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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. Hearing that Lindsay liked wine made me realize she was not a teen and she's actually 22 LMAO
  2. News from Lindsay's live: - Lindsay is going to marry Andrew (lmao) - They're going on a honeymoon to Rome - Andrew is going to get her a nice ring
  3. Yeah, like I said before, she thrives in high-pressure situations and even seems to be having a great time. She would do great in the WC, if she wins the 4WKO and makes it into the WC, although the competition will be much tougher, probably.
  4. Queen of smiling during people's performances, though she's a bit more obscured here:
  5. Expect meltdowns if: - Savanna loses the 4WKO ("there's no way she's going to go home after that") - Gihanna goes home - Ryleigh/Zania goes home or Pia to a lesser extent
  6. I'm not confident that's the case, if Corey ends up in the WC, for example.
  7. Here we can compile comments / hints about contestants' playoffs songs! Several of them already have given hints - I think Pia, Gihanna, Carolina, Andrew, and Jose being some of them.
  8. I think he'd pick Cam, in that situation. I'm not certain, but that would probably stir some controversy (not that they probably care).
  9. Icon, we stan Jose for spilling the tea, maybe I'll even throw a few votes his way
  10. I agree. BK's post in the other thread shows that pretty much everyone has stuff to work on, and even the ones for which he didn't have notes, I thought there were places for improvement.
  11. TEAM KELLY: 1. Kenzie 2. Corey 3. Gihanna 4. Zae 5. Savanna (If she wins the 4 way) TEAM NICK: 1. Dana 2. Rachel 3. Andrew 4. Jose 5. Devan (if he wins the 4 way) TEAM LEGEND: 1. Victor 2. Zania 3. Pia 4. Ryleigh 5. Carolina (if she wins the 4 way) TEAM BLAKE: 1. Cam 2. Pete 3. Jordan 4. Anna 5. Emma (if she wins the 4 way)
  12. First and most important piece of advice is to not listen to me cause I sound like a dying cat when I sing Anna Grace: Focus on how you place your runs. When they're placed right, they sound beautiful, but when they're placed awkwardly, it can take away from the moment, especially on an emotional song. Emma Caroline: Try to open up a little more. Perhaps work your way up: rehearsing by yourself, then in front of some TV friends, then in front of some acquaintances / people you don't know as well, and try to work up your level of comfort. Zania AlakΓ©: Your belting is excellent, but when you go softer it's also really great 'cause we can hear your beautiful tone even more! Try to balance the big moments, the belts, and the softer moments so we get to hear the different aspects of you. Dana Monique: Try to pick a song that allows you to emote more. We've seen your power and vocal prowess, but if you go for something more emotional, you could connect with the viewers more. Rachel Mac: Focus on your breath so that you don't lose breath and become pitchy. Jose Figueroa: Potentially dial back a little bit on the runs and try belting a little more. Your runs are really excellent and usually well-placed, but dialing back on the runs can allow more emotion to come through and will also allow us to hear your wonderful tone! Carolina Rial: Your tone is super cool and unique! Try and emulate what you did with your knockout song, by focusing on the emotion over the runs. Also, perhaps doing more practice can help you work on your pitch when you get emotional, but I'd also recommend you talk to Pia and Anna for advice on that, since they handled it super well in the knockouts!
  13. I think we'd have to wait to see Minivan's reaction to Kenzie singing a not-bro-country-song (probably in the POs) to fully appraise that.
  14. MTE. Although Kenzie is very good, I am not as convinced of his win as I was of some others. I think it's still b/w him and Cam - I think the lives will have something to say about the results (as opposed to Kenzie having the win guaranteed already).
  15. I think that Kenzie has a good chance of winning, but I don't think I'm as confident as the rest of y'all on here, just 'cause his support doesn't seem to be too incredible. If he wins, congrats to y'all for being right lmao, but I think it would be a "winning the battle but losing the war" moment for many people who prefer Cam to Kenzie here.
  16. What does this mean? IIRC Mandi went against Thunderstorm and CammWess in the KOs and battles respectively.
  17. That's my understanding too, also I think sometimes the producers allow the people to pick from a few (three?) songs as their choice, but given what Kelsie said about having to pick "You Oughta Know," I assume the choices are curated such that if they want to bus someone, all choices are bad.
  18. I think I liked Kenzie's KO more than Dana's (@KimberlyxKyla, I know you said no Dana slander, I hope you can forgive me )
  19. oh yeah lmao, i've experienced the same thing with multiple contestants and multiple people on here. but whether or not people agree with you, you're still entitled to your opinion consider the brave @Hamza Tufail who said that shane deserved the win over myracle and got 20+ confused reactions but still believes the same thing! it's ok to like who you want, it's just that if you say certain things on here, people might disagree (which is natural considering that this is a discussion board)
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