it wrong at first was and i was ready to jump and defend Julia
  2. Who, Cami or Taryn? If you were refering to Cami, i disagree. Now, if you were refering to Taryn.... I prefer not to give my opinion about her, i don't want people messaging me with hate too
  3. Cami and, to a less extent, Taryn, were diehard favorites on IDF last season. I don't want to make this type of suppositions, but i wouldn't discard the posibility that some members of here were the ones messaging him with hate
  4. I mean, yes. But at least last season, even with only spoilers, the 4WKO looked really strong since the beggining, despite the contestants having or not potential in term of getting votes. This time, the 4WKO just looks weak, period, not only in term of potential votes but in talent as well.
  5. Don't get too excited about the 4WKO guys. Whoever wins it, is gonna be playoffs fodder at best
  6. Guys, i was just reading your posts and i'm very intrigued now. So, if some of you guys can DM me with spoilers i will be very grateful because i don't think i can wait until tomorrow
  7. Oh, that's even better then, considering she ended up winning that season. The person that made that thread must have felt kinda dumb
  8. I know this thread is about fans on other sites, but imagine making a whole thread like this about the coach that has the second most wins
  9. Also, white guys have won four consecutive seasons as well (Season 6-9). To be fair, three of these were deserving and the other one was in a season where the male contestants totally dominated over the female contestants.
  10. I wouldn't disagree with Minivan on that one. That's for sure
  11. She wouldn't have even pass the blinds to beggin with
  12. Sorry @Bk1234 i didn't read all your post and i confused reacted you . Yeah, i kinda agree on the last part
  13. Imagine justifyng someone's racist behaviour by calling them "a little ignorant" and that "they need love and care". And no, just because she is AA doesn't means that she is representing all AA people. There are AA people that are hurt by this, and the words of one person doesn't really mean anything.
  14. Queen Cassadee on the other hand https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1cOgvFzLf/?igshid=1nht99shegb42
  15. I was thinking about this, and i disagree. Matt, with his performance of "Wasted Love" should have won the show easily but, sadly, the main audience is biased for white male country singers that happen to sing religious songs too(and if they are single dads, that's plus, because that makes them "relatable"). So, sorry, can't agree with that.
  16. I just catched all the auditions on Youtube, and it looks that Olly finally got his female frontrunner of the year Now he has two potential winners in Chantelle and Andrew. If he plays his cards right, he can easily win AGAIN , with any of these two. Will.i.am has a strong team too. I think he can win with either Jeremy or Benjamin. But the problem with Will is that, he usually manages to destroy his team every single season, so if he does the same bad decitions this year, he will inevitably lose again. I have no faith on Anne-Marie, she has Lauren (and maybe James?) As potential winners but she so far has proved that she is incapable of making any good judgement. I'm expecting her to destroy her team in the battles. I don't see potential winners in Team Tom. From his team, i like Mariam, Hannah and Mide, but at the moment, i don't see any of them winning. But, Tom has proved to be a really good coach, as he always has a contestant in the Top 2, so let's see what is gonna happen. And yes, i know there is still one more episode left, but my experience with this version of the show, is that the last blind auditions episode is full of fodder, more than any other episode. (There are chances that and exceptional talent hit the stage next week and got a chair turns, but is not likely to happen). So, yeah, that's it.
  17. It's so refreshing to see James David Carter dominating the poll, considering IDF's hate for country males and obsession with country females Not gonna lie, i myself also prefer female country singers over male country singers, but JDC's audition is something else. (I admit i didn't appreciate him at the moment, because i was obsessed with not liking country singers on this show, but years after, i can say that i fully appreciate him now) Here is the link of his audition, if You haven't watched it.
  18. I'm gonna revive this thread mentioning one of my favorite contestants that, in my opinión, was severely underrated and deserved A LOT BETTER than what she got during her season: Emily Keener She was extremely underrated and even hated during her season (I remember Shalyah fans being really nasty to her just because Pharrell picked her in the Knockouts). It still piss me off to this day that she and Owen were eliminated before Daniel, Nick and Paxton . And yeah, i know that happened 5 years ago, but i don't care, i will never forget. This Queen deserved WAY better than what she got from the "brilliant" American public aka Team Minivan
  19. Now that i think, Taryn Papa was the first person to face 3 people in both battles and Knockouts (She didn't defeat WTW though, even if she should have, and she technically only beat two people in the 4WKO )
  20. OMG! Let's see if he has improved. I I always thought he had a lot of potential during The Voice Kids UK, but nerves took the best of him. Hopefully he has learned in these three years to manage them.
  21. Not gonna lie guys. I was excited to see that this thread got so many replies, just to found out that the replies are there only because this became another Chris vs. Lauren debate
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