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Weekly Rank the Survivors: 43


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Episode 1 ranking will go until Wednesday, September 28th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the Survivor voted out this most recent episode, in your rankings

Edited by Alex95
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Episode 1:

1. Karla - Amazing premiere from her, love seeing her at the center of everything. Hoping she can maintain this position.

2. Lindsay - Love her, getting strong Chrissy vibes already!

3. Morriah - Something about the most cheery and optimistic person getting voted out first sets a really dark tone for the season which I'm lowkey here for. Hate how it had to be at her expense though 😭

4. Sami - I actually really liked him? I think he has a lot of self-awareness, but can also be entertaining. I was pleasantly surprised.

5. Dwight - I loved his personality. Definitely the star of the Vesi tribe, which I found to be the weakest.

6. Gabler - Lol sorry but him making every worst possible decision and still surviving is iconic.

7. Jeanine - Thank you for fighting for Morriah 😭

8. James - Very likable so far!

9. Geo - Immediately finding and aligning with the other gay. Relatable.

10. Jesse - Love his story, wanna see more from him.

11. Nneka - I like her.

12. Ryan - Bonus points for the bulge.

13. Cody - He could be a wildcard...idk if it's a wildcard that annoys me or if he'll be a fun trainwreck.

14. Justine - She's gorgeous and yeah...that's really all I got so far

15. Cassidy - She's also a pretty girl, not much content yet.

16. Noelle - I think she belongs in old school Survivor. Don't think she's gonna be a very dynamic character, I could be wrong.

17. Owen - He didn't really deliver and I wish we could've sacrificed him first.

18. Elie - I mean someone has to be last lol. Forming and immediately torching a fun girl's alliance is not a way to win my stan card. She has time to win me back over, but today's not that day :kissbye:

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1. Karla - she's a queen!

2. Justine - she's super hot!

3. Jeanine - i really like her, she's sweet!

4. Ryan - bulge.

5. Lindsay - strategic queen.

6. Sami - smart king.

7. Elie - quirky!

8. Morriah - queen robbed.

9. Cassidy - pretty! 

10. Jesse - really likable!

11. Geo - hilarious! love his connection with Karla!

12. Owen - not too bad.

13. Dwight - risk taker but didn't quite work out in his favour!

14. Nneka - i feel like we barely got to know her?

15. Noelle - kinda forgettable, but rooting for her!

16. James - who?

17. Mike/Gabler - eh.

18. Cody - annoying already.

Edited by jarmon
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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 43 (Episode 1 Ends 9/28 8pm)

1. Ryan - routing for the two guys who did the "sweat" competition, and are facing an all girls alliance
2. Geo - ...and both seem like the nicest guys on the island
3. Morriah - seemed very nice and compassionate
4. Dwight - don't remember him well, but seemed perfectly nice
5. Karla - has a good story so far, and is open-minded between her two alliance choices
6. Cassidy - seems nice, but I don't like the girls' alliance strategy
7. Elie - has a good story so far
8. Jeanine - seems nice enough. She'll probably be next to go after Morriah.
9. Sami - I liked him, but I saw some negatives too, so I am not sure where to place him.
10. Jesse - seems okay, but the underdog story about juvenile hall didn't raise him any higher on my list.
11. Justine - I liked her well enough, but for some reason I supported her tribe in targeting her, even though I ended up not really liking any of them
12. Jay - I don't have an opinion yet, but he is a tool of the all girls alliance.
13. Lindsay - I like her well enough, but the girls' alliance must die.
14. Mike - he is okay, aside from being the know-it-all older man that has to be included in every season.
15. Cody - I liked him at first, but he was beginning to show signs of being a vindictive jackass.
16. Nneka - seemed shy and kind of creepy during the brief periods I saw of her.
17. Noelle - so far looks really annoying
18. Owen - seemed kind of boring throughout the show, but his chat at tribal council proved it beyond a doubt.


Edited by Qorey
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Not really sure how to rank people but I'll try this out here.



1. Jeanine
2. Lindsay 
3. Morriah 
4. Dwight
5. Karla 
6. Sami 
7. Justine 
8. James / Jay (don't remember which he goes by)
9. Ryan 
10. Jesse
11. Geo 
12. Elie 
13. Nneka 
14. Cody 
15. Cassidy 
16. Mike/Gabler 
17. Noelle 
18. Owen 

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Struggling with how to rank them after the first episode. I am still indifferent on a few of them but here goes nothing :haha: 


  1. Karla
  2. Sami
  3. Dwight
  4. Jesse
  5. Geo
  6. Lindsay
  7. Jeanine
  8. Ryan
  9. Nneka
  10. James
  11. Moriah
  12. Ellie
  13. Noelle
  14. Cody
  15. Owen
  16. Gabler
  17. Cassidy
  18. Justine
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7 rankings this episode!


