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Weekly Rank the Survivors: 45


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8 rankings this episode!


Episode 12:

1. Dee Valladares (+3) - 2.0

2. Julie Alley (+1) - 2.6

3. Katurah Topps (-2) - 2.9

4. Jake O'Kane (+1) - 3.1

5. Austin Li Coon (+1) - 4.5

6. Drew Basile (+1) - 5.9


Overall ranking will go until Wednesday, January 3rd at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors this season in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 45 (Overall Ends 1/3)

1. Dee, best player of the new era.

2. Emily she was great tv.

3. Kellie I wish we saw more of her.

4. Jake very likeable person.

5. Katurah - Also very likable.

6. Kaleb - Also very likable.

7. Julie - Also very likable.

8. Sabiyah - She seemed cool

9. J Maya - she seemed cool

10. Austin - is Austin

11. Sifu - his downfall was fun.

12. Brandon - Irrelevant but slightly more fuuny.

13. Brando - irrelevant

14. Hannah - At least her quit saved Emily

15. Kendra - Voted for Austin

16. Bruce - Voted for Austin

17. Drew - Voted for Austin

18. Sean - Probably the lamest quit ever.



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1. Katurah (=)
2. Kaleb (=)
3. Dee (+10)
4. Emily (=)
5. Jake (+10)
6. Sabiyah (-3)


Liked as secondary favorites:
7. Bruce (-1)
8. J. Maya (+4)


Sometimes liked, sometimes didn't like:
9. Kendra (-4)
10. Julie (+7)
11. Austin (-3)
12. Kellie (-3)


Fun but never had a big opinion on:
13. Sifu (+1)


Liked at times but forgot about them quickly:

14. Brando (-7)

15. Brandon (-4)

16. Hannah (-6)


Didn't like/care for:
17. Sean (-1)
18. Drew (=)

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Overall (+/- from Episode 1):

1. Katurah (+1) - Will be counting down the seconds till I see her on my tv again. I feel like new era casting focuses more on the stories than the personalities. Katurah is someone who has a very interesting story, that also translates to good tv. Liam & Yeremi on The Amazing Race had an interesting story that didn't inform their character at all. They would tell us their story, but hearing an interesting story doesn't actually mean it's gonna be good tv. Katurah's story informs every single decision she makes on the island and makes her such a complex, well-rounded character we rarely see on reality television every more. When I rewatch this season one day, I'm gonna be focusing very closely on Katurah and following her journey, and I think she'll continue to rise in my estimation.

2. Jake (+6) - Such a himbo god. I felt his passion through the screen every second of the way. He reminded me so much of Owen, but I think Jake has an even better personality, he's more witty, and he has a more interesting storyarc (probably thanks to the cast around him and better edit but still). Easily my favorite male character of the new era.

3. Kendra (+4) - When I realized Kendra was actually earnest and not just putting it on for the camera I adored her. Just a total weirdo dork. Not afraid to speak her mind, unapologetically herself. A freak through and through :wub:

4. Emily (-3) - If we're being honest, the first three episodes are carrying this ranking. Pre-swap Emily is simply one of the best characters in Survivor history. I appreciate her arc, one of the most well-crafted of the new era. Unfortunately I lost that passion I had for her when she got her shit together. But the Old!Emily continued to break through here and there which I loved. And yeah those first three episodes...just on another level.

5. Bruce (+1) - Such a perfect villain. I looooove the characters who seem to be cast as inspirational underdogs and then reveal their true personality :wub:. Christy from Amazon, Charla from Amazing Race, etc. I thought Bruce would be an annoying OTTP figure with a faux inspirational edit, but instead he was one of the single most annoying human beings to exist who had everyone around him seething after spending five minutes listening to him ramble about his D-list celebrity antics ❤️.

