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Disney Songs Rankdown (Winner Posted)


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The World Owes Me a Living



I feel like I made a few cuts from Silly Symphonies, with the reason being as I don't really have any sort of attachment to this Disney misc. thing? I don't know how to word it. :lmao: Ooh and I also see that it's in the same group with "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf," whom I feel like it's a favorite amongst a few rankers - so me cutting this will help the Big Bad Wolf song win for the Silly Symphonies, so you're all welcome!

Silly Symphonies contains a series of 75 musical short films from 1929 to 1939. "The World Owes Me a Living" comes from the The Grasshopper and the Ants short, the 42nd short film, which was released on February 10, 1934. The short was directed by Wilfred Jackson and with music from Leigh Harline. As for the song itself, it's a cute and fun song. LOL I love the dancing grasshopper, who is playing his violin and then eating some grass. He's having fun, living his life and I'm not mad about it. It seems like they have a man with deeper voice and a little kid singing the song. The song is cute and enjoyable. I like the back and forth singing and the story it tells through its video. I enjoyed the song and video while watching and commenting on it now. But it doesn't leave that huge of an impact on me to leave me from not cutting it so here goes this write-up.

Saving: It’s All Right

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18 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

^^^ apparently that has become some kind of a signature song for Goofy but I never knew that before this game 

Oh wow, I never knew this either. :lmao: That's very interesting. 😮 

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The World Will Know (Newsies)


I usually re-listen to these songs before cutting just in case and so I can say something. But they are currently drilling a hole in our lab to do construction and it's so loud that I can barely hear anything, let alone a song. They were supposed to start drilling Thursday. So I went with a Newsies song because though I am more familiar with the Broadway musical, I do know that the songs in general don't do much for me. This is the song where Jack and David galvanize the Manhattan Newsies to go on strike. I think this is better in the musical version just because Jeremy Jordan is a better singer than Christian Bale. Anyway, as with all the other Newsies songs it's perfectly fine. If you are a Newsies fan certainly this does it for you.


And Derek I'm stealing your save since it's been an hour. Hopefully you don't mind.


Saving: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

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1 hour ago, *Wallace said:

Disney misc. thing

So these were animated shorts that would be aired before a movie. Typically back in the old days an animated short (or a few) would be shown before the feature film. It's also how people got their news as well since they'd also usually air a news strip. So you'd go to the movies and it would be like 1) See an animated short (Disney/Looney Toons/Betty Boop/etc), 2) see a news strip, 3) see your feature film.

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U Know What’s Up


I liked Turning Red and I think it's the strongest Pixar movie since Coco. It's still missing that extra magic the classics had, but I'm still a fan. One of the unique aspects of the movie was the boyband 4*Town. Boybands were kinda popular again as the movie came out so I think Turning Red did a good job both leaning into it and satirizing boyband culture. I think the other two 4*Town songs are more popular/better than this one. There's some elements of "Everbody" by The Backstreet Boys in there which I appreciate. I would've liked it more if it leaned into it even more. But overall, it's probably the most forgettable song from the movie. While it's purposefully generic, it's not really a bop I wanted to listen to over and over again.


Save Let Me Be Good to You, burlesque mice are now safe until next cycle!!!!

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It Feels Like Christmas (The Muppet Christmas Carol)
Lava (Lava)
Man or Muppet (The Muppets)
My, What a Happy Day (Fun and Fancy Free)
Thankful Heart  (The Muppet Christmas Carol)
Whistle Stop (Robin Hood)

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Man or Muppet



I love Muppets more than your average person, but this song suffers because I'm not familiar enough with it to go out of my way to save it. I'm absolutely gobsmacked that this movie came out in 2011. If you told me it came out in 2021 I would believe you. I was about to type about how this song is too recent for me to know about it. That's how little I paid attention to this release I guess. I assume this was also part of the 2010s films game where I also didn't notice. The song is an introspective ballad about who you truly are. Jason sings it along with the muppet lead voiced by Peter Linz. Jim Parsons plays the "human" form of the muppet but Jim isn't the voice. 


Save Whistle Stop

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Thankful Heart



This guy sings like the talks and whenever people do that i get irritated for some reason lol. Aside from that it's also just very generic. The Muppets are cute and all, but I dont find any Muppets song catchy or fun or good. They aren't terrible but they just leave me with nothing, so I dont think any of them should really be considered as one of the Best Disney Songs of all time. I was having trouble of whether to cut this or "It Feels Like Christmas" because to me, they low key both sound the same or at least similar. 


Save: Lava

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My, What a Happy Day


I thought that girl was just standing in front of the harp, but no she is the harp. I have about a million more questions now, but this is not the time or the place. This is from Fun & Fancy Free which I have not seen. The harp is singing about what a happy day it is. Soon enough the bull and the crows join in to sing along with her. Tbh, they kinda ruin it. The song was FINE on its own when it was just the harp. And they're just repeating the last verse back to her. If you're gonna join in, at least be clever enough to think up some new lyrics! If it's such a happy day, you should be more inspired than to just copy the harp. Anyways, it's a fine song. I always appreciate old songs that have the word "gay" in it, even if they're just talking about happy. But she's not a muppet, she's just a harp, so she must go.


Save It Feels Like Christmas

Edited by Alex95
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