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Disney Songs Rankdown (Winner Posted)


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Some Things Never Change


This was actually a tough decision to make as I have varying levels of like for all the remaining songs. Maybe if Olaf didn't insist on dragging this song does like he drags down everything involving Frozen I might've let it last longer :kissbye:. Some Things Never Change is one of the earlier songs from Frozen II. It's that typical "we're picking off a bit after where things left off in the first movie and life is good" song. So you know disaster is obviously gonna strike, otherwise we have no movie! I like big, fun group numbers like this. You give your ensemble a chance to just let loose and play a bit. Jonathan Groff and Idina Menzel are the highlights, as they always are in these Frozen numbers oop. There's not much meat to this song. It's just Nice and Fun which...it's a Disney movie! That's not a bad thing. But when you're looking for the most iconic Disney songs, this is topping no list.


Save Let Me Be Good to You & Take Me Away

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Once Upon a Time in New York City (Oliver & Company)
Kidnap the Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Perfect World (The Emperor's New Groove)
Even More Enchanted (Disenchanted)
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf (Silly Symphonies)

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Once Upon a Time in New York City (Oliver & Company)


The period between The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under is a real weird time for Disney (except for The Little Mermaid). It's kind of like the other weirdo period in the 2000s. It just feels like none of the Disney movies are what you really think of when you think of Disney. Except for the talking animals. None are particularly that musical, which since the inception of the theatrical animated features for Disney has kind of been a staple. There are exceptions of course (One Hundred & One Dalmatians, The Sword in the Stone), but again another reflection between the 80s and the 00s of Disney. Anyway, I like Oliver & Company well enough, but this song feels so of its time. It doesn't help that Huey Lewis is the singer. It also doesn't really feel movie specific. And I'm a big believer that a musical song should feel specific to the work that it's in. It's fine. The opening makes me sad because I love cats though. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.


Saving: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

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Even More Enchanted (Disenchanted)


I know I'm not always tuned in to the Disney+ releases but I feel like I am tuned in to Amy Adams's career so I was startled to see there was a whole Enchanted sequel I did not know existed lol. This song isn't really persuading me to give it a watch though. The critics seem pretty MEH on it as well so I don't think I'm missing out on much. And I don't know if the Arrival snubbed just freaked up Amy Adams's career psychologically, but get this woman back in a GOOD movie. Like what's her best movie since that? Vice? Bleh. Let me take over as her agent, I'll find her something good. The people (me) just want to see Amy Adams thrive! Give her some good work! She's too good for what she's been in lately and that includes this movie!


Saving: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

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20 hours ago, Solaris said:

If someone wants my cut/save, feel free to take it without 24 hours. I tested positive for COVID this weekend and have no energy to do write ups presently.



Kidnap the Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Perfect World (The Emperor's New Groove)


Anyone can claim this last cut/save if they want.

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Perfect World (The Emperor's New Groove)


Love to do a THIRD write-up. Like everybody here, I love The Emperor's New Groove, but it's not because of the songs. In fact I don't even remember most of the songs in this movie. Strike that. I don't remember ANY song in this movie. This is the opening song from the movie and it's sung by Tom Jones. And I feel this also represents a good movement in terms of how Disney does it's music now. When you have a movie set in Peru and zero of the voice cast is even Latino then I think you miss opportunities for memorable songs. Lin Manuel Miranda is my enemy but he makes a catchy and I guess like a culturally distinct and appropriate bop. But this song and Tom Jones performing it feels so hodge podge for this specific movie. It's whatever.


Saving: Kidnap the Sandy Claws

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With a Smile and a Song (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

In a World of My Own (Alice in Wonderland)

Stay Awake (Mary Poppins)

She Never Felt Alone (The Aristocats)

Streets of Gold (Oliver & Company)

God Help the Outcasts (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

The Gospel Truth 1/Main Title (Hercules)

Where the Dream Takes You (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

He Mele No Lilo (Lilo & Stitch)

Little Wonders (Meet the Robinsons)

So Close (Enchanted)

Badder (Disenchanted)

Take Me Away (Freaky Friday)

What's My Name (Descendants 2)


I think I'm next and that these are all available to nominate

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Little Wonders




I am really sick so this write up is not going to be great. Little Wonders is a song I didn't know was a Disney song until this rankdown.  Little Wonders was part of the 2007 film Meet the Robinsons. I have not seen Meet the Robinsons before.  I have heard this song many times though. I have no idea of where is appears in the movie obviously. The song is performed by Rob Thomas. I am mostly cutting it because I don't feel the association with Disney in this song, making it the easiest option for me to go for.



