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- This rankdown will focus on characters from Star Wars films and television shows.
- A group of rankers will cut characters until a winner is ultimately crowned.
- At the start of a cycle, one ranker will nominate a list of characters for elimination. The other rankers will then choose to cut and save. The cut characters will be eliminated from the rankdown. 
- These rules will be standard for the beginning of the game, but they will change as the game progresses. Any new rules or twists will be announced at the beginning of a cycle.
- Rankers will have thirty minutes to post a write-up of the character they are eliminating. Write-ups must contain at least 100 words and include an image of that character. Do not plagiarize. You can quote sources, but the write-up must have at least 100 original words. Discuss the character and its role in the film, what you like or do not like about the character, and anything else you feel is relevant. If you're writing about a character you are not familiar with, then do your research. starwars.com and Wookieepedia are great resources.
- Cuts and saves are at a first come, first serve basis. Rankers can only refresh their choices once before the thirty-minute time limit. If you need to refresh again, then you'll need to refresh thirty minutes after your first refresh. Other rankers are free to swoop in and steal your claimed characters if you do not post a write-up within the designated time limit.
- If a ranker does not post a write-up 24 hours after nominations were posted without asking for an extension, then the nominator or any other ranker is free to take over.
-You must have watched plenty of Star Wars projects to play this game. You do not need to see every movie or show included in this rankdown, but the most knowledgeable applicants will be selected to play.

Edited by Steven_
Posted (edited)




- When it is your turn, you will nominate three characters for elimination.

- The other two rankers will VOTE TO SAVE.

- The nominator will break the tie if necessary.

- The nominator is responsible for the write-ups of the two eliminated characters.












Edited by Steven_
Posted (edited)






Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope


Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker

Han Solo

Jabba the Hutt

Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Princess Leia


30. C-3PO

54. Grand Moff Tarkin

95. Nebit

96. Wedge Antilles

126. Greedo

132. Beru Lars

136. Biggs Darklighter

142. Owen Lars

161. Jan Dodonna

171. Figrin D’an

174. Admiral Motti

191. Muftak

192. Lak Sivrak

202. Garindan

205. Wuher

208. Momaw Nadon

210. Ponda Baba

219. Garven Dreis

220. Captain Raymus Antilles

223. Jek Porkins

224. Doctor Cornelius Evazan

228. Kardue'sai'Malloc



Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back


32. Lando Calrissian

44. Emperor Palpatine

94. Boba Fett

180. Admiral Piett

186. Bossk

207. Lobot

209. Wes Janson

211. Admiral Ozzel

221. Dengar

222. General Veers

235. Bren Derlin

242. Dak Ralter



Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi

Mon Mothma

45. Wicket Wystri Warrick

46. Admiral Ackbar

55. Bib Fortuna

78. Sarlaac

87. Sy Snootles

88. Oola

89. Nien Nunb

131. EV-9D9

134. Moff Jerjerrod

135. Droopy McCool

158. Max Rebo

166. Pateesa

170. Thok

176. Airen Cracken

182. 8D8

185. Ree-Yees

190. Crix Madine

201. Malakili

233. Salacious B. Crumb

240. Pagetti Rook





Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Mace Windu

42. Padmé Amidala

49. Darth Maul

66. Qui-Gon Jinn

75. Captain Panaka

82. Quinlan Vos

86. Rugor Nass

108. Shmi Skywalker

110. Sabé

119. Nute Gunray

129. Plo Koon

130. Ki-Adi-Mundi

133. Supreme Chancellor Valorum

137. Jar Jar Binks

167. Yaddle

172. Gardulla the Hutt

173. Saesee Tiin

175. Sio Bibble

178. Sebulba

181. Watto

189. Mas Amedda
214. Yarael Poof

236. Fode and Beed

237. Orn Free Taa

238. Rune Haako

241. Kitster



Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

31. Aayla Secura

35. Kit Fisto

48. Count Dooku

62. Shaak Ti

64. Senator Bail Organa

81. Luminara Unduli

91. Barriss Offee

111. Dexter Jettster

156. Zam Wesell

164. Jango Fett

169. R4-P17

212. Zett Jukassa

215. Elan Sel'Sabagno



Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

General Grievous

109. Tarfful

153. Queen Breha Organa

168. Boga

218. Tion Medon




Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens

Poe Dameron


21. Finn

36. BB-8

37. Kylo Ren

61. Captain Phasma

72. Maz Kanata

99. General Hux

113. Supreme Leader Snoke

123. Kaydel Connix

141. Jessika "Testor" Pava

193. Snap Wexley

194. Lor San Tekka

213. Thanisson

229. FN-2199

230. Admiral Statura

232. Unkar Plutt



Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi

38. Rose Tico

100. Vice-Admiral Holdo

125. BB-9E

143. DJ

150. Commander D'Acy

184. Paige Tico

217. Master Codebreaker

225. Slowen Lo

231. Captain Canady

234. Captain Peavey



Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker

106. Babu Frik

147. Jannah

183. Klaud

198. Zorii Bliss

227. Beaumont Kin

239. General Pryde





Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Cassian Andor

Jyn Erso

23. K-2SO

65. Saw Gerrera

83. Orson Krennic

84. Bodhi Rook

103. Chirrut Îmwe

114. Baze Malbus

118. Galen Erso



Solo: A Star Wars Story

34. Qi'ra

112. L3-37

151. Val Beckett

204. Dryden Vos

216. Tobias Beckett





Dedra Meero

Luthen Rael

22. Syril Karn

24. Maarva Andor

25. Vel Sartha

33. Bix Caleen

40. Kleya Marki

50. Eedy Karn

57. Cinta Kaz

58. Kino Loy

63. Lieutenant Gorn

67. Karis Nemik

71. Tay Kolma

79. Brasso

97. Ruescott Melshi

148. Arvel Skeen

152. Timm Karlo




Ahsako Tano

27. Grand Admiral Thrawn

43. Hera Syndulla

92. Shin Hati

115. Sabine Wren

139. Huyang

140. Baylan Skolli

149. Ezra Bridger

160. Morgan Elsbeth

196. Jacen Syndulla




The Book of Boba Fett

120. Majordomo

124. Garsa Fwip



The Mandalorian

26. Bo-Katan Kryze

28. Grogu

29. Peli Motto

41. Din Djarin / The Mandalorian

47. Moff Gideon

56. Fennec Shand

68. Koska Reeves

70. Cobb Vanth

73. Greef Karga

76. The Armorer

77. Frog Lady

80. Penn Pershing

105. Kuiil

107. IG-11

159. Paz Vizsla

165. Migs Mayfeld

195. The Client

226. Cara Dune




Obi-Wan Kenobi

117. The Grand Inquisitor

122. Tala Durith

138. Reva Sevander / Third Sister

163. The Fifth Brother

199. Kawlan Roken

200. Haja Estree



Star Wars: The Clone Wars

51. Rex

52. Cad Bane

59. Duchess Satine Kryze

116. Steela Gerrera

146. Savage Opress

154. Mother Talzin

155. Pre Vizla

179. Pong Krell

188. Force Priestesses

197. 99

203. Meebur Gascon

206. Cham Syndulla





Expanded Universe/Star Wars Legends

Mara Jade

53. Jaina Solo

60. Jacen Solo

69. Anakin Solo

90. Tahiri Veila

93. Ben Skywalker

102. Lowbacca

104. Jagged Fel

162. Jodo Kast

177. Corran Horn

187. Gara Petothel

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

101. Cal Kestis

121. Merrin

127. BD-1

144. Greez Dritus

145. Cere Junda


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

39. Revan

74. Bastila Shan

98. Jolee Bindo

128. HK-47


Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi

85. Arden Lyn

157. KkH'Oar'Rrhr

Edited by Steven_
Posted (edited)

