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After POs, predict Jim and Sasha's fate


After POs, predict Jim and Sasha's fate  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose:

    • They will win
    • They will make the finale, but not win
    • Eliminated in Semifinals
    • Eliminated in the Top 10
    • Eliminated in the Top 11
    • Eliminated in the Top 13

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They could legitimately end up anywhere from gone next week to semifinalists - the father/son partnership does have appeal from a storytelling perspective (and even reality TV competitions have a narrative), and Sasha’s online popularity is hard to overlook. 

If they do well next week, I think they’ll be around for a bit; if they struggle again, they’re doomed, especially since the highly-hyped pre-lives Holly-Bella-Ryleigh “holy trinity” is missing its most popular component due to J&S getting a PV.

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