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Disney Songs Rankdown (Winner Posted)


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Even More Enchanted (finale reprise or whatever)


I haven't seen the sequel to Enchanted yet, but it's on the list. I'm not going to come for one of the full songs, I thought that this just made sense in our quest to clear out some of the more redundant reprises we have left. Although I must admit I listened to a bunch of other reprises in here and some of them go really hard, like thank goodness we didn't just leave them out. But this one is shorter and I'm less attached to it so I hope it would be a safer cut. Half of this youtube video is actually just advertising the movie, that's how short the song is. Not sure what channel I stumbled on but here it is.


Save When Can I See You Again?

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Perfect World Reprise



SPEAKING OF SUPER SHORT FINALE REPRISES! This one is even shorter. I will give it credit for having a very fun entertaining cute animation that went along with it. It's not just one of those boring finale reprises where everyone stands around staring lovingly at each other. I mean, there are loving stares I guess but it helps that this is a fun movie not a romance movie. The intro Perfect World is much much more iconic so we'll let this one fade away and focus on others. There are more songs than I remembered in this movie haha. Songs are definitely not the thing that you remember from this film, but music always enhances everything. 


Save Oo-De-Lally

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Lazy Country Side


I don't know if we have a huge Fun & Fancy Free fan on the boards or if people were just pulling anything from the top of the list. Sorry to any fans! Fun & Fancy Free is a 2-part movie. The first half is about Bongo the Bear and the second half is Mickey Mouse as Jack and the Beanstalk. Completely unrelated. I love the Mickey half but let me tell you, the Bongo half is sooooooooooo so so boring to me. Whew. First we have Lazy Country Side. Seen above. Where the bear is learning about how great nature is in his freedom. (write-up continued next)


Save The Family Madrigal

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Too Good to Be True



(continued) So it is a nice idea but the songs just go on too long and the plods on and aren't super melodic. It has cute animated Disney animals, Derek, what is the problem??? Well, I have to say that it's the music. The songs are so tedious and slow and dull and sleepy. I fall asleep watching this almost every time I try. And not because it's relaxing but because it's boring. GET TO THE PLOT. Yawn. Next we have this one, where Bongo sees a girl bear and falls in love. And has a slow boring love sequence. Help. Down with Bongo. Meanwhile I dislike some of the other Walt Disney Animated Studios films from this era because they have too many short films going on rather than sticking to one idea. Can't win with me!


Save Un Poco Loco

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Shake Your Tailfeather


Cheetah Girls singing the main song from a non-Cheetah Girls movie! You go girls! This song actually isn't THAT bad, it's kind of cheesy in a disney teen way. But the bigger problem is that it's associated with Chicken Little which I think might be my least favorite film from the Walt Disney Animated Studios and Pixar library. Even worse than Bongo???? Well, maybe not but technically Bongo is only one half of that film and Chicken Little from start to finish just confuses and angers me. I'd rather watch Cars 20 times. Oh well, not every movie can be 10/10. Sorry to the Cheetah Girls but just seeing the animated characters dancing along in this solidified my decision to fire you.


Save Nobody Like U

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The Gospel Truth II


Tony-award winning Lillias White, Cheryl Freeman, Tony-award winning LaChanze, Roz Ryan and Vaneese Thomas. Five legendary people in the music and theater industry. Perfectly cast as the Muses in Hercules. The Muses have the role of narrating the film. That's not a Disney idea, that's just standard Greek mythology stuff. They all have incredible voices and the animation of them is also fantastic and exciting. The problem is that in their role to give expository and move the plot along, there's not a lot of room for hooks of strong melodies or whatever to be a SONG song. So here I'm cutting The Gospel Truth II (write-up continued below)


Save DuckTales Theme

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The Gospel Truth III


(continued) and also Gospel Truth III mostly because of those narration/song/melody/hook issues but also kind of because there's still Gospel Truth I hanging around, so it's not like these 5 divas are being completely shut out of the game yet. I think I advanced at least one of the Gospel Truths so I promise I'm not a hater. Just need some repeats to get rid of and I'm going with these. But that doesn't mean you should take 2 minutes out of your day to listen to them wailing on these tracks haha they are just so effortlessly talented.