Episode 1:

1. Karla Cruz Godoy - 2.6

2. Jeanine Zheng - 4.7

3. Dwight Moore - 6.1

4. Lindsay Carmine - 6.3

5. Sami Layadi - 6.4

6. Morriah Young - 6.7 (Higher than Jesse 4/7 times)

7. Jesse Lopez - 6.7 (Higher than Morriah 3/7 times)

8. Geo Bustamante - 7.7

9. Ryan Medrano - 8.0

10. Justine Brennan - 9.9

11. James Jones - 10.1

12. Nneka Ejere - 11.1

13. Elie Scott - 12.4

14. Cassidy Clark - 12.6 (Higher than Mike 4/7 times)

15. Mike Gabler - 12.6 (Higher than Cassidy 3/7 times)

16. Cody Assenmacher - 14.0

17. Noelle Lambert - 15.0

18. Owen Knight - 15.9


Episode 2 ranking will go until Wednesday, October 5th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the Survivor voted out this most recent episode, in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 43 (Episode 2 Ends 10/5 8pm)

Episode 2:

1. Justine (+13) - Sorry not sorry, she had icon potential. The perfect amount of no self-awareness and lack of social cues. I'm gonna miss her.

2. Geo (+7) - Yes I'm basic and the gay sob stories always get to me.

3. Jeanine (+4) - Brining back bag searching :wub: :wub:

4. Dwight (+1) - Definitely taking this king's side in the divorce!

5. Karla (-4) - Cool-down episode yet still narrating the tribe...winner?

6. Ryan (+6) - Bffmance with Geo ❤️

7. Elie (+11) - Bffmance with Jeanine ❤️

8. Nneka (+3) - The way she was so useless in the challenge...relatable.

9. Lindsay (-7) - Giving her a purple edit on an hour and a half episode is criminal.

10. Cody (+3) - The jury's still out, not hating him yet...

11. Gabler (-5) - He's gonna crack soon and I can't wait!

12. Noelle (+4) - She's boring, almost was iconic if she didn't give her bracelet away, but I fear she's gonna slip back into boringness.

13. Cassidy (+2) - Who?

14. James (-6) - Who?

15. Jesse (-5) - Kinda gamebotty. And his reasons for targeting Justine felt vaguely sexist oop.

16. Owen (+1) - Idk his narration during the water scene felt very forced and unnatural, like he was trying too hard to have an iconic moment.

17. Sami (-13) - "I hate gendered alliances" *proceeds to form an all guys alliance*

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1. Justine (+6)
2. Jeanine (-1)
3. Dwight (+1)
4. Geo (+7)
5. Noelle (+12)
6. Ryan (+3)
7. Karla (-2)
8. Elie (+4)
9. Cody (+5)
10. Nneka (+3)
11. Lindsay (-9)
12. Jesse (-2)
13. Sami (-7)
14. Gabler (+2)
15. James (-7) - Still really liked him on the premiere but I feel we barely got to see him this episode hence the lower ranking.
16. Owen (+2)
17. Cassidy (-2) - Another one I don't remember seeing at all.

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1. Justine - without a doubt one of the prettiest girls ever on this show, she's insanely gorgeous and i truly felt she had potential just got unlucky.

2. Elie - idk man there's just something about her that i like!

3. Jeanine - my queen, search through gabler's bag!!

4. Karla - kinda invisible this episode but still an icon!

5. Dwight - love him for wanting to work with the girls! 

6. Sami - he's hot and i kinda am rooting for him lol.

7. Geo - such a sweetheart ❤️

8. Ryan - stan the iconic duo of geo & ryan!
9. Lindsay - slay puzzle queen!!


11. Cassidy - show us more of her!!!!

12. Owen - he's aight.

13. Gabler - wasn't too bad this episode.

14. James - who?

15. Jesse - meh. i probably might ease up to him later but he really is annoying in his confessionals, show me more of cassidy & lindsay instead!!!

16. Nneka - useless at challenges but kinda funny but i'm pressed that justine was voted off over her!

17. Cody - sad story to hear about his friend. unfortunately, i still don't really care for him as a player but he's giving messy at least.



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1. Sami - his niceness won me over. The negatives last week were unfounded.

2. Dwight - nice guy who wanted to do the right thing and vote out Nneka.

3. Jeanine - very nice girl

4. Ryan - I still don't like the girls' alliance targeting him and Geo, but haven't seen much from this tribe.

5. Geo - seems very nice, but haven't seen much from this tribe.

6. Cassidy - seems very nice, but haven't seen much from this tribe.

7. Justine - I thought she was a nice person, and Nneka should've gone home instead.

8. Karla - seems less likely to side with the guys now, so I'm a little less enthusiastic about her.

9. Jesse - I'm not quite sure about him. I don't quite like his allying with Cody and Nneka.

10. Lindsay - seems a bit plastic, but nice enough.

11. James - I still don't know much about him.

12. Gabby - standard guy.

13. Elie - I don't dislike her, but she plays a bit hard.

14. Noelle - I like her better now, but still rather annoying

15. Owen - not only boring, but also a bumbling idiot. My opinion of him actually went down, even though he's not on the bottom anymore.

