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ANTM Superlatives (Best Thirst Trap: WINNER)


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5. Brittany

Lubriderm, Kloofing, Caress


8.7 / 20


@Zoey - 3/20

@jarmon - 4/20

@Alex95 - 6/20

@taylorkat - 8/20

@Gonzalo - 9/20

@rdhaley96 - 9/20

@.Rei - 10/20

@Solaris - 11/20

@*Chris - 12/20

@FrogLenzen - 15/20


Alex - 6/20


Brittany's height is one of my favorite things about her as a model and she is utilizing every inch of her body so flawlessly in these three shots. Her Kloofing shot is obviously iconic for good reason, I've already sang its praises in the photos game. Her Lubriderm shot is also extremely strong and a highlight of a very stacked photoshoot. Her Caress photo is solid. A bit cheesy, but still better than half the other photos that week. Also better than most of the other "worst" photos within these trios.


Richard - 9/20


Scores - 
Lubriderm: 9.5
Kloofing: 10
Caress: 8.5
Average: 9.33


Brittany’s streak here is pretty fantastic, and if I’m being candid, it’s one of the trios that came to mind for me when I proposed the idea behind this round. Pre-overseas, Brittany was a bit more hit and miss, but she definitely hit her stride at this point in the competition, and I think her momentum here would have made her a deserving winner for sure.


Rei - 10/20


Caress drag this down unfortunately

Lubriderm: 10

Kloofing: 10

Caress: 8

Avg: 9.33


Chris - 12/20


This is another case where one shoot slightly brings it down for me, which is the case for her Caress shoot, as I don't think it's that much of an outstanding photo and a step down from her two previous shoots.


Derek - 15/20


Wow I’m the lowest? Maybe I am really just bitter about Kahlen being cut, who knows lmao. Brittany’s Kloofing is 11/10 perfect photograph but to me her Lubriderm is not extraordinary and her Caress pales compared to Naima. A good trio and I’m not mad it’s here but I just didn’t get as excited about it as the rest of the rankers I guess.











4. CariDee

Circus, Celebrity Couple, Black & White


8.6 / 20


Richard - 2/20

Chris - 4/20

Rei - 4/20

Zoey - 6/20

Sola - 6/20

Derek - 8/20

Gigi - 10/20

Alex - 14/20

Gonzalo - 16/20

Akshar - 16/20


Richard - 2/20


Scores - 
Circus: 10
Celebrity Couple: 9
Black & White: 10
Average: 9.67


CariDee’s two wow moments in this trio are what elevate it so high for me. And while I think the Celebrity Couple shoot was tacky and gimmicky, she did just about as well as she could have with it. Very much a superb streak overall for CariDee.


Chris - 4/20


This model is a case where I think we nailed it with the 1, 2, 3 combo, as each of the three pictures are excellent in its own right.


Rei - 4/20


CariDee is usually underrated here, I'm glad that she made the cut and with an impressive set of photos. Circus and Black&White are flawless, Celebrity Couple is nearly there just because Angelina's is better than Brad's

Circus: 10

Celebrity Couple: 9.5

Black & White: 10

Avg: 9.83


Derek - 8/20


I know we’re not supposed to enjoy any of the Celeb photos but I adore hers for some reason lol. And Circus and B&W, while not really my personal all time favorites, are undeniably iconic so I couldn’t really put this super low. 


Alex - 14/20


I have sung the praise for CariDee's B&W shot enough. One of the best beauty shots ever. The other two are great, but not perfect. I love the body language of her circus shot, though she missed the light. The celebrity couple shot is good, albeit a bit of a silly shoot. There's no trainwrecks here and one really amazing shot so...yeah!


Edited by FrogLenzen
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  • FrogLenzen changed the title to ANTM Superlatives (Best 3-Photo Streak: 4-5)

3. AzMarie

Very.com, Philip Treacy, Maple


8.2 / 20


@*Chris - 1/20

@FrogLenzen - 2/20

@Gonzalo - 2/20

@Alex95 - 5/20

@jarmon - 5/20

@Zoey - 11/20

@.Rei - 11/20

@Solaris - 12/20

@taylorkat - 16/20

@rdhaley96 - 17/20


Chris - 1/20


All three pictures are flawless, and no other models come as close to their set of photos.


Derek - 2/20


Very.com might be my least fave of the trio, and wow when that it your least fave it means the rest of the trio is also spectacular. AzMarie was unstoppable until the butt pads lololololol


Alex - 5/20


Another flawless trio. AzMarie is giving us versatility here! From the super masculine very shot to the more feminine philip treacy shot. Maple is the weak link here, but that's only in comparison to the two A+ shots that come before it. Lol @ this girl getting ninth place for refusing to participate in a twerking challenge.


