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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. only s13-s17 for me Addison Agen - AMAZING Ricky Duran - I mean he wouldn't be so high up if the rest weren't ones I didn't like that much Chris Kroeze - I hate country, but he is at least a unique country singer Britton Buchanan - I never got the hype Gyth Rigdon - boring country male
  2. Kat? although she was 5th place, I think Zan might resonate better because people claimed Kat was off pitch, and I doubt Zan will be
  3. the second to last week of battles beg to differ (wow that was a horrendous week lol) jkjk i see what you mean
  4. In general, switching around unnecessarily is not something they would do because of the logistical issues. For example, after Joanna and Roderick's battle (I think?) they said that was the best battle I've seen so far. They can't say that, for example, for the first round.
  5. Even her own coach Kelly said she has a country sound so... what you said might be true, but in this case, I think that she (at the very least) leans toward country. Genre is a very subjective thing nevertheless.
  6. her tone, which is surprising because in her youtube covers she sounds like a pop singer
  7. This question probably calls for what non-spoilers people know now - otherwise it would just be in the spoilers section.
  8. oh ok, sorry i misunderstood; i thought you guys were referring to battles. i honestly thought that the fact that there were no double steaks in the battles meant that they planned it out for who would have each save/steal but tbh it could just be because of the mediocre (or rather, whelming) singers we have gotten this season
  9. But Megan wasn't stolen at all, and her battle partner, Samantha, only got one steal. Furthermore, CammWess got only one steal. In fact, this season, there have been no double steals....
  10. I know someone asked this before but it never got answered: what is a double steal? It was said in reference to Megan/Cam.
  11. this was definitely created to be super pivoted toward Zan; Zan sounded super good here but Brittney didnt have the chance to recoup from not having any intro really
  12. it doesn't really matter if he would've been a better choice though cause he never would've been his coach
  13. you can't assume that - you aren't Samantha and you also aren't Blake so idk what the point of assuming is
  14. yea I think she sounds good - I hope she wins the knockout (we have TMH, Michael, Nelson, and Samantha). I think that her country/pop crossover might help her win if TMH and Nelson don't have particularly great performances.
  15. well.... Jake hoot won last season, so don't count her out yet lol
  16. ohhh the way she said issss made it sound like she was gonna call Samantha yikes
  17. I thought this was good - Samantha was a little better I think but they both had their moments
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