Save Honor to Us All

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1 hour ago, Solaris said:

The Party's Just Begun




So I haven't seen the second Cheetah Girls movie, so I figured if I would cut a song from either movie it would be from this one.  After listening to the three entrants in the rankdown, I decided to cut The Party's Just Begun.  It didn't hit as hard as Amigas Cheetah and Strut, so I decided it should leave. The song was released in 2006 after the movie dropped on the Disney Channel. The song doesn't really feature of the ladies as a soloist, and I find the song pretty underwhelming. Sorry if anyone doesn't care for the cut but a sequel Disney Channel movie should be a safe bet to cut in the early stages of the rankdown.



Save: Where the Dream Takes You

I suppose this song is the fair choice to cut from The Cheetah Girls 2 film. Thanks for not cutting the other two though as I love those ones more. :hug: 

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A Man Has Dreams



I guess my biggest unpopular opinion is that I don't care much for Mary Poppins? I feel like it's a big favorite here but it's not really for me. I was going to leave the songs alone this round but since I lost a number of secondary and minor favorites, then I think I can be fine with cutting just one Mary Poppins song I never heard of before this game. This song seems to be performed as a conversational duet between Bert the chimney sweep (Dick Van Dyke) and George Banks (David Tomlinson). It's..... nice? There's some nice vocals in it but it doesn't really do anything or stand out to me. Lots of parts of this song bores me though. It definitely doesn't stand out against the likes of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" or "Step in Time," among others. Hopefully people are fine with this cut amongst the other songs from the film.

Saving: Strut

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3 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

Oscar winning song! lololol


I think I posted here when I watched Song of the South the first time a couple years ago. It's really fascinating in how insidious it is. No one is running around saying the N word, it's Disney. A Disney-fied plantation portrayed as a wonderful pastoral setting where the slaves are all happy and give the little white kids sage advice and everything is normal and great. 


I always liked Splash Mountain and the story of Br'er Rabbit... sure, I'm a sucker for cute animals but the folktales have such a rich cultural background and I think there's potential for a Br'er Rabbit to make a comeback in a different context. Hard to detach him from the Song of the South film tho

I forgot to mention in my write-up that this song comes and is named after James Baskett's Uncle Remus character talking fondly of the "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah days" AKA the days when black people were slaves. It's such a poor and like you said insidious depiction of the Reconstruction Era South.

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Can You Imagine That?


Here's the thing I absolutely do not understand, as much as I roll my eyes consistently at Lin Manuel Miranda and consider him a light enemy because he's so absolutely cringe-y, they had LMM on set and didn't have him write the songs for this movie. I think at least then we would have gotten something that was interesting and original and catchy. Instead Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman when faced with writing the songs to a Mary Poppins sequel seemed to just figure that making every single song a retread of a beloved original Mary Poppins song. This song is basically "A Spoonful of Sugar" but worse. No shade to Emily Blunt who gives a wonderful performance doing her own version of Mary Poppins, but nothing about this really matches up to the original movie! It's all just bland. The song, the movie, everything.


Save: Grim Grinning Ghosts

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In the third installment of Descendants, the storyline heavily focuses on Audrey, one of the few characters whose parents are Disney royals and not villains, as she is about to unleash her wrath. This song portray Audrey's desire to always do the right thing, only to decide to embrace her villainous side for the sake of love. When it comes to the song, I am not particularly a fan, specially when compared to other hit songs from the series - just because a song went viral, it doesn't mean that it's any good or the best song of the franchise.  One of my main issue with the song lies in what is essentially spoken-word style over a melody - not at a catchy one at that.  I am not particularly big on Sarah Jeffery's delivery of the song, although I will admit that she was able to really deliver in the last 30 seconds of the song. Overall, it's an okay song for an okay Disney Channel Original Movie franchise.



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First of all, I was obsessed with A*Teens in my youth and I am thrilled that they have announced a reunion & will be performing at the Eurovision 2024's Melodifestivalen semi-final in Sweden in the coming days.  On top of loving A*Teens, I absolutely love Lilo & Stitch, but even with that, I cannot continue to let their version of this iconic Elvis Presley's song skate on by as we are letting some good songs get cut. Considering this rankdown is to celebrate original Disney music, I am fine with cutting A*Teen's version of "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You". Anyway, thank you to Lilo & Stitch for including A*Teens on their soundtrack!