Rei - 11/20


Strong trio

Very.com: 9

Philip Treacy: 9.5 

Maple: 9.5

Avg: 9.33


Richard - 17/20


Scores - 
Very.com: 9.5
Philip Treacy: 9.5
Maple: 8
Average: 9.00


Unpopular opinion time: I’ve never really been THAT huge on AzMarie’s Maple. Had she cheated her eyes just slightly more towards the camera, that would’ve improved it tenfold for me. As it is, she’s just looking too far offscreen.


That aside, her other two pictures are pretty superb. This is overall a strong trio despite the shoots themselves being only okay.












2. Krista

Lloyd Klein, Shadows, Ugly-Pretty


7.6 / 20


Alex - 1/20

Derek - 1/20

Chris - 2/20

Rei - 2/20

Richard - 4/20

Gonzalo - 4/20

Zoey - 8/20

Gigi - 17/20

Sola - 18/20

Akshar - 19/20


Alex - 1/20


This is it. The greatest trio in ANTM history. I had to advance it because I was not about to let some fool rob this. Overseas Krista is simply the greatest contestant in ANTM history. The shoots themselves were strong, and all three shots are in the conversation of the best in the history of this show. She's not gonna win, I know that. But for the record this is easily the best trio.


Derek - 1/20


Alexandra delivered a near-flawless trio for the same photos but for me Krista managed to do even better than her for each one. Imagine a world with a Krista/Alexandra Top 2, wow.


Chris - 2/20


I might not be the biggest fan of Krista, but there's no denying that she knocked it out of the park with these photos—probably the strongest combo of the bunch.


Rei - 2/20


Just a bit short of having a perfect score, just because I think her expression could have been a bit better on the Lloyd Klein. The rest is just flawless

Lloyd Klein: 9.5

Shadows: 10

Ugly-Pretty: 10

Avg: 9.83


Richard - 4/20


Scores - 
Lloyd Klein: 10
Shadows: 10
Ugly-Pretty: 8.5
Average: 9.50


Krista and Alexandra both really went hard for the crown in New Zealand. Krista’s streak here is pretty impeccable. I do think her Ugly-Pretty is the clear weak link here (relatively speaking) because of the lack of life in her eyes. Had her Hair picture made it with the other two instead, I’d be ranking the trio even higher.










1. Lauren Brie

Hot Air Balloon, Malibu, Eyes


5.1 / 20


Richard - 1/20

Gonzalo - 1/20

Akshar - 1/20

Rei - 1/20

Gigi - 2/20

Chris - 5/20

Derek - 5/20

Alex - 7/20

Zoey - 9/20

Sola - 19/20


Richard - 1/20


Scores - 
Hot Air Balloon: 10
Malibu: 9.5
Eyes: 10
Average: 9.83


This streak right here was probably my biggest inspiration for the idea behind this round. Lauren Brie killed it week after week after week. 


She has a fair number of detractors for both her Hot Air Balloon (moreso on Reddit) and Malibu pictures, with people citing the awkwardness of her poses, but I think they’re exactly the right amount of “awkward.” Enough to be interesting, but not enough to read as uncomfortable.


Needless to say, this trio is near flawless. It will forever pain me to not get to see Lauren Brie’s body of work in Amsterdam, because I think she could’ve had a trio there that would’ve rivaled this one.


Rei - 1/20


Lauren Brie is not even one of my favourite models of the show but no one can deny that this is the best trio of photos ever on the show. Just amazing

Hot Air Balloon: 10

Malibu: 10

Eyes: 10

Avg: 10


Chris - 5/20


Lauren Brie has always been hit or miss for me, but all three of these were incredibly strong.


Derek - 5/20


Sometimes a single great photo early in the cycle will drag a contestant all the way to the finale. Lauren Brie delivered one of the best trios of all time and it wasn’t even enough to get her overseas. That fact is almost as impressive as her portfolio. 


Alex - 7/20


I almost feel like this game was specifically made for this trio to win lol. Not that I'm mad about it, this is the epitome of three iconic shots all taken in a row. Her hand in the malibu shot still ages worse and worse for me every time I look at the picture. But the other two are just flawless in every way.


Edited by FrogLenzen
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  • FrogLenzen changed the title to ANTM Superlatives (Best 3-Photo Streak: WINNER REVEALED)

anyone else is welcome to weigh in as well of course haha. So far we will have:


Cycle 1

Cycle 7

Women's Magazine

Great Wall

Modern Renaissance







Cycle 16


Banyan Tree




Am I forgetting any random challenge photos where Tyra took the shots??? 

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2 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

@jarmon for the Best Tyra Photo round, do we want to include Cycle 5 B&W and Cycle 6 Crying? I think Tyra was the stylist and creative director but I don't think she physically snapped the photos. What do you think?

Let’s include them! My main reason I wanted this theme haha

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