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Which coach is more likely to make a questionable decision in the playoffs (Their save)


Which coach is more likely to make a questionable decision in the playoffs (Their save)  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose:

    • Kelly
    • John
    • Nick
    • Blake

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Late response, but I don't see Nick having a questionable pick?? Probably Dana, but maybe Rachel, will get the PV (the only discrepancy with like a 0.00001% chance of happening would be if Jose somehow blew the roof off the building with a heavy-hitting Christian song and won over Minivan's heart, but what more can he do since he's already done "You Say" and "Break Every Chain"?). Nick would easily save the remaining Dana or Rachel over Andrew or Jose.

  • Nick has an extremely personal connection with Dana it seems (based on the clips of him and her interacting in the battle rehearsals) and he should feel lucky to have her on his team.
  • Nick also clearly loves Rachel, as he picked her over Zae and consistently hypes her up. 
  • Nick already eliminated Andrew once and I don't think Andrew has the capability of a showstopping performance, so I think he's DOA.
  • Nick doesn't seem too attached to Jose. From what the spoilers describe, he BARELY picked Jose over Raine and I have a feeling he probably regrets that decision. Nick is easily swayed by the other coaches and with Kelly and John rooting against Jose in the KOs and Blake likely favoring Rachel to Jose, I see Nick being swayed into picking Rachel if she ends up not getting the PV. 


The real questionable decision will probably be from John. Kelly CAN'T make a questionable decision, since she has the strongest team and none of them are bad choices. I think Blake's team is probably pretty set too, with Cam getting the PV and Pete getting saved by Blake. As for John, who's known for bad decisions, I can see Ryleigh or Zania killing it tomorrow, but him picking Pia or Victor over them due to favoritism, even if they give bad performances.

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