6. Julie (+6) - Fantastic character when she was doing her own thing away from the Rebas. Looking through this thread, she definitely had a decent amount of solo moments throughout the season, which is why I appreciate her the most out of the alliance. The awareness of her archetype and trying to avoid being labeled as The Mom. She frequently had her own plans and tried to take control of the alliance. And then when she was done bullshitting with the Rebas, she became a shady queen :wub:

7. Dee (+6) - She came and did the thing, I can't hate! Dee is pretty solidly B/B+ in every aspect as a character. Nothing about her I feel super passionate about, but just really good vibes, some good and memorable moments (Dee voting for Sifu at Sean's quit is probably still her highlight for me), and a win I can look back on and smile about.

8. Sabiyah (-3) - I was generally content with the boot order, but Sabiyah is the one early boot I really feel we missed out on. Gotta be at the top of the ballot for another Second Chance season.

9. J. Maya (+1) - I wish she got a better edit! Didn't really come into her own until the swap and then got unfortunately blindsided way too soon, but what we saw of her was great!

10. Sifu (+4) - I wish he got a better edit too because I think he has a really unique personality! Love the psycho guys who annoy everyone around them without managing to annoy the audience. He brought some chaos to the Reba alliance and I think I would've enjoyed more of it.

11. Kaleb (-2) - He serves his purpose as Emily's Mentor and the normal in the sea of crazies on the Lulu Losers. Didn't add much value to the show after the swap, but I'll thank him for his first three episodes.

12. Kellie (-1) - Not the biggest personality, but I loved her reactions as a juror and her blindside. There's potential there, just got overshadowed in this great cast.

13. Brandon (-10) - I know this man would be me on Survivor which is why I would never dream of applying to the show. When it comes to strategynerds, this was pretty much the ideal showing.

14. Hannah (-10) - Certainly a memorable first boot. Quitting adds stakes to the show and reminds the audience this isn't a walk in the park. Messy and funny, that's a queen your honor!

15. Drew (+3) - Like I mentioned when he got booted, I was totally able to appreciate him as a villain when it became clear he wasn't winning. I love his blunt approach when talking to people. I love that he's bitter and wears it like a badge of honor. But the metaphors...Jesus just shut up!

16. Austin (=) - Never really evolved as a character outside of wanting revenge for a sandwich and being Dee's bitch. While I can appreciate the latter storyline, the former was annoying and ultimately, this cast is too strong for me to rank him any higher.

17. Brando (-2) - Very easily the most boring person this season and probably the one I'll have most trouble remembering in a month.

18. Sean (-1) - I mentioned it during his last episode, I'm not one to get all self-righteous about quitting since I think it can enhance the show and add stakes, but his quit was Lame.

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10 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Overall (+/- from Episode 1):

1. Katurah (+1) - Will be counting down the seconds till I see her on my tv again. I feel like new era casting focuses more on the stories than the personalities. Katurah is someone who has a very interesting story, that also translates to good tv. Liam & Yeremi on The Amazing Race had an interesting story that didn't inform their character at all. They would tell us their story, but hearing an interesting story doesn't actually mean it's gonna be good tv. Katurah's story informs every single decision she makes on the island and makes her such a complex, well-rounded character we rarely see on reality television every more. When I rewatch this season one day, I'm gonna be focusing very closely on Katurah and following her journey, and I think she'll continue to rise in my estimation.

2. Jake (+6) - Such a himbo god. I felt his passion through the screen every second of the way. He reminded me so much of Owen, but I think Jake has an even better personality, he's more witty, and he has a more interesting storyarc (probably thanks to the cast around him and better edit but still). Easily my favorite male character of the new era.

3. Kendra (+4) - When I realized Kendra was actually earnest and not just putting it on for the camera I adored her. Just a total weirdo dork. Not afraid to speak her mind, unapologetically herself. A freak through and through :wub:

4. Emily (-3) - If we're being honest, the first three episodes are carrying this ranking. Pre-swap Emily is simply one of the best characters in Survivor history. I appreciate her arc, one of the most well-crafted of the new era. Unfortunately I lost that passion I had for her when she got her shit together. But the Old!Emily continued to break through here and there which I loved. And yeah those first three episodes...just on another level.