16. Cody - I liked him better this time than last time, but it bugged me about Justine, and he's still kind of annoying.

17. Nneka - is terrible at challenges, and it almost looked like she threw it on purpose. Not a great personality either.


Edited by Qorey
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7 rankings this episode!


Episode 2:

1. Jeanine Zheng (+1) - 3.4

2. Dwight Moore (+1) - 4.0

3. Geo Bustamante (+5) - 4.4

4. Justine Brennan (+6) - 4.7

5. Karla Cruz Godoy (-4) - 5.3

6. Ryan Medrano (+3) - 6.4

7. Lindsay Carmine (-3) - 6.9

8. Elie Scott (+5) - 7.4

9. Nneka Ejere (+3) - 10.3 (Higher than Sami 5/7 times)

10. Sami Layadi (-5) - 10.3 (Higher than Nneka 2/7 times)

11. Noelle Lambert (+6) - 11.6

12. Cody Assenmacher (+4) - 12.0

13. Cassidy Clark (+1) - 12.4

14. Jesse Lopez (-7) - 12.9

15. Mike Gabler (=) - 13.4

16. Owen Knight (+2) - 13.7

17. James Jones (-6) - 13.9


Episode 3 ranking will go until Wednesday, October 12th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the Survivor voted out this most recent episode, in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 43 (Episode 3 Ends 10/12 8pm)

I'll do this early while people and thoughts are fresh in my mind. :haha: 


1. Noelle (+4)
2. Dwight (+1)
3. Karla (+4)
4. Jeanine (-2)
5. Ryan (+1)
6. Geo (-2)
7. Elie (+1)
8. Nneka (+2)
9. James (+6) 
10. Cody (-1)
11. Lindsay (=)
12. Sami (+1)
13. Jesse (-1)
14. Owen (+2)
15. Gabler (-1)
16. Cassidy (+1) 

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Episode 3:

1. Karla (+4) - Queen of lying about her wife's birthday and getting an idol :wub: 

2. Elie (+5) - She was serving very lowkey Angelina this episode, beyond here for it obviously.

3. Jeanine (=) - Love my villainous girls duo so much.

4. Noelle (+8) - Hiding an advantage in a prosthetic leg is iconic.

5. Dwight (-1) - Just a great personality, really like him!

6. Nneka (+2) - Sweetheart, but not cut out for this game at all.

7. Gabler (+4) - The physical comedy of Gabler slow deteriorating works for me.

8. Lindsay (+1) - When she enters the edit again next week >>>>>>

9. Ryan (-3) - Lol @ him wanting to trade socks on an island :dead:

10. Geo (-8) - I like him.

11. Cassidy (+2) - She has potential.

12. James (+2) - He has potential.

13. Cody (-3) - The fact that he dismantled his idol hat ruined what should've been an epic moment.

14. Owen (+2) - Rat.

15. Sami (+2) - Rat.

16. Jesse (-1) - When Probst nearly keeled over cracking up about "10" from Jesse, that was just it for me. They're trying way too hard to make him a thing and I'm not buying it.

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Episode 3 Rankings:


(14) 1. Noelle - had a great story this week, convincing the two guys to let her have the advantage.

(1) 2. Sami - saw more of his charm, and pulling one over on the girls.

(5) 3. Geo - still like him a lot

(4) 4. Ryan - still up there, though we didn't see much of him this week.

(9) 5. Jesse - this whole tribe is higher due to more airtime...

(15) 6. Cody - even Cody benefited from more airtime. I did not find him obnoxious this time.

(2) 7. Dwight - was a little bit boring this week.

(10) 8. Lindsay - still didn't see much of her, but surpassed Cassidy due to Cassidy being less charming than before.

(6) 9. Cassidy - winning tribes don't get airtime

(11) 10. James - seems nice

(12) 11. Gabler - even being center of attention over his idol did not spark much interest in him

(16) 12. Nneka - I liked her much better this week, but still glad it was her that went.

(8) 13. Karla - starting to look a little grumpy and cynical. I am not happy that she got the idol, especially where she didn't need it.

(13) 14. Elie - still determined to run the tribe, and looks foolish doing it.

(3) 15. Jeanine - fell below Elie due to her clearly following her leadership and not contributing much.

(17) 16. Owen - still a two bit idiot.







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