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American Idol S20 Premiere Discussion


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My thoughts/review on Episode 1 contestants (Favorite to Least Favorite) Also, I felt bad for Grace Franklin because you can tell how badly she wanted this, but she was clearly not ready.


Have the most potential

1. Nicolina Bozzo - I was just speechless. She was on pitch and singing like an angel. How does this girl not have a recording contract already? She doesn’t need American Idol. That’s how good she is.

2. Tyler Allen - His story was heartbreaking. You could really feel his pain when he sings. I can see him going far. If I had to give one tiny critique, it would be that he started the song, he was a little off pitch, but he fixed it.

3. Hunter Girl - She’s got a nice rasp to her voice and reminds me of Miranda Lambert. Very pretty country singing voice for sure.

4. Cole Hallman - I liked him. His voice is pleasant, but not distinctive. He is similar to Laine Hardy, but he has his own style when it comes to singing where I see the differences between the two. If I had to critique him, it would be that his voice cracked at the end. Also, he did way better singing with his sister than he did by himself. I think that made him way more comfortable and allowed him to shine. I can see him go far.
5. Taylor Fagins - He’s a good singer. You can’t deny that. The song wasn’t perfect, but it was heartfelt and I feel lots of people will resonate with his song. He had a great falsetto. Overall, an excellent and powerful performance. I can see him go far in the competition.

6. Noah Thompson - He was good. I like him. He has an authentic raspy sound to his voice. My only hope is he doesn’t try too hard to become another Chayce Beckham. My one critique for him is that he needs to work on his pronunciations when he sings. Because having an enunciation problem as a singer is not good.

7. Danielle Finn - It was a decent audition, but not the best. She’s got the voice and potential though. I think she will do even better during Hollywood Week and surprise many people.

8. Delaney Renee - Her tone and phrasing were very beautiful. My only critiques of her is that she sounded too youthful when singing and she didn’t show enough grit, attitude, or power in the voice when she did in that viral video when she was babysitting.


Can see crash and burn in Hollywood Week

  1. Normandy - She literally sounded like a baby when she was talking, but then she sounded great. I didn’t expect her to sound good at all. I thought she was going to be a joke contestant who sounded horrible when she sang. I think she relies too much on the gimmicks and I think it’s going to negative affect her chances of advancing far in Hollywood Week.
  2. Camryn Champion - She made it to Hollywood Week but had a lot of pitch problems. The judges had to help her several times before she finally got it. No other contestant was given as much help as she did and the judges are definitely coaching contestants this season. That is as clear as the light of day when you watch the episode. In Hollywood Week, the judges won’t be able to correct her pitch problems or get more of her voice to come out. I think this will make it hard for her to do well during Hollywood Week.

Worst audition of the episode:

  1. Maddie Belle Glidewell - It was just all over the place. It was pitchy and just off key. She was trying too hard to be like Carrie Underwood and Gabby Barrett. But the girl is not there yet.
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