5. Bruce (+1) - Such a perfect villain. I looooove the characters who seem to be cast as inspirational underdogs and then reveal their true personality :wub:. Christy from Amazon, Charla from Amazing Race, etc. I thought Bruce would be an annoying OTTP figure with a faux inspirational edit, but instead he was one of the single most annoying human beings to exist who had everyone around him seething after spending five minutes listening to him ramble about his D-list celebrity antics ❤️.

6. Julie (+6) - Fantastic character when she was doing her own thing away from the Rebas. Looking through this thread, she definitely had a decent amount of solo moments throughout the season, which is why I appreciate her the most out of the alliance. The awareness of her archetype and trying to avoid being labeled as The Mom. She frequently had her own plans and tried to take control of the alliance. And then when she was done bullshitting with the Rebas, she became a shady queen :wub:

7. Dee (+6) - She came and did the thing, I can't hate! Dee is pretty solidly B/B+ in every aspect as a character. Nothing about her I feel super passionate about, but just really good vibes, some good and memorable moments (Dee voting for Sifu at Sean's quit is probably still her highlight for me), and a win I can look back on and smile about.

8. Sabiyah (-3) - I was generally content with the boot order, but Sabiyah is the one early boot I really feel we missed out on. Gotta be at the top of the ballot for another Second Chance season.

9. J. Maya (+1) - I wish she got a better edit! Didn't really come into her own until the swap and then got unfortunately blindsided way too soon, but what we saw of her was great!

10. Sifu (+4) - I wish he got a better edit too because I think he has a really unique personality! Love the psycho guys who annoy everyone around them without managing to annoy the audience. He brought some chaos to the Reba alliance and I think I would've enjoyed more of it.

11. Kaleb (-2) - He serves his purpose as Emily's Mentor and the normal in the sea of crazies on the Lulu Losers. Didn't add much value to the show after the swap, but I'll thank him for his first three episodes.

12. Kellie (-1) - Not the biggest personality, but I loved her reactions as a juror and her blindside. There's potential there, just got overshadowed in this great cast.

13. Brandon (-10) - I know this man would be me on Survivor which is why I would never dream of applying to the show. When it comes to strategynerds, this was pretty much the ideal showing.

14. Hannah (-10) - Certainly a memorable first boot. Quitting adds stakes to the show and reminds the audience this isn't a walk in the park. Messy and funny, that's a queen your honor!

15. Drew (+3) - Like I mentioned when he got booted, I was totally able to appreciate him as a villain when it became clear he wasn't winning. I love his blunt approach when talking to people. I love that he's bitter and wears it like a badge of honor. But the metaphors...Jesus just shut up!

16. Austin (=) - Never really evolved as a character outside of wanting revenge for a sandwich and being Dee's bitch. While I can appreciate the latter storyline, the former was annoying and ultimately, this cast is too strong for me to rank him any higher.

17. Brando (-2) - Very easily the most boring person this season and probably the one I'll have most trouble remembering in a month.

18. Sean (-1) - I mentioned it during his last episode, I'm not one to get all self-righteous about quitting since I think it can enhance the show and add stakes, but his quit was Lame.

Someone who feels Jake, the exact same way that I do. You, are my Angel. :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

9 rankings overall!



1. Dee Valladares - 3.1

2. Katurah Topps - 3.4

3. Emily Flippen - 3.6

4. Jake O'Kane - 5.3

5. Julie Alley - 5.8

6. Kaleb Gebrewold - 6.7

7. Kendra McQuarrie - 8.2 (Higher than Kellie 5/9 times)

8. Kellie Nalbandian - 8.2 (Higher than Kendra 4/9 times)

9. Sabiyah Broderick - 9.2

10. Austin Li Coon - 9.6

11. J. Maya Krishnan-Jha - 9.8

12. Bruce Perreault - 10.0

13. Sifu Alsup - 12.9

14. Brando Meyer - 13.7

15. Hannah Rose - 14.2

16. Brandon Donlon - 15.0

17. Drew Basile - 15.3

18. Sean Edwards - 17.0

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 45

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