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Space Between


Besties being besties! Gals being pals! I was looking into the songs from movies I don't know and I came across this one. The song was a bit boring, but it's a love ballad they're not supposed to be showstoppers. I was here for the lesbian love story though! Until I looked further into the movie and it turns out they both have love interests with the male main characters and they're just besties lmao. Here's a couple of screenshots of them throughout the song:






So you can see why I was confused when I first watched this video. Sorry Disney! These girls are besties the same way Ryan and Chad just PLATONICALLY switched clothes with each other in High School Musical 2. I'm not buying it. But that's the story Disney is selling us here so this song is getting cut.


Save Bells of Notre Dame

Edited by Alex95
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4 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Space Between


Besties being besties! Gals being pals! I was looking into the songs from movies I don't know and I came across this one. The song was a bit boring, but it's a love ballad they're not supposed to be showstoppers. I was here for the lesbian love story though! Until I looked further into the movie and it turns out they both have love interests with the male main characters and they're just besties lmao. Here's a couple of screenshots of them throughout the song:






So you can see why I was confused when I first watched this video. Sorry Disney! These girls are besties the same way Ryan and Chad just PLATONICALLY switched clothes with each other in High School Musical 2. I'm not buying it. But that's the story Disney is selling us here so this song is getting cut.


Save Bells of Notre Dame

lol i'm convinced. that's a gay song.

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You're Nothing But a Nothing



For this cut, I decided to dip down to the Misc. category, and will be cutting "You're Nothing But a Nothing." And IIIIII..... Don't even know what to say about this one. :dead: But okayy, I'll describe the scene I am watching. There's a bat out here with a creepy voice that's taunting a cute little mouse (did I say that? oh dear). Then, four bats come out together singing and teasing the little mouse singing "You're Nothing but a Nothing. You're Nothing but a Nothing" multiple times. The mouse, who also has some bat wings, is seen flying away from them. I say good on you for that mouse! The song clip is just a little over a minute, so there isn't really much to this song/scene, so I think it's a fine cut early on in the game. Although I won't even lie, the song does have a fun sound to it and it's quite catchy/easy to remember. I would have considered some other Misc. songs to cut but I can't find videos of them at the moment... so that's how I landed on this. 

Saving: Friend Like Me

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3 minutes ago, *Chris said:

Not Alex stealing my next cut - I had the write-up ready :haha: 

lmaoo this is my biggest concern this round. :dead:  You should still post it so we can see it. :haha: 

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Arabian Nights



I went back and forth on whether or not I would cut this song. But I ended up cutting it for a couple of reasons. The first is that it famously had to undergo a lyric change from "Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face" to "Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense" because the first line is understandable quite a bit racist. I think though with the lyric change I would have kept it if not for the fact that it's sung by white man Bruce Adler doing his best "Arab" accent. I think we really should have moved beyond this. Especially when pretty much no other song in the film does the same thing. None of Brad Kane, Lea Salonga, nor Robin Williams put on a fake accent to sing their songs and thus this song stands out even more. Again, it's good and catchy, but it's also 2024. We know better.


Saving: Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride

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1 hour ago, *Chris said:

I am thrilled that they have announced a reunion & will be performing at the Eurovision 2024's Melodifestivalen semi-final in Sweden in the coming days. 

omg you can't just drop a gay emergency like that with no warning!

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The front page has been updated. :yes: 


Here's where we stand with write-ups and vetoes:




Alex: 4/10

Chris: 5/10

Derek: 10/10

Elliott: 0/10

Erik: 3/10

Megan: 9/10

Sola: 4/10

Wallace: 6/10


If I miscounted for anyone, then let me know.


Due to the Veto play, this doesn't include Alex's bonus write-up for "What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)." And Wallace's "Mother Knows Best (Reprise)" write-up still counts as one of his ten required write-ups.




Alex: 2/3

Chris: 3/3

Derek: 3/3

Elliott: 3/3

Erik: 3/3

Megan: 3/3

Sola: 3/3

Wallace: 3/3

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