Save: Badder

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She Never Felt Alone


Madame Bonfamille is the ultimate cat lady. I relate to her on a visceral level. This song isn't actually in the movie, but I think it should have been. The relationship between Madame Bonfamille and her cats is a bit underwritten in the movie. They could've used this song to make us care about the cats returning home more because, frankly, once we get to "Everybody Wants To Be A Cat" I see no reason why the cats should go home instead of living out their days partying. Duchess was a bit shady to call Madame Bonfamille old though, I must say :kissbye:. It's a sweet song, one I feel they could've squeezed into the movie, but not a devastating cut or anything even close to that.


Save God Help the Outcasts & The Gospel Truth 1/Main Title

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With a Smile and a Song (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

In a World of My Own (Alice in Wonderland)

Stay Awake (Mary Poppins)

Streets of Gold (Oliver & Company)

Where the Dream Takes You (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

He Mele No Lilo (Lilo & Stitch)

So Close (Enchanted)

Take Me Away (Freaky Friday)

What's My Name (Descendants 2)

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On 3/10/2024 at 11:42 PM, *Chris said:






The song "Bella Notte'' is a featured in the 1955 Disney hit movie, Lady and the Tramp. I can't recall ever hearing this song - listening to it now, and I'm sure that I've heard it before. However, if I heard this song by itself, I probably wouldn't be able to tell you that it's from Lady and the Tramp. Honestly, if you were to ask me to name a song from Lady and the Tramp before this rankdown, I probably couldn't have named one that's not the controversial one – and I'm sure I'm not alone when it comes to songs featured in this movie.  Onto the song: It is featured at the beginning and later sung during Lady and Tramp's romantic dinner, famously known as the iconic spaghetti scene – a scene that everyone seems to know, even if they haven't seen the film, as it is the scene that defines the movie. In other words, the song got outshone by the scene that it's featured in... In my opinion, none of the songs from Lady and the Tramp are iconic Disney songs, and that's reason enough for me to cut it.




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Here I am cutting another song from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", and I feel somewhat bad about it but it is what it is.  I truly never connected with the music of the film, which, in my opinion, doesn't do much to significantly advance the movie or its storyline. The song is featured at the start of the movie when Snow White meets the forest animals and befriends them. The first part of the song features some spoken words followed by the birds humming and Snow White responding with her high-pitched sound. At the halfway point of the song, that's when Snow White starts singing, and all the other forest animals run to her & she befriends them.  While the song itself may not be anything special, we cannot deny its iconic status as it is the first song to be featured in a Disney theatrical animated feature film. In other words, it may not win the rankdown, but it will always hold the title of being the first song featured in a Disney film!



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29 minutes ago, *Chris said:

I liked this song, back in the day. I am actually surprised that it managed to make it this far :haha: 

I remember liking that song too hence why I never targeted it (at this point). :haha: 

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Stay Awake 



"Stay Awake" is a song from the classic 1964 American musical fantasy comedy film, Mary Poppins. "Stay Awake" is sung by Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews). It's a very sweet song and lullaby that she sings two children Jane and Michael. It seems that before the song/scene happens, the kids rebel from going to sleep as they want to stay up all night long. But Mary Poppins sings the song is a soft and gentle fashion, in the way of a lullaby, and as the children listen, they start to yawn, get tired and eventually fall asleep. So well done to Mary Poppins getting what she wanted accomplished there. :giggle: It's a nice, sweet and easy listening to song and it's only 1:43 long. Outside of all of that, this doesn't seem like a big or memorable song in the movie. Maybe it shouldn't have made it this far or further than some other Mary Poppins songs? I don't know but that's all in the beholder of the fans.  

Saving: What's My Name

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Where the Dream Takes You (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)


I love the weirdo Disney period of the 2000s. I mean as you might be able to tell, because I keep choosing Stitch as my representative character in these Disney-themed rankdowns, Lilo & Stitch is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. I mean it's the third longest time Disney has gone without introducing a Disney Princess (Aurora to Ariel was 30 years! Snow White to Cinderella was 13 years. I chalk that up to Disney not yet figuring out Disney Princesses were pretty much guaranteed $$$). And I guess technicalities will tell me that Kida was originally considered a Disney Princess but Atlantis is very much NOT a Disney princess movie. It's also the first of Disney's forays to Science-Fiction. Anyway, all this to say that this song is a bit of a nothing. Again, Atlantis isn't a musical movie. In fact this song only exists because the marketing department was like "Hey we need a song in the end credits at least." And they were like "okay sure." And this is peak end credits song. It barely connects to the movie and is entirely forgettable. I think if it didn't have "Atlantis" in front of it (and Mya singing it), it would easily be gone by now.


Saving: He Mele No Lilo

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