21. Finn
22. Syril Karn
23. K-2SO
24. Maarva Andor
25. Vel Sartha
26. Bo-Katan Kryze
27. Grand Admiral Thrawn
28. Grogu
29. Peli Motto
30. C-3PO
31. Aayla Secura
32. Lando Calrissian
33. Bix Caleen
34. Qi'ra
35. Kit Fisto
36. BB-8
37. Kylo Ren
38. Rose Tico
39. Revan
40. Kleya Marki
41. Din Djarin / The Mandalorian
42. Padmé Amidala
43. Hera Syndulla
44. Emperor Palpatine
45. Wicket Wystri Warrick
46. Admiral Ackbar
47. Moff Gideon
48. Count Dooku
49. Darth Maul
50. Eedy Karn
51. Rex (Bonus Write-Up)
52. Cad Bane
53. Jaina Solo
54. Grand Moff Tarkin
55. Bib Fortuna
56. Fennec Shand
57. Cinta Kaz
58. Kino Loy
59. Duchess Satine Kryze
60. Jacen Solo
61. Captain Phasma
62. Shaak Ti
63. Lieutenant Gorn
64. Senator Bail Organa
65. Saw Gerrera
66. Qui-Gon Jinn
67. Karis Nemik
68. Koska Reeves
69. Anakin Solo
70. Cobb Vanth
71. Tay Kolma
72. Maz Kanata
73. Greef Karga
74. Bastila Shan
75. Captain Panaka
76. The Armorer
77. Frog Lady
78. Sarlaac
79. Brasso
80. Penn Pershing
81. Luminara Unduli
82. Quinlan Vos
83. Orson Krennic
84. Bodhi Rook
85. Arden Lyn
86. Rugor Nass
87. Sy Snootles
88. Oola
89. Nien Nunb
90. Tahiri Veila
91. Barriss Offee
92. Shin Hati
93. Ben Skywalker
94. Boba Fett
95. Nebit
96. Wedge Antilles
97. Ruescott Melshi
98. Jolee Bindo
99. General Hux
100. Vice-Admiral Holdo
101. Cal Kestis
102. Lowbacca
103. Chirrut Îmwe
104. Jagged Fel
105. Kuiil
106. Babu Frik
107. IG-11
108. Shmi Skywalker
109. Tarfful
110. Sabé
111. Dexter Jettster
112. L3-37
113. Supreme Leader Snoke
114. Baze Malbus
115. Sabine Wren
116. Steela Gerrera
117. The Grand Inquisitor
118. Galen Erso
119. Nute Gunray
120. Majordomo
121. Merrin
122. Tala Durith
123. Kaydel Connix
124. Garsa Fwip
125. BB-9E
126. Greedo
127. BD-1
128. HK-47
129. Plo Koon
130. Ki-Adi-Mundi
131. EV-9D9
132. Beru Lars
133. Supreme Chancellor Valorum
134. Moff Jerjerrod
135. Droopy McCool
136. Biggs Darklighter
137. Jar Jar Binks
138. Reva Sevander / Third Sister
139. Huyang
140. Baylan Skoll
141. Jessika "Testor" Pava
142. Owen Lars
143. DJ
144. Greez Dritus
145. Cere Junda
146. Savage Opress
147. Jannah
148. Arvel Skeen
149. Ezra Bridger
150. Commander D'Acy
151. Val Beckett
152. Timm Karlo
153. Queen Breha Organa
154. Mother Talzin
155. Pre Vizla
156. Zam Wesell
157. KkH'Oar'Rrhr
158. Max Rebo
159. Paz Vizsla
160. Morgan Elsbeth
161. Jan Dodonna
162. Jodo Kast
163. The Fifth Brother
164. Jango Fett
165. Migs Mayfeld
166. Pateesa
167. Yaddle
168. Boga
169. R4-P17
170. Thok
171. Figrin D’an
172. Gardulla the Hutt
173. Saesee Tiin
174. Admiral Motti
175. Sio Bibble
176. Airen Cracken
177. Corran Horn
178. Sebulba
179. Pong Krell
180. Admiral Piett
181. Watto
182. 8D8
183. Klaud
184. Paige Tico
185. Ree-Yees
186. Bossk
187. Gara Petothel
188. Force Priestesses
189. Mas Amedda
190. Crix Madine
191. Muftak
192. Lak Sivrak
193. Snap Wexley
194. Lor San Tekka
195. The Client
196. Jacen Syndulla
197. 99
198. Zorii Bliss
199. Kawlan Roken
200. Haja Estree
201. Malakili
202. Garindan
203. Meebur Gascon
204. Dryden Vos
205. Wuher
206. Cham Syndulla
207. Lobot
208. Momaw Nadon
209. Wes Janson
210. Ponda Baba
211. Admiral Ozzel
212. Zett Jukassa
213. Thanisson
214. Yarael Poof
215. Elan Sel'Sabagno
216. Tobias Beckett
217. Master Codebreaker
218. Tion Medon
219. Garven Dreis
220. Captain Raymus Antilles
221. Dengar
222. General Veers
223. Jek Porkins
224. Doctor Cornelius Evazan
225. Slowen Lo
226. Cara Dune
227. Beaumont Kin
228. Kardue'sai'Malloc

229. FN-2199

230. Admiral Statura
231. Captain Canady
232. Unkar Plutt
233. Salacious B. Crumb
234. Captain Peavey
235. Bren Derlin
236. Fode and Beed
237. Orn Free Taa
238. Rune Haako
239. General Pryde
240. Pagetti Rook
241. Kitster
242. Dak Ralter


Edited by Steven_
Posted (edited)


Tagging those who expressed interest: @Alex95 @FrogLenzen @totes4totes @Solaris



What is your preferred name? (Username, real name, or nickname):

List of Films/Shows Watched:

Favorite Characters:

Character gif to represent you for cast reveal:

Do you think Anakin/Darth Vader should be one entry or two?:

Rankdowns typically takes months to complete. Will you be online daily and remain active throughout the entire game?:


Feel free to post on the thread now. If you’re interested in applying, then send a completed application via PM. Please send in an existing PM thread if possible. I’m looking for 6-8 rankers. 

Applications will be open for a week. 



Edited by Steven_
  • Like 1

I added 200 characters so far. That's just a starting off point for now.


I categorized characters by their first appearance, but let me know if I made any mistakes.


So far it looks like there are only two people interested in playing. Will there be anyone else? I'm hoping for at least six. 


Any other Star Wars fans? 👀 


I was hoping for at least six rankers, but I’d settle for four. The BBCAN rankdown managed with only four rankers. I only have three at the moment though.


Today was supposed to be the last day to apply, but I'll leave apps open for one more day with the hopes of starting on Monday.


It looks like I'll have at least four rankers, but please send applications when you can @Alex95, @FrogLenzen, @totes4totes, @Erestor. And if anyone else is interested in participating, then let me know. :yes: 

3 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

at least in the extended versions that blew my mind as a child but that everyone hates nowadays apparently

Oh lol idr the original, I only mentioned it since I just rewatched it on Disney+ the other day and he was there

27 minutes ago, Steven_ said:

Also, with possibly only four rankers at the moment (with @Alex95 and @Erestor), do you all want to add more characters to the 200 already listed? And how many? 

I don't have a crazy amount in mind for extras. Just like... the 5 biggest from the EU and KOTOR, plus one niche one that no one else will care about. 

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