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2023 Reality Stars Rankdown (Zoey’s Decision Next)


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  • Alex95 changed the title to 2023 Reality Stars Rankdown (Derek's Noms Posted)

Sabiyah Broderick


Meet Sabiyah Broderick


This might be the roughest set of nominations so far!  They aren't all that rough, but there are a decent number of these that should go further into the game.  I will just eliminate the worst placing Survivor contestant on this list. I started out enjoying Sabiyah, when she was on a Lulu.  She was on a tribe with Sean, Hannah, Brandon, Emily and Kaleb.  Lulu was one of the worst tribes in survivor history.  They lost the first 4 immunity challenges, 3 of which Sabiyah was part of. Hannah quit the game, and then Brandon was the most dysfunctional player in terms of strategy and competiton.  Sabiyah was at the top of the tribe early on with Kaleb and Sean.  However when she decided to target Kaleb and use Emily to do it, Emily used the information against her to get Sabiyah voted out.  What's worse is Sabiyah didn't even vote so that she could improve her hidden immunity idol.  I do think Sabiyah had some game chops, she just played too hard too early and it cost her. Her sacrifice allowed Emily to flourish. She just left too early to justify keeping of the nominations.



Save: Gina Miles The Voice of Season 23.


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Jonathan Leonard is a 33 year old Fisherman from Paradise, Newfoundland. Jonathan had a charming personality and was a pretty fine houseguest, but he didn't really have a great strategic game. If I remember correctly, Jonathan was close to Roberto and Hope. And then due to his friendship with Roberto, he became closer to Santina. Which was an unlikely pairing. However, the moment Jonathan was nominated, Santina was the deciding vote between whether Hope or Jonathan would be evicted and she evicted Jonathan. Looking back, she should've evicted Hope to be honest. Would've probably played out better for her. Anyway, Jonathan didn't do much during his time on the show but you know the Canadians....they voted him to be Canada's Favourite Houseguest anyways. Which was okay, I suppose. But yeah, he can leave the Rankdown for now, another early exit.


SAVE: Charlie Pittman.

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15 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

Going with this for now (though still not 100% certain)


Save D.Smooth
Cut Dan Szabo

Gonna change my save back to Mara (and just hope the best for D. Smooth).

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Dan Szabo (Big Brother Canada 11)



Hmmm, I struggled a bit on who to cut. I had a number of options and didn't really know where or who to go with. I feel like BBCAN11 is still well represented and I haven't made a cut from there yet, so I'm fine with letting Dan Szabo go. Dan Szabo is a 28-year DJ from Niagara Falls, Ontario, who competed on the 11th season of Big Brother Canada. Dan seemed like a nice enough and likable'ish guy, I think. His gameplay.... was not the best at all though. I remember Dan was often on the block. He was on the block on Week 1, where he was up for eviction against John Michael and Renee, and that was the week John Michael left. Dan shocked people by winning HoH on Week 3. I was curious on what Dan would have done with his HoH but he basically let Zach control his HoH....so it was pretty much Zach's HoH and he got what he wanted accomplished rather than what was best for Dan's own game. 😐 This was the week where they blindsided Robert as he was a big threat to Zach (and Ty). I honestly don't think Dan would have made this move on his own, especially as there wasn't any beef with Robert and Dan, I think? This move did not help Dan's game as he found himself on the block 2 weeks later, on Week 5 where Santina was HoH. This was when Dan was evicted on a 8-0 vote against Claudia. In some other Dan events on the house, he had a cute and good close friendship with Shanaya. I really liked them and their scenes together on the show. I think people may have speculated or wanted them to be together or maybe people just thought of them as good friends? I don't know. But I did look on their  instagram earlier this year and saw that they were indeed a couple. A big yayy for that! ❤️ I'm not sure if they're still together as they haven't posted coupley pics/videos in months, but I hope they are. Overall, Dan is a nice guy but a not so good Big Brother player.

Saving: Mara Justine 



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11 minutes ago, Solaris said:

I am good with both Dan and Jonathans eliminations.  If only they could take Vanessa with them!

Samee. I was hoping for Vanessa to go before them, but eh.... wasn't able to make that happen. :haha: 

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Aww I did really enjoy Sabiyah. Can't complain too much on her cut as there are a lot of good save options in the mix. But she was one of my early favorites and brought some good drama on her season. I wish she could have lasted longer than she did though. :( She had great control of the game early but yeah she played too hard too soon with trying to get Kaleb out so soon... and yeah that worked against her. I'd like to see her compete again though.


Jonathan was nice and a likable guy. He didn't really bring too much to the season, but he would probably be around the middle'ish area of my rankings. But with him being an easygoing likable guy, he was able to easily get Canada's Favorite Player though there were plenty of other bigger and more fun personalities. :haha: 

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Matt Blankinship | Survivor

Matt Blankinship was cast for the forty fourth season of Survivor and lasted for fourteen days. I went back on forth with cutting Matt because there were moments that I enjoyed him but the showmance and the way he spoke about Frannie was so cringey that I couldn’t cut him because the bad outweighed the good. Matt had a pretty strong start on the season as he never actually went to tribal council until the merge and then he won individual immunity so was safe. The first week that Matt found himself in trouble was a very unfortunate week for him as the tribe was split in to two and he found himself outnumbered by people who wanted to split the showmance up so he became casualty to that. Matt seemed like a nice guy but came across as incredibly naive due to his feelings for Frannie because most of his confessionals were him talking about his feelings for her. I’m so over showmances on Survivor and I’m glad we see them rarely now. Matt and Frannie seem to still be together so that’s good for them.


Saving Tarryn.

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Elizabeth & Iliana - The Amazing Race 35

Isabel "Izzy" Gleicher - Big Brother 25 US

Hisam Goueli - Big Brother 25 US

Matthew Grinstead-Mayle - Survivor 44

Janani "J. Maya" Krishnan-Jha - Survivor 45

Brandi Glanville - The Traitors (US Season 1)

D.Smooth - The Voice (American Season 23)

Sorelle - The Voice (American Season 23)

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Izzy was not one of my favorites on Big Brother 25. She just wasn't fun to watch on the show or live feeds. Many fans will disagree since she was a chaotic player who kept flipping and flopping on whom to evict each week. However, she was just really grumpy and rarely had a nice thing to say about anyone. Plus, it became exhausting watching Izzy and Cirie repeatedly go back and forth on what to do each week. It was really messy gameplay, and it eventually caught up to Izzy. But let's start from the beginning.


Izzy was the only one to recognize Jared and Cirie's relationship in the house. Instead of holding on to this information to her advantage, she attached herself to Cirie and Jared and started playing for third place. Izzy was a Cirie minion through and through. She also didn't seem to like anybody in the house except for Cirie. She even butted heads with Jared, and even Jared was getting frustrated with Izzy. But outside of her alliance with Cirie and Jared, Izzy ended up aligning with everybody in the house. They all had names too, including The Professors, The Bye Bye Bitches, The Seven Deadly Sins, Legend 25, Crossroads, and For Real, For Real.


Izzy seemed to have been in a good spot with many people in the house, but then her nemesis Cameron won Head of Household. He targeted her for eviction, but Izzy seemingly had the votes to stay. Cameron and America were the only ones who were vocal about getting Izzy out. Days before the eviction, it was unlikely the vote was going to flip since Corey wasn't budging. Matt was still loyal to Cirie at this point too. However, Izzy made a fatal error by telling America that she doesn't even need her vote. Corey was also waking up and realizing where he stood in the house. He was getting closer to America, and Izzy (while on the block) was ordering Corey that America had to go sooner rather than later. Corey was also sitting on information he had on Izzy (such as the Seven Deadly Sins alliance he wasn't a part of), and he exposed her many alliances to the other side. He successfully got them to turn against Izzy. As a result, only Cirie and Jared were still on Izzy's side on Thursday morning (which resulted in a heated argument between Corey and Jared), but everybody was now on board with evicting Izzy. And Izzy ended up getting evicted by a 8-1 vote (only Cirie voted for her to stay).


Despite being in the side with the power and information in the early weeks, I was not impressed by Izzy's game play. Her social game wasn't good at all. She came across as abrasive and easily annoyed by people she didn't think were important to her. How dismissive she was to America and Bowie Jane and thinking she didn't need their votes proved to be a mistake. She also was just playing for Cirie to win. She was determined to go to the Final 3 with Cirie and Jared, and she was even contemplating not using the Power of Veto on herself so Cirie wouldn't go on the block. She was just a Cirie minion throughout the pre-jury stage of the game. She also made bad game decisions by playing personally and targeting loyal allies like Hisam, and then flipping and flopping to the point she lost the trust of the majority of the house. Izzy got too confident, and her arrogance ended up costing her the game.


Saving J. Maya.



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