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Disney Songs Rankdown (Winner Posted)


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One Last Hope


I was kinda stuck between all six songs on what to save and what to cut because I have mildly positive feelings on all of them. There were two reasons I was hesitant to cut "One Last Hope". First, Danny DeVito is a national treasure who must be protected. Second, for some reason the opening line "So you wanna be a hero kid, well whoop-dee-doo" has stuck to me like glue since I first watched the movie as a kid and I would say it randomly all the time. Unfortunately Danny DeVito and a single line from the song just isn't enough reason for me not to cut it here. This is the training montage part of the movie. An iconic part of any movie that features working out from Rocky to Karate Kid and more. It's a fun scene, but at the end of the day does any Hercules song that doesn't include the iconic Muses really matter? Zero to Hero does the Hercules montage a lot better. Also as much as we love Danny DeVito I don't think it's for his singing voice lmao.


Save Santa Fe

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Whistle Stop




Wow I am cutting a second song from Robin Hood in a row. I am going to look like a hater.  Whistle Stop is the introductory song in the film. All it is, is whistling from the characters are all of the animalistic Robin Hood characters get interested.  I am in shock that this song is still in the rankdown, as there is legitimately nothing special about this song. With that said when I hear it, I do know what movie is about to start, so I guess the producers accomplished what they wanted to with this song.  So good job on outlasting scuttlebutt I guess.



Save: I See the Light

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The Life I Lead


I'm not really familiar with either this song or "Seize the Day". This one was pretty ehhhhh. Nothing special or memorable. I haven't seen Mary Poppins in years so I barely remember anything from it, but it probably makes sense in the context of the movie, but I don't feel like researching that so oh well. I've never seen "Newsies" before (I don't even this that i've heard of it honestly), so I don't know the context of "Seize the Day" but nonetheless,  I like this song. I feel like if I were to watch the full movie I'd probably end up LOVING the song, but I'm probably not ever gonna do that.    


Save: Seize the Day


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