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results show question


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I was wondering if anyone knows when we will find out who made it into the top 10? So i don't miss it, I looked on the tv guide on my tv and it is not showing american Idol being on on Monday April 27th. Are we not finding out til Sunday May 3rd?


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With all the limitations surrounding the contestants this year IMO they should show all their performances than at the end of each reveal if they maded based on first week performances or not (if they make, than let the judges do they part with their phone acroos the screen for people to vote, if not, just let it as their goodbye performance). If not, AT LEAST they should post all their performances online.

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30 minutes ago, wgm said:

We find sunday, then we perform and vote and at the top of the next episode they reveal the top 5

I almost wish they’d just reveal who is safe as they sing this upcoming round and do overnight voting as they did last time, at least given the circumstances.  Fifteen people being cut by the end of next round is especially